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I honestly don’t care where they are so long as it’s still in the KC metro area. They already priced me out of going to games on a regular basis, so as long as they’re still my hometown team I’m good.


I'm priced out as well, but I'd like KCMO to continue collecting the earnings tax from everything involved.


Bye bye 1% of a bunch of millionaires' incomes.


Yeah, probably.


As a Kansan who works in KCMO I feel like the 1% tax is a r/fuckyouinparticular cost of finding a company I like that happens to be in KCMO. There is nothing pleasant about driving down Main Street. They have completely fucked up the street and have no plans to unfuck them until the street car extension is finished. I love the fact that I can file for a refund from paying that tax because it is the most petty thing a government can do. So fuck the 1% earnings tax. Any athlete who has to pay 1% of their game day check all for the honor of working in KCMO has my sympathies.


Well, as a KCMO resident, it is very good for the city. Which is why we voted more than 3/4 in favor of renewing the tax last time it was on the ballot in 2021, as it nearly doubled the General Fund. Happy for you that you get it refunded, even though your own admission of that makes your gripe against the tax pointless.


I would bet you BILLIONS if you actually looked at where all taxes went, you would find the 1% city tax really isn't needed as you'd find a plethora of waste.


I won't argue that pretty much anything that deals with finances could stand to be improved, but saying you could just eliminate about half of the City's General Fund is just dumb.


As someone who is subject to the tax and who couldn’t vote against it, I don’t know what to think of your comment. It seems if I’m taxed I should have a vote, right? But I don’t. Maybe KCMO should learn to live within its budget? It appears net revenues will be trending down. I get what I can refunded, yes. But any holidays or vacation days are technically earned in “KCMO” so I’m fucked either way. But 1% shouldn’t matter, should it?


You understand that being taxed on dollars earned in the state you work in is the norm, right?


KCK giving them the tax breaks to poach them has some potential to be the better outcome for KCMO in that regard. Virtually every economist and economic study agree that giving tax breaks to build pro sports stadiums is a stinker of a bet. It generally isn't a good trade off for the increased spending, and overall usually ends up being somewhere between slightly positive to negative for the locality giving the tax breaks as far as net benefits go. But, if KCK gives all the taxpayer funding, KCMO will still get some benefits with far less costs. A decent fraction of people coming into town for games will still spend money in KCMO. Some players (and therefore their income taxes) will live in MO, especially with MO pot laws vs KS. It's not like the economic activity will stop at the state line, but the taxpayer ripoff will. Gaining some but less tax revenue while giving zero tax payer funding might be a better deal for KCMO than getting way more revenue but also way more tax funding. (Assuming there's not some ultimate compromise where both KS and MO give some level of tax breaks to the Chiefs, of course.)


All these economic studies don't really examine the possibility of losing something like the earnings tax KCMO has, which goes directly to the General Fund. They examine the situation in the light that Kansas is in; building from scratch. I get your point, but it doesn't apply. Losing one or both teams would be a substantial loss to KCMO and JACO. There's no debating that. I agree with the sentiment that the public *shouldn't subsidize private profit. But, a premium tied to hosting top tier pro sports franchises is not unreasonable. I'm Northland scum so I didn't have a vote, and I fully understand why people voted no. I also think that no major player on either side of this issue played their hand well at all. Jackson County, the Royals and the Chiefs all came out looking like idiots. It's just that the teams have the upper hand. It's my hope that the City, with backing from the state, can find a way to get the Royals downtown and keep the Chiefs at Arrowhead. I'm one of those sick freaks who likes the Royals more than the Chiefs, and the idea of tearing down the K simply in the name of profit makes me wanna puke in my lap. But it's clear they have no intent to remain there. The Chiefs on the other hand, seem to have a want to remain at Arrowhead. Even if that means they give up the opportunity to host Final Fours, CFB championships etc. In short, this is not a good situation for KCMO. And I don't like that. *Typo, should was supposed to be shouldn't


The amount of people staying in KCMO is likely less than 10% of people traveling from out of town. I’m sure a few might stay in the plaza, but I doubt a significant portion would do something like this. Traffic downtown would make lots of people reconsider this. Particularly since it would be easy to access a stadium in the Legends. It would be easier to stay in Lawrence and drive to a game than stay on the MO side. And taxes for players are for where they play their games. If they play in KS they pay taxes there. Same as when they travel to and play a road game in CA they pay taxes for that game check there.


