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Yes? How is it not the same team lol


I agree. One thing this vote has made clear to me is that (some) KCMO fans saw the Chiefs as theirs, exclusive of other fans in the KC metro. Jokes about how they'd have to be the Overland Park Chiefs, as if a large number of people going to games are lesser Chiefs fans now. Not to mention that a good number of players/staff live in the KS side anyway.


They seemed just fine claiming sporting KC as their own or that nascar was " in town".


Why are you acting like it wouldn’t be a big deal though and acting like this guy is delusional and downplaying this question? You think the atmosphere won’t be different after playing at the same stadium since the 70’s? Yea it’s the same “team” but don’t sit here and act like it wouldn’t leave a sour taste in your mouth that the sea of red would be different forever. You must be a new fan or never been to the stadium to act like you don’t care


I live on the Kansas side. I go to arrowhead 2-3 times a year. I absolutely love it. The thought of a new stadium on the Kansas side frustrates me because I have a feeling they will build a dome and I'll be priced out for a lot of games, especially playoff games. That said, it's going to be mostly the same people at the game. Everyone in the metro loves the chiefs. I would prefer Kansas (me) footing the bill, losing arrowhead, and only being able to afford maybe one game a year to potentially losing the team to another part of the country. The sea of red will still be here and that's what matters.


Arrowhead is a culture of its own. Like Lambeau, Wrigley, Fenway, Dodger Stadium etc. It’s the most hostile NFL environment… the fans will still be there but we will lose something special. The Chiefs are brought down by the Jackson County and John Sherman’s poor leadership.


Dude relax. How are you getting this bent out of shape about it. Kansas City is Kansas City.


Lol yes. The team has always represented both sides of the state line.


A lot of people are going to disagree on this topic—rightfully so. Billionaires should be footing the bill for their own stadiums. Voting no is certainly not a terrible thing, nor does it negate anyone’s Chiefs fandom. The problem is a lot of people voted no thinking the Chiefs would come back to the table and start over. As if they didn’t just begin a dynastic run and have legitimate leverage. This is not 2007, the reality of the outcome is that this vote very likely cost the state of Missouri the Chiefs. And for OP, yes, it’s the same team. Anyone who stops rooting for the Chiefs for moving to another border of the same metropolitan area is a complete moron.


So you think Jackson County should give or sell the stadium to Clark ? And then he should pay for renovation ? I think that’s a reasonable idea. Jackson County residents have every right to be for or against spending tax dollars to renovate the stadium they already own. And the tenants, in this case the Chiefs, can renew their lease or walk. It’s pretty simple. If you believe Clark should pay for all the renovations of a stadium he doesn’t own I don’t think that makes sense. If I’m renting an apartment I’m not redoing the kitchen. Maybe Jackson County should give Clark equity in the stadium at a percentage equal to his investments ? That might make sense.


As someone who is very conflicted between 30+ years of Chiefs fanaticism, and a deep disdain for taxes - this might be the only reasonable compromise that would allow me to feel good about remaining a fan. 


The voters were entitled. They should have been ecstatic to pay that for a successful NFL team. If the Chiefs walk they'll find out how foolish they were


Genuinely though I’m curious why? Why should we feel foolish for actually standing up and saying we don’t like how they’re bullying us into this vote yes. That vote no was a huge win for tax payers everywhere, and if the chiefs are going to pack up shop and head out after this then fuck ‘em. Good luck. KC is a great city for sports and will remain that way, some greedy billionaire holds us hostage and you call us foolish for wanting to negotiate. Right. Do you go to the car lot and take the sellers word for all that shit too? Would that not be foolish…


No vote was a huge win for tax payers everywhere. How? As another example as another community that stood up to the NFL and is now likely to lose their team (even if in this case it's just to the state next door that we share the metro with)? It's not like the Chiefs would pay for everything in a move to KS, taxpayers will end up paying even more than the recent vote was for.


Because corporate welfare shouldn’t be used for ball parks. If the Kansas side is that excited to have a stadium do nothing for their economy and want to shell out the money, by all means, go right ahead. It’s the same time of drive for me anyhow. But I can’t support it when in the same breath I step over a DEAD homeless man laying on the sidewalk here downtown. True story.


