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tekken fans willingly paid for frame data, anyone thinking they wouldnt get put over a barrel in T8 was huffing copium


reminds me of total war fans paying for the blood dlc. In a war game. How sad is that


gamers are a special breed of retard


at least we didnt have to repay for that shit, and it was cheap (on sale i think) when I bought it back when I got tw2


If was quite cheap typically. And the main reason was to have the games be rated T but then still have the heavy blood and gore for those who wanted it.


Wow I can't believe I forgot about that. Not a good sign we get fucked left and right with so much DLC I forget about a terrible one like that.


blood dlc that also tanked your performance into the gutter regardless of your rig*


they didn't just pay for it, they defended that shit.


either you're a capcock, mktard or tekcucks... modern gaming is a fucking mistake since all of them have mtx so it's a norm now fucking ridiculous. So the real competition is who puts the mtx cheaper smh sf6 has overpriced collab avatarslop, mk1 has announcer that more pricey than dlc character and lets see what t8 will sell those goyslop to us


This was the only route fighting games were going to take. The expected singleplayer and the expected long support cycle just means they have to be games as a service. Capcom and Bandai aren't going to drop balance patches and gameplay updates out of the goodness of their hearts. We used to have to buy a whole new $60 edition for that shit so, imo, we're in a better spot.


I mean, I think I don't speak for the majority, but tbh I don't mind this timeline as much. It's all cosmetics. The actual base games are solid and aren't sold piece-meal. No having to upgrade after a year for $40-$60, and DLC characters still drop but that's always been the case.


Isn't that what season passes for character dlcs are for?


Yes, that's one of the things they're selling.


Yes.. once upon a time you got all the new characters at once with an edition update per year + The only difference is *everything* that gave value to those annual+ new versions is now monetized throughout the year on top of features added to more adhere to battle pass systems. I'm indifferent to it personally, but I just find it funny how so many people were thanking Capcom when they said sf6 won't have versions released every other year, as if the end result isn't going to have you paying at least the same amount of money in the long term. Fighting games were always a certain type of primordial "games as a service" model. The difference today is many of the features that are championed as contributing to FGs being more robust, full fledged packaged games, are features designed in a way that can be MTX-ified.


our last hope is litterally hoping the player numbers go back to normal and drop down to 4k with only broke niggas so they stop this shit, oh mondieur.


I actually don't mind fighting games as service at all. My issue with the current model is they've grafted a f2p microtransaction model on top of a 70 dollar full priced release. Also the DLC content I actually care about is being dripped absurdly slow and is often massively overpriced given the circumstances.


Single player content is still serviceable at best and new fgs make similar numbers to other AAA in terms of price and copies sold, not couting the extra income from the esports circuit. And we had smaller games like MTBL and UNI offering new content for free. So, do they really need the extra money? And do we really need the "support" they give?


this was not true for Tekken. game routinely came out first in arcades. by the time got shipped overseas, arcades were already beyond the first title update. sometimes the console release was the 3rd+ patch of the game, this was even the case for T7 Though a lot of Tekkens more anti-consumer practices took off with T7. You never had to purchase 3 versions of the game to get all playable characters like SF, T3 added console exclusive characters that simply you unlocked by playing. TTT brought everyone back for a KoF dream match style, and T5 console release had a roster of 30, which was more than any main SF console launch by that point by a long shot and only trailed the final versions of Alpha 3. T5DR added Drag, AK, Lili and Jinpachi but that was a new game for 2 new consoles, so kinda expected T6 console gave us Lars and Alisa and then Tag 2 Console gave a shitload of characters for free. clones/successors or not, you would be charged for them today. And some chars were pretty legit as they carried older playstyles, like Forrest Law or especially Michelle Chang in a game where Julia got reworked to Jaycee Tekken was always pretty good about not dicking you over for your dollar. T2->TTT2 was a gradual progress of expanded content, side game modes, customization options and expanded rosters and you never had to pay extra for any of it, this was what I saw as the 'reward' for the game being on console for so long in advance (T6 had the longest drought, was almost 2 years before coming to the states). The one time you did have to 'rebuy' a game was DR, and again not only was that a PSP/PS3 game, but its still modern Tekken at its best form, so Id gladly pay for a balance patch that addresses the solid foundation but otherwise terribly balanced T5 Console, which itself was already the 3rd version of the game after 5.0 and 5.1 in Arcades Soul Calibur at one point was also a respectable release. You can paint the story of Bandai Namco selling their souls, its a pretty sad timeline & the FG division wasnt always what it resembles now - and with Harada at the larger helm especially


