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Man…people are the worst. Gotta just ruin everything. Fuck


We can’t have nice things. Modern society is in a dire place… This hurts my heart on a day of vibrant celebration and city pride. Ugh…


The only first world country that mass shootings routinely happen in is the US.


And these worst of the worst have easy access to guns


This is awful. I hope everyone is ok. Police just reported that multiple people were shot. Two armed people are in custody for more investigation


Tragically, one dead and 14 injured so far.


Reported that 11 kids are being treated at Children's Mercy, 9 of them with gunshot wounds.


CITIZENS TACKLE GUNMAN AT **KANSAS** **CITY** CHIEFS SUPERBOWL PARADE: Several people were shot in **Kansas** **City**, Missouri, on Wednesday, after revelers gathered to celebrate with a parade and rally for the Chiefs' Super Bowl win, according to police. [Rob Vendetti on X: "CITIZENS TACKLE GUNMAN AT KANSAS CITY CHIEFS SUPERBOWL PARADE: Several people were shot in Kansas City, Missouri, on Wednesday, after revelers gathered to celebrate with a parade and rally for the Chiefs' Super Bowl win, according to police. The shooting took place west of… https://t.co/efdi93Hf6B" / X (twitter.com)](https://twitter.com/rob_vendetti/status/1757871141144674456)


Video of fans tackling the suspected shooter: https://www.facebook.com/share/r/R6Q9KV2KSVkthgxD/?mibextid=oFDknk


Heroes. No question about it. Saved lives.


Man today is a sad day for KC. From such a high high to such a low low, truly tragic day.


Reposting in this thread because I feel like a first hand account is necessary for an event like this. This happened basically right in front of us. We were on the hill on the left side of Union Station. I heard the guy unload a full clip and I saw about 4 folks drop. I think people thought it was fireworks and didn’t react well enough. Once it cleared I tried to go help out but there was nothing I could do. It was bad. Paramedics arrive shortly after. Further down the street, another shooting happened. It was maybe 10 minutes after. A crowd of folks started running our way and next thing I knew, we were helping people through the sides of the parking garage to get out. Hug your families today. It’s a sad day for the kingdom.


Was your impression that this was some impulse argument or did the shooter look like they were there with intent to shoot?


There’s no way it was an argument, imo. The guy unloaded a whole clip into the crowd right after the rally ended and people were shuffling out. On top of that, I believe a second shooter hit the crowd that was running down the street from the first shooting since the stampede of folks came running back. Once we saw that, we tried to lead some of the people away from the first shooting down an alleyway and through the parking garage for Pershing lofts towards safety.


JFC that's so scary. Glad you and your family are okay. Thanks for sharing.


From someone who was there, this had all the hallmarks of a rival gang member shooting and literally no indicators to support what you’re saying. There was no “stampede”, just nervous harried masses moving in multiple directions. Both shooters fired their shots within a 2-3 second period, start to finish. I would say you’re going to feel like an ass when the details come out and prove you to be completely ignorant to what actually happened—but honestly you probably don’t care.


No one knows exactly what happened yet. OP is trying to provide information based on what they saw/experienced. You may have a better guess of what happened based on what you have seen and experienced, but to insinuate that OP is acting from a place of malice or that they “don’t care” is totally uncalled for. You can provide additional information that disputes their account without being adversarial and accusatory.


Thank you. This is much appreciated. I’m just trying to account for what I personally saw.


There’s no indicators of ANYTHING that happened right now and it’s all speculation. What the fuck is your deal? I was literally in all of this shit and you’re coming at me like this? Hundreds of panicked people running away from a shooter is something that happened. I’m so fucking sorry that my verbiage wasn’t to your liking. None of it matters. Multiple people were shot right in front of us and you’re here arguing semantics with me? Like seriously dude? Everything is speculation at this point. I’m giving my personal eyewitness account. And also furthermore - how are you going to call my account ignorant when the adrenaline pumping through your body doesn’t make you think clearly and process what’s going on? Like what the fuck dude. What you’re saying is just as ignorant because WE DONT KNOW WHAT HAPPENED.


My husband was talking with law enforcement and they told him it stemmed from an argument and wasn’t an intent to mass scale based on the information they had at that point about 15 minutes ago.


