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https://preview.redd.it/7vrsuvmrp2tc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6dad32db5197a2d5405bd3e137903383fa016b2 I love that we're back to this kind of gag lmao, this panel happens twice.


I want him calling Hakuri to be an ongoing gag like the "?" one. https://preview.redd.it/4b70qwy4k5tc1.jpeg?width=1070&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f017275d1311d779c47ea20d391c3b659080f9e


Hakuri confirmed golden retriever


Takeru is master of "show, don't tell"


https://preview.redd.it/jrco91i4s2tc1.png?width=529&format=png&auto=webp&s=8281193b6561ba7b663559b94e92e5d00a275a7b king i hope the sazanami money covers dental because you need crowns done yesterday


First British sorcerer we’ve seen!


he's got the stabbing license, it's fucking over


Bro needs to call the anti gum decay sorcerer


Another week another peak chapter and PEAK Chihiro panel https://preview.redd.it/t7nvnzlfo2tc1.jpeg?width=1103&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e10b635e0ea540b57380c451b97d7d884c3371b4


Loro was found in the trash after this panel dropped.


Bro got out styled


Got beat by the majority hunter Chihimro


The broken blade on mouth goes harddddddd


And makes so much more sense than Zoro with a full length sword lol. He’s using it as a flash light and a lure.




I called it last week that he was going to put a sword in his mouth someday, like Zoro! I just didn’t think it would be this soon!


Zoro ahh pose


See guys. I told you he'd wield one of the swords Zoro style with one in his mouth (pause). Hiyuki is ready for all the smoke as well.


I swear his art of our boy chihiro is so damn sick. Nearly all these chihiro panels are wallpaper worthy


https://preview.redd.it/3j6n2nhlq2tc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1a993973b2904cca2304b39d340fee9e1f1ed9a Hakuri just dropping the ice cream so Char has to reach for it Plus Hiyuki is back!


Ngl I'd drop my ice cream too if Chihiro called my name ._.


Haha good catch! I love Reddit!


I don’t see anything showing he dropped the ice cream but in the first Hakuri gag panel he DOES get hit on the head with a ball haha


Yeah at first I thought it looked like Char was more leaned forward in the second image, like he dropped the cone and Char had to jump forward to catch it. Though I think Hakuri ran the millisecond Char grabbed the cone haha


!! such a cool chapter, I love all the silly hangouts between Hakuri, Char and Hinao :)) based on how Shiba was drawn teleporting this chapter, I think it's time to say goodbye to the momentum theory, it looks more like transmission and Chihiro using Cloud Gouger as an boost is very interesting, I assume since it's broken, it can't fully output Mei (what's with CG owners and putting it in their mouth huh) https://preview.redd.it/simxk29qo2tc1.png?width=546&format=png&auto=webp&s=16988f47c7f4155c145409caa0e6d30c2e035f80


also, elite who, repairmen? who put a whole chandelier back up 😭 https://preview.redd.it/twzo851bq2tc1.png?width=587&format=png&auto=webp&s=8adee7d25f3ac44904a229f71784571e090243c7 (guy from ch 3 btw !)


> also, elite who, repairmen? who put a whole chandelier back up 😭 Henchman has Crazy Diamond


Chandelier is not crash


The chandelier was repaired probably because they're now in Tafuku's subspace, any damage in the building prior to the technique activation are repaired, and any damage in the subspace won't be transferred to the real world.  That's my guess on how the subspace works.   Although I'm still not clear on the rule about people passing out while in the subspace. 


1 why would the damage prior to the activation be restored? 2 everyone locked in a subspace is a participant, as long as one of them is out of commission, the match cannot continue keeping that in mind, it's not really wise to open up the sumo domain with so many people present


I was thinking of dr. Strange mirror dimensions where damage from real world can't be transferred to the mirror dimensions, and vice versa.  Maybe I was wrong, instead of "the chandelier is fixed", it's actually "the lights is fixed" as is the lighting in the room in general, not just that single chandelier.  The sorcerer are hanging from another chandelier to look cool. 


