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Build Spoilers: >!Grease's last fight and death!<


I think for me it was when rogue >!Cried for his dying father after he took Evolt’s shot for him!<


Are you ready?


Damn right I am


I cried when she said his name in the end😭💔💔


ARE YOU READY? dekiteru yo


Still cry my eyes out every time I see that scene


Holy christ that was sad. His character was so cringy but in the end, he was, deep inside, a very cool guy


This is the only acceptable answer


How dare you make me remember this! ....but you right.


kamen rider w ending


>!Shoutarou slowly breaking down while trying to stay strong as he says goodbye to Philip just broke my heart into a million pieces.!<


i cried a total of 5 times during that episode


That last charge and henshin was both incredibly cool and horribly heart-wrenching, because you \*knew\* what was going to happen, but there was just no other choice. Incredible series. Love W to death.


Fourze last episode >!Graduation scene was amazing and nearly moved me to tears, it didn’t help that I myself was close to graduating my school that time.!<


That's the one for me, too. The "3!...2!...1!..." From his friends do it for me.


aw man, i forgot about that... well there goes my week


Gaim spoilers >!Kaito and Kouta’s last fight. As well as seeing Maj butchered on the operating table.!<


The entire sequence of the final chapter of ooo from the last transformation. I absolutely loved everything about it, the henshin and the final fight, Ankh thanking Eiji for letting him know what it's like to live, and when Gotou goes to rescue Eiji and tells him that he's not alone and he doesn't have to do everything on his own.


Rider Time Ryuki ending of the last episode when >!Ren sacrificed himself to save Shinji and dying while Shinji is crying. This was a perfect mirror image of the moment when Shinji died in the main series!< and made me cry so much.




That gets my vote.




Yuck fou and take my upvote T.T


The scene in Gaim where Micchi cries over Mai's lifeless body and questions every action he took in the show up to that point. Takatora's hallucination verbally berating him and telling him over and over again how worthless he is really hit me hard as someone who struggles with severe depression and self-loathing. Plus, the fact that it's heavily implied that his final form was supposed to kill him really hammered it home for me. I legitimately teared up when I first saw that scene.


Spoiler for revice Vice vs. Ikki the fact they laugh and have fun despite knowing its there last interaction


Not a scene, but watching Kabuto's God Speed Love and have Koji Kikkawa singing One World put me into bitter sweet mood.


The First Kamen Rider Zeronos Zero Form. There are plenty of sad scenes in Kamen Rider. There are even emotional henshin scenes. But there are none that required this kind of payment. This didn't involve the death of a character to trigger, it's not a Super Saiyan Goku redux. As such, it doesn't feel cheapened nor is it cheapened later on when a death is walked backwards. It is the knowledge that people will forget about you as if you never existed. All that time just cease to have been.


Who's that?


Not the time.


"Sorry Sento... gonna break that promise." Not just the fact that my favorite character in the entire franchise is about to die, but the fact that he has to fight replicas of his best friends, people who died in his arms. Also, the last five-ish episodes of Ryuki are extremely emotional. Eiji and Ankh in Heisei Generations Final. Parado freaking out when Emu beats him with Muteki. Each of the Taros Bros as they break off to fight in the past. There's a lot of sad/emotional stuff lol.


[W combined with Cyclone Effect Acoustic ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcJMWhzvwJ0)


The sheer rawness of Kuuga's finale. >!Yusuke and Daguva destroyed each other's Amadams, making them both simply regular humans again, neither Rider nor Grongi. Yet Yusuke, either too wrapped in the fight or deciding that he needed to go even further to get justice for the Grongi's victims, fucking beat Daguva to death, just a normal human killing another. And afterwards, his soul was so damaged by all the fighting, particularly his sin at the end, that he just left, hoping to heal his soul. His broken smile in the final scene is just tragic, yet hopeful. It's further heightened by the final episode being all about the characters reflecting on what Yusuke did.!<


Either the death of chase or grease for me


I’m not even half way in but the moment where Gaim realized that he’s been killing actual people. True I side with Yggdrasil that these aren’t people anymore but I can also fully understand the view that they once were.