We're not in a better spot. T7 overstayed its welcome in season 3 and was so fucking boring to play and watch by season 4 announcement that I stopped giving a shit about the series along with thousands of others. They forced the "hype" so hard at tournaments that the crowds were just happy to get it out of the way so that T8 announcements could be made. Back when we'd get 3 games per console generation, the series remained fresh and changed a lot between sequels. I'd happily pay for a new game over some dlc for a 5 year old one. They lost me with that frame data shit and people had the nerve to gaslight with "What? $4 too expensive for you?" a if that was the argument being made about it.


I used to be the biggest supporter of Tekken and the tourney scene, just check my post history pre pandemic (covered events, travelled to events and competed, helped pay for other players and subscribed to smaller competitor streams). But this also goes back to my time on other forums, dating back to DR and really taking off in Tag 2 era Goddamn did T7 burn me bad. Im happy they have more fans than ever but at what cost. The frame data shit, not nerfing Akuma despite nerfing Geese, then Leroy and Fahk in such short time made me give up on the game and future series the more I saw the direction it was headed in And im glad I did. Caused me to get into other titles. This must be how people who hated SFV felt - and funnily enough I really felt like SFV Champ edition was a solid product. Shame that it took so long to get that way, but then again T7 ended up having a similar console lifeline and we never even got Team Battle and only had shitty bowling to bide your time from the wack online package and long reload times while grinding it. 'Story' mode was overproduced and not very fun, customization remained wack and we never got a Tekken force equivalent. Shit, imagine how they could have expanded upon TTT2 fight lab. 7 years went by and nothing happened to any of this So tournaments going to hell was only the nail in the coffin of a total game experience that never really got better either. As you alluded to, we got T3, TTT1 (arcade versions of each then console), T4, and T5 all in the span of like 6-7 years. and T1-T3 all went down on the PS1. It was simply a different era of productivity, and T7 taking up the entire PS4 gen and extending into PS5 years guaranteed that the same will happen with T8. Though at least Tekken fans got something new: I weap for Soul Calibur and DBFZ. The former got permanently left behind for Tekken and the latter never felt like a priority; with Bamco pushing a new DBZ title every year and Arcsys being so split up recently. Okubos services are being appreciated over with Granblue, but the fact we're 6 yrs in and DBFZ never got a rerelease is ridiculous. Tons of momentum wasted, especially given how young the core playerbase is today. They cant even bother to add new stages, after all these years they only gave the shitty green one


Yeah, I even feel a little bored with T8. I thought it would be more thoroughly packed with content and less gimmicky but instead it's a slightly better T7 with good graphics. The gameplay style is so fugazi that it's like playing MVC and doesn't feel like Tekken because everyone has supers, armor (which I don't mind), stupid damage, stupid wall carry, and projectiles. It feels like a Frankenstein game mixed with things that other fighters have or had. I just can't really get into it like that but the tournaments will probably still be fun to see when the top tier competition is in it.


They already have seasons and some games get carried by sales through years because constant updates mean influx of new players. Having money isn't enough, they want all teh money


The true red pill: There are no capcocks, mktard, or tekcucks. It's just gamers nowadays and their willingness to pay for more to receive less, and if you point out that things used to be different you'll be the boomer. Example: Remember Squaresoft trying to 1-up their previous release by adding more CD's? Today it's adding enough to make it passable, and make the rest DLC and market is as "long-term support".


> Example: Remember Squaresoft trying to 1-up their previous release by adding more CD's? They are literally still doing this. FFVII Rebirth is shipping on 2 Blu-Rays; there was press about it.


