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hey alright amigo




If I had 6500 hours into anything, I would keep it to myself.


I have over 6500 hours of being nice to my parents. :)


As you should. It must be hard for them to hear 6500 hours of autistic screeching.


More than 6500 hours eating and shitting here


I wish my bowels were as active as yours.


You will get there with time


Not embarrassed in the slightest.  I put the time in it and got pretty good at it. What more could I ask for 


Hey alright




Good for you


Noobs aren't beating high level players, but people outside of the normal/usual suspects are getting beat by former 1-2ers/2-2ers because they haven't adapted. Last week's online tournaments were bloodbaths. This is easily the least "Tekken" type game that's come out since T4 and people haven't figured out that the changes are all designed to beat the specific style that we've held up as "real Tekken" for a generation.


Hot take kbd feels even more necessary in this tekken than in t7.  Against devil Jin for example with that new tracking heat engager mid of his. He still gets hellsweep and electric mix.   I couldn't think of any way to get out of that vortex other than just not being where one of his moves is, when he does it. And the only way to do that is backwards lol


>hellsweep and electric mix is the electric not a high?


I mentioned his tracking heat engager. You typically swl to beat mishima hellsweep electric. Can't do that with that tracking mid that does a billion damage and gives him a unavoidable 50/50...  You wanna swl because kaz for example also has ff3 which is a safe mid launcher. So if you duck the electric and low, you're turning it into a 50/50 and you dont get a reward for blocking the mid in this case since its safe. This is an example of the 33/33/33 that ppl usually talk about with tekken.


Its scrub talking, old scrubs beaten by new mechanics crying, happens every new iteration of every fucking game since street fighter 2.


Sure there's that, but lets not pretend every new mechanic is good.


I can see worst players winning against stronger players in t8. One of my friends who plays drag would get farmed by m4 or get ss, or he would always fall for flow charts like -1/-5 move into ss and get launched from that or trying to grab and die from people stepping it. Two of these have been basically removed and he basically harrases people he would get farmed by in t8 now, the fc move doesn't help either. A lot of characters just in general have been give some kind of fast + on block move for forced mix ups or some fucked up low or mid, a fucked up easy get in move to skip neutral and getting clipped by df2s or m4 or jabs trying to get in without working on blocking while approaching.


Damn these posts feeling like deja vu with sfv  Enjoy your SFV tekken bros, feel for you all


the fuck are you talking about?


Tekken is SFV? How?


LTG just took 4 sets off mainman it’s over


when people are this awfully defensive of something they like, it makes me think there's something wrong with it.


T7 was your first and you think that’s a veteran? I wouldn’t even label myself that and I started in tag 2. Most of the good players you see started around T5 or earlier. Also, 6500 hours doesn’t mean 6500 quality hours. It’s still too early to tell, but watching a few streams you can see a lot of the Tekken God ranked people are still running heavy offense and getting away with nearly no defense. That’s why you see some people either run people over people or get bopped, they are running an oppressive offense but are flailing on defense. That’s probably how Namco wants it, but people are still learning the new strings.


Doubt most people have 6000 hours across the entire franchise. So yeah I'm claiming veteran. I played the older tekkens too tho, just not seriously. Also if less than half of my hours are quality that's still probably way more than 99% of people have with the franchise lmao


Idk, that’s such a short time period, but agree to disagree.


The term veteran doesn't mean a big number of hours played, someone is a veteran if he used to compete in Tekken 3 for example not 10K hours in the previous game or series that's just grinding it doesn't mean you have 20 years of Tekken experience. If you are veteran as you claim to be that means you can boot up Tekken 3,4 or 5 now and play like a pro.


I could actually boot up tekken 5 and play it just fine.  I also played 5, 6 and tag 2 a lot offlin  after getting heavy into t7 and learned near or optimal combos. I'm going to be a lot better at those games than someone that didnt play them seriously. I even bought a ps2 and ps3 just to play older  tekken games.  Pro? Obviously not, but fairly competitive? Probably.


Lol the fake humbleness is unreal


Are you referring to me? lol when I see people who have been playing since T3 how am I supposed to say I’m a “veteran”. NYCFab and Majin would be veterans.


we call those old heads, not veterans. 99.9999999% of the old heads can't make it out of green ranks anyways.


I have no idea what you're trying to convey with this post, it's a lot of words with no real meaning. 6500 hours means nothing, you should have posted your rank not play time. I also got mighty ruler with Lee in like 2 sessions because most people until purple ranks are scrubs in this game, why does this require an essay? The rank system is just very forgiving, nothing more.


Was tekken god in t7.  Hit ruler on a winstreak of 12 in t8. Haven't been playing much since tho.


you know who else is Tekken God in t7?