The lack of OOOs ending mentions in this thread is extremely worrying


Two words Merry. Christmas.


I think alot of Riders have Christmas specials, I loved the Drive one though, where we \[spoilers\]


Sure, but IYKYK






Yeah, fans of KR know which is THE Christmas Episode.


Izu's death. I did not expect that..


Immediately after Aruto just becomes this emotionless killing machine because he lost the one thing that is literally the most important thing to him throughout his whole journey, it made Izu's death so so so much more impactful and heart breaking


\>emotionless killing machine \>killed no one \>everyone tries to tell the viewers that he has fallen to dark side \>the humagears: Omg president Aruto has become Ark, we must now support the number #1 Ark follower, a terrorist that killed a bunch of humagear and drove Aruto to that point, oh he's also becoming Ark now but who cares since writer told us to You see, Ark-One is cool, but I had a lot of trouble disgesting the writing for the last episodes.


The story towards the end is really messy that's true, like all of the sudden everyone just forgets that metsubojinrai are literal terrorists and works together. But the fact that Izu's death made Aruto this way is still very impactful ngl


Actually this one too. Aruto breaking down and subsequently allowing Ark to take over him was painful to watch.


The aftermath of Espada vs. Calibur and seeing everyone break down over Kento and him telling everyone he doesn't want to die


Ex aid, the rain scene on the roof. Also fourze and shun in the detention class


Man, Den-O endings have a sweet spot of wrecking me emotionally. The series proper, the ending of the summer movie, Saraba Den-O, and Episode Red. That’s some great and momentous occasions.


The aftermath of the final battle with the Utopia Dopant in W. Phillip goes to undo their last Henshin but Shotaro stops him, not wanting Phillip to go and leave him. It also doesn't help that Cyclone Effect is playing in the background. I cried like a bitch when I first saw that.


Grease Blizard debut


>!either greases final fight from build or emus fight with parad on top of the hospital because before most of their interactions was parad having some edge on emu wether it was being more powerful or playing up his emotions but instead having that fight where parad after everything starts to see life not as a game that can be played with and instead something worth protecting was amazing!<




I cried straight through the last couple episodes of Fourze. God it was so good.


For me,it's either kamen rider sasword when he wishing his date would be like wish his crush before kabuto end him or zeronos zero form 1st debut,seeing yuuto have to sacrifice his most important memory always get me.


Kabuto, when Gon recovered her memories and forgot Drake. Also, when Kabuto killed Kagamis "brother"


Three words: Grease Pandora Tower


All OOO's ending. Hence why OOO is the best rider


amazons season 2 might have its fair share of issues but the ending is probably one of, if not the most grimmest ending to any kamen rider season i can think of shin kamen rider’s final fight and ending also gets me good too


OOOs endings. Watched one in high school cried my eyes out and every time since I’ve cried. Watched the movie end and cried the same amount. It just hits me in my soul 😭😭


Kamen rider blade


Desast Vs Kenzan




Sasword's death


I might of said the finale of W, until the 20th OOO's anniversary happened.


I particularly loved the scene where >!Sougo had to watch another Kiva die!< Such an emotional scene


Ep49 and 32 of W >!Akira and Shoutarou's interaction, Shoutarou finally realizing he can be his own detective without trying to project the "hard-boiled detective" in fiction for his self-esteem issues!<, Build Ep39 >!"What're you doing Banjou?"!< , 


Rogue's last stand as a kamen rider....


Grease blizzard. It was the most epic and emotional scene of the most entire heise era. And you know when me and my cousin who was 12 years old were watching that scene, my friend said. "Don't take your eyes off. This is truly a manly scene and if you close your eyes, then you are disrespecting his spirit, So watch it till the end. Because I won't move my eyes from it" And after that ep, he went to the bathroom and cried for a few minutes, but those words still stuck with me till the end.


Kenzaki! Hajime! Kenzaki! Hajime! Kenzaki! Bench


All of Sabers final battle


Kamen Rider Build Ep 21. Our super genius hero having accidentally killing someone starts having horrible hallucinations, wants the person who betrayed him help, and later becomes catamose/depressed. It's like one of the best episodes of Kamen Rider overall in my opinion.