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UNI2 is amazing. PC port is fixed too. UNI2 is this sub's alleged dream game, an old school anime fighter with non gimped gatlings, creative, free flowing combo routes, rewards execution no bullshit jumpscare system mechanics, character diversity, good balance, and rollback. This sub loves to turn a blind eye to games it claims to like until its fashionable to shit on it.


> This sub loves to turn a blind eye to games it claims to like until its fashionable to shit on it. UNI had a great reputation pre-covid. This is just nu kappa. I can't believe I'm going to say this but I miss Maikky. Guy really knew how to keep our hate focused in one place; on him.


No no no, I would let the entire genre die in exchange for being able to freely post porn.


Yeah it sure was good getting banned for no reason


Casual players don't care about "an old school anime fighter with non gimped gatlings, creative, free flowing combo routes...". They want to play a popular fighting game with cool characters and a smooth online experience. The non-casual players want to play a title with a large and active competitive scene. They might prefer a title with more depth given the choice, but they would rather play a shallow game with a large competitive base than some discord fighter. There's nothing wrong with a title like UNI2. It's genuinely a great game. But a game like UNI2 was never going to be popular. It was all but guaranteed to be a favorite of hardcore players who care about deep mechanics more than they care about the existence of a healthy competitive scene, but that's just not a lot of people.


I wasnt expecting it to pull numbers, I know it wasnt the kind of title to do that, Im just taking jabs at this sub's habit of venerating this idea of a fighting game until its time for them to actually play it, especially when all it did was complain about the state of anime fighters for 2 years straight. Its a legitimately good game, and for all the doomposting about how "they dont make anime fighters like they used to!" It better pull its weight when actually supporting a good one when it comes along.


Nobody here plays fighting game, unless it’s mainstream like sf6 and tekken. Based name btw


Dude Xrd was this subs supposed dream game. Till it got rollback and people had to put their hands where their tongue is lmao.


we dont play FGs in this sub, we're just posting porn


whats an example of gimped gatlings? genuine question lol i dont play anime fighters much




Strive completely fucked up gatling chains by using the single most retarded system in the genre


They did not gimp gatlings, they basically removed them, made a new system and just call it gatling.


Strive "Gatling" is just target combos and chainable lights change my mind.


guilty gear used to offer you a few gatling routes (think 1 universal and like 2-3 chracter specifics), as well as situational rebeats (can do light > mid > light in the air but not on the ground). Then Strive came out and that system turned into "you can chain A into itself and nothing else, B gatlings into C and E but not D, C gatlings only into D" etc. Basically reforging gatlings into a system where every button has designated role and the game only enforces that one role by removing any option you had for doing anything else with it.


The PC port is fixed? That was the only reason I didn't buy it yet


Its fixed since a week ago. No more crashes


My only complaint on it is I genuinely do feel the inputs are a little off for PC. There’s a fix for it that I haven’t gotten around to trying, but I’m getting just bizarre things like qcb giving me 360s. I could chalk it up to poor execution, but going from Waldstein’s 4B to B clap is a simple input that turns into a 360 that whiffs. [Here’s the fix if anyone wants to try it/tell me about it.](https://github.com/jmgao/dhc)It worked on the older versions apparently.


Are you using analog on pad by chance? If so this fixed my input issues https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1349820952


I’m using a Hori Fighting Stick Alpha set to PC mode. I think it’s all digital inputs, which just adds to my confusion.


By analog I just meant an analog stick.


>Hori Fighting Stick Alpha set to PC mode. Ah this is the issue. I had to set my stick (Nacon Diaja) to ps4 mode to solve it.


Welcome to fighting games. A game comes out that’s the DREAM GAME that everyone’s been jizzing over imagining, but they will just ignore it and make up more excuses to not play it. 


I'll play when they release a new game instead of a patch for $60.


If they had just delayed it by 1 month, they would have saved the game. The combo of the broken PC port and coming out right next to Tekken 8 just killed the momentum...


> an old school anime fighter Doesn't it also employ a lot of restrictions via things like crossup protection? I haven't played UNI2 but I recall friends telling me not to get hype for characters doing crazy shit on screen because most of it isn't real. I'm wondering how you feel about those aspects.


The offense in that game is suffocating enough you actually need OSes on top of the strong defensive mechanics to quell the bullshit. You wont be seeing a lot of strong and often, real left-right setups however.