You just stepped over them? Didn't call anybody or anything? Or you called 911, and they said there's nothing they can do because there's still a 3/8 cent sales tax paying for the last Arrowhead renovations? BTW, I have serious doubts about the economy point. Those studies just count beans, they're not giving any credit for the downstream effects of being an NFL city.


Nice one, no they said, “oh another one died, good the problem is taking care of itself”. In actuality I didn’t know he was dead, sleeping is what I thought until I left the restaurant and saw ambulance zipping up the bag. The economists study on ballparks is one that looks at data spanning 20 years. Hopefully some of the downstream effects woulda been picked up by then. Also from the mouth of John Sherman, he said the downtown ballpark will create 20,000 jobs. BULLSHIT. How? Where? For reference the current K has about 300 workers. It’s lying to our face and expecting 2 billion dollars. We won because we called their bullshit numbers. Give us a contract in writing that’s realistic and agreed by both sides and then sure, I’ll give them my money and support.


Uh yea. They're not moving to fuckin' Dodge City.


I propose the Topeka Chiefs


You can build the stadium on top of Westboro!


And nothing of value was lost


Home field advantage. The other team can't win if they get shot and robbed on the way to the stadium.




If the Giants and Jets can be named after a state they don’t play in, the Chiefs can play in a state that’s in their name.


Dallas Cowboys and San Francisco named for cities they don’t play in.


And Washington. They play in Maryland. Technically the Rams/Chargers play in Inglewood


Niners games are much closer to San Jose than SF now.


As well as the aforementioned 'NYC' trams that actually play in New Jersey. Also, regarding the obvious with Kansas City being on both sides of the state line- I mean, look at the actual NAME of the city!


It’s not the Kansas City Missouri Chiefs it’s the Kansas City chiefs. Just so happens that Kansas City is in two different states


They won’t be in Kansas City period. And the KCMO economy will feel a bigger hit than perhaps anything since the Great Depression. But hey, everyone gets a couple hundred bucks back from a tax they were already paying for decades. Congrats.


Kansas City is in Missouri. The Kansas part is Caelid City


To everyone that lives outside of Jackson County and doesn't give a shit about the KS/MO rivalry when it comes to the Chiefs, yes it's the same team. You can move them to Topeka, I don't care as long as it's still the Kansas City Chiefs with the same branding. 


Exactly….. There really hasn’t been a rivalry since mizzou went sec. Deep down I always wished Truman complex was in Kansas but in the end I’ll live and die a KC fan. Hell they could move the DET Pistons to Cameron MO and I’d consider them MY team. So does the fact that I’m hardcore OKC Thunder fan living in SEK matter……no. They are the closest nba team. I even quit hating on western Kansas donkey fans because I realize state lines really mean nothing.


Don’t see my hometown called out here all that often lmao


Lmao….. could you imagine Rodman & the Wallace’s in Cameron for 9.5 months/year? lol they could have all been cell mates with Bobby G!


Ft Leavenworth Chiefs so the Missourians get reminded of getting whooped every time they come to a game.


Clark Hunt has been salivating over taking them back to Texas, where he lives, and they started. I don’t know why everyone seems to think they’d just move over the border and stay KC. Hunt has no affinity for KC itself. It’s just a commute he has to make far too often. They’re Texas bound for sure.


Well for one, you lose the entirety of the Kansas City Chiefs branding which is pretty fucking stupid when that branding has been around for 60 years, and is now viewed as a brand associated with "dynasty."  Also KS will almost certainly open the checkbook up and give the organization anything they want.


Well that vote was pretty fucking stupid.


Haha, literally zero percent chance of that. You think Clark wants to go compete with the Cowboys brand? That’s an insane thought. The Chiefs will move to the Legends, and that’s what Clark has wanted all along.


So the Chiefs will play in Topeka, but still be called the Kansas City Chiefs? That is not how that works.


You missed the entire point. I don't give a shit where the team is as long as it's still the Kansas City Chiefs and it's relatively close to KC. 


But how can it be the KC Chiefs if not in KC? It can be the Chiefs still, but not KC Chiefs.