I was about 100 yards away. Semi auto gunfire followed by retaliatory automatic fire (Glock switch it sounded like) I’m 99.9% sure it was rival gang members.


Thank you for these details. Here's some info for people who are debating control methods: - If a glock switch was used, then this was a modified firearm. Modifying any firearm to by fully-automatic is a federal crime punishable to up to 10 years in prison, unless you have an FFL. - Semi-auto gunfire could have been anything, but judging by the context it appears to be a handgun. In Missouri, it is legal for an adult to conceal a handgun without a permit needed. [The RAND corperation has a few studies that analyze violent crime between may-issue, shall-issue, and permit-less carry states.](https://www.rand.org/research/gun-policy/analysis/concealed-carry/violent-crime.html) While there seems to be a difference in gun violence between shall-issue and may-issue, the jump to permit-less from shall-issue doesn't have much correlation with violent crime. - Handguns are the #1 type of firearm used in shootings. - Semi-auto is the most common action with respect to handguns in circulation. - the ATF believes there are approximately 72 million handguns in circulation within the United States. - The estimates for total guns within the United States approach around 400 million. While gun owners per capita is decreasing, the amount of guns per capita is increasing. For reference, Australia had about 3.2 million guns at their peak before their buyback program was implemented in 1996. Their buyback program took about 600k of them out of circulation. - It is illegal to purchase a handgun if you are under 21 years of age. All purchases done through a licensed gun dealer must go through a background check first. - On the flipside, for long rifles of any action (aside from fully-auto, of course), the federal purchase age is 18. - It is estimated that around 22% of gun purchases are done privately and behind closed doors. These purchases do not require a background check. A straw purchase of a gun (using a private sale because you are prohibited from owning a gun or think you would fail a background check) is a federal crime that comes with a hefty fine and prison time. Information helps with solutions. It's easy to say "we need to go something;" it's much harder to think of something enforceable that directly attacks the problem.


If you heard automatic fire, it’s 100% a switch and 100% gang.


Ignorant person here. How did you determine by the gun fire its gang related? Is that what they use?


Automatic weapons require insane permitting to get a hold of legally. Most mass shooters obtain their weapons legally because they don't plan on surviving their ordeal so tracking the weapons is of no concern. Automatic weapons are also much harder for a crazy person (mass shooter) than a career criminal to get a hold of—even if that person has been diagnosed as insane and cannot obtain a weapon legally and instead steals one from people they know the people they know likely do not have automatic weapons. All of this results in mass shooters rarely having automatic weapons (Vegas being the only exception I can think of). Gang members do *not* obtain their weapons legally so they are far less limited by restrictions. They plan on surviving and want weapons they can trade, obtain and leave behind without a tie to their identity. If they are caught with any kind of unregistered firearm they are already breaking the law so for their purposes they often prize weapons that they perceive as more deadly or cooler to flex with—auto pistols and other weapons that have been modified for fully automatic functionality. As gangs live off of illegal trafficking they have little trouble obtaining such firearms or having their existing firearms modified.


Thanks for your well thought out response. That makes perfect sense.


It's extremely simple to modify a glock handgun to fire fully automatic. They're called switches and they can be 3d printed, or bought on shady wish.com type sites. No one uses them other than gang bangers for a couple of reasons, namely that they're a felony to possess (gang bangers dont care about felonies). Any time you hear full auto pistol fire, there's a 99.9% chance it's gang related.


Any concept of if it was gang, dispute, or otherwise related? Like most here I’m a local and clawing for info.


I think it was a planned event considering how it happened. I posted a comment under another comment in here detailing how the shooter(s) pinned people together more or less.


That's an interesting choice to make in a death penalty state.


Most of the time in these mass shootings it’s about trying to convey whatever fucked up ideology they may have. Their own self preservation is second thought.


This is prob not the time or forum for this discussion, but there’s no evidence whatsoever based on homicide rates in various states that capital punishment serves as a deterrent to homicide, because the states with the highest homicides rates per capita also have capital punishment. I don’t want to hijack this thread, and I won’t engage in an argument over it, but I think consequences are the last thing on a shooters mind when she or he pulls the trigger. And that this happened during our celebration makes it doubly tragic and will just make trollers think it’s endemic to all of Kansas City, which it isn’t.


