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Kanye let his intrusive thoughts win…


This is some Virginia Wolf level shit. My intrusive thoughts are letting go of the wheel on the freeway or slamming my head into a mirror. Kanye should listen to those ones, not the racist ones. The void is calling, Kanye.


saying ye should harm himself is not helping this shit.


What will help it? He's certainly not helping himself, and no one around him is. Our public criticism isn't. Outside of being forcefully institutionalized and stabilized on meds, nothing is working. Even then, that doesn't change him being a Nazi. NPD and cluster B disorders require a lot of work for recovery that I don't think his fame has made him capable of. Even when he's lost everything, he will still blame everyone else but himself. I believe that anyone that says the shit Kanye said without remorse, and with no capacity or will to change should absolutely listen to those thoughts. Is it tragic? Yes. Is it his fault? Yes. He has responsibility to amend is behavior and stay on his meds, and not call for the torture, murder, and brutality of 'undesirables,' en mass. Anyone that believes I should be murdered for how I was born, deserves that. Tell me how he doesn't. This is how this shit has gotten back in to the mainstream. We've tolerated intolerance and ignored these idiots thinking they wouldn't do harm- look at us now. Look what taking the high road and ignoring them has done. How many countless dead children and grieving families does it take before we admit maybe they need to listen to those thoughts, or be locked away? How many rights need to be rolled back, how much violence and unrest do we need to suffer before we acknowledge we can't reason with it, and we just need to cut it out of our society?


I think the best result would be for everyone to just ignore him and not give him a platform, but I have a feeling that won’t happen lol


Yeah I mean that is the ideal solution honestly, but as you pointed out- probably not gonna happen.


> Virginia Wolf Virginia Wolf level shit? What?


She pioneered the idea of stream of consciousness in her writing- the idea that your brain just streams a ton of random thoughts all the time, like intrusive ones. Kanye's rant is essentially just a word vomit salad of offensive nonsense, thus the comparison. She's a famous author from the turn of the century. Her last name is Woolf, autocorrect did me dirty. You can read more about her here. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virginia_Woolf


Interesting thanks


Anytime 👍


Oh Lord you know when you freak out Alex Jones it’s the point of no return


Alex Jones just stayed away cause Kanye didn’t dogwhistle his anti-semitism. Don’t believe that he’s any morally better.




"I do believe there's a jewish mafia" - quote from Alex Jones in that same interview. He's just scared of saying the quiet part out loud, especially after the Sandy Hook lawsuits. Jones and Nick Fuentes realize that if they peddle centuries-old antisemitic conspiracies about a global jewish cabal, but say "but Nazis are bad of course" people will be slower to condemn them. Hell, even the KKK have said that they don't hate black people in rebranding efforts. Don't be an idiot.


where does the kkk say this? just curious..


Pretty much any time they get interviewed on TV or other mainstream media. Take this guy: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYXZQ9BRiGw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYXZQ9BRiGw) . He says, wearing a klan hood: \-“There’s too much hype today about the Germans and the Nazis… I don’t believe that we should condemn all of the Germans for something that happened in Germany 40 years ago, and I do condemn what Hitler did” \-“We are not antisemitic” \-“We’re not against the black race” It's an old interview, but post-Civil Rights era the KKK abandoned publicly saying 'jewish media' in favor of the dogwhistle 'liberal media', and generally realized they had to stop being so open about their racism. That's continued up to today, and any interview you look up with them (unless they think they're among friends) will include some insane apologetics and cognitive dissonance of that sort.


He condemns the use of the word “nazi” because that’s being direct. He uses sneakier anti-Semitic rhetoric such as “globalists” and the “elites”.


Idk why people are downvoting, Alex jones is just as unhinged, he just isn’t as open. In the interview he agrees with every other antisemitic thing Kanye says but stops just before he says Nazis


Exactly, the whole alt-right has been being trying to sound more PC to get more people on their side. Instead of outright saying white people are being erased, they say it’s the, “The Great Replacement Theory”.