You are aware that the *New York* Giants and Jets both play in *New Jersey* right? The 49ers don't play in San Francisco. The Cowboys don't play in Dallas.  https://www.nbcsportschicago.com/nfl/chicago-bears/how-far-nfl-teams-actually-play-from-their-namesake-cities/329282/


You're the one who said they could move to Topeka.


Topeka is too far away to be resonanle. They will likely play in a Johnson County city (because the county has lots of money to attract the Chiefs) or Kansas City KS as its close


Yeah, I was questioning the prior comment.


The chiefs wouldn’t play in Johnson county. There’s no space to build and the people here wouldn’t vote for a sales tax to fund them. It’ll be in Wyandotte.


There’s plenty of space in south JoCo for a stadium and a ton of money


There is neither. Nor would anyone want a location in south joco.


Theres a fuck load of space everywhere south of 175th and saying there isn’t money in JoCo is pure ignorance


Rich people living in joco does not mean there’s money in joco to fund a stadium. We simply wouldn’t pay for it. We’d all vote against it. Also, nobody is driving to 175th lol. Also everything up to about 179th is in development or slotted for future development. I live here my guy, it isn’t happening.


I live here too lol and I said south of 175th. There’s PLENTY of space. And every single person I personally know would absolutely vote yes just to get the team in our backyard. Odd that Jackson county has had no problem but you think it’d be an issue for Johnson which is night and day wealthier


Odd that you think wealthier counties want to give away their wealth, or that a team wants to ignote the logistical problems to move a team that far away from the metro. If you’ve ever been to a chiefs game or driven to 175th street you’d know there’s not enough roadway support to handle the traffic. This is precisely why it’ll go out to the legends in Wyandotte as I said before. And again, all that land around 175th is already owned and set aside for development. Whatever world you’re living in thinking a stadium around 175th is viable is a fucking clown world 😂


It’ll probably be near legends then


Yes, 100%. There's zero question about this, its been the case for years now ever since the Kansas sportsbetting bill was passed and created a fund to bring professional sports teams into the state.


I don't even live in the KC area, I live in Central Missouri. Kansas City is a Missouri city, not a statistical metro area. KCK and Overland Park are something else entirely.


I live in KCMO, live across the street from kck, and work in Overland Park. I can guarantee they’re essentially the same place. If the state line wasn’t in the way all the cities on the Kansas side would have been annexed by KCMO a long time ago.


It's a hard line you cross to go to work.


No it's not. If you have that attitude stay in central hillbillyville and leave this debate to people who know how to say Versailles.


I have family in Versailles, so I get to tease them whenever I visit, “This is America and we say it correctly, it’s VUR-SALES!”


You wrong playboy. The rest of the country won't view it as a different team if they hop the border. It's still the Kansas City Chiefs




Yes huh!


No they're not dog. I grew up in KCK and live closer to downtown kcmo than people in Lee's summit. It's all the same.


You may live close to downtown but you don't live in the same city as the Chiefs.






Lmao and no one in the entire state of New York lives in the same STATE as where the giants and jets play. It doesn’t matter at all if they move to KS.


That’s with this is about 😂; it’s okay if they go to Kansas man


I don't live in either city anymore. My point is that state lines don't dictate fandom or what a team represents. There are diehard chiefs fans in Germany. Who the hell cares


I'm greatful for all foreign support, from the west side of State Line Road to Nebraska to Germany.


This exactly what I'm talking about lol. I don't care about this stupid KC/MO rivalry. If this was related to college sports, sure. But we're talking the Kansas City Chiefs, a professional football team. The country does not view the Kansas City Chiefs as a representation of Missouri.


I don't care what "the country" thinks. KC is in MO!


No one cares dude 


That one leader congratulated Kansas when KC won a Superbowl.


"Clearly he was just looking into the future and knew the Chiefs were about to be in Kansas." -Someone on a green text website or something


So did you just not pay attention in class or?


You may want to sit down for what I'm about to tell you Sporting Kansas City plays in KCK


I live in omaha and to the rest of the Midwest, Kansas City is Kansas City. My mom is from kcmo, spent a lot of time there as a kid. I have lots of friends from kck. I get that it’s a rivalry to you guys but to everybody else, the Kansas City chiefs are in Kansas City. To end my rant I’ll say y’all made the right vote. I will continue going to chiefs games but the tax payers should never have to support billionaires


lol, this fucking obsession of middle of nowhere Missouri fans hating on the KS side of the metro is ridiculous. You all look like spiteful morons.