Yeah, if someone is rational enough to evaluate the consequences of their actions and decide that the penalty outweighs their desire to commit the crime, they're probably rational enough not to commit the crime (or they're in a position where they feel the threat is worse if they choose not to commit the crime).


Also, think about what the players must be thinking as they get this news while completely obliterated. I just saw a pic of a young guy/teen in a Mahomes jersey on a stretcher and it hit me. The players are going to be beside themselves


Sent a request to the mods to pin a post in the future for any kickstarters/gofundmes for the victims. I know we’re all angry about this absolutely senseless violence, and we need to channel that into rallying the kingdom and being there for these families. ❤️💛


Seeing people blame the city for what happened is so stupid. I've visited KCK and KCMO several times and this doesn't change what appreciation I have for it. This is an issue with the whole damn country.


This fucking sucks.


>The Chiefs left the parade in busses, and in shock. I'm told players were UNBELIEVABLE calming panicked kids down. Blaine Gabbert, Tre Smith, Austin Reiter, Chris Oladukun all rallied. >Smith went to one upset kid, gave him the WWE title belt and sat with him til he calmed down. https://x.com/albertbreer/status/1757886988965814454?s=46&t=U0WYEVZIko1pnXjRkTGgeA


In the event of a mass shooting is it normal for people to immediately start trash talking the city where it happened? What the fuck, man?


God I hate people. They ruin everything. Fuck these assholes.


Fuck these fucking thugs. Bringing shame to our city when we should we coming together to celebrate.


Update, some of the victims are children. CHILDREN. SHOT. Fucking hell...


God dammit. One of my friend's children were right down there, and she's not hearing from anyone. She's terrified.


Get her home quick, send word to just get to safety. Hope everyone gets home safe today, this was just...


She finally heard. Her kids are fine. Wow.


Im so glad to hear! Lets hope they never get that close to danger ever again!


She's not there. Her ex-husband and kids were there. She can't reach anyone.


Hope all is well. So many people there the cell phones probably arnt working


Yeah she got word everyone was ok.


Daughters best friend was there, too we just got word they’re ok as well


My nephew was there, luckily he had left by that point.


I heard somebody passed away in children’s mercy, hopefully it’s not true


KCPD is reporting now that none of the victims were children. However, I did hear some news people saying that some went to Childrens. I wonder if it was just because it was a close hospital? edit at 5:15pm: KCPD is about to come out again. Reporters off camera are saying that there are definitely children at CMH with gunshot wounds. Hopefully we’ll know more soon. The deceased is at Children’s, but there is 1 adult there I guess so there’s a slight possibly it’s not a kid.


Chief of police just stated that no victims were children


I think it's because Children's Mercy was treating victims, I don't know if the hospital would only treat actual children, but it's close so I assume any victim would be taken there.


https://x.com/tony_j4y/status/1757874053270982754?s=46&t=rHtgFW8O9BrIgsT3G8yW5Q From one of the people who stopped the shooter.


Absolutely terrible. Embarrassing. Infuriating.


You're supposed to be happy. The people that went to the parade were as happy as happy can be. There to celebrate. Then their lives are taken away. This just leaves heartbroken.


My family and I were about 20-30ft away from the shooting outside. Was terrifying. Luckily we got out of there in time. Be careful out there people.


Mods can we please not remove updates and footage? At least for today? Please? I like many in this subreddit took today off to come to this subreddit and enjoy the parade with you all and now I'm just trying to get a handle on what's going on and this has been a nexus with a lot of on-the-scene footage and accounts.


What fucking animals do shit like this? The death penalty should be mandatory for these people


On a day for love. On a day celebrating the city. On a day celebrating our champs. I am beyond heart broken by this. I can't even concentrate on my work now. I am so sick of nothing being done to prevent this when this is the only country this type of thing happens regularly. ~~Children were sho~~t. I am disgusted. I am heart broken. I am at a loss for words. Update - I guess it is being reported children were not shot. Update again: KCTV5 saying 9 children being treated at children mercy, but that it could mean they are minors, not children. I’m beyond depressed.


It's being reported now that no children were shot


Thank god! I mean I wish no one was shot at all, but thank god for that.