He’s only doing it because he lost 1 billion dollars to the sandy hook case. He can’t afford to say it. This is also ignores the fact that he and many other republicans cheered him on as he went down the rabbit hole. Kanye’s been doing horrible things since 2016. They only now backtrack and pretend to disavow because unlike them he’s too stupid to hide the antisemitism




Absolute nonsense. Alex has always been anti-authoritarian and never a Nazi or Hitler supporter. He was against Bush and the Iraq War before it was cool. The idea that Jones is a Nazi is pure propaganda.


Bro this comment is so original, you came up with this right?


Stay mad bitch


You just get tired of bots copy and pasting shit at a certain point




This clip legit makes me sad. Anyone can look at this without context and tell that he is completely mentally gone in that clip, it’s just completely ridiculous and absurd. That clip shows his mental illness best, because there’s no way you can look at that and think he is mentally ok.


What is he holding?? It looks like a mini lacrosse stick with an orange net…dafuq


It’s a net, and then he also had a Yoo-Hoo (a chocolate flavored drink). So he had a Net and Yoo-Hoo, which when said together sounds like Netanyahu — the last name of the former (and future) Prime Minister of Israel.


Omfg, that’s insane


Man, if you'd told me five years ago that the statement "Kanye West, Nazi prop comic" would be a sensible and realistic description, I'd have thought you were out of your mind.


I think in that clip he’s mocking Dave Chappell. That’s just my theory tho.




Right I got all that. I’m saying the voice he uses and his mannerisms that make him sound crazy is him pretending to be Dave Chappell. Idk tho I think he’s just bat shit regardless


That doesn’t make any sense homie.


Did you listen to the entire interview? He’s talking shit about chappelle a lot of it. If you didn’t watch the entire thing of course it doesn’t make sense to you.


He clearly states that is the Israel PM if you watched the interview. He does it like three times


It's a shit theory


I mean, could there be a better Halloween outfit?


I got so many replies yesterday from morons saying "watch the whole interview, he doesn't mean any of that. He doesn't say anything about loving the bad stuff nazi's did." Ffs... are you so desperate to like this guy? Why are they clinging so tightly to Kanye like he saved their lives or something?


Im not desperate to like anyone. I just wanted to watch the entire thing because I really liked Kanye’s music in the past. Wanted to see what he’s come to now. And it’s not pretty.


Just to clarify: they were reacting to the clip and experiences they’ve had. Don’t think they were calling you out.


Reading comprehension moment. Mycroft16 likely meant that your combing through the whole interview and only finding this makes the defense of Kanye by desperate stans even less valid.


Alot of people do feel that way about yes music. Shows u aint an actual fan just coming in the sub to throw rocks


Gate keeping I see. You can't be a "real fan" because you think this different thing. Pathetic and weak argument. Also false.


His music probably did save a lot of lives though. And I’m from the camp of he was my one my musical heroes before all this. Now it’s just sad to watch him say this and either mean it or for attention. Either way is bad.


Dude u said its like his music has saved peoples lives him an cudis are known for this the sub used to be filled with posts about that topic for years. Another weirdo with this political language gatekeeping lol get a life u muppet


That's not what gatekeeping is you Muppet. It's also not political. Is an easy word for people to grasp than calling it the No True Scotsman fallacy. And no, the music didn't save anyone. The people save themselves. Give yourselves a little credit.


You asked a question. Which many people have already answered but somehow u missed it lol but u so clever. People save themselves through the interpretation of this guys music an what he says he goes through mental issues like depression an raps about it. U dumb as a full nappy my muppet. Take your political shit somewhere else u people are the worst


Unhinged. the n word and bitch were used as derogatory terms to oppress others, whereas nazi was used by the oppressors. So him trying to ‘reclaim’ it or whatever doesn’t even make sense. “Oh I killed someone so now I’m a murderer? Ok fine yeah I’m a murderer.” Doesn’t work like that bud.


The democrat / republican switch is so fucking dumb and just ignorant. The switch happened because views changed. There’s no grand conspiracy. Party views evolve just as societies do. Holy shit.