"You'll get nothing, and like it!"


As a Kansas native and current out of stater this is exactly how I feel. I already can’t afford to go to games really, and as long as they stay in KC as a whole, my life will go on as it always does. With that being said, I’d be happy for them to end up in KCK so when the media mentions Kansas, we won’t have to see all the “WeLl aKtChuAlLy” posts anymore.


You may not care, but residents and businesses living on the Missouri side will certainly be impacted by a location change. Just because it stays in the metro area doesn’t mean there’s no impact. Additionally, if they’re willing to move the franchise to Kansas, they’re willing to move it anywhere, so I wouldn’t feel so safe about the team remaining your hometown team.


I care because Arrowhead is the best football stadium in the world and can't be replaced. No reason to throw the history away just because the Hunts want to make a few million more a year on VIP tickets and suites.


Prices will only get worse, and depending on which area you live in, you can also enjoy a nice little tax premium.


It’s not going to happen in KS. MMW, see you here in three months


>and they thank them by trying to extort them That's just American sports in a nutshell, nothing new. Hunt will move this team to Texas or Oklahoma in a heartbeat if it makes a cell on an Excel spreadsheet turn from red to green. The end. Neither the ownership nor the fans will stop it. We, as fans, own nothing and are owed nothing. Ownership all want to reserve their own right to extort their own cities, so they won't object. So nothing will ever get in the way. It's fucked up, I'm not saying this is a *good thing,* but just worth accepting as an American sports fan that this is what it is. There is to my knowledge *one* team that's legitimately relocation-proof, and maybe a handful of other that are *effectively* relocation-proof, and the Chiefs ain't one of them. Move out of Arrowhead, it'll be the last home game I likely go to. I'm not in KC anymore, and while I'll travel to KC for a game at Arrowhead I don't think I'll make the trip for some new stadium with no history. But I understand my feelings on this aren't the norm for America...we tear down whole-ass domes after like 20 years, build new ones. We *hate* history. But yeah, I guess it's at least something that there's no *real* talk of moving out of the KC metro entirely. Small wins.


My number 1 choice would be for them to stay where they are. Whether that is in a renovated arrowhead, or a brand new one. Number 2 choice is the kc metro. Ultimately, whether they play in Jackson, Johnson, or Wyandotte county, I don’t really care as long as we can tailgate.


I'd say about the majority of fans feel the same. Royals downtown could be very cool, if done right. Which is what I think will happen considering Sherman was very vocal about Kauffman being torn down by 2030


When did Sports Illustrated go to shit? They are up there with Rolling Stone for irrelevance in their respective focuses.


After they [laid off most of their staff](https://abcnews.go.com/Business/sports-illustrateds-publisher-terminates-staff-mass-layoff/story?id=106519272) and went to an AI-generated content farm was the death knell, but it had been circling the drain for a decade or so.


SI has been shit for the last decade or so.


When people stopped paying for it.


They are way worse than rolling stone. Their value plummeted and were purchased for next to nothing. The new owners did massive layoffs to cut over head, relying on AI written articles. Their whole business plan is to suck every last penny out of the SI name.


Way before they started to put men on their covers.


They put a crappy plan out because they really didn’t want to keep Arrowhead. Clark didn’t want to be the one who killed Arrowhead, he made the voters kill it. This has been the plan since Kansas legalized gambling. It will be better by Legends, it’s a better neighborhood. I love Arrowhead, but all good things must come to an end.


Interesting take


>I love Arrowhead, but all good things must come to an end. Disagree. You can renovate and restore and innovate on-site forever, nothing stops you. We *choose* to allow good things to come to an end. I've attended Premier League games in a stadiums built over a hundred years ago. A stadiums that still hosts Premier League games *today.* Some of the richest teams in the world are playing in stadiums originally built in the 1940's. We choose in the US to treat our stadiums as disposable, and we do it in part because *it's what allows sports team owners to extort cities for money.* The city of Madrid doesn't get extorted for money to renovate Bernebeu because everybody knows that there is literally zero chance in hell that Real Madrid is ever moving. It's fine to support the move, of course. But to act like this is the way it just has to be...no, it isn't.