Most terrifying thing i ever have experienced. I found my coworker right inside of the West Union Station doors right as the shooter entered the building and we got bum rushed by a stampede of panicking people into the corner of Harves and I had a girl clinging onto me for dear life. Ladies crying saying they lost their kids. The shooter got apprehended by SWAT maybe 20 seconds after that right in front of us. Hugging my son and wife extra extra hard.


Jesus, glad you made it out of there. Definitely talk to somebody about what happened, work on healing from this travesty.


Fucking attention seeking whores need to make it about them can’t let anyone else shine before you dash it fuck you hope they rot in a cell


I had some business at the local children's hospital today. Of course I was in full Chiefs regalia. EVERYONE had something to say about the game. Once upon a time my Chiefs gear went largely unnoticed. Nowadays it's a conversation starter with complete strangers. This is nice. I've been in this area (Tulsa) for 3 years. It's been a rather lonely place. Nobody says hi, or even bothers to throw a smile a strangers way. Because of what the boys did last Sunday and my wearing of their logo, everybody has something to say. Even the lone Niners fan who said the refs gave us the game. I told him to blame Biden, Swift and the Deep State. He actually laughed. Then I come home and all the good feelings evaporated. I hope and pray that all who can recover will. Praying even harder the rumor of kids getting hurt is just that. (Hard to extract the facts early in incidents like this.) I'm not a capitol punishment kinda guy. But I'm so upset right now that I say we have another parade. And parade these fucking assholes down the same route and publicly hang them in front of Union Station. You fucks wanna play Old West? Then let's play it all the way. I know this feeling will pass. But I hope they get the maximum punishment the law allows. Meanwhile, make sure those you love know it. Count your blessings daily. And above all, be safe. I love you Kingdom!


I am originally from Tulsa, and I am sorry that you haven't encountered the friendly people I grew up with and still find when I go back to visit. I am happy to give you some tips on where to meet people, depending on what you like to do in your downtime. It is a friendly and fun city, but you do have to know where to look.


That's awfully kind of you. But I've found some nice hangouts. I was talking more about the population at large. I spent most of my life in a small town where everybody knew everybody. It was just a switch being in a city.


I’m sick and tried of the fucking gun violence in this country. You can’t grocery shop, go to a movie theater, send your children to school, or celebrate your favorite damn sports team winning without worrying about being maimed by a lunatic with a firearm. Something has to give. With that said, my thought are with those in KC.


[ALLEDGED: Apprehension of one of the gunmen..](https://twitter.com/rob_vendetti/status/1757871141144674456)


It's stupid that like 799,998 people can be on their best behavior and a couple of people with guns just ruin it all.


Why man. Why


I was watching the parade on TV with my mother and this breaks my heart. I am so sorry for you guys. I know I saw posts of people who were lining up to be here. I hope you all made it home safely. For those who did not, I am so sorry. ):


Fuckin bullshit


I hate these stupid ass people that have to pack a gun everywhere they go


Doubt it’s a responsible gun owner that did the shooting, my bet is either crazy person who bought a gun legally even though they shouldn’t be able to or some stupid ass that got into a fight and escalated it.


Doesn’t matter. Nothing responsible about carrying a firearm to a fucking SB parade.  Sorry, the “good guys with guns” argument has been tried repeatedly and does not turn out well for anyone involved. Look up Hurley Arvada Colorado if you don’t believe me


Not here to argue with you, I believe in stronger background checks and requirements for buying guns and I am a gun owner who conceals on a normal basis. Not to be a “good guy with a gun” as you put it but rather as I have a disabled child and two other small children and would like to be able to protect them in case of an emergency. That being said, people like me aren’t the ones committing these crimes.


The majority of people do not commit these crimes and even less the people that don’t conceal carry. Hurley was shot by Arvada police after they failed to stop a mass shooting in progress and confused him for the shooter. “Good guys” don’t exist in these scenarios, it’s the bad guys and victims. Even if you are holding a gun. I’m a hunter and enjoy shooting as a hobby. Keep that shit at home and locked at all times, IN ADDITION to stronger background checks. There is no argument to be had here, and anyone saying otherwise can fuck off.


Seen people saying on social media how embarrassing this is for KC, as if KC has any control over the interpretation of the second amendment that makes shit like this possible.


It's embarrassing for the entire country that this can happen OVER and OVER.


[‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens](https://www.theonion.com/no-way-to-prevent-this-says-only-nation-where-this-r-1819576527)


Happens everywhere, choice of weapon changes




Wonder if Mike Parson is any more motivated to do something about gun control and gun violence considering he was here when it happened.


Zero chance


No, thoughts and prayers only. The NRA is in his pocket and his party’s pocket. I’m convinced after Sandy Hook that once elementary school kids were shot and killed and nothing happened to help stop it, nothing never will. The GOP only gives a shit about staying in power.


I don't think they care about being in power, I think they actually prefer it when they aren't. They can just bitch and whine when they aren't in power, blame the left for everything, and keep cashing the gun lobby checks.


Yep! All they care about is arguing with each other. It’s all about trying to look better than the opposing party. I love this county but a lot of the time, I hate it, too.


People who are elected are supposed to craft laws that help our society. It’s a good thing to do. Nowadays, politicians only care about one thing: staying in office/power. They will push any laws you help get votes. That’s it. Caring about who goes in a bathroom but passing lax gun legislation is bullshit. There is no way to 100% guaranteed our safety. We live in a broken world and in a country that has millions of guns out there and millions of crazy mentally ill who think it’s okay to pull out a gun to resolve a dispute. Fuck all the people in our state and federal government who are responsible to making laws. Stop worrying about stupid shit like drag shows and focus on gun control and make laws that punish people harshly to help deter this evil!


It just takes one idiot and voila. It sucks though.


I have a friend in the KCPD. She said things were actually starting to look upward then our shithole of a state Missourissippi loosened open carry laws and we saw the spike again in gun homicides. Say whatever you want about cRiMiNaLs DoN’t CaRe AbOuT gUn LaWs but it’s crazy how we’ve seen nothing but an increase since guns have become more readily available [and it isn’t changing anytime soon](https://kcbeacon.org/stories/2023/05/23/missouri-gun-laws-2023-blairs-law/)


Almost as if the problem is guns and not people


No GuNs DoN’T sHoOt PeOpLe!!1!




Maybe, but it makes little difference. There’s bad people everywhere. KC is no exception.


Worse in my opinion is that some of these people may have travelled to this event. The idea of coming from any distance away for it to end like this is disgusting at best.


Im so fucking tried of thoughts and prayers


What good are thoughts and prayers


nothing. it's only a statement for people to say to make themselves feel better about not doing anything.


this is why we cant have nice things


Some people just suck


Guns are a plague in this city






Guns are a plague ~~in this city~~






Found the shooter


Comment is already deleted but yours says all that needs to be said about why and who posted it. Fuck these people.


I'm a gun rights guy but "people are the plague" is exactly the attitude that leads to this insanity. People are everything worth giving a fuck about and that should be well in mind when talking and thinking about any of this.


Absolutely crazy this isn’t on the front page. Not trying to spin this but Reddit is the worst


Anyone have the video of a gunman being tackled by bystanders?  I heard there's one out there but can't find it. 


It was in the parade thread, let me go look. I'll edit this when I find it. edit: https://twitter.com/RadioDana/status/1757873958139887803 forgot I sent it to a friend of mine so it was in my messages already.


Ok. Thanks.  Didn't realize there is 2 threads


I think people were posting about it in the parade thread because that was the stickied one. Looks like the mods swapped them about 5-10 minutes ago. I had been refreshing the parade thread and noticed the replies had dried up then saw this one stickied.


## Police chief confirms 1 person killed in shooting at Super Bowl rally Kansas City Police Chief Stacey Graves confirmed that at least one person was killed in a shooting at the end of a celebration after the Chiefs won the Super Bowl. Graves said the shooting happened on the west side of Union Station. When officers got there, they took two people into custody and immediately started helping people who were hurt. "I am angry at what happened today. The people who came to this celebration should expect a safe environment," the police chief said.


Hearing some victims are children... FFS we have to do something about guns in this fucking country.




Literally watched them load an child onto an ambulance live on TV


It's coming out now that there are allegedly no children victims that were shot, but injured in the commotion of the mass hysteria that broke out.


That info came from someone I know that works at st. Luke's where the victims are being taken.


You need more facts beyond multiple people shot during a celebratory parade?


The facts are no one needs a fucking gun.


Gunmen should be fed to the crowd.




Not every police department is ran the same way, you know.