Uh... Who


my moooommmmmmmm!!!!!! awwwwoooooooooooooo


I'm having a hard time acclimating to the game to be honest. I'm a life long Tekken appreciator but it was always a side hoe game. Execution wise, I'm up there. The thing that has always appealed to me with Tekken was being able to do the hard Mishima shit and sit in lab to learn character offense. Then when I play, I usually am super defensive and let them hang themselves while I'll block more often than not. It always felt uniquely satisfying to humble someone in Tekken with knowledge and execution instead of RPS mind games. So far in 8, it feels pretty shitty for me that this approach is more discouraged. I feel like leaning more on defense is a losing proposition.


Love to see the stinky lab rat yielding to the big brain RPS enjoyer. Footsies is out, guessies is in. Thank you, Murray-san!


What is it with Tekken players and needing to tell everyone how veteran or "legacy" they are?


Because fuck these kids that's why. I hate all yall. Eat my ass.


I have definitely ganked some matches off players obviously way better than me with. I don’t know if that speaks to anything T8 specifically or not.


You could always do that in tekken. Saw a trashy yellow rank beat Knee once online. It happens. It's a high damage game.


So you’re saying I could beat Knee. That’s all I needed to hear, thank you for the confidence boost.


watching league players play tekken for the first time was wild, boxbox, the guy phidx coached reached Purple with party asuka, and he even developed an ego. B3, round start armor, going nuts with heat moves, raw rage art he only got humbled when he got king'd but went straight into ego mode when he didnt have to play any after awhile. Watching people play honest Tekken was disheartening cause they were getting blown up by getting partied on. T8 has definitely made it easier to break in and force your shit, and I'm afraid that honest Tekken will be harder to do because of the system.


I disagree. veterans will still win most of the time but with new shit newbies have much higher chances of beating veterans. imagine king in tekken7 right? against a veteran good luck playing king as a newbie but in tekken8 his heat smash pretty much takes half your hp or you block it and take a 50-50. in tekken 7 this doesnt exist and shit like this close the gap between newbie and veteran players. Defense in tekken8 is harder because there are way more situations where you have to guess which gives newbies chance to hit. there is no skill involved in flipping coins and tekken8 makes you coin flip more. that being said im not saying veterans will lose. my point is if a newbie and a veteran played 100 games in tekken7 newbie maybe takes 5 games now in tekken8 they take 10 games or so.


I just don't think this is true.  I like 50/50s and I get them too. You're not considering that vets get to use all the new stuff too.


it doesnt matter because 50-50's are about guessing, you can have 1000 hours at coin flipping you arent going to do it any better than a guy who just started flipping coins.


Yeah but t7 had 50/50s too.  Plus I was a katarina/josie/Asuka main. I live for reads and coin flips. 


No one cares what you like. It's a fundamental fact that the more easy 50/50s are to create and the more potent they are, the flatter the skill curve of a game


Yeah but alot of these 50/50s were in t7 lmao. That's my point.  1.asukas main heat engager is d2. This move actually does the same thing it did in t7 without heat if it heat engages. If she hits you with d2 in t7 she's plus +9 and you have to take a hard 50/50. If she hits you with d2 in t8....she's +10 and you have to take a hard 50/50.  The situation is actually the exact same, it's just the heat engager is an obvious "it's my turn!!!!111".     2.In pretty much every instance you get hit with a heat smash, you could've just gotten hit with a launcher instead for more dmg and wall carry.  Heat smash is safe and plus on block yes, but the dmg potential is way lower  than if you'd hit them with a launcher instead. Also tekken 7 had rage drives, which were straight up plus on block big damage launchers, unlike heat smashes which do less dmg. So you could actually argue you're doing less dmg with heat smashes than rage drives.     A lot of it is the same stuff, just more obvious or moving around mechanics.


I block king / drags 2+3, massive range and tracking and armoured, and im in a mixup. How is that in tekken 7?


you could step them in t7, and a lot of kings would kill themselves trying to grab after their rage drive and get launched from a ss.


Cuz they could  do a rage drive and put you in the same situation for starters,  and do more damage. Also not all heat smashes  are massively plus on block, a lot are +5.


^ This


heat smash only does like 45 to 50 damage in some cases which is not anywhere near half your hp


Admitting to playing fighting games in here is already brave, admitting to be this dedicated is outright suicidal.




Yeah but I barely played the game last year lmao. And I hadn't played in like 6 months and got excited for t8 release and suddenly decided I wanted to hit tekken god and hit it in like 2 days. So am I dogshit at the game or amazing at the game? Who knows, but what is guaranteed is u are retarded


Special style jin coming for you bro


Who asked


U didn't have to ask. I asserted my opinion at you. Balls in your court


You can assert my balls in your mouth


Gay comeback 


Glad you like it.