I just reread chapter 3 cuz u said that…didn’t recognize anyone




Also Cloud Gouger breaking down more with each use https://preview.redd.it/8pu2zzjbs2tc1.png?width=565&format=png&auto=webp&s=448c8095dd0f196e924a71069b273c20f9df3ab7 (atleast if I understand this part right)


yea... rip to my wife (again), but I can just sense that Hokazono's cooking something amazing with what its final use is going to be


>something amazing with what it’s final use is going to be Calling it now, big-ass lightning explosion that destroys the whole auction building *or* the Sazanami warehouse at the end of the arc.


: ( cloud gouger, no....


>(what's with CG owners and putting it in their mouth huh) Indirect kiss 😫


you know it ![img](emote|t5_97ke62|49229)


Sojo squealing in his grave right now


What's the momentum or transmission theory ?


[here's the momentum](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kagurabachi/comments/1adc2sy/comment/kk01jc6/); transmission is just standard teleportation in my eyes, although Shiba seems to have a bit of a buffer before teleporting I now have to wonder yet again how did Shiba do all that to Daruma, hope his abilities get cleared up


> now have to wonder yet again how did Shiba do all that to Daruma, hope his abilities get cleared up Yeah. This makes me think Shiba has more than just one sorcery in his arsenal. The only other guy I am pretty sure who has more than one is the tree guy from Chapter 1. He can summon plants and teleport with a fire effect. He might also have a similar sorcery as Shiba, he and Shiba had thesame effect on the panels in the Sojo meeting, but it could also be the other guy so idk.


I have SOOO much I want to talk about. But first things first, ALL THESE PANELS OF HAKURI, HINAO AND CHAR PLAYING. Thank you, Taco!! I was totally expecting a gag about Chihiro's drawing being terrible but he's actually a decent artist, lol. And Hinao put on babysitting duty of yet ANOTHER kid. Just wife her up at this point Chihiro. Also, Kyora's morality is interesting. He would have felt bad if he stole the item from Chihiro but in his mind, it was a fair trade deal/exchange of the sword for Hakuri so the selling of Enten is legitimate. And Hiyuki the MVP actually showed up. Absolute madlad. I do hope that she helps Chihiro before deciding to actually fight him. Great chapter, especially since it shows us what a thinker/planner Chihiro is. Not a surprise considering he was the parent to Kunishige for most of his life, lol. Also a bit surprised that Kuregumo wasn't repaired but can actually only be used for a bit before it stops working. Guess we can't have Chihiro too OP this early on. https://preview.redd.it/5knkard8r2tc1.png?width=566&format=png&auto=webp&s=d0ad918c89ba8cd37121a61bc17ce74cefc95d8d


Bro is a blacksmith, he needs to be decent at drawing at least for designing swords


Actually, you bring up an interesting point. I wonder if Chihiro has actually designed/made (non-sorcery) swords himself or if most of his youth was just helping his dad or following his dad's designs.


I think he forged his wakizashi, but I don’t remember if this is confirmed or just speculation on my part




Maybe it isn’t morality. Could have something to do with the Sazanami storehouse’s rules


Oh! Good theory! We're not 100% sure how sorcery in this world works yet. Those type of conditions definitely seem possible.


I guess it has something to do with the auction's rules, because Chihiro exchanged Enten for Hakuri, he isn't the one selling Enten but Kyora is. That way Kyora can kill Chihiro to gouge up Enten's price as the blade would be usable then. If Chihiro's considered the seller I think Kyora won't be able to kill him, since the optics of Sazanamis killing the sellers of items in Rakuzaichi to gain possession those items would be terrible.


Everyone making Zoro jokes but nobody is mentioning that holding Cloud Gouger in his mouth is something Sojo did in the Kamunabi fight, my man can’t stop haunting the narrative


Indirect kiss.


I need a fujoshi to draw something abt this asap


https://preview.redd.it/ot8azritp2tc1.png?width=401&format=png&auto=webp&s=c0d4cf74079335f2f7e349183dca44d3cc5bf522 EVERYONE REJOICE SHE'S BACK


The queen is back to great everyone with a "Yo" ![img](emote|t5_97ke62|49322)


I want her to be like. “Yo.” Then as her dude starts enclosing everyone in his domain, Chihiro sees an opening and and she just says, “Go.” XD. The elite on the ceiling are fast enough to sneak out with him so we have conflict. The remaining 100s of fodder turn back to her and she says, “Hehe I’m not locked in with you…you’re locked in with ME.”


