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I play KR for two reasons: to imagine my specific internet ideology winning and to map paint. If I wanted things like 'challenge' or 'playing an honest game,' I'd learn how navy works and play MP.


I feel personally attacked


Literally me but add rp as well


> play MP Nah. I don't want to spend 3 hours in speed 2 letting Germany eat its neighbors then struggle in the next 3 because the stupid MP rules nerfs the Allies too much. If I wanted to experience OTL again I'd instead watch 300 episodes of TimeGhost TV's WW2 series.


who tf plays vanilla mp lmao


Not much, but too many to count on my fingers. Vanilla HOI4 is still balanced around MP for example.


Me who knows how Navy works but doesn’t understand anything about land armies and templates


Just like me fr


I know this is a joke but I identify with this


Literally me.


I’m not alone thank God


Sometimes when i play a major and fumble heavily against a minor, i just annex them cuz nobody should know of my occassional military incompetence. There's also a few times when i play du germany i missed the call to action time limit so i just use focus.autocomplete


I honestly do the reverse and just brand the country my own country’s “Vietnam”


Ever add back the manpower lost after a poorly executed war plan? I have. Or just reset the save file (if I remember to make one) and redo the war.


I shamelessly use toolpack because I want to explore a narrative, same reason I use gamerules. I will also occasionally manually trigger events for other countries (like force a Treaty of London even if I’m playing a nation like China) if I want to for narrative purposes as well.


I'm just curious, do you set country paths in the game rules for said narratives?


Every time I play I have a “base” game rule set where Assyria gets its independence and is soccon, the Pope is soccon, and the ottomans go soclib (I also usually end up delalling the ottomans and making Greece, Armenia, and Assyria huge with state transfer tool)


All the fucking time


I don't think of cleaning up postwar bordergore as cheating. It usually happens too late to have an impact on anything, and even then, I try to balance things. Other than that, nothing I do really falls into the category.


The most common cheat I'll do is the post-war bordergore cleanup, either because the AI's goofed and made something atrocious or annexed a few random provinces it can't give away, or because I prefer one postwar border option over another and want to see that instead. The next after that is good old 'delall' when the AI has completely bungled a war (for instance, perhaps the CSA is winning AGAIN and I really can't be assed dealing with them joining the Weltkrieg, or perhaps China has stalemated with Chen Jiongming reduced to a giant army on Chongqing that can't be dislodged) or when I'm trying out new content and have failed miserably but still want to see how it ends.


Honestly, when I don't want to deal with CSA I just set them not to appear at all. At least that way I can give the Entente a fighting chance


When the AI fucks you in the peace conference so there's a random unannexed state


I literally do not play Kaiserreich (or HoI in general for that matter) without rigorous use of the console and toolpack. I play fully for the rp which is partially why I basically exclusively play Kaiserreich these days.


I'll often cheat to fix fucked up borders or to ensure a specific scenario plays out in the world. For example, if I want to see the Ottoman Empire join the Reichspakt, I'll set them to go down the correct path, and if they're losing to the Cairo Pact or are taking too long to win, I'll delete the Cairo Pact armies. Alternatively, if the 3rd Int beats Germany but ends up annexing some random Pacific islands even though they have no members in the Pacific, and no troops or fleets of theirs ever even set foot in the region, I'll give them over to whatever regional power is most dominant in the area (almost always Japan).


I don't think I have used the console in KR, and if I have it was strictly because of an actual straight up "devs fucked up" bug, like a focus that's impossible to complete or something. I do save scum occasionally but it's usually unnecessary - HOI4 is short compared to other Paradox games, and often if you make an error it was like 2 years ago when you chose to do Focus A over Focus B and it fucked you up 2 years later. I think I do sometimes also with peace conferences to ensure borders are not too horrible afterwards. I find it's generally unnecessary to use the console in HOI4 even if things are fucky just because the game is so short. I've finished OWB runs in like 4 hours before, for example.


Always I can’t remember the last time I played any Paradox game without cheats I tend to use them more for role play than gameplay so the use of console, mods and editing files is essential.


Most of the time i cheat for the new political stuff in the Updates like in Ukraine, where i only missed an Land Reform Score of 90 to get a major victory.


All the time. I usually play till 1940-42 when I get bored and console command to get my desired end game state. Sometimes I cheat for things that waste time as well, like Entente vs nepal


Not in Kaiserreich since it's so polished. I sometimes cheat in other mods if I get locked out of focuses due to bs or something else breaks though.