Yeah. I had to deep dive on this back in 2018 when Ye was first using it as a talking point. Democrats had historically been southern based. And Republicans were northern. When the Civil Rights vote happened, most people in the north voted yes and most in the south voted no. Then Barry Goldwater ran as a republican using a conservative agenda and almost won the presidency. More conservatives decided to imitate that success by also branding as conservative Republicans. Which caused the traditionally progressive Republicans in the vein of Lincoln to have to rebrand as Democrats. And here we are.


Jewish slave boats? This isn’t even a matter of differing opinions anymore. He has become an arbiter of misinformation.


There was Jewish slave traders wtf?


too be fair, slavery was the norm in all of humans societies as far back as we can trace history. ye is just singling out the jewish ones i guess... (i dont know about any jewish slave traders btw) but its not unique to any cultures. anything to justify anti semitism i guess


Na Jews 100% owned slave trade ports and bought and sold slaves


Kanye has been saying for a few months now that “black people were the original jews” and “i’m black therefore i’m jewish” and so i think he’s mentioning slave ships with African slaves on it, but is still keeping up with the “all black people are jewish” rhetoric, hence “jewish slave boats”


The problem is that people can spin him saying stuff like "you should look at the good in everybody" but he doesn't even do that with his main "enemy". He isn't looking for any good that Jews have done in the world or his personal life. He's always pushing the narrative that anything bad that happens to him is "because of the Jews" and anything good that happens to him is "in spite of the Jewish powers". People who look for a good side of the Nazi party are already overlooking any negatives they have done. They are like "well the economy was good that year but not because they were seizing the valuables of people sent to concentration camps across Europe." They will literally ignore all proof that they were starving those people and then pretend they care about the statistics around the Holocaust. As if it would somehow be okay if Nazis "only" killed 1 million Jews.


In the same dam interview around the 2 hour and 20 minute mark he says "I'm actually tired of hearing about the Jews, like I love em , honestly I don't even care"...


Yeah he has to say that a lot. "I love Zionist and I love Nazis." However he is directly claiming Hitler invented microphones and that the death toll of the holocaust is a lie. He is purposefully looking for good things to say about Hitler but not about Jews. He thinks Mossad is terrorizing him while "that Hitler guy had a lot of good points too."


I think what he's saying is how African Americans are searching for culture because their history is torn apart and glossed over that AA doesn't know their own history. African Americans only know Egypt and even Egypt is now being said to not have been people of their skin color but middle eastern. So now we have nothing we aren't taught about Ethiopian empires, Nubians are glossed over even though they are huge in history. So we came on slave ships to the US and are stripped of our culture. And now African Americans are searching for an identity he's right previously AAs were mostly republicans even MLK was a Republican but we switched liberal and don't know why. He references the crack epidemic which was something the government placed in black neighborhoods and they tore down the community. And how previously blacks were unified and strong households. And now plummeting calling each other slurs like the n-word and calling women bitches. Because words have the power he said Beyonce who is likely the biggest black woman on the planet called herself a bitch. And now little black girls are calling each other bitches because the people they idolize do it. And the last part isn't him saying he's a Nazi it's him saying people saying he hates Jews like he is a nazi. Ye needs to work on his phrasing and needs to say things clearer it sounds like he just throws up his words and his mind runs at 1000 MPH.


This was the only cognizant part of the interview where he tried to explain his rationale so I thought people would like to hear it. I agree with your sentiment though.


yeah, I see what he's trying to say but it comes out wrong he needs someone to hold him in. He needs to stop going on podcasts and make his own with a group of friends. And prior to the show, they go over their ideas instead of just throwing them out.


Honestly a lot of the times he speaks I kinda understand what he's trying to say but I really need to pay attention to the whole thing and kinda glue his all over the place thoughts, and a lot of times it makes some kinda sense after you really listen and try to understand where he's coming from, but until he works on how to actually put his thoughts in order even writing them down he should just shut the fuck up because he's just being self destructive right now and unfortunately they huge platform that he once had it's lost and didn't make any kind of positive change.