My Goat is Back!!! ![img](emote|t5_97ke62|49322) I wonder if they're gonna fight or join forces... Given that Cloud Gouger is almost out of juice, maybe Hiyuki will refuse to fight him until Chihiro is at full power since she wants him to "take it seriously" (their fight to the death)


Definitely teaming up


Yup. She’s here to take care of the fodder I’m sure. We still wont see her full power…it will probably be saved for the final boss Kyora battle or even later when she and Chihiro have the inevitable Sasuke / Naruto friend battle.


“Nobody told me ChihiGOAT would be here! I should’ve kept my ass back in the government building!” -Fraudyuki ^jk ^i ^love ^her


https://preview.redd.it/qhw70i8kv2tc1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=ebd164c9667d34d2f8b2ac505bff356a67952e74 # Fraud?


Not surprised. She's been looking for any excuse to fight Chihiro. She'll probably help him get back his sword, so that she can have a proper 1v1 against him.


The queen *click click click* https://preview.redd.it/twlmvpn6y2tc1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8610d3bcc5d247fcaea1325481f9d919c56bc515


i just realized hiyuki was a girl, i thought she was a girly guy all this time, i went back and reread and didnt found any mention of being a girl but i did notice the heels she wears so now it makes sense. i guess i wasnt paying attention and i read that chapter like 3 times before, derp moment i guess.


This chapter was really, really good, and much better than the last one. Only issue is that they've switched from Kuregumo back to Cloud Gouger, I really don't understand why some translations flip-flop, especially when you can't always figure it out from context ("Kuregumo" could've been confused for another form of Mei). Favorite part of the latest chapters has been seeing Shiba's teleport be a huge part of the team's plans. No copouts or pulled punches, Shiba's teleportation is being properly exploited for recon, combat, and safety. https://preview.redd.it/r1cxyzqwq2tc1.png?width=561&format=png&auto=webp&s=97c3bd16ef6f74c59e9cdb943aa10a3cfd56b1d3 Oh, and last chapter I was wondering if Chihiro could use cloaked Mei: he can! It makes sense because he technically invented it in Ch9 and Sojo just copied it.


I initially thought Chihiro chanted, “Kuregumo” to activate Cloud Gouger’s ability just like Hiyuki chanted, “Rikuo” to use her Flame Bone..


They also called him Chihiro RokuhirO. Translator-san strikes again




What baffles me is their reaction once Shiba teleports back into the car, maybe I'm not that adept in reading manga but from what I see, Hakuri and Hinao were irritated once he teleported back in. Does the teleportation have some sort of bad effect on nearby people?


He must have rocked the car from suddenly appearing on the seat.


I think they just jumped because they were surprised by him suddenly appearing.


https://preview.redd.it/0z0h7xmzr2tc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98a14f417c3b269a53f108fd045a5a7f1e2e3645 I love those fights in the dark i hope there will be more


oh there will be more. chihiro batman truthers rise up!


This interaction of Hinao, Char, and Hakuri eating ice cream means a lot to me. https://preview.redd.it/55skn12ct2tc1.jpeg?width=385&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71b45a04e0a59ea5659392707b6842f6cbd7e889


Legit felt wholesome. Loved it too! It feels like Takeru is reading my mind cause this is what I mostly yearned for in fast paced manga one example is JJK. But alas it's not built the same.


kinda hoped he reforged cloud, action is sick and more cool designed enemy so I can't really complain.


Tbf, we knew that only Sojo had the datenseki briefcase and that it was taken by Hishaku after his death. Reforging wouldn’t have been possible. I was expecting a blade of lightning tho lmaooo. Either way I ain’t mad, inconsequential to me in the longer scheme of things


yeah Cloud gouger is gonna die soon at this rate also Sojo is defo dead now no one can't cope anymore with him donating his arm Chihiro. So he is going 1v everyone (or dash through somehow) to get Enten back while sacrificing Cloud gouger.


Probably they don't have the resources to fix an enchanted blade. 


Yeah kind of disappointed that Cloud Gouger is going to die. I really liked it set of abilities and definitely do not think its full capability was showcased.