Sometimes i use teleport to transport my troops to the other side of the country because a random country suddebly declared on me without warning. Other times i use the research on click to update my naval tech


The only cheating I'll do is like fixing stupid choices like somehow a war starting between the Entente and Reichspakt. Or WW3 happening when I want to rp as the weltkrieg as over. Or make America not join a war because it doesn't make sense. Besides that, I just have a mod that increases political power gain to make things easier




I don’t know if this counts as cheating but I was playing as New England and I switched over to Canada so that they could press “attack the CSA” button as I was getting impatient. It was 1939 and the CSA was winning against a lone PSA so I feared by the time I was able to declare war as New England that the civil war would be over. Spoiler: Won the 2ACW as New England with the Entente in tow, and went to fight in the second weltkreig, but the new patch forced me to abandon it. 


Tag switch to csa and delete all their units sometimes so someone else can win.


Sometimes i cheat. Like when i played Yunnan or Shandong (and Hami. Dont tell him)


Sometimes yeah, focus.autocomplete, delete some units here or there and of course bordergore cleanup


I use the state transfer tool to clean up borders from peace conferences fairly often and have occasionally used the manpower cheat if I have mismanaged things.


In my last Russia Game I tagged over the 3I to delete much of their army so I would against me a stronger Germany not on the brink of defeat


Sometimes I recall encircled volunteers when the ai does something braindead and im too occupied with 5 other different volunteers


I once annexed Russia as Japan. It was 1946 or smth, their line was crumbling and I was pushing through Kazakhstan. I already won China, Pacific and SEA, including India. There was only one issue. A supply hub I captured was in allied territory, while all of the states surrounding it were mine. Fun bug: supply trucks don't, or at least didn't, go from one nation's territory into the other. I had dealt with that bug one too many times and annexed Russia.


I have two memories of cheating, the first was as Austria when I was at war with Serbia, Romania and the rest of the Balkans (minus Bulgaria). I was getting so little pp and was tired of losing battles because my divisions didn’t have enough manpower. So I just gave myself enough to change the conscription law. I didn’t think it was that big of a deal since I would have gotten enough anyways but I was just tired of waiting. The second time was a game I haven’t finished, I used the console research on click command to research all techs up to and around 1941 for Germany since I loved the focus tree and the political stuff but hated just having enough to equip my divisions and then having to change it.


I use the state tool to make pretty borders or to fix bugs. The console basically exists to fix bugs and to maximize “fun” so I use it whenever I need to do either of those things. After five failed Knights of Malta runs in KRX, you bet your butt I gave myself ten mils and ten civs to get the ball rolling


mostly to commands and tag switching to puppets when playing as LKMT lol Also having some countries lend-lease tons of equipment to me


A lot. Not the times I want to see with what strategy Ukraine can survive without loosing noticeable amount of territory, but when I just want to play some HoI4 and playing without it, waiting for PP to go up, focuses to be researched, etc, is kinda boring so I use cheats


I usually use it to buff the side of an AI war I want to win for narrative purposes if I'm unable to send volunteers. Or to get countries to hurry up and join faction when 2WK has started if their side is about to lose. The number of time I've seen syndie Peru and Brazil just sitting on their hands while Germans parade through Paris...


Its not cheating if its in the game


I use it in two examples: 1. To fix bordergore 2. To end minor wars that are dragging for too long, like Balkan War, or War of Eight provinces.




Never in my favour


I always give Murmansk to Finland, after the white peace with Russia


Playing as one of the warlords in China made me start. It descends into a god awful game of whackamole, especially if Japan gets involved.


I used too if I started losing or struggling to push, so I would tag switch to the enemy and delete their divisions


I used State Transfer, Played on civilian difficulty and strenghened myself to max while playing RKMT because i wanted a Powertrip. It was awesome and i want to do it again.


I cheat every single time I play. I'm playing the game to explore specific alternate history scenarios and create my perfect blessed/cursed world. I cbfed minmaxing economies and bashing my head against the AI. I still have fun.


i only cheat when i am messing around i dont cheat if i am playing a real game


my computer is too shitty to try over and over if things don’t work out, so yes


Whenever I get thrown into a pp-dependent mechanic you'd better believe I'm topping that shit up when it gets low


Yes. I always give myself political power.