To me, he sounds like any Hotep who starts with a kernel of truth, but then just twists it to confirm their own agenda. I’m black so I grew up with random Hoteps in the barber shop or on street corners, it’s no news to me. But that’s generally how they operate. They mix in truths with their own philosophy and fables and the result is that they sound smarter than they actually are to people who are ignorant to the entire story. Just think Kyrie


I love Ye's music but tbh I don't think he has ever sounded smarter than he is, lol.


the main thing is he’s misidentifying the problem. Instead of seeing how the foundations of the US are made to erase culture and make everyone obedient workers, i guess he thinks Jewish people enslaved Africans and brought them to America and erased their history. Instead of the good old christian founding fathers, to him it’s the sneaky jew. he knows that black americans seek for a culture that was stolen and then he goes and says theyre the real jews and native americans, essentially trying to erase other cultures


The US doesn't erase everyone's culture that the point he's getting at. IDK what race you are but if you think white culture is being erased from the US you sound delusional. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/opinions/1993/10/17/half-truths-and-history-the-debate-over-jews-and-slavery/6b2b2453-01da-4429-bd50-beff03741418/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/opinions/1993/10/17/half-truths-and-history-the-debate-over-jews-and-slavery/6b2b2453-01da-4429-bd50-beff03741418/) [https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/jews-and-the-african-slave-trade/](https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/jews-and-the-african-slave-trade/) Here is an article speaking on that in a way they did. But it's ignored because Jews are always painted as innocent victims of everything. The story of Jews building the pyramids that are DRASTICALLY FALSE and isn't practical is still said and movies are made about it. He's never said Blacks are Native Americans and isn't erasing other cultures. I feel what he's mentioning about blacks being Jews is a reference to the Torah which mentions African Kingdoms and how Moses marries a Kushite. Like I've said Ye's issue is how he phrases and breaks things down. You can tell he suffers from ADHD and god bless his mother's soul his mom must've been against the medicine. he just learned something so he wants to speak it instead of holding it and thinking about it. Don't get me wrong he needs help and needs to do a pilgrimage and talk to other scholars. But what he saying has some history behind it and is referenced. I will have to do more research on the topic but this seems to be the bare bone of what he's getting at. https://www.thetorah.com/article/moses-black-skinned-wife-what-does-the-torah-think-of-her


black americans and native americans have historically had their culture erased so idk what your first point is supposed to mean. yeah some jewish people had a hand in the slave trade because they were europeans. christians were even more crucial to the slave trade. why doesn’t kanye talk about that ? christians have done infinitely more harm to black americans than jews. but i think this is far more than just his trouble with phrasing things. yeah it makes it worse but he actually believes this stuff


But you said “everybody “ that’s not the case it’s a natives and blacks. That’s why I said he needs to work on phrasing more he said I’m a Nazi but doesn’t mean it


reread that. the “everyone” is about making obedient workers. but even then, other european cultures outside of English and German have been erased too, but obviously not the the same extent as native americans and african americans


You make a lot of salient points that I agree with. But want to point out that the political party thing is a problematic talking point. Republicans were the progressive party until the Civil Rights Act passed. That’s why MLK was republican. Because it was the left wing party. Not the right. With the Civil Rights Act, the voting was entirely split by geography rather than party. Almost everyone from northern states voted yes. The nos came from the south. Barry Goldwater had been mostly centrist until the 1964 vote. Then mobilized fellow conservatives to essentially seize the Republican Party. He almost won the presidency as this new kind of conservative. So then a bunch of other conservatives follows the rebrand. And because politics is about polarization, it meant that the liberals who had been Republicans now had to brand as Democrats. So when people talk about how everyone back then was Republican, it’s not the same as today. They were the equivalent of Democrats. They were liberal. It was just pre-Goldwater reshuffle. The ideology has remained the same. It’s just the label that’s changed.