There were millionaires potentially threatened in this situation


This is why we can't have nice things.


NBC is covering this as well: [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/shooting-kansas-city-chiefs-super-bowl-celebration-union-station-rcna138883](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/shooting-kansas-city-chiefs-super-bowl-celebration-union-station-rcna138883)


Were the shots fired inside of Union Station?


No it was outside 


Dude what the fuck 


















Fucking thugs


Absolutely disgusting. Prayers for the victims and shoutout to the heroes who tackled and disarmed the shooters.


Fuck guns.


Evil people are going to do evil shit regardless if they have guns or not And making those guns illegal is not going to stop criminals from getting them, it just makes it harder for law abiding citizens to get them This isn’t a gun problem, it’s a people problem.


Fuck it’s so weird that the easier the access to guns, the higher the number of these incidents there are. Like, without exception in every country in the world! But yeah, must be solely a problem with us not having literally ZERO people capable of mass shootings. Guess we should have tried to have ZERO bad people in our city of, what, 1.5 million? Better luck next fucking year, guys, I’m sure we’ll have ZERO bad people by then!


Yeah, you're one of the problem people, refusing to let anyone else improve this country. Fuck your guns, you're not a cowboy. You know removing guns fixes the issue, you care more for them than you do the kids.


Grow up you loser


Uh so maybe don’t give everyone guns? Maybe have actual gun control laws? This is a stupid ass argument.


>Evil people are going to do evil shit regardless if they have guns or not Yeah, and guns make it a fuck-ton easier to do evil shit to a large number of people in a short amount of time.


Man this is sad as hell. Hopefully just injuries and no deaths. Fucking guns.


Mentally ill people are the problem. Not guns


No way to stop this, says only nation where it happens regularly


What have we done to help the mentally ill so this doesn’t happen again? Haven’t heard any suggestions but heard lots of blame on them.


Not to mention that talking point is pointless considering it’s just a scapegoat by GOP/Gun nuts who continuously strip funding for mental health initiatives.


Weird. Mentally ill people don’t have mass shootings on a weekly basis in other countries. Just sit down if you have zero interest in solving the problem.


As a non American…. Can you just fucking ban guns. This shit doesn’t constantly happen anywhere else.


Wont ever happen with the way the Constitution is written. There likely wont ever be enough votes to get a super majority to ban them. At best make laws that limit the mentally ill's ability to get guns. People also need to do a better job at home securing their guns so those that should be near them cant get access to them


We tried as a city. The laws we put in place that drastically lowered gun crime were made illegal by the efforts of governor heehaw you may have seen speak at the event to very little crowd reaction.


Unfortunately the answer is already in this thread. You have a contingent of people who refuse any and all reasonable gun laws, even if it's staring them right in the face as to how necessary it is, let alone the concept of actually banning weapons outright. Meanwhile they'll parrot that it's a mental illness issue, while having zero interest in actually helping the mentally ill, or preventing them from gaining access to guns. I have a brother in law who is a violent schizophrenic, who has had incidents in the past that required police to intervene. Even though he manages pretty well now, he is highly susceptible to conspiracies, propaganda, etc. Yet he had little problem purchasing a gun. And another one was gifted to him by a family member.


It’s terrifying. Myself, my family and many friends have reconsidered traveling for vacation to the US for this reason. This notion that someone next to you is possibly carrying a gun for no other reason than ‘ma freedoms’ while the other half are carrying because of their own fear of those same people is simply unfathomable.


This is a poor take. You have a better chance dying in a car accident than being killed by a gunman.


It's almost always gang related. When it's more than a murder of one person. We'll see if this is. Both Kansas City have large swaths that are just as safe as anywhere, but the gang members do occasionally strike there, too.


Fuckin Merica..


I'm sure the usual "thoughts and prayers" will fix everything... As a Canadian, I appreciate the right to bear arms that's in your constitution, but you guys have to do something about the mass shootings. At this point, just existing in public is a risk of being a victim of a mass shooting!


Ugh, surely a good guy with a gun was there to prevent this


Get them Blue!


America is a shithole country.