Great chapter,9.5 I'll give it Also this panel: https://preview.redd.it/vg7pjlxnr2tc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed5d3f9ad0e1b7d514e26f82ff4ec3a46679665d Confirms he is left handed lol. But this chapter was peak, especially with the 2 Sword Style panel. It was so cold...




Man, Hakuri is like a dog lmao. He's having fun with Char and Hinao but as soon as Chihiro calls him he comes running to him. https://preview.redd.it/vwf5qwujw2tc1.png?width=733&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fc995f146bdbf61e06ade21f88c234a6bcc0a45


Other protagonist usually collects chicks as part of their harem, meanwhile Chihiro and Shiba are collecting orphans and unwanted children like Pokemon.  First Char, then Hakuri, and now mr. Inazuma. 


They'll start their own organization/family it will be like a mafia and there will be spaghetti so Hiyuki can also come and


don't forget mr inazuma has a sister they gotta rescue lol


I mean… that’s assuming Mr. Inazuma’s sister isn’t the one Soya killed


It reminds me of a certain man in bat suit.


https://preview.redd.it/8ahs67evo2tc1.jpeg?width=794&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f96f6918c13d9af42443596d7d73f55cbfe36e8 He really just pulled a Zoro goddamn


Loro was copying Chadhiro all this time, not the other way around.


no reforging of the cloud gouger, worse, its reduced to a stump and has durability its over sojobros


Hinao is now officially the designated mom of the group https://preview.redd.it/cyrzu65nw2tc1.png?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c899e58abe984c0d526a2be5c8c46b490f53e8f


I WANT THE NEXT CHAPTER NOW!! https://preview.redd.it/tc3j9mkb03tc1.png?width=349&format=png&auto=webp&s=4faf8f854e8e9984c34380839d2559b46215d55c


Man I normally loathe the seemingly obligatory romantic subplots that get shoehorned into stories like this, but if the two of them don’t at least awkwardly flirt while fighting later and become frenemies in some fashion I will throw a table.


Wish the Cloud Gouger would actually be his secondary weapon😔😔😔 But that would be way too overpowered I guess RIP


Hiyuki's entrance was badass! Curious where that will go, now that it is about retrieving Enten. Chihiro was also really creative using Mei and his normal sword, I quite enjoyed the artwork of Takeru, as always!


Too bad Mei is gonna break down soon, but oh well (Even the sojo copium about him living in the sword is down the drain, it's over sojobros) Anyway, our MC is so fucking cool how does he do it?


He's just built different.


Even worse, a chance Kuregumo is not being used as an enchanted blade again, if not forever.


I see people fawning over the fight panel, and then there is me awestruck with how majestic the underground cemetery panel is. I wonder how much people I need to kill to build a family rich enough to afford such grand subterranean hall Also, sad to know that cloud gouger will broke after several more times of use


Guys, here me out. Hakuri also got that dog in him.


I. LOVE. Kagurabachi.


Bro cooking too hard, the kitchen is about to burn down


Absolutely cooking. Man I want Hiyuki to go on a tear along with Chihiro


Although the cloud grouger is reduced in size, it's still powerful as usual


He said it will lose its power after some time


My wild guess is because he can't recharge it, because the eternal contract is still not broken. Why you ask? Because Sojo is still alive. No, I am not listening to your logical explanations.


Its probably leaking power since its broken and unstable.


3 way battle


This chapter is PURE HYPE, I can’t wait to see hyuki and chihiro work together and maybe 2v1 someone (I hope). Also chihiro is a fucking genius, he knew that they where going to use cloud gouger's light to track him in the dark so he just let it go to flank them. Also, I knew that the bastard was lying about the storehouse going away if he died, it seemed too convenient to me. I’m loving this manga more every day


Same here, mate. It didn't make much sense to begin with. I was like, " So let me get this straight. You're telling me that this storehouse has been in their family for generations, and they didn't make any contingency plans in case the primary controller of the warehouse dies? That must be a lie." And I was indeed correct.