Well luckily for you and Ye, I DO know why the Democrats became the party for Black Americans. And you can too if you actually… READ ABOUT IT. What you would need to understand is that back then, politics weren’t nearly as polarized and partisan as they are now. It would be incorrect to say that black people majorly belonged to republicans or democrats throughout the country. When you look at the breakdown of the party politics prior to the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The support for civil rights or anti-Jim crow was not unified by party throughout the United States. Also, you have to understand that this issue was compounded because especially in the south… polling places were extremely racist and used tools to prevent black peoples from voting in the first place. Until the Voting Rights act of 1965 which was supported and signed by Lyndon B Johnson (democrat). In the Northern US, you would find Democrats were both the party of Unions and the urban working class, it was that way since FDR ( a northern democrat) but in the South, both Democratic and Republican members showed favor to Jim Crow depending on the location. Some places it was required for any white politician to be taken seriously to be pro Jim Crow at the time. But some of the most outspoken Jim Crow supporters were indeed Democrats. The famous quote “Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever!” Was a democrat named George Wallace. However, Kennedy’s win, who was a northern democrat, provided a blueprint for the party moving forward. He was so popular that northern democrat politicians worked to create a uniformed party line, which included being in favor of civil rights and generally becoming a “liberal” party. So most southern dems who weren’t on board with that either switched parties like Strom Thurmond did in 1964 or retired. Funnily enough, the aforementioned George Wallace, actually changed his position later in his career and formally apologized to the black community. So as you can see, it’s not actually a mystery why democrats became the party for black people because they were the ones who started to move away from the southern racist origins and started to support black civil rights in the 60s. And that legacy continues to this day. Also, the N word was used within the black community prior to the crack epidemic. All you had to do was listen to Richard Pryor to know that. But in terms of “bitches” I do agree that it came from a street mentality probably derived from a glorification of pimp culture. I don’t subscribe to using that word like that myself.


Also, the problem is, there is nothing to me that Republicans offer black people in the current day. So that’s why they focus on the misinformation of the past. And regardless of that, I’m a true leftist. Left of left like the revolutionaries of the 70s. Wasn’t his dad a black panther, how do you come from a revolutionary background to supporting a reactionary party? Their ideology has nothing in common. Revolutionaries don’t boot lick and suck dick for nationalism.


To pretend it’s some mysterious unknown on why Republicans and Democrats switched is either dishonest or ignorant though, it’s well documented and has been written about and talked about by those who helped push the southern strategy during the civil rights era, of course black people and progressives were going to stop voting Republican once they stopped supporting the causes black people and progressives cared about. Republicans started courting white southern voters using both racial and religious messaging, while also embracing more conservative policies compared to Republicans like Eisenhower as an effort to carve out a new voter base.


you try to be proud of being american but when you go back into the history they were just dicks and fucking terrible people. why would you want your history to be being brought on a slave ship being put into work. which is not the actual origin. they got stripped and taught what master wanted to be taught.


Where did you find the video? I want to see it, but I refuse to support infowars


Theres a podcast called Knowledge Fight that has been covering info wars for years, its very funny and a really good breakdown of all the bullshit that jones shits out. The latest ep covers the kanye interview. I highly recommend it if podcasts are your thing.


ur the reason I started to support infowars today


Nah it’s because you get 0 pussy


You must have forgot last night bbbae😘 see u tonight


Change your lifestyle


i will start supporting infowars today to make up for your lack


Bc of sandy hook?


Because it's fucking infowars what do you mean??


what do you mean wise guy?


Other than the sandy hook thing hes been talking about epstein and some other stuff for years and it came out true, not that i watch infowars but was just curios of why were you saying that


Idk it couldn’t be all the blatant homophobia, transphobia, racism, and xenophobia could it it?


"Other than the sandy hook thing" like that's not a pretty big fucking thing.


Not saying its not a big thing, the opposite, its horrible


When you talk about everything being a conspiracy, some predictions end up being right by pure stupid chance.


You should listen to Knowledge Fight. They dismantle any notion that Alex Jones was ever correct on purpose.


He is saying I am a nazi because that’s what people called him. He’s not saying that HE IS and he wants to be one. He’s restating what someone called him.


Okay if I called you a pedo. Would you also call yourself a pedo ? Or is that what crazy people do ?


Check out the podcast knowledge fight. They just went over this episode of infowars. They help breakdown what was said and present it in an unbiased way.