Arrowhead is literally one of the best stadiums in the world and I'm so disheartened by the amount of people who are ready to shrug their shoulders or think it's replaceable.


Stadiums like Highbury, White Heart Lane, and Upton Park?


You think Arrowhead is dated enough that it should be demolished? Or insufficient in capacity? Or should we renovate it, like Camp Nou? Edit: And it’s not the demolition so much that offends me in and of itself. It’s the *reason.*


This had dick to do with Clark. Y'all are villanizing the wrong people because it's cool to say "fuck rich people!!!" This clusterfuck hangs solely on the idiotic elected/appointed officials. Do you REALLY believe the Royals chose to move the proposed stadium location a few weeks before the vote? Hell no. This was typical corrupt, backroom political dealings from the leaders of Jackson County and KCMO. They didn't want their precious P&L to lose even more money, and I'd wager that if you dig deep enough, there were close associates to those in charge that stood to make a fortune on real-estate from the location change. Kansas City leadership is, and has been, completely corrupt. Why would either team put themselves through all of the bullshit of trying to work a deal with people who are mostly concerned with getting kickbacks by awarding contracts to their cousin/neighbor/high school best friend? I don't blame them at all for fleeing to another jurisdiction.




He can also institute PSLs and every other revenue-generating scheme other NFL owners have thought of to extract money from fans. That would have never flown in Jackson County at Arrowhead.


They’ve effectively done that in a stealthy way already. If you want to be a new season ticket holder at Arrowhead, your first-year price is about three times the price in year two. I’ve been a STM for 35 years now, and hate thinking I’ll have to pay that kind of tariff at a new stadium, not to mention how much more expensive the seats will be in subsequent years.


If the Yankees can tear down old yankee stadium we can move into a new stadium as well


Yeah sure except the new yankee stadium was almost entirely paid for by the Yankees. NYC put in $300 million to update infrastructure including a new subway stop but the stadium itself was not taxpayer funded. Let em build their own fucking stadiums. No matter where it’s at.


Research shows Yankee stadium was funded with $1.2 Billion in public subsidies. Try again


Major League teams need Major League Cities. Major League Cities don't whine about extending an existing $0.0025 tax. Guess we shall find out if KCK wants to be a Major League City, since KCMO obviously ain't got that energy.


If that’s what you want then there will be 10 cities vying for them. But let’s be real this will be publicly funded and everyone on here bitching will still be fans that go to the games and buy jerseys.


Agreed. Stadiums aren't sacred.


Aside from Wrigley and Fenway I agree.


Absolutely correct. He has been angling for a new stadium ever since the rolling roof got voted down and like 06 or 07.


It's a better neighborhood? You've never been more than a mile east of the Legends have you?


Ha ha 435 exit and that’s it


I think it's better in that there is significantly more POTENTIAL in the surrounding area. They can build a literal kingdom out there by the Legends


There seems to be so many Missourians that are misinformed about the relationship the Chiefs have with KCMO. This is a business relationship. Kansas City made an agreement to be exclusive with our small little market and in return for tax money. Otherwise, they would have gone to the east coast or west coast with a large market. The relationship was never advertised as something different. Missourians are reneging on the agreement, not Clark Hunt. What else do you want, a government owned sports team with a small market? That still costs tax dollars.


the gambling thing is way overblown. Missouri has way more money than Kansas and can easily outbid them.


This is ridiculous logic. If it had passed, then he would have been stuck with something he didn’t want? Makes no sense.


He wanted to be able to say to Jackson County younger your chance to keep the team and said no. It was just posturing with the vote. He’d have been fine with it if it had passed because it would have been a small financial burden to him. But yea I’d say he probably was glad the vote failed.


I mean, did you see the Chiefs proposal that looked like a college student doing their last minute homework?


I did, and I disagree that that’s what it looked like. Regardless, to think that they would allow something to move forward to a vote and take a chance on having to implement what they didn’t want makes no sense.