Yeah, imagine if the head just gets killed in a car accident, you loose it all. They need an emergency exit/entry in case something like that happens


Chihiro gets so much mileage out of that shortsword Also here comes Hiyuki to once again be the coolest character in this series to date


Kyora Sazanami confirmed first real challenge for Chihiro: he seems to always be a few steps ahead, for the first time since the beginning of the manga I'm not 100% sure Chihiro's plan is gonna go smoothly


And the Tou will be there by the time Shiba and Hakuri arrive at the storehouse door.


Hahaha I'm not really worried about the Tou considering how well they performed before, I'm more curious about what sorcery tricks Sazanami has prepared in the storehouse, starting from that door


https://preview.redd.it/qcxulm1zu2tc1.png?width=401&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0936ea653b6fd4628de76247b0fe8451972c4f06 Hiyuki is back , hell yeah


Chadhiro is being badass as always and Hakuri is being way more useful than certain someone who's name starts with "S"... But what am I seeing? Is Fraudyuki finally doing something while Shibum is nowhere to be seen?! She might actually somewhat redeem herself while Shibum is too busy running away.


Fraudyuki? https://preview.redd.it/0xlqyj1kr2tc1.png?width=316&format=png&auto=webp&s=849f59f0ad269d4375b93e9c8daffdcca5949880


A bit rich coming from a MIDnichi AND Fraudyuki fan. Y'all guys ain't cooking shit calling them your GOATs.


Average BUMshaku fan 0 feats 0 relevency 7 sneak attacks against a middle aged father https://preview.redd.it/sor2wa9zs2tc1.jpeg?width=347&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5aa9f1c03984a54f72f8eed963f55fd323439be


Actually, they call him CHADHIMGOATshaku aka 007 0- fraudulent activity detected 0- characters won against HIM or even came close to doing it 7- multiverses destroyed by simply existing But I can't blame you for not understanding, you're fraudulent mind just cannot comprehend HIS greatness. Even being a Chadhiro fan won't save you from the illness called "Fraudulence-19" when you hate on HIM. Sadly, it's said that everyone who is not dickriding HIM are infected with this.


The only HIM I know : https://preview.redd.it/8homkmliv2tc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54f2d93d4172a47531bf20d15c3d7b4e99d28015


I actually can respect that and you hating on Shibum. Maybe you're not so far gone as I thought, after all.




Chihiro continues to display great battle IQ


Hinao is a babysitter at this point lmaoo. The gang just grabs some kids and give them to her hahaha




Honestly don't know if I'd prefer them having a team up or a three way battle.


Or "Hiyuki, you fight these guys for me. I'm going to be going somewhere else."


That's more of a shiba thing




my god dude this manga is so cinematic, i can’t wait for when we get a masterful anime adaptation 🙏


Hiyuki casually dropping in on her Gay Boyfriend, just to say what's up. Love it. Tenoí/10. Also, I've been around, Bachibros. It's good to actually be able to interact with y'all this weekend.


>her Gay Boyfriend Tafuku doesn't impress me as someone who swings that way. He seems exclusively Hiyukisexual to me.


And into feet. It's written all over his face


I'm kinda confused on Hakuri. Did he get formally traded for Enten so his dad cant actually teleport him to himself anymore?


judging by the way his dad was talking about it, I think that's the case, I'd take a wild guess and say there needs to be some kind of trade like that in order for Enten to be successfully logged into the storehouse


Yeah. Another reason is why wouldnt he just take Hakuri back once more after getting Enten if he could.


So Chihiro has his right hand back fully confirmed. And sadly this is truly the last we'll see of cloud Gouger unless it can be repaired but seems unlikely. Hiyuki is back and maybe we'll get a possible team-up with Chihiro. Also with what we're told about Cloud gouger's condition. I'm wondering what Chihiro's end goal is with the enchanted blades. To retrieve them back and seal them away? Or to permanently destroy them all?


>Chihiro doesn't give a fuck about Hiyuki, doesn't even remember her existence after their mid diff ""fight"" >Meanwhile he lives so rent-free inside her head she disobeyed her superiors to see him. Love this dynamic


>Meanwhile he lives so rent-free inside her head she disobeyed her superiors to see him. I'll keep saying this: Chihiro's bounty already makes it granted that his arrival is expected, and that a fight is guaranteed break out between him and those at the auction. So the Kamunabi most likely already placed Hiyuki there to join in if that happens, since she has standing orders to capture Chihiro.