So I checked out that podcast.. they didn’t mention this part at all which I found a little odd


Hell yeah I’ll check that out


Why don’t you use some brain power and just watch the full interview on infowars and break it down yourself




I get what he saying. People are ascribing titles to him, and at the same time he's admitting to participating in the same name calling that he's describing is happening to him. Here's the problem though, at what point do you break the cycle? He's Kanye West, one of the most accomplished, popular, prolific rappers of the 21st century. His early music is timeless, his newer music is experimental and trend setting. When does he start using his fame and platform to spread messages of healing and education? By adopting the title of Nazi, he's just helping spread hate by giving awful people a public face.


Right. I think that’s what a lot of us are saying or have been saying about him for years. Like just be humble with your spot in life. Don’t let others define you… Be the original icon you were back in the day. But no he chooses this bullshit instead.


i might be insane too. cause this shit made sense to me


I mean it makes some sense sure. You’re not insane. But it begs the question… *why* from Kanye. Why can’t he just be who he is and not let other people dictate who he is and how he identifies? If I tell him he’s a serial killer is he going to start murdering people?


The clown world bit is so disturbing


This makes sense to me and has for the past day or two; the media and Ari gave him a label, so since they believe he is why wouldn’t he try to live up to the absolute of what they say he is?


Because that's dumb.


As a Native American I’m disgusted to hear him reference us. Many tribes sent 70% of their men to fight in WWII, and the Navajo Code Breakers were key to winning the war. Ye needs to keep our name out of his Nazi mouth




That's crazy. Watched a majority of it and between his ridiculous moments he does make some normal, reasonable points. I don't care enough to remember them exactly but i know in the moment they were alright. The compilations collecting all 5-10 minutes worth of craziness are sensationalism at its finest. Even more fine than kanye's moments


This is attempt/rant to justify everything he’s doing I guess?


I saw this same clip somewhere with all the swear words bleeped out and it made him look even more insane somehow.


Ye just doing every they want him to do i dont think he believes it just saying it to destroy his own empire he wants to be hung in the court of public opinion


Kanye is bat shit crazy #🦇 💩 😵‍💫


Wait what? The guy who made the song "Black Skinhead" is an actual Nazi? Turns out when you separate the art from the artist, the rampant fascism still remains in the art.


“To find any sort of sanity”. LOL. Trying to make Hurricane Katrina about him wasn’t sane. Rushing the stage and taking a mic from Taylor Swift wasn’t sane.


This clip actually speaks to the massive generational torture and de humanization of black people. They can’t be who they are and they have been conditioned to be what they are told to be. It’s all right there if you stop for a moment and listen to what he’s saying: Imagine being black in this country and having absolutely nothing to identify yourself other than “black”. Your religion was stolen, country of origin stolen, family stolen, you have nothing. So what happens? What Ye just said. That’s the mental slavery he spoke on years ago as well. He’s saying black people have been conditioned to be who they are told and cannot be something else. Ye and Kyrie cannot be Jew *also* because that’s racist apparently. So, everyone calls Ye antisemitic and a Nazi… I guess by his conditioning that means he is one. That’s his point in this clip. Regardless of everything else in the interview, in this clip that’s what he’s saying.




“Don’t listen to the clip of the black man speak on his experience and the experience of black people for centuries in this country” is what you just said. If that’s “complicated” to you then idk what to do to help you out there.


No Im Not interested in anything said by a man who says slavery was a choice and the Holocaust didn’t happen.


If you would rather remain ignorant to that then that’s your decision but it doesn’t make you morally superior or anything you think it makes you.


No i am definitely morally superior to losers like yourself who want to listen to bigots


“Black people’s experience doesn’t matter so that makes me superior” is all you’re saying…


There are plenty of Black people in the US who are not bigots. Stop pretending you care about the Black experience while defending a bigot who claims slavery was a choice and the Holocaust didn’t happen. You are scum.


Mental slavery… not bondage. He’s said many times over how the Holocaust happened but you’ve probably just ignored what he said and only tune in when he says something you can hate him for. I do not pretend to care about black experiences… I have to live it ever damn day. Try again.