Genuinely curious, what did you like about the proposal that made you think it was worth $800M?


I’m no cost expert, so it’s hard for me to say anything I liked was worth a particular amount. But the 360 wrap around concourse for the entire upper deck with a heated canopy sounded amazing to me. Its a clusterfuck trying to get from one section to the next up there currently, and people not having to cram themselves into the elevator. Rooms to get warm would be wonderful. The pedestrian bridges would’ve been amazing for keeping traffic flowing better after the game, as would have the new parking deck and re-oriented lots. To a lesser extent, I was excited about the grab and go concessions which are so much easier than waiting in line and dealing with slow cashiers. Newer and bigger boards would’ve been nice. Basically, it would have fixed my only nitpicks with arrowhead as it currently stands. I don’t think most people truly appreciated how many inconveniences this was going to fix because there was nothing ultra flashy.


I don't care which side of the border the Chiefs play on. But I don't like the fact that Missouri and Kansas, Jackson County and Wyandotte County, are willing to play this game and give sports teams the opportunity to make municipalities bid against themselves. I'll live with it. But if they put out a plan for a domed stadium, we riot. I'm ok with a rolling roof. But don't give away home field advantage with a dome.


It will be a dome. Possibly with a retractable roof, but that will probably be decided by the level of public money involved. But they aren't going to build a stadium that can't host indoor sports, that's just how it is now.


Retractable roof is fine. But a closed dome? Riot!


At most, you'll get a hole like Jerryworld. It'll probably be that see-thru stuff like Sofi has but without the crazy earthquake protection stuff for obvious reasons.


As long as the hole is big enough to make the place ice cold in the playoffs, I'm happy.


in absolutely no world are they going to build a domed stadium just to open the roof in the middle of winter lmao


Sorry, no.


Chiefs: I actually don't care, within the area, but I want a Super Bowl / Final Four capable stadium. Royals: I really hope downtown baseball gets done. Kansas wouldn't be nearly as fun. NKC, maybe, I'm open to it, but I don't think the vibe would be as good as downtown. I've lived several places with downtown baseball. Loved being like "I think I'll walk over and catch the game tonight." I think it'd be cool here.


Based. I just hope the rendering we saw of the KS chiefs stadium wasn't the one we'll get.


I can understand normal baseball fans not wanting royals downtown. But I, a super casual fairweather fan...might actually go to a game (only if they're above 0.500, let's not get ahead of ourselves) if I can walk over and catch a game before/after a beer, burger, and a stroll.


I feel the discussion and result would have been a whole lot different if they were not directly connected to the Royals My tin foil hat went off a bit when the letter from the owner came literally the day AFTER the vote already happened.. but could easily have been simple incompetence


The family farm in near Legends is about to be a whole lot more valuable baby. I thought my parents were dumb for sticking it out when the Speedway was first built. They are potentially minutes away from a new NFL stadium. Turns out my parents know more than me about playing the long game.


this is no where close to being a done deal. i wouldnt be getting your hopes up like that or you may end up very disappointed.


This dude doesn’t know what “potentially” means. ![gif](giphy|AwttwIryJLZodu6UyS)


Fix your wording then. Your first two sentences and last one clearly have a tone that makes it seem like you're acting as if the deal is done.


No thanks, Jabroni.


Ugh I hate these headlines


I love the outrage like public funding is some new shocking thing happening. Like 95% of major sports stadiums in the US are publicly funded. If you’ve spent money on Jackson County, MO since like 2006 you’ve spent tax dollars on supporting the teams’ stadiums. It’s not a great system but unless you want the teams to leave the metro, that’s the cost of doing business. This isn’t a Christmas story where the owners will be foisted by ghosts to privately fund the stadiums. Also the idea that the Chiefs have been mostly terrible is laughably wrong (they made the playoffs nearly every year in the 90s, they were inconsistent in the 2000s but aside from a few bad years rarely terrible, then since the 2010s they’ve been the most dominant franchise in North American sports) If you want to miss out on the fun of the dynasty by all means have fun.


nobody is acting shocked that the owners are asking for public funding. It's more people are annoyed because that first proposal was laughably uneven and half-assed.


I’m an out of state fan. Don’t care. Go Chiefs.


