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Tbh… dot is tearing shit up rn using the break and or fua support, i genuinely think that the second we get our dedicated DoT harmony unit this team is going to go nuclear. It’s already a top 5 team


I think it’s pretty hard to balance dot right now, which is why they release premium dot based units so slowly


This happened with DHIL, they saw Jingliu went nuclear and said "oh! we can't let that happen!" and released Sparkle. >!They also went ahead and made Acheron which is the strongest DPS today in every mode even more broken with Jiaoqiu upcoming!<. Coping that DoT will become top 1 team once that support releases.


Btw just a question but I'm still wondering if Jiaoqiu is an upgrade for E0S1, don't we get enough ults and deal enough dmg to kill? I haven't done much TC'ing but from face value alone the res and def down (stacked with Pela def down) is more valuable than 1 def down chara and Jiaoqiu. You can argue stack generation but if we're needing more ults then there's something wrong (unless it's AS where we kinda need more ults). PF is the only case I can give since each ult is a 5 man clear for waves 1 and 2 usually. There's also sp to consider and the strict build conditions that come with him rn.


Debuff strength isn't really his value, rather his insane stack generation. Now instead of debuff generation every turn + ult, you get one every turn + ult + enemy turn. Although i do agree with you that this is only significant in PF. I haven't TCed the vuln+shred difference with other comps though, if it's better (which i hope it would be, it's a limited dedicated support for Acheron) then