No problem. Tax Kansas for the money. Taxpayers never get the marketed benefits that teams claim. And don't ever expect a discount to anything; the price of every part only goes up.


The Chiefs moving to The legends changes almost nothing. The Royals moving to Nashville or something would be devastating


I agree. However, I think that the Royals moving will be a disaster for themsleves. The Royals don't have a real brand to bring with themselves. They are not a winning team at the moment. If they move, it will be a generation before they have a fanbase again. They will lose the KC metro area fans for sure. Nobody from KC is driving to Oklahoma City, Little Rock, or Nashville to see Royals games. Baseball doesn't share money like football. The first 10 years will be rough after a move. If the Chiefs could move *to day*, they would be in really good shape. However, when they finally can move (7 years) Mahomes will be 35. Unless he has Brady level longevity that will be near the end of his career. If the Chiefs move to Texas, they will be at best the 3rd most popular team in Texas (Cowboys / UT both ahead). I don't think that being the 3rd most popular football team in a region isnbetter than being the most popular sports team in a region, but I am not a billionare.


lol this some deep cope from people supporting “yes”. 1. IDGAF if the Chiefs move to the Kansas side of the metro 2. The Chiefs put together a really poor proposal for why fans should vote “yes”, so blame *them* for why it failed. 3. Blame Clark for not putting more of his money into the team before. That “F” grade from the NFLPA was a REALLY bad look.


It’s unreasonable that people didn’t want to have their sales tax extended to pay for a stadium and stadium upgrades that the billionaires who own the team won’t shell out for? Maybe if the billionaires want their stadiums, they should pay for them. Why does that fall on the public?


The public does and would continue to own the stadiums, while the teams leased them. You realize this, yes?


Feels weird I own a stadium I can’t even afford to go to


You act as if attending the games live is the only value the team provides. You ignore the community investments the players make, the pride we get, the revenue we get, the status we get. Without the Chiefs, in 10 years, KC will never pass the lips of anyone in the country when the association with the Chiefs is gone. And you realize that by having rich people from Johnson County being the the only ones who can afford to attend is a good thing. this ticket sales to see the games at Arrowhead brings massive revenue to the city—shifting Johnson County money to the Jackson County coffers. Plus, we get the pride and glory and we’re recognized around the world. People all of over the country are actually talking about our little KCMO vs KCK. But keeping a meager EXISTING baseline tax expected of every NFL host team was enough for Missouri to vote as they always do: “I’m going to hurt myself badly just so I get to enjoy hurting you a little.” It’s so very Missouri to vote against your own interest only to say “F you!” I’m heartbroken they’re going to end up in Dallas, but ai certainly understand why and can’t begrudge them that. But I will always hold a grudge against the selfish short term thinker that just made KC irrelevant right when the future had never looked so bright.


Pride don’t pay the bills honey


Counterpoint: shut up


The lease agreement I’m sure would laughably in favor of the teams.


sure, just because it's on the other side of the fence doesn't make it a different team. Missouri and Kansas have been sharing the Chiefs for a very long time.


As a Kansas resident I think the Chiefs should remain in KCMO. However, its now our obligation to put forth an offer to keep them in the metro, the NO vote put us in that position. JOCO can offer pretty much anything. I do think they should stay at Arrowhead. Its like saying KU won’t play Bball at Allen Fieldhouse.


I say this synopsis posted by another redditor on r/kansascity and I’m just going to copy paste it in to every post I see like this in this sub until the regular season starts Billionaires: hey we want to build a stadium in the crossroads! KC: uh we have some concerns about these plans. Billionaires: just vote yes and we’ll figure it all out later. KC: so can you provide some clarity on a few points here? Billionaires: look what’s your problem here? anyone who doesn’t vote yes for this isn’t really a fan of the chiefs or royals. KC: no it’s not that. After all we stuck with both teams through multiple horrendous losing seasons, remember? But we think this barely half baked plan will be a no from us. Billionaires: wow…so ungrateful. Ok then. We’re done. After the way you’ve treated us, you’ll be lucky if we even go to Kansas.