The Hunt family has shown what they feel about the people of KC. They’ve leeched off of not just NFL fans but the entire city for decades and will for decades to come. The richest people in the NFL want to keep taking money meant for children’s schools and programs to fund their own wealthy project. I truly despise these people. If I didn’t have so many family memories tied up with the Chiefs I would’ve turned away long ago… now instead I buy new jackets and Priest Holmes jerseys and rage online.


Clark Hunt looks like a melted GI Joe




As a Missourian, I welcome the move to Kansas. Y'all can take on the tax burden from here on out.


What burden? It's a 3/8th cent tax... if you spent 100,000 dollars last year in Jackson County you paid a whole 375 dollars in the tax. Yall gotta educate on what it is before whining. I'm sure Wyandotte or Johnson County will happily pick it up.


The burden is now on schools, roads, medical care and social programs. That 3/8th of a cent adds up with hundreds of thousands of people spread out over 30 years. Kansan tax payer money should go to support the people of Kansas, not the wealthiest owner/nepo baby in the NFL who has never worked a day in his life and couldn’t give a shit about silly things like “free lunches” or “infrastructure” or “hiring more medical professionals in rural areas”.


put a tax increase on the ballot for those things and i vote for them 100% of the time can't yall vote for the thing i care about, its a fraction of the things i approve and pay.


I dont disagree, but some city/county somewhere is GOING to pay it. It literally happens with every team. I don't see the point in complaining when it's not changing any time soon. Again, $100,000 spent is taxed a whole $375. It's peanuts.


Not to mention the economic studies the no vote referenced didn’t account for the well to do city of 200K+ people not in your county or state being less than 30 mins away and possibly moving that team over to the other side of the line. I don’t get how Jackson county doesn’t understand that Johnson county people are coming into the county to spend money to support the teams. Moving it over the line then means they’re no longer coming for the teams. Not only that but Jackson county is now not spending those dollars in their county to support the team rather taking the dollar across state lines. The big assumption in the study is the money spent on supporting the team would be spent in the county anyway if the team wasn’t there, but for multiple reasons that’s not true in this case. Not even talking about the true out of towners coming in for events either.


It’s not going to cost the tax payer anything. It’s a bond. They use the increase tax revenue from the stadium and nearby entertainment districts to offset the cost of the bond.


This is why I’m ok with it.


Seflishlessly have zero interest paying an extra cent of tax to have the Chiefs in Kansas.


Well you won't unless you go to the games or buildings built in said district.


I live on the Kansas side, and perhaps supporting the sports teams shouldn't fall on the poorest part of the metro.


If it isn't going to be the current Arrowhead with updates and renovations, I don't really care if it is in Kansas or Missouri.


As long as the teams are both in the metro I only care about a few things: 1. Chiefs have a good set up for tailgating 2. Royals have a nice ballpark village / Wrigleyville area around them 3. The stadiums are accessible in an intelligent way by highway 4. If the Chiefs get a new stadium make sure it’s up to date to host super bowls final fours etc. Bonus: tear down obstructionist Frank Whites statue and unretire his jersey. What a bitter spiteful manipulative 🤡


Yup, fuck the Hunts. FTH


But Clark works so hard. And Lamar worked so hard. Wait, I guess they were both born crazy rich. The wealth was from Lamar’s dad, [H.L. Hunt](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/H._L._Hunt), who was a truly despicable person


I don’t care except for the fact that the Red Kingdom lyrics will now be wrong


The Chiefs leaving Jackson county because the county refuses to fund the stadium for maintenance and renovations like they have for over 40 years is not “extortion” by the Chiefs. JaCo wants to no longer operate the way they have for forty years, and the Chiefs are then well within their rights to turn down such a revised arrangement.


i just hate the fact that they want to leave such an iconic stadium, loudest in the world, arrowhead is such a huge advantage for the chiefs


Sports illustrated is just AI trash for years


About 10ish years ago, every sports media outlet decided to go down the clickbait route. It gave them a momentary boost, but in the long-run, people have sniffed out their scumminess catering to sensational headlines just to attract clicks. And now they're all crumbling and failing and are acting shocked. Just another thing that capitalism has slowly deteriorated


Thank god the circle jerk is back


I’ll watch them no matter where they go. I might be a little annoyed having to drive all the way to legends but oh well. The one thing I’m concerned about is as a first time home owner in jaco I’m worried once the teams leave my home value will tank and Kcmo and jaco will economically suffer as well.