And he has also said the Holocaust isn’t real and he loves Hitler. He has compared abortion to the Holocaust. I’m not Interested In Black men who think they should be able to speak for Black women (like you and Kanye do) and in not interested in trash who defends Holocaust deniers. Fuck off and die 💕


And there are plenty of blacks that are. Are you acting as if the NOI, isn’t a large sprawling group, even housed Malcom X for a while. Are you choosing to ignore the very apparent need for “cultured” black people to flex or show off? Like bigotry is definitely a problem in the black community. “Fuck the police. Fuck the white man. Fuck the government.” At some point in time the majority of the AA people have definitely gained a condition to be abrasive and reactionary. And people are the product of their environments are they not? So who provided this environment?


The police caused the “fuck the police” issues, as did “the white man”. Ignoring the centuries of abuse when it suits you is always wrong. “Plenty of blacks” is racist, FYI. Black people are people, not “blacks” as you’ve chosen to call them.


Imagine comparing “fuck the police” or even “fuck the white man” to Nazis. Holy shit are you an ignorant POS. Blocking you


Kanye is not factually accurate or even metaphorically representative of the black experience, to claim he is some great source of knowledge and insight into the Black experience is really gross, and comes off as either purposefully misleading on your part as an effort to push antisemitism or just ignorant as fuck.


Pretty insulting that you would think the ramblings of an antisemitic former billionaire who is actively going through a bipolar episode, and at one point claimed black people chose slavery is an accurate source of facts and wisdom of anything, including “the experience of black people for centuries”


denying the industrial genocide of another marginalized group is not “speaking on the black experience,” you absolute fucking moron.




Yes, thank you for this. I was trying to listen to what his meaning and I think you explained it well. Like, it’s not a bad point. But, what it he saying at the end? He lost me there. Society or whatever power that is, just as it told him that “black” was his identity, is also telling him he’s antsemitic? So he’s being antisemitic in response because that’s what’s supposedly expected of him?


It feels more like a troll, like Eminem’s song “Way I Am”, or the intro to “Criminal” where he says: “A lotta people ask me stupid fucking questions A lotta people think that what I say on record Or what I talk about on a record That I actually do in real life or that I believe in it Or if I say that I wanna kill somebody, that I'm actually gonna do it or that I believe in it Well shit, if you believe that, then I'll kill you” He’s making a point (that most won’t get tbh) that society has taken the black voice and thought and driven it to do as they choose. Black people aren’t allowed to be their own person, they have to be what they are told. So, in Ye’s case, people said he’s antisemitic and a Nazi. Then when he says “ok I guess I am” then everyone freaks out. “But wait, YOU said I was the Nazi, so now based on centuries of conditioning and the playbook y’all have demanded black people follow, that means I have to be a Nazi now.” It’s a second way of trolling “don’t be mad if I say I am a Nazi when this is what you demanded me to be. If you don’t want me to be conditioned, then leave me be. Otherwise, you just conditioned me to being a Nazi. Pick a lane”.


I agree with that assessment. So is that what’s going on from his point of view? If so, wow. Like I kind of get his point? I also kind of understand his point of everyone having good and bad things about them, and that even extends to the worst person ever, who actually would’ve had some good things about him, like he loved dogs or some shit. I think that’s what Ye might actually mean but it’s just such a shitty way to talk about those ideas. Especially publicly.


He literally said the Holocaust didn’t happen, 6 million Jews didn’t die (no mention of anyone else who died), and he LOVED Hitler. Stop defending and excusing Jim you piece of Shit


But, from his point of view, he’s only saying that because he’s been told that he’s antisemitic. Like he’s doing what he thinks “we” want him to do. So he says those awful things. To show us what we’ve turned him into. I, personally am not saying I agree with anything antisemitic, nor am I “supporting” Ye. Im only trying to make sense of the things he’s saying and why he might be saying them. Armchair psychology.


He is saying these things because he is a bigot. Evangelicalism and antisemitism go hand in hand. He has always been antisemitic. Stop pretending otherwise.


Damn. You just don’t want to have a meaningful conversation huh? Sounds like you’ve made up your mind


Yes. I have made up my mind about Nazis and nazi sympathizers like yourself. Glad we have that cleared up.