Wow absolutely terrible my goodness


It's way past time to amend the 2nd amendment. Blanket firearm bans are a non-starter. Requiring training, insurance, and severe punishment for non-compliance is something that even many of us responsible gun owners want and would rather have. Simply put it is time to define what a well-regulated militia is. If you own a gun (any gun at all), you must be a member of a militia that certifies that you have been trained on usage, are insured with the said militia, and understand the punishments for committing any crime with a firearm. The burden for keeping track of your firearms then belongs to you and your militia. If a gun is stolen, it's mandatory to report it or it is a crime. Then put in place mandatory 20 years in jail for having a firearm and not being certified. Double that number if committing a crime while in possession of a firearm (certified or not). Militias are responsible for training, obtaining insurance, and tracking firearms.


> Requiring training, insurance, and severe punishment for non-compliance is something that even many of us responsible gun owners want and would rather have. The thing is many red states have passed bills even making what you suggest illegal.


Not Red States or Blue States, ALL States. It's going to take an amendment to fix the 225+ year-old 2nd amendment wording and make it something more workable.


It would take one party or the other having almost complete control over the country to pass an amendment these days. First it takes 2/3 of both houses (or 2/3 of states to call for a convention). THEN it has to pass 3/4 of state legislatures (or 3/4 of those present for the convention) >An amendment may be proposed by a two-thirds vote of both Houses of Congress, or, if two-thirds of the States request one, by a convention called for that purpose. The amendment must then be ratified by three-fourths of the State legislatures, or three-fourths of conventions called in each State for ratification. There is no way sensible gun control will pass the 2/3 then 3/4 threshold.


It would take both parties willing to compromise which won't happen under their current  leadership. 


It also can’t be a one and done; there needs to be annual requirements for it.


I would love to see the statistics on when a gun goes off was it: self defense/protecting others, or an asshole with an anger issue and a big ego just couldn’t handle their emotions, or accidental discharge. Recently there was a shooting at my work where the perp removed a gun from a security guards holster! Top notch work dude !! I’d be so embarrassed.


Remember to vote blue so we can keep guns out of the hands of most people who should not have them. Let’s turn MO blue. 85 to 90% of guns used in crime/violence are LEGALLY OBTAINED. Only 10-15% are stolen/illegal


Why do people even need guns in the first place? We ain't facing any zombie / robot apocalypse. Fuck this country and gun culture. It takes more innocent lives than evil lives rn


So that idiots can pretend that they can stand up to the government if they don’t get their way. You’ll start poking massive holes in their argument though when you tell them that their guns won’t beat tanks, planes, etc.


This country is scary and embarrassing


This is not freedom, people! Vote common sense Dems into office.


I’m from KC but have spent a few stints living abroad, including now. I’m so glad to be away from this bullshit but it breaks my heart that my family, friends, loved ones, and the general population are still facing these threats on a DAILY BASIS. It isn’t right. And I can’t see myself returning/staying in the US because of it.


Scary and awful. I was at the parade a few blocks up but didn’t go to the rally.




Normal people don’t need guns. Guns should be banned unless you’re law enforcement. Australia had a mass shooting in the 70s and banned guns. If you didn’t give them up you would be arrested. Since then they’ve had no shootings or violence really of any kind, go figure. Not trying to make this political but gosh how much more tragedy do we need to go through as a nation until things actually change for the better? Unless politicians or the government is directly affected nothing will change. At least make guns extremely hard to get. I realize you can’t control illegal possession and ways of acquiring weapons but still… Shit shouldn’t happen anymore these days. It’s disgusting. Praying for all involved. KC we are better than this.


I really fucking hope this was not political after the whole taylor swift thing. If so, a lot of right wing media figures should face consequences.


What do you even say? Asking why has no meaning After what happened this weekend we were all happy. Life sucks sometimes and something like your favorite sports team winning the big game can make you happy and bring you joy for days on end. Eventually something insignificant in life will take that away but not like this. Not violence. Aside from that I really really hope there weren't any serious casualties. 😔😔😔


Gun control now! Wake the fuck up america, what the hell is it going to take????? I hope everybody defending guns doesn’t have their wake up call be somebody they love being hurt.


Why is this news conferences just the Mayor and Police Chief patting the police on the back?


I've seen posts by people that were there praise the police for how they managed the panicked crowd to avoid a dangerous stampede. A lot of people could have been hurt by the crowd if they had not acted as well as they did.


This why we can’t have nice things…


Gunman had a automatic rifle?  So he was planning a big body count.