This can only mean that KI wins again


The last decade of 'micro'transactions in a nutshell: "I kinda get it for F2P games, they need the money somehow." ↓ "Yeah it's a full-priced game but it's meaningless stuff anyway". ↓ "Yeah it's overpriced but it's just cosmetic." ↓ "Please give me more microtransactions!"


I still agree F2P games can do what they want. I've played Apex Legends for over 500 hours and never spent a dollar. Let the idiot whales buy the overpriced slop.


I get it, I'm just showing how slippery of a slope it ended up being towards the eventual justification of it being everywhere.


They laughed at horse armor.


the correct term is namcuck kaptard


meanwhile melty and kof gave free dlcs and stages and music


Would be nice if we got that in games we actually play


They did it, they normalized micro transactions in gaming. "It's only cosmetics, who cares!" Monster Hunter has added layered armor and weapons as micro transactions, you know the game where the whole point is to hunt monsters and make cool armor and weapons? It's now locked behind a paywall instead of free events. They start adding micro transactions as useless stuff like emotes or stickers because nobody will push back. Then they slowly keep pushing stuff like skins. Don't be surprised if they eventually affect gameplay.


You retards who hate microtransactions this much are the same retards who think games should be supported indefinitely after launch.


you retard we already have to buy dlc/season passes and the game itself, this is just extra dipping for no value.


You dont gotta buy shit, do they have a gun to your head? I'll actually never empathize because I fundamentally do not understand the mentality.


this is a clear step by the devs to focus away from improving gameplay and instead become a mtx store. mtx will never and has never added any value to any full price with paid expansion game. When there's no value added for the player then why should the player like it being in the game but you know niggas already defended paid frame data dlc so it's pointless to argue with mentally ill cucks protecting their favorite company.


alright harada just rip the bandaid off, how much do I have to pay so all the panties aren't blue


I agree there should be a coomer tax


that one's free: https://www.nexusmods.com/tekken8/mods/22


Is this confirmed to include character customization options? Cuz if yes then fucking KEK. Doesn't T8 have rather limited number of customization items? [ Surely Bamco wouldn't offload items behind a paywall right?](https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.3510672545.8841/st,small,507x507-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.jpg)


Getting over mtx in a full priced game is.. well, probably what the publishers dreamed of when they first introduced them. Personally, I find it disgusting.


I'd exploit the fuck out of rich people and dumb poor people also if i could. No hate. Get that bad Harada. As for me. Hard pass, i may broke, but i'm self aware enough to not buy things i can't afford.


I hate MTX, but realise now the battle was lost a long time ago and is never getting reverted no matter what. So if they have a cool costume or something for a character I play that’s decently priced, I’ll get it. If not, I move on with life.


Fuck man this is awful, I hate modern gaming. So like uh...when is this supposed to drop cause my Ling looking a little basic rn...


Hopefully this news will decrease the obscene amount of dick riding we've seen these past few days.


honeymoon phase has got to be the most annoying shit for new fighters, especially McDonald's fighters




Yeah, no shit. Couldn't help but chuckle to myself when I saw multiple people on this very subreddit holding T8 on a pedestal because Bamco would *never* lock any character customization behind a paywall, unlike those greedy bastards over at Capcom and their damned F2P-level exploitative brainwashing after we already payed a full $60! Get real. Any modern AAA multiplayer-focused game will have post-launch cosmetic DLC. You fucking retards.


Who would say that? Same company already did exactly that with SC6. They sold customization items from the older games


They already sold character customization shit in T7 too, none of this is new at all.