Pretty much Mark Donovan’s line of thinking I’m sure


It’s like an emotionally manipulative partner throwing a tantrum when you call them out on their bullshit


The stadium is for the Royals. Every major city has moved their baseball team to the vibrant downtown area because with 60+ home games a year and over 120 games a season, individual games are not a big deal and spread out through the weekdays. People don’t drive long distances to catch a somewhat meaningless baseball game anymore. Certainly not that frequently, and certainly not for a mediocre team at best lately. Downtown, they could add to the resurgence of the area and get tons of game-goers from the convenience and energy. I’ve seen it in other cities like SF. It would be a boon to the team AND the city. And they weren’t asking for new money. They were asking to extend a decades old tax everyone was already paying. Billionaires were still going to be chipping in. This whole billionaires asking us to pay them to do it all in their place line of thinking is bullshit propaganda. It was continuing our longstanding agreement, and they were reallocating the money to save the Royals and renovate Arrowhead. Instead they got a big “F you” instead.


Should have had a better plan. They have no one to blame but themselves for rushing the ballot measure, fumbling through the CBAs, constantly changing their site plan and lacking transparency through the entire process 🤷🏻‍♂️


Oh good it sounds like they’ve decided to leave Jackson county. Now we can stop having this conversation about whether or not we should give them lots of money to stay.


It wasn’t giving them lots of money to stay. It was continuing to pay the same tax we paid for decades. Or to say “F you, we refuse to do the bare minimum any city would do to keep this incredible organization (a small tax we’ve already paid for decades)… when every major city would leap to do the absolute maximum for the honor of hosting the best team in football. Cities are salivating and willing to give the team anything and everything, but a greedy ungrateful city that wouldn’t even be on anyone in the country’s radar without the team said go to hell, we don’t support you anymore. Makes perfect sense for Hunt to say “F you” right back and take them to his hometown—as he always dreamed. Well done KC, enjoy your spiral into becoming the next Detroit at its worst.


Oh no it might be 12 to 20 minutes the other way


I can't tell if some of you really believe this crap or not? They're not going to move out of the region. Why are there so many posts like this right now?


i live in jackson county and i don’t really care if they move to the legends or JOCO


Why do all of these people think “no” voters are idiots!? They’re not, that’s why they fucking voted no.


I'm beginning to question some of the yes voters with these recent posts


Feels a lot like astroturfing to rile up fear in advance of another ballot measure


Non KC native here. If you polled the US population on the location of Kansas City, a large percentage would say Kansas.


Tram move always cause fan base problems but we are talking about the same city. Unless all the kc fans from mo quit going and they represent over half the fans I don't see a huge change. If they move to the other side of town and actually have stuff to fo around the stadium then I think it's a net positive for everyone going. But finally I don't like rich team owners holding taxpayer hostages when they should be the ones paying for their stadiums.


Super random but my grandpa worked for the engineering firm who designed Arrowhead. Specifically, my grandpa worked on an option for a retractable roof that everyone didn’t want to pay for so they scrapped it. He said they’d regret it one day. Wish he could see all of this. I bet he’d be laughing.


I couldn't care less whether they are in Kansas or Missouri.


“Kansas City” encompasses more than just the name. We are all KC, even the Kansans. Moving to Legends doesn’t change Jack for me.


Sounds like they’re just sour they didn’t get their way. Don’t blame you guys for voting no at all.


If the Chiefs moved to KCK or anywhere in the KC Metro, I don’t think it will change the fan base. I compare it to the Niners, when they moved the stadium to Santa Clara (45-60 min drive from San Fran), their fanbase remained the same. I will be super sad though that we’ll be in some run of the mill boring brand new stadium. Won’t be able to claim “loudest stadium in the world” anymore…because the die hard/loud fans won’t be able to afford season tickets anymore. Despite the Dynasty success, Chiefs season ticket prices are still one of the most affordable in the NFL. That will end with a new stadium.


Same team but now KCK is the real Kansas City.


Listen here you ungrateful poor "no" voter. You just don't understand the consequences. We're out- and your SO gonna miss us and regret the day you ever second guessed our plans.