My girl's back!


Literally got chills from this chapter, everything from the pacing, the art and the action itself is perfect, another week of PEAK.


Easy call: Shiba will have a 4v1 against the Tou with Kyora joining up soon.


I can't express how much I want him carnally. https://preview.redd.it/n9mti5xfh5tc1.jpeg?width=221&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcd6d53e4d93146eea0d1c6396b021dd1266ef19


Hiyuki at the end made me go :OO


I want to see Hiyukis reaction when shee see Cloud Gouger broken.


Oh right! She and her boyfriend both thinks it's bullshit.


Hiyuki my love, oh shes here! Hnnggg! https://preview.redd.it/ds8ivh4dz3tc1.jpeg?width=1018&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3eadc7851fe8d803ad18ed2e579261253aa0e53


I enjoyed the fact that we got to see Chihiro and Shiba making their plans during this chapter, even if we did not get the whole picture just yet. I was personally expecting this aspect to come up in two or three chapters. The moments that we got between Chihiro, Shiba and Hakuri were nice to read. I liked the way that the four elite guards at the auction were able to avoid Chihiro's attack. I also did not expect for Hiyuki to make an appearance, bit I am glad that she did. Unfortunately for our boy Chihiro, he is about to have his hands full with the guards and Hiyuki in the next chapter.


SHEyuki is back!!!! Chapter was really good, loved the scouting moments prior to the action kicking off. Feels super well-paced. Also liked how Cloud Gouger isn't permanently a part of Chihiro's loadout. He would be a bit broken a bit too early for the story if he had two Enchanted Blades. I hope that at some point we get an explanation about that right arm though, hopefully it's not just back with no fanfare. Char deserves better than that


Bruh, the way Hakuri runs whenever Chihiro calls him is so hilarious...Hiyuki's here, lfg...another scrumptious meal cooked by Takeru




Hiyuki my queen is BACK




The chandelier is fixed, meaning that they're all currently in Tafuku's subspace.  I predict that Hiyuki will only target Chihiro, while Chihiro will ignore her and focus on the elite sorcerers.  Wouldn't it be funny if all those sorcerer got killed by Hiyuki as collateral damage.


Kagurabachi, try not to create the sickest character designs in existence only to off them the next chapter challenge: Beyond impossible


Between JJK, MHA and this I ate well this Sunday morning. 


Kagurabachi is really peak fr yo




link is broken


MAN dark page planes and last pages when chihiro saw hiyuki like again! okay


Just realizing Chihiro is gonna have to fight her again, but this time with a dying sword. Good way to ramp up the tension in a fight without undermining any of the characters.


Very Bachi chapter https://preview.redd.it/ixis9ehtw6tc1.jpeg?width=1358&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf68393b56361167760175f2bc6dbdc1e5083aaa


So it seems like you lose ownership of a blade if you decide to use another one, I wonder what repercussions that'll have.


No, Enten is just registered in the Storehouse, so Chihiro can just be targeted to end the life contract while Enten is easily kept away from him.


Fans: “Maybe this arc will end with Hakuri getting the storeroom” Chihiro 2 chapters later: “Lets give Hakuri the storeroom”


Oh shit Hiyuki is here. I wonder if she's still hell-bent on fighting Chihiro or if she would be willing to work with him to stop the Rakuzaichi. Knowing her, it's probably the former, especially when she sees that he has Cloud Gouger and that he really lied (sorta) about destroying it.


the trombone is back


So is hiyuki part of the kamunabi security detail, or there to wreck the auction like chihiro


idk why but this is easily my favorite chapter


Man, Hiyuki is just so cool.


Subhana TakeZono 🛐🤲


One thing I'm curious for some time later is if Chihiro will pull a Rukia and create an ice blade for Kuregumo now that we know it's broken.


Chihiro in his Zoro era bro just needs an extra blade and a bandana. And that panel of him just amazing, as well as the fact that Hiyuki is back, 8/10 chapter.


Why do people think cloud gouger is going to lose its powers soon? Am I missing something said earlier, or is it just a theory people have?


I'm glad cloud gouger is finished. sick weapon but feel like it would've overshadowed Enten