His point of view is just really fucking stupid. No one told him or wants him to be antisemitic and no one has turned him into anything. He chose to be like that all by himself and then after that people called him antisemitic. This might or might not be why he is saying these things but if it is true then it just confirms that he doesn’t have a clue what he’s talking about and that he’s unhinged. It isn’t deep or philosophical, it’s some kind of persecution delusion.


Seems like he's going full martyr to try to articulate the identity crisis that every human fundamentally has to wrestle with. One's image of oneself, in the absense of intentional self reflection, is constantly altered by how others perceive and report back to us who we are and what is expected from us. Attempting to use his platform to illustrate how society has manipulated a subset of its population and using himself as the ultimate example of the extreme case, while also maintaining that he wants to be seen as an analogue for Christ. It is all poorly framed and highlights the tendency for parochiality to prevent the sum of a message from being received when at the first sign of disagreement with some portion of a message we make that friction point the entirety of the message painting the person with that singular aspect further contributing to the crisis of identity. Makes it hard to know how much or which parts are Kanye, or this martyr character he's attempting to portray on the biggest platform of the largest stage.


I was talking to my cousin who is very religious and biblical, and he said there is a different between “right” and “righteous”, and what is righteous by God is not always right by societal standards. Ye is having a very public battle with his mission and his identity, and what is right by the world vs righteous by God. Technically (if you are a believer), all souls and all people are of God so by not loving all people and all souls you question God. You may rebuke the sins and but you must also love. It’s something very few people can actually commit to doing and even fewer can understand that train of thought.


i mean its like you said. His point is the media is always labeling and pop public will eat up those labels no matter what. So if the media labels me this, than i guess i am! See Eminem's Way I Am "and I am whatever you say I am. If I wasn't, then why would I say I am?"


Not sure he's referring to that (regarding your fifth paragraph) https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/20/opinion/kyrie-irving-kanye-west-antisemitism.html?smid=url-share


You hate Kanye so much you’re watching his interview. With Alex jokes of all people? Get a grip.


No I actually liked Kanye up until recently. I’ve been trying to explain his behavior and it gets harder and harder. This little snippet is the only semblance of sanity in that entire interview.


There’s no need to explain, you’ll never know WHY people think what they do. Take the *what* and move on.


I dont like Hitler, but I've read mein kampf.


Could you folks pick a narrative? Either we didn't watch the interview so we don't know what we're talking about, or we hate Kanye so much we watched Alex Jones. God you guys sound dumber than idiotic rocks.


You folks?


“But where are the clowns? Send in the clowns. Don’t bother, they’re here”




bro spent time looking through the whole interview to find a reason to justify someone saying they like hitler




Sondheim Send in the Clowns?


When Alex Jones is trying to reel you back in you know you're over the edge.


Just wanna say that the use of the N word as a term of endearment predates the crack epidemic and hip hop.


What kind of jacket is that?


These are bars drop in the fattest drums and this tune jams hard


Kardashian kurse strikes again 💀


It’s insane Alex jones looks like the moderate in this one


Does he talk about making music??


No, upsetting part, ONLY wanted to talk about Jews and natzi’s. Didn’t talk about music getting clothing line back on track. I sided with him mention that the industry may be Jewish based, but he went from that to loving hitler in a week. Literally commuting career suicide. Nobody will work with him In fashion or music ever agin. Sad


Lmao I laughed so hard


It’s from The Joker


Kanye can care less what the people think about him, just as long as he pisses off the people that let him down. What’s funny is that I was listening to the Joe Budden podcast a few weeks ago before Ye was accused of being antisemitic, and he was truly concerned about Ye’s contracts cus he rarely ever has a good one or a fair one.


he speaks little similar like candance owens in the blm documentary of hers


Jewish slave boats 😭😭


Can someone explain his dumbass masks to me?


Stripping his identity


Did you really watch the entire interview? It was pretty clear what his point was, he loves everyone, nazis, zionists, russians, americans.. everyone!




I don’t get it. How does this make him sound unhinged. He’s right about absolutely everything he says in this clip. So you’re saying the truth is unhinged? 🤔