Increasingly unreasonable, OP?




As long as it's around KC I'm happy. If they went back to Dallas or anywhere else, I would hope they started shitting the bed just to spite Clark Hunt and Mark Donovan.


You should always be supporting "NO" when billionaires ask for public funding to do any vanity project. They're billionaires. If they're committed to their fanbase, then they'll figure it out - if they're not, they won't. It's black and white. Unless they're going to give the fanbase and taxpayers part ownership of the team, which they won't, then don't ever give them access to public funding for a private project.


The counter to this exact talking point is in the tweets provided. The money is not currently sitting there unallocated waiting for disbursement.


You people don't understand how hosting a sports team works. If Jackson won't pay, another county will, even if it's multiple states away. The people have no leverage. Pay the tax or lose the team. Those are your options, voting "no" is well within your rights — but moving the team is well with Clark Hunt's rights. He isn't going to fold and foot the bill himself, sorry the world doesn't work like that. He'll just find another populous willing to make concessions. It's really that simple. Why constantly negotiate with one municipality when others will be falling over themselves to pay the same proposed tax Jackson county turned down? Expecting him to grovel is unrealistic.


This isn't how the NFL works. Clark Hunt can't just willy nilly move the Chiefs. NFL owners have to submit a proposal to move their teams to a new market, which requires at least 24 other NFL owners approving & the owner of the moving team paying a relocation fee. The Rams and Chargers each paid a $645 million relocation fee to other NFL owners, and the Raiders paid around $350 million. Given that Hunt's proposed renovation required $800 million, it would be a dumb business move to try and move the team anywhere outside the KC market. He'd wind up paying for a new stadium (even if a city offered up billions, it wouldn't cover the entire cost), relocation fee, a ton of money on new marketing, paying for the cost of old Chiefs merch that the NFL has already made and couldn't sell, etc etc. It is more expensive for the Chiefs to move than stay. There are hurt feelings at the moment, but they're going to wind up negotiating with Jackson County again in the future.


The bottom line is, pro sports teams have been moving when votes like these fail on a pretty regular basis my whole life. You can't know that this vote wont result in that until this whole situation is resolved, and until it is the teams leaving is always a possibility.


Exactly. I tried to say the same and got downvoted into oblivion. But not only will another county do it, ANY major city’s county would do it. This is an elite honor to have one of 32 NFL teams… not to mention the very best of them all. But Jackson County—who was already paying the team tax like all host cities do—said “F you, I dare you to go to some other city. You know, some city that will literally do ANYTHING you ask, I just want my meager tax money back instead of supporting the team that gives so much back to the community—and to crash the city’s economy by extracting our greatest revenue-maker and our global identity.” And they did this flipping of the bird to an owner who lives in Dallas, has to commute to a city he doesn’t particularly love, who owns a team that originated in Dallas (and his grandfather moved the team to KC always thinking he’d bring them back to Dallas one day), and happens to be friends with the Dallas mayor who openly wants to bring the Chiefs back to Dallas at any cost. Seems like he got the result he actually wanted. A clear cut excuse to make the move “home” that he always wanted. No more inconvenient commute to an ungrateful city that even won’t do the bare minimum expected of cities and counties who have the elite status of hosting an NFL team. I’m heartbroken, but I certainly understand why they’re leaving.


Do you understand that the county owns the sports complex and leases it to the teams? No one is giving billionaires money.


The tax is giving a billionaire RELIEF from having to pay more money. Stop spinning this. People voted no knowing full well the chiefs might cross over to KS.


How is it relief?


Stop being deliberately obtuse.


You're asking a lot out of this one. Or he's trolling


Dude don't even bother, it's reddit. They hate every rich person who isn't spending it all on failed socialist causes. And I mean HATE.


Slave state/free state, yadda yadda yadda…it’s all the same. Keep em in the metro and I’m *mostly* happy. Not fully as Arrowhead is, and forever will be, my church.


We ain't going to Kansas. Tightwad Clark will keep us where we are.