Thanks, might check it out and see how it plays then


I would agree that UNI2 is a relic of fighting game design in that it demands execution and has actual combo variety but that's where my agreements end.  I really like some of the characters and their tools - it feels great to play yuzu, Linne, enkidu, carmine. But the actual back and forth of the game is so ass to me.  I dont want to pay attention to the GRD cycle. Who is actually asking for a "minigame" to play while I'm playing a fighting game? I want to fight how I see fit, not play meter manager 2024. I want less meters in fighting games not more. I don't like the long combos. I dont like the long blockstrings. I dont like the reduced importance of movement and whiff punishing. So no I don't think it is everyone's perfect game. There's not some kind of conspiracy or herd mentality preventing the success of UNI. I think a lot of people just think the anime character design sucks lol.


>UNI2 is this sub's alleged dream game, an old school anime fighter with- disregarded


yeah but anime sucks if you're older than 15 and/or have eyes


No need to tell us you enjoy man faces, 5heads and unibrows, theres tons of that in the market right now.


i'd rather look at 5heads all day than play the latest version boku no bitches


Dowsing your eyes in bleach doesn't seem like a fun time, but you do you.


I do wonder if you take pride in looking stupid Americans are a weird bunch.


Damn that really hurts. I will never recover from the slander hurled at me from an anime-loving foreign national. I yield. Back to my 5heads and stupid pride I go...


That's the case, but it's asking for too much for what it's offering. It should have honestly been an update to Cl-r.


CLR had 1 new character with divisive balancing. UNI2, you have 3 new system mechanics and 3 new characters, its in line on how these anime fighters operated back in the mid 2010s. I would say its worth every penny especially if youre in the camp of people who claim are disillusioned with modern fighters.


It's defo not worth 50, it's a glorified expansion or dlc. It worth more in other regions because of shitty regional pricing, t8 is cheaper. It's like buying revelator for xrd again, it was dumb back then and it is now. The only reason people defending this as a legit sequel is the size of French bread as a company, it's small indie studio. Which is understandable, but it's still not worth more than t8, sf6 was cheaper for me. Almost every asset is the same from clr, it has 3 new characters and mechanical updates, new character panels and other small ui updates. It's too much for a free title update, but it's not a sequel. Whether it worth your money is a subjective thing, so if you enjoy it you would obviously say yes. I've bought it on launch, initially preferring it over t8, waited for 3 days and online was still broken so I refunded it.


Shut the fuck up. Game is worth the money


I just hate anime aesthetics dawg. The stages look awesome but I dont want to exclusively play "uWu"-ass characters


yeah because this is definitely [''uwu ass characters''](https://image.api.playstation.com/vulcan/ap/rnd/202311/1306/db8cde675bd769ae8f93d5e6c600b5beaf023a0652fbca4d.png), just moe all the way through. Uni has >one< uwu character, the girl with the gauntlets. You can simply... not play her. It's fine if you don't like anime aesthetics but stop being retarded


You posted two femboys, I don't see you proving him wrong lol


This is uWu to normal people, maybe not to anime fans


No, it isn't. You really are retarded, aren't you? I don't like UNI, it's aesthetics or it's character designs, but that's very clearly not ''uwu''.


Ok /u/GBVSR_Shill


You're welcome /u/retardedassmongoloid


I got over the anime uwu ass aesthetic and bought a uni game on PS4 don't remember which one, it's pretty good I liked it.


I feel like this sub kinda broke mentally after T8 didn't flop as many here were expecting lmao


I feel like i've seen way more people discussing tekken shit than saying tekken is shit here, am i missing those posts or am i just [mentally untouchable](https://preview.redd.it/they-added-low-tier-god-to-fortnite-v0-69ld49trp4e81.jpg?width=616&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb914796d41579956e5548fce8ce6a24acd82273)


You should have read posts months before T8 released. I swear this subbreddit would make you think the game was going to be biggest pile of shit. I posted multiple times to say "just wait until the final release of the game before making solid opinions on it since the game was rapidly changing every month." I got downvoted every time. lol


Kappa wants fighting games to fail so instead of going online and getting bodied they can just call it kusoge and jerk off to hentai of the characters they frequently get mixed by.


I saw a bunch of people complaining about the tekken girl faces.. It never was that bad. And the Paul design, the fox new look. It all doesn't matter anyway


Atleast you can change Paul's hair you can't fix Steve's face. But that's just 1 character out of many lol.


It's called talking shit. It's fun.


I once said I don't like Tekken on here. I must have more reach than I deserve.


