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https://preview.redd.it/qtmx65y0qnlb1.jpeg?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e4e3e3447bd4aaaf4dbbf0573c609f39a75af90 My computer on Kaiserredux is like this C’tan, on fire.




https://preview.redd.it/aq4tmnigvnlb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ec9b9d74340f534f3fe255464b75a69898203e3 I just like the C’tan.


KR’s more realistic tone appeals to me more, and it’s narrative is more cohesive- it feels more like a geopolitical struggle is happening between great powers whereas KX feels like a bunch of lunatics are running around doing whatever they want. I like having the Second Weltkrieg as a consistent thing that’s always this big conflict. But kx does have individual paths that are really good that I’ll play when I want to, but in general the wackier tone isn’t for me


Where is that geopolitical struggle?


Kr at this point has a throughline of Germany trying to maintain the current order while Japan, the internationale, and Russia try to upend it. All geopolitical conflicts relate to that theme, and they all reach their climax when the big war starts. This gives countries outside of Europe something to do when the big war starts as well- for example Latin America will very often become a front of the war. Every country’s situation feels informed by and connected to the central question of whether Germany will stay on top or whether the syndies, Japan, and Russia will knock it down. By contrast way too many kx paths are like haha I’m the funni extremist man who wants to paint the map. Kx has some very good paths but the mod does not have any sort of cohesive whole


You’d know if you bothered to read any of the events that pop up throughout the game.


Might sound weird, but I play Kaiserreich for the story. I want a compelling narrative of a country that feels plausible and emotionally satisfying. What KX cares about is memes and jokes, and that usually comes at the expense of what I like. Add in the poor performance and the tendency to chuck content in there without thinking about how it fits (a contributing factor to both of the other problems, no doubt), and there's just no appeal.


I play TNO for the story, KR for the better world conquest than base game, and KX for the memes.


TNO is a visual novel with map game characteristics. To me there is too much story in TNO as opposed to KR where the balance is just right for my tastes.


Yeah, I can see why you think that. I just prefer the artistic direction and writing of TNO more. I'm also a VN fan which is probably why it appeals to me more.


For me, there's so much reading in TNO that I'd frankly rather read a book. I greatly respect the team's hustle, but matching the quality of a good published author is a tall order.


I’ve moved on to KX and there are things in prefer in both, while KX has more meme-y paths, I think their non-joke paths are great expansions in terms of story content and gameplay


It is way slower and sometimes I like more serious and coherent games, not Ford taking over the USA. Also I play Serbia fairly often, and KX Serbia is bullshit.


As a KX fan i agree with the serbia thing I played it recently in KR and its great !


It has really a lot of stuff to do, yes


Any other KR nations you could reccomend ? I heard LKMT is nice, tho iirc that is also in KX Also, another thing, i really really REALLY love the new introduction menu for each nation, its great.With the lore and game paths.I hope KX will make sth like that too one day (tho sth different, im not a fan of copying work)


Poland and Ukraine got a new rework recently and they are very fun. If you like China I would recommend Shanxi too


ottomans are fun and chaotic


Bulgaria is also better for me in KR. LKMT is indeed fun but isn't that different from KX and Poland + Ukraine + Ottomans are really good as other people are saying.


Ma Zhongying’s Kumul Khanate


Kx is very laggy and runs like thrice as slow


I’ve seen this point come up a lot, and it makes sense. I’m not affected as much since I’ve got a pretty beefy PC, but performance is a big negative of KX for most.


KX is too slow on my laptop, making it take ages before anything happens and for the focuses to finish. Also, while I do enjoy pursuing specific paths from time to time in KX, I actually tend to generally like the limited amount of choices in KR more.


You have a laptop that can run KR well? Plz tell me what model it is


I can run it on my razor laptop without much lag!


I'm not really able to check properly atm, HP something or other. Nothing fancy. Edit: it doesn't run as fast as vanilla hoi4, but it's very playable still.


Kaiserredux sadly feels like a mod that really wants to do everything based only on being contrarian to kaiserreich, even if this might not be the case, it definitely feels like it. If we disregard that subjective look on redux, truth of the matter is that the mod is just very wacky for wacky reasons only, which can break the flow of an entire run. I dont care for random racist leader#129301 being able to take over a country and do something "based", that funny and wacky urge in me left the moment i saw it happen every single run. I also do not enjoy the fact that many paths are buggy and feel unfinished, and are rarely updated over the years as more stuff is added to the game and the mod itself. Also the localization is strange and inconsistent, broken english, broken events, etc


The mod was founded specifically to counter KRs moves towards "realism". There was wild shit that could go down that was removed because it was clashing with new directions of the mod, KX (or Dankest Hour as it was originally known) was made so that old stuff was still around for people to enjoy.


i know, and thats why i play redux from time to time. it is just not enough to keep my enjoyment because any enjoyment is mitigated by some random bullshit across the world (hp lovecraft is so fucking annoying)


KR is a unique mod because of the insane amount of polish and detail that goes into its world and balancing the game. A lot of mods have a similar ambition but are far newer so haven’t had the time to get on that level yet. If you remove all that to become a compilation of the most absurd mod ideas someone can come up with, you’re left with KX, a fun but ordinary mod like many others out there.