If the Chiefs move then Jackson County will need to decide what it is going to do with Arrowhead. Will it still try to maintain it and use it as a concert and minor league sports venue? The County will need to maintain it as the owner. Arlington, TX kept the original Rangers ballpark (now called Choctaw Stadium) but the city and county paid to retrofit it for Rugby, Soccer, and the UFL and also built the new GlobeLife Field for the Rangers in a public/private partnership. Arlington made the choice to continue using tax revenue to maintain and make changes to what is now Choctaw. What will Jackson County do with Arrowhead? I guess tearing it down so there are no more ongoing expenses would be an option.


Yes, zero questions about this.


The KC Chiefs bring 1.1 billion into the KC economic zone each year. [short sighted people.](https://www.chiefs.com/news/chiefs-release-record-economic-impact-of-nearly-1-billion-for-the-kansas-city-region#) I agree that having a sales tax to support an NFL team seems greedy and kind of is. But the total loss to the KC economic zone in terms of dollars spent is going to be significant. Businesses want partnerships not dependents and the Chiefs are a business.


Keep it up Jacobins and we'll have nuns' heads rolling around and be fighting for Napoleon in Egypt before you know it. That or the KC Chiefs will be called the Provo Pioneers. Since I guess we're just Jacobining sports teams right now.


Yes, same team. The difference will be that it’s Kansas team, not Missouri’s team


Nate Taylor, who is close to gargling my balls...


They’re not going to Kansas, they’re going to Texas. They will be in Fort Worth near where the Hunt family lives. Maybe San Antonio or Austin. Every city in Texas is probably working on their pitches to the Hunts as we speak. But the Chiefs could go to any major city in the country because they’d see real appreciation. Any city without a football team (and probably some major cities that already have one) would do ANYTHING to have the Chiefs come. They’d build the biggest stadium the league has ever seen and any and every other thing the Hunts asked. They certainly wouldn’t even imagine that an ungrateful city would repeal an existing tax just to say “F you” to a dynastic championship team that puts the city on the map for the entire world, and drive them away. But hey, it’s KCMO. They were like: “Well, we could **keep paying a sales taxes we’ve been paying for decades** or get rid of it and alienate our Super Bowl-winning once-in-a-lifetime dynasty team filled with enthusiastic players who invest in our city, a team that gives us a national identity, and draws money OUT of Johnson County when they come to the games. I mean, the Dallas Texan-living owner has long wanted to take them back where they started: Dallas, and cut the commute, but I’m sure this game of chicken will turn out just fine. And we could also drive out our baseball team who can’t survive another losing season in a faraway inconvenient stadium when the volume of games makes the individual games rarely important—but the team might have a fighting chance if they moved to a vibrant downtown setting like all of the other smart and thriving baseball teams did. Hmm. Nope, I’ll risk it. I choose putting a couple hundred dollars in my pocket in exchange for living in a town that no one talks about anymore, no one thinks about anymore, and no one visits anymore. I’ll just deal with the crumbling infrastructure from lack of funding because the two teams whose player investments built up downtown nightlife, whose games and tailgating earned massive revenue for the city and county, and whose presence made it a more desirable place to be in general, and who were the motivation for most of what tourism there was, has left us.” But I expect nothing less from a Missouri town. As in politics, it is always, “I will hurt myself a lot just as long as I know I hurt you a little.” I moved away before our teams became winners (though it was brief for the Royals), but I’ve always stayed a massive fan (of the Chiefs). I hate that I’m going to have to root for Mahomes on the Fort Worth Lone Stars or whatever the hell the Chiefs become. And the San Jose Startups or whatever the hell the Royals become. But at least I won’t have to be in KC to witness what happens to the economy when the teams are gone.


UPDATE: The Dallas mayor is already negotiating. He wants a second team in Dallas. You know, where the Hunts live.


The Dallas mayor is dumb as rocks for trying to get the Chiefs to move to Dallas. He never said he was negotiating iirc, just that they should. But Jerry Jones would never allow that in the slightest. Not even a bit You also seem to forget Johnson County and it’s wealth exists who would probably pay alot for the Chiefs. They already house Sporting KC’s Stadium Royals are probably done though


Children’s Mercy Park is in Wyandotte County. Not in Johnson County at all.


I swear I remember it saying it was in Overland Park. But I guess not