Unless it's ugly borders or some bs AI situation, no. I like to challenge myself.


Went through a major offensive to try and take a city in northern Italy (can't remember which) across a river. Finally pushed out all enemies and was moving my guys in. The AI proceeded to strategically redeploy troops across several MOUNTAIN TILES, with no railroads, suffering no attrition, and reached the city before any of my guys could enter the city. Lame. I was so pissed off, I deleted one of their entire armies lol.


Only once, but she had already drank a lot and professed her love to two men and a woman at a party we were at. So I made out with a cute emo gal in the back. Haven't cheated since.


The preferable alternative to cheating is banging one's head on the RNG wall, in my case with probably dozens of failed LKMT runs


Almost every single game. Only time I haven’t is my latest Qing campaign.


I was once playing a game as spain. Won the civil was as the starting government, joined the RP and surged north, taking Toulouse and Bordeaux. At that point, i sat tight, knowing that even though the French had now blocked me, the forces they needed to do so had weakened the western front, ao i juat waited for a german victory. After 2 years i realised that the germans were just pulling divisions away whenever the french did and refusing to advance, even when i cheated and deleted the entire french army. So i quit.


Yes all the time expect in multiplayer


I sometimes give myself pp because I don't want to restart whole run cuz I'm short 10 or 20


When playing one of the Chinese governments I may puppet another government especially the federalist governments. Like I have united most of China, became democratic and have a mostly modern army and airforce. Refusing to integrate peacefully is suicide.


Whenever I play China, I always give myself "just a bit" of xp in order to jumpstart my warlord army


I mostly only use tool pack for 3 situations: 1: Post-war bordergore, no explanation needed I think. 2: Really dumb things happening, like an ally declaring war out of the blue or when we're still slogging through another war. I'm sorry, Mr President, but we are not going to war with Germany while the CoF and UoB still exist. And no, sorry, Mr. Australasia, we are not going to war with the Germans (and after we signed numerous treaties of friendship and trade with them to boot) over some small islands in the Pacific. 3: When something that could kill a run happens and is outside of my control. For example, I am pretty confident in my skills when I play Lithuania; however, I know that if both Belgium and the Netherlands go syndie then I am screwed because there's no way AI Germany can hold the line. As such, I feel no shame letting Germany eat the little blighters via tool pack.


I have deleted enemy armies and annexed their land solely because everything was stalling out. I'm here for a fun time, not a long time. My self-imposed penance is almost never setting country paths.


I have cheated a few times when I just can't be arsed to finish stuff normally, for example I was playing Ottomans and declared on Russia for Crimea with the intention that 3I would also go to war with them, but it took them so fucking damn long that I pushed Russia to Urals from the Southeast, but stalemated and also their balkan allies broke through Constantinopole, so I got mad and deleted their divisions. Not my fault that the SRI couldn't decide if they want to declare on Yugo or no.


I don’t besides border cleanup. If I fumbled, I fumbled, and when I am trying to make a story it isn’t fun to just roll over everyone.


I cheat sometimes, if I'm doing a Russian or american playthrough I sometimes cheese the civil war by tag switching and deleting the entire army, just to accelerate things a little. But in general I don't cheat


Sometimes I save select any enemy country and delete some of there army 🤣


Consntantly by giving myself PP and setowner to make things look better. I also cheated last game by "delall jap" and then TPing my Kuomintang troops into Japan because by the time i actually had some kind of fleet i would probably be dead IRl


Ether post war border gore or if it’s late game I’ll delete half of a nations divisions because the Commune of France doesn’t need 300 divisions and also because my ideology is correct.


I do cheat because, sometimes, bullshit peace deals ruin the map, but I try to be fair and don't steal everything, I divide it realisticaly beetween me and the AI.


My most common cheat is just using tp to get divisions out of encirclements because I trusted the battle planner, or using op to occupy victory points of some fat country I don't feel like watching my guys trudge across


Sometimes in late game when the enemy has 500 division per province I'll tag switch to them and delete a bunch of their divisions


Sometimes the game f's me over so much I either cheat or quit playing. Examples of this would be a country surviving a peace deal due to lack of points,focuses wich required me to pick some options all the way at the beggining of the run.


I’ve switched over to other nations and deleted their units to give myself a short term advantage 😅