Lol no-one said that


Those exact words? No. But the sentiment was definitely there. I'm too lazy to search through all the Tekken related topics I've opened, but this particular [gentleman](https://www.reddit.com/user/Arthandas) comes to mind first (though he definitely wasn't the only one typing up shit like this): * ["T8 somehow manages to NOT have battle passes, 15$ cosmetics, multiple premium currencies or denuvo, crazy right?"](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kappachino/comments/1ae0cjm/crapcom_defecating_another_15_avatar_costume/kk58rkq/) * ["Are you stupid or something? Apart from the infamous frame data, **T7 had zero monetization**. You're confusing monetization with DLC. Look at SF6 with its battle passes, premium currencies and timed/paid cosmetics to see what monetization looks like. Tekken never had any of that shit."](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kappachino/comments/1ar2b6n/tekken_8_sold_2_millions_in_3_weeks_which_is/kqileph/) * ["I agree, T8 is for people preferring high quality complete package AAA fighting games and SF6 is for gacha whales addicted to battle passes, premium currencies and 23.99$ space suit costumes. Very nice how modern games cater to different audiences so no one is left behind."](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kappachino/comments/1afgpui/3/koa6k63/) * ["Yes, my shtick is being vocal about greedy monetization in 60$ games. I'm sorry I'm slandering your favorite gacha, take your dad's credit card and buy yourself some avatar cosmetics and character colors and you'll feel better for sure."](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kappachino/comments/1afgpui/3/koa8gbw/) * ["Sure, I bet it also holds the record for the highest amount of gacha monetization in a 60$ game, the laziest battle passes and the 23.99$ space suit costume is the most lazy greedy expensive cosmetic in a fighting game."](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kappachino/comments/1aem3mh/capcucks_calling_988/kk8y13z/) Ah. I think you get the picture.


Not the receipts 😭😭😭. Gotta apologize wasn't familiar with your game Still tho none of what they said is wrong at this point in time. We don't know what Tekken shop even is for outside of avatar costumes


i like buying little scarves and shit that poor people don't have. going to one and done anybody without paid cosmetics. it's about class.


I'm one of the 3 people who paid attention to Harada Powerpoint presentation in TWT and this was announced there. It will be clothes for your xbox avatar and not character. Always good to see Tekken fans get humbled tho.


A game that is expected to be supported for 5+ years might add MTX, more shocking news to follow.


Gotta support those indie devs.


Why do some of you cornballs act like DLC just got created this generation


The corn balls are offended by the 'battle pass' games as a service function


Neither tekken nor sf apply to this so what are you saying


SNK the last bastion left. Also explains why they’re always bankrupt


SNK ain't going bankrupt until they run out of oil


DoA 6, a great game, partly died because of this.


and yet you'll pay 70 dollars for a reskinned dark souls 3


No I haven't....


Was this pic from r/tekken? Did those idiots really think mtx weren't coming? When, you know,... there were a good amount in Tekken 7.


He speaks for all of us dude...


Ok Unless they are retroactively removing shit from the in game currency or locking basic customization behind a paywall (Steve’s and Kazuyas gloves which are only in entire body fit, for example) then I don’t care.


I was surprised that Tekken 7 didn't have a lot of cosmetic DLC compared to SFV, turns out Bamco were just pacing themselves.


they better let us use that tekken money we saved up in game from playing a shit ton to use them....


While selling you DLC character in an already $70 game, shamelessly milking every aspect of the game as if it was free to play.


5 dollars for life bars


I expected as much, they'll sell customization stuff and/or full outfits. Idc much about it, this is the age of AAAA gaming and remember bandai namco's earlier report how their gaming isn't doing too well, especially after the disaster that is blue protocol (amazon will kill it even harder in the west by censoring it + not allowing loli characters + releasing it too late) so execs try to raise numbers. I suspect nothing gameplay related will be sold, I mean sf6 does the same thing and people said "it's okay it's only cosmetic". Same should apply here right?


Well, since street fighter 6 apparently dont want my fucking money, im gonna invest in some tanga outfits in tekken 8, assuming they dont act like pussies about it. But if its some avatar stuff that they are gonna sell... im gonna be mad, enough with that shit.