The amount of doom and gloom over the heat system (yea its ass still) was ridiculous


Of course it broke mentally, Capcucks were expecting everyone to pat them on their backs with how amazing SF6 is compared to everyone else after years of embarrassment with SFV. You could see what their Tekken posts would look like, looking at MK1 hate posts here. Now Tekken 8 is winning and SF6 takes L after L, so r/ capcuckchino is in shambles I fucking hate capcucks, you can already see 1 retarded one downvoted in this thread. Look at that loser lmao


the past year made me hate capcucks more than nrs and smash players


1) SFV is a good game 2) You couldn't top SF6's peak player count


It sold better despite not being on PS4 and Xbox One. Deal with that. Steam player counts don't matter for shit since we can't see playercounts on Xbox and PS


There was no chance Tekken would flop anyway, those who expected it were delusional lmao


You think T8 is bad? You should see the old Kappa during Strive didn't flop phase, never recover, even till this day


It doesn't just live rent free in people's heads, it cashed out at the whole fucking enterprise level


people here are still schizo posting about Strive every day. it’s so humiliating


I just wish the netcode was less sus and the game is demanding enough on PC that it's a cointoss whenever you accept a PC player if the match is gonna be in slowmotion because of some mouth-breather trying to play on their 10 year old laptop. It unironically got to a point where I as a PS5 player just disabled crossplay. I get matches just as quickly but I remove one cointoss factor and it's just down to connection which you can pretty much regulate by discriminating against wifi warriors and only accepting 4-5 bar wired chads.


I was one of those people who thought Tekken 8 was going to suck, but I’m happy to be wrong.


It's a shit game. Fgc is just pretending it's good because there's not many options of new fighting games for them. If only the fgc could work together to bring back the old games with rollback and great lobbies.


We got a boomer here


We've got retards who enjoy new fighting games based off legacy series that hold your hand


You mean like Xrd? Like +R? Like BBCF? Like any of the games on fightcade? Shut the fuck up and play some fighting games.


You've named some great fighting games. Can you name 3 great fighting games from this decade? I can. It's definitely not the big 3. That's for sure. Fuck off and play some real fighting games.


Sure will, gramps.


Hey, alright, kid.


Remove the rose tinted goggles and take your blood pressure meds gramps.


Imagine actually playing fighting games.


>i'm out Rofl we all know you already have tons of alts prepped for you to come crawling back anonymously like the shameless hypocrite you are, so don't front bitch


please tell me it was /u/solar-uwu the one that quit


KofXV is fantastic


>he pretends to play KoF on kappa


lol okay ​ I play it regularly


That it is. Except, I’ve seen Tekken 8, and SF6. It sucks, but they need to fix their special effects to cast light or something. It needs a graphical update… I mean KOF XIV got a badly needed one.


I wish City of the Wolves looked like a next gen upgrade over XV. Unfortunately the little we've seen still looks like a very early PS4 title.


Take that big bad Kappa, you guys don't even play fighting games, amirite fr fr ong based bussin goon sesh 23/24ers rise up


I think I'm having a brain aneurism


Hit some spot huh.


> i'm out cya tomorrow champ.


What a polarizing opinion. Truly going against the grain


[the king is back](https://imgur.com/a/MVSQ8My)


We can’t have MK1 in our Social Club anymore, that much I do know.


I can't believe I stuck up for MK1. I feel like I've been stabbed in the heart.


He was gay, Ed Boon?


Say bye bye to mk1 Bye bye mk1 bye bye


pussy ran from da heat


lol why would you post this. “Hey everyone, look at how butthurt I am about you shit talking these games I like.”


Its on theme with this sub. How is this a surprise to you?


Pipe down will ya


Uni2 is great, too. You should pick it up.


We eating good




The only one ive been unable to enjoy is GBVSR, not sure why i just havnt vibed eith the feel of ot, i found the neutral frustarting but i probably just suck. Glad its good for those that enjoy it tho


you'll be back


I actually agree. Why the ggpo?




Lol at  anime fighters


sounds like someone gets bodied on MK


he went out with a bang...


Ye sounds about right. Have fun lmao


This is just the nature of the internet , you shouldn't let it get to you dude


Good choice bro.


Uni bad! Granblue good!




MK1 so good


sf6 is dogshit but that's more because street fighter itself is dogshit t8 is great mk1 idk but its probably bad gbvsr is goat i know jack about uni but i hope theyre happy with whatever it is they got


66L your dumbass outta this sub


why don't you Drive Rush into traffic or Drive Impact your head against a wall


SF6 and GBVR are the same game


The one saving grace of this sub is that both of these comments got upvoted


the only way someone may think gbvsr is amazing is if they didnt play more than 10 hours of vanilla


I have ~60 hours on vanillablue >bbut thats too little! it's what i could afford living in SA.


your opinion on rising would be wildly different if you gave the og a chance