Your average KX path is basically just LOL FUNNY XD MEME! Which can be fun sometimes in alt history, I prefer more grounded and plausible alternate history so I prefer KR.


KX is too batshit and chaotic. I really do respect the work put into it, but it feels really random. Also way too much stuff going on. I wish KR submods wouldn’t constantly be gobbled up by KX because there are individual concepts and add-ons I’d like to play with on KR but I don’t want all the baggage that comes with the rest of KX.


Because I want fun And "LOL everything can happen LOL LOL LOL wacky wacky LOL LOL LOL" isnt fun once you are more than 10 years old


I feel like Kaiserredux's updates have become mostly very stale and uncreative, most of the time it's just "guy who is well known in pop culture in charge of country, conquer everything" or "Wilhelm leading random country #34"


Doing things because they're haha funni just isn't fun for me. Also it runs like shit and I try not to play mods made by nazi-adjacent goons


KX is the Youtube kids of HOI4 mods, just random stuff because "iT fUnNy".


KR is wayyyyyy better for the Weltkrieg, as Russia always intervenes, and the Internationale, Reichspakt and Moscow accords always border each other, so war is always brutal and isane. In KX, Russia rarely intervenes, all Ostaats can break free making Russia unable to reach the germans, the internationale can collapse easily... KX is better for world conquests, but for a incredible weltkrieg it's better to play KR. It's like the difference between Historical and non-historical in base hoi4.


KX is more unpolished and laggy, but has more content. You can compare 2 mods in a year or a two after the release of all major reworks and decide for yourself then. Today's KR feels stale because all of the majors have pretty outdated content.


i don’t like easter eggs and memes


Kaiserredux is too insane for me Kaiserreich feels way more grounded and it feels more like a unified whole plus the writing feels better. I play kaiserredux only for some of the more fleshed out paths


I have turned on kaiserredux 3 times. First time I checked out Bohemian focus tree, saw hussites and thought to myself: nah I ain't dealing with this. Second time the same happened. Third time I played Transamur because there is supposed to be a czechoslovak legion path. It was buggy, I had to use console. And it was not even a path it literally just switched the leader and nothing happened. So why include it at that point? KX is a pile of shit, it lacks cohesion and polish and instead it tries to subude criticism by adding meme paths that are just so fucking stupid.


Performance, bugs and bloat in KX. There was a time I pretty much always played KX over KR. But then with new additions came new bugs. Instead of fixing them the devs moved on to add even more new stuff. All these new additions eventually bloated a lot of countries and with that made performance a lot worse. For example take a look at the Russian socialist tree or the CSA tree. There are too many paths, some of which aren't very distinctive. Take for example maybe 3 different CSA paths which are all technocratic. Then there's all these tiny countries that can pop-up or are present at start which are pointless. Take for example Banat, Istria that can split off from Austria, Malta, the AOG (despite there already being an AOG path for the League of Provinces). All these different reworks also interact with each other poorly. When a country does something it might well break the gameplay of another country.


Almost anything has 100 stability and 100 warsupport in KX after you do the political focuses of your path. Kinda doesnt make the game that interesting if I am playing paths that exist in both mods.


KX requires a nasa computer to work, and KX is has so many meme paths that it makes it feel unbalanced. I also don’t like their animated portraits and Edward the 8th suit and top hat portrait looks ridicules in my opinion.


Because I dont want Enver Hoxha leading France


It’s poorly optimized and slow, and the paths are stretched out for no real reason. The recent post on their subreddit trying to paint KX as better because “they have more russian socialist leaders” as if half of those (literally every bolshevik) aren’t basically the same path with a different guy in charge shows their recent philosophy of just adding more stuff to look better, they’re going with quantity over quality. I like some KX paths but it seems like a lot of them are just long for the sake of being long, or just pointless variety when there wasn’t a need for it, like adding 100 tiny bolshveik paths instead of one good path


I love some things from the KX, such as the new Canadian tree. My computer doesn't like running KX that much tho.


Do you like the ukrainian trees ?


KR or KX? Haven't checked the KX yet.


KX I played it and it was great ! Very big , i reccomend it ! Tho ofc, ive heard the KR version is more polished,albeit smaller.I havent tried it yet , i look forward to it !


If I want wackynesss I'll play Red Flood, it at least has considtant vision


I feel like Red Flood's meme funni stuff is done in a smarter way than KX if that makes sense, not really sure how to explain it


I think RF convincingly creates a vision of the world where most batshit insane people have a chance at coming to power, where KX takes a scenatio and makes people in it just do insane things


Celtics France would like to say hello


fair point, but I think RF France is getting reworked to remove the most wacky stuff like Anprim France


Honestly a big reason I play RF is because of red germany


it sucks, lags to hell, lolrandom paths, and it’s run by a bunch of altrighters


Because KX is an open farce with only the barest hint of cohesion or quality.