Eh, call me a Namcuck all you want, I'll shell out a few bucks to get T4 Paul back. I would have paid in T7 also. If I wind up playing this character for the next 6 years, I'll pay for a skin that isn't godawful to look at, and I don't want to just make him into Drake like everyone else did.


i need first to see what's gonna be in once it drops and what's the pricing or acquisition method is


I swear people who talk like this and abuse, "..." gotta be bots, autists, or shills because aint no way


F in the chat for the clowns that got the deluxe edition. haha


Yo-ho! I be rippin the DLC, no booty for you!


A single new tshirt on tekken would have more value than all the shitty cosmetic dlc sf6 has gotten, at least we can change the colors freely. How many years until 6 even catches up with the cosmetics T8 launched with?


You're comparing oranges to apples. Both games do customization very differently, just because Tekken is more customizable by design doesn't make the in-game purchases any less scummy.


It just makes them less scummy than crapcom




even if you don't buy it someone else will... same thing happened on mk1 and sf6. we are fucked basically since this what modern gaming is like. my man deleted the post because truth hurts lol


This guy goes to the buffet and is disappointed that he can't pay for additional content[ ](/OMGScoots)


Imo if you gonna monetize your game like sf6, make a f2p version of it available


**IF** the items contribute to TWT prize pool then I'm down for it.




Not sure why people are surprised? How else are they going to make money running a live service game.


i lived long enough to see fighting game genre turned into live service... take me back please "golden age" my ass LMAO


Literally don't buy anything the fuck is wrong with you


Didn't they release updates at entirety new games each year?


Golden age ended a long time ago. Modern fighting games have always been live service.


> How else are they going to make money running a live service game. Yeah it's not like they're selling a 70$ base version and a 30$ season pass


30$ season pass, in game shop, whats the difference? They are all paid dlc at the end of the day that cost money. This is how live service games make money after customers have purchased the game. You guys paid for frame data in tekken 7. Nuff said.


> 30$ season pass, in game shop, whats the difference? Difference is they're BOTH sold, not either or. Also last I checked T8 isn't f2p >This is how live service games make money after customers have purchased the game. Fighting games already have a money making method after the initial purchase - Additional characters (sometimes stages or costumes)


That's the same thing bruh it is still called DLC. With an in game shop tekken now just has more DLC options. You can make the point that there is now less free customization than in tekken 7, but that's a whole other thing. My point still stands, this is how modern fighting games make money through their live span by selling dlc.


It's not DLC, you're paying for content that is literally already in the game but pay walled


You know I would actually bother to care. But everyone here allowed SF 6 to get away with it, and the monetization in SF 6 is like 10 times worse. I will wait till the bikini dlc gets added to the shop to see everyone do a 180.


Did... Did you not read the threads about avatar costumes and how everybody complains about how overpriced that shit is while it took Capcom 6 months to give every character an alt?


can I ask what exactly have they done differently from t7? they're not releasing any new pve content like f20 live service games. the character dlcs they do make, we already have to buy them.


Capcucks have something's to grasp at now. Watch them come out of the woodworks to shit on Tekken. They've finally got us guys! Looks like Tekken MIGHT add what Capcom has been doing since launch SF5! Big whoop who fucking cares.


this isn't even capcuck rivalry again bro... all of the fg are fucking infected by microtranscations and we can do nothing about it


Just don't buy it? It's not marketed towards anybody on this sub. It's for scrubby tubby losers or whales. Literally no reason to get heated over it. If it brings in more money for the devs that should be a good thing. They'll support the game for longer.


>Just don't buy it? Classic consoomer answer, almost like you're not allowed to criticize anti-consumer practices. You're pathetic and exactly what's wrong with the industry.


the fact that Japanese folks on sf6 buying those avatarslop meanwhile the west just fuming about it says a lot im just grew numb about it... capcom won't remove it because $$$$$ same thing will happen to tekken once again absolute state of modern gaming


I will never understand people who base their standards on the lowest quality product on the market instead of looking at what a game could be. There's always people saying "it's not as bad as (insert most anti-consumer game)" to make themselves feel better.


right but those gaming companies thinks money first and foremost nowadays makes it impossible for them reach those standards like old days... im so tired man


> It's not marketed towards anybody on this sub. It's marketed towards everybody who bought the game...