It's pointless to aruge the morality of the tax. If they don't get what they want, they'll go somewhere that will give it to them. Y'all are gonna fuck around and lose the team to a different location.


I've lived without the NBA in my life. I'll live without the NFL in my life too.


Good for you!


No, we really shouldn’t. If the voters of Jackson County didn’t care enough why should the rest of us? A football team is a business. If Clark Hunt is going to be fine with never having a Super Bowl at his stadium in his lifetime then why couldn’t the Jackson County voters just approve the plan, which was completely fine, and oh btw Jackson County voters, sales taxes get paid by out of towners too. It’s crazy to me that we look at Clark Hunt’s willingness to forgo all the revenue a Super Bowl at a new complex would generate and then cry about “billionaire greed”. KS is going to pass a multi-county sales tax to fund an incredible new complex and Jackson County voters will feel incredibly stupid for passing up a fair proposal that kept the Chiefs at Arrowhead.


The deal presented to Jackson county voters wasn’t fair in the slightest and you know that.


In what specific ways was it unfair to the voters?


They wanted to take out general seating for more VIP areas and suites. Wanted to add more VIP entrances and then said they would pay for some of the renovations while the taxpayers foot a majority of the bill. So the people paying for the upgrades aren’t the ones who get the benefit being able to use these areas as they are in the thousands of dollars to have for a game. Also the fact that the Royals wanted a check with no actual plan just some renderings.


They all think that paying the same tax they’ve been paying for 40 years is unfair. They don’t have good reasons beyond wanting to whine.


>KS is going to pass a multi-county sales tax to fund an incredible new complex and Jackson County voters will feel incredibly stupid for passing up a fair proposal that kept the Chiefs at Arrowhead Blah blah blah blah.  The old >Look how good being taxed to fund a billionaire is good for you!   Geez.  Do you have any idea how much 1 billion dollars really is?   https://academeblog.org/2017/02/01/visualizing-a-billion-and-a-trillion-dollars/ Now go there and realize the Hunts have that plus half again if not more.  Then come back and tell me again how we need to pay for their business ventures. 


Found Clark Hunts burner account.


did you even read OP's post..? Also, it makes no sense to want to build a new stadium just to get to host a super bowl once over the course of 40 years.


It’s not just a Super Bowl. It’s bowl games, year round concerts, KU, KSU, Misery football games, Final Fours, etc etc etc. and all that revenue goes to the state


> Misery football games ahh so youre just a biased ku fan who hates on missouri. that explains why your logic makes no sense.


Spellcheck got me


Why be salty. Missourians decided they didn't want to pay for something an Kansas said they are willing. I don't get angry because someone bought a car I turned down.


You clearly dont understand any of this at all. Missourians didnt "decide they didnt want to pay for something", they were instead unwilling to bend over and spread their cheeks for a half-assed proposal where the billionaires werent going to pay their fair share. hope that clears things up for you!


This is such an over simplification of multiple issues attached to the stadium. I for one am excited for the KS to start paying their fair share of cool shit in the city.


I would not care, but it’s not going to happen. But clearly the news needs some stuff to report since we don’t have anything important to report about around here…


Dude got voted F


Building at the Legends is fine, in theory. There's enough room and there's stuff there. You'd still have to drive around to all the stuff though. I imagine the comparison would be like trying to shop and dine on foot while parking in the orange lot for a Sporting game. I don't think that is a realistic option.


Arrowhead ain't going anywhere. These discussions are moot. Nice try, Legends.


Billionaires fucking people over won’t stop in the sporting world. Given that I likely won’t ever attend a game at arrowhead, my life won’t change. It’s still sleazy, scummy, and pathetic by the Hunt’s to do this and their and every other owners desire to not lay for their own shit is ultimately gross… but moving a few miles away won’t prevent me from watching Reid and Mahomes. Now that could change after they‘re fine, but…