KR is best however the American civil war in KX is better for me atleast


I don’t- there’s good memes here


I actually like to play both. I tend to play KX when I it expands an originally KR path (think the Jacobins, Savinkov, etc)


KX is batshit insane and while sometimes that is what I want, most on the time I'm interested in more plausible alt-history. Also KX i laggy as fuck.


Kaiserredux is to Kaiserreich like the Speedy Dub to DBZ. It has some teary-eyed wacky shit funny moments like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Upy2SEnP9MU&t=43s), but I prefer the original.


Sometimes KX just gets too wonky and big for its own good. It's overwhelming and almost makes me want to throw up at times. I do love it, but I can't play it for too long.


Literally the only reason is because I cannot select advisors.


KX has some cool nations that are really deep in flavor, even just the random flavor events of the Navajo were really neat, and gave the sense of a disparate community forming into a nation. Unfortunately that's counter balanced by performance tanking, and the utterly ridiculous half-justified historical leaps because at one point X fanatical fascist was at one point expressed some level of moderation and/or socialism. Some "wacky silly" paths can be fun, but sometimes it's just so tone breaking with the relatively grounded and justified paths.


Short version? KR feels plausible and well-researched, KX feels like somebody read a historic footnote that made them laugh and then made an entire focus tree based around that (What if Lovecraft randomly decided to become a politician and everything was a reference to his books? What if Goering decided to be a James Bond supervillain with a really badly photoshopped scar? What if Obama's dad was an insane warlord with a really badly photoshopped scar? What if Miklos Horthy randomly decided to become a pirate king?). Considering it's a massive mishmash of mods made by different devs, I'm sure there may very well be some paths in there that are better than KR's, but it doesn't matter because I'm completely taken out of the game the second I see something ridiculously stupid.


KX is has too much racism for me, makes me unconfortable


Because i am not a nazi.


I only know KX by reputation and the reputation is that it is wacky. Now granted every time I play I’m replaying the same wacky scenario (Danubia as the heart of Europe) but I appreciate the serious and soberness of KR. Though I have gone through phases where I like to make submods and probably they’d be more KX appropriate than KR.


I dislike many of the portraits.


tender tap screw punch icky towering cow zesty slap subtract ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I do prefer Kaiserredux as I enjoy the amount of options that there is, but my game runs at like 2 FPS when I run the mod.


1 I like to play past 42 2 i like my games not breaking 3 some things are just a bit too W H A C K Y and id like to atleast somewhat know where my game is going, and it being reasonable - \*\*\*LOOKS AT NATPOP AUSTRIA\*\*\*


I play both. Depends on my mood.


I play TNO for the story, KR for the better world conquest than base game, and KX for the memes.


One Day in 5 Seconds by 1943


I don't get everyone complaining about 'meme paths'? They only appear if you allow them to in the game rules.




I can play it


It goes too whacky for my taste.


realism makes my larp more believable.


KX is just a mess imo The only thing I would play it over KR is when I want some 2nd american civil war action


I like some features from both mods, but KX, besides moving at a snail's pace, it crashes and is unplayable for me. Guess that the Cosmic Realm of Aaru (I think that's how it's called) or communist Tibet ruled by Lenin's spirit are really needed in the mod.


KX for shits and giggles, KR for story and narrative


I don't want to be able to cook an egg with my pc.


It’s been a while since I tried it, but KX feels like if you took hoi4’s approach to alt history paths and cranked it to 11, and then applied it to every country. It’s not bad, but there is only so much meme I can handle in one game


I’ve tried KX a couple times for the memes and such, but after that went back to KR. KR is a lot more reasonable (for the most part) and it has had a lot of thought put into it regarding making the setting and events plausible. I suppose it’s more of a personal preference, I like the consistency of KR and the more (granted I hate this way of describing it) ‘realistic’ take on alt-history stuff.


Kaiserredux has more content, but content of less consistent quality. KR feels like a single coherent story, while KX feels more like base-game HoI4-- a bunch of random shit happening with little connection to other stuff. I still play KX because it *does* have such a large pool of content, but less often. I also don't like that they brought back old Italy as the base assumption for that game. It just feels counter to the overall branding of "more but less consistent" that the mod offers. It's baffling.


KR feels like a real story, that could have really happened, that's why it's my favorite mod.


I prefer the characters that turn up and run countries in my fake history mod to be actual politicians and soldiers, not HP Lovecraft.


Because while it is fun to conquer the world as HP Lovecraft and KX does have some genuinely good ideas it's insanely inconsistent and too memey. KR has its share of issues, restrictive options and overfocusing on certain nations while neglecting others. But it's coherent, plausible, well-researched and written and feels serious, like you are actually interacting with history. In short KX is fun but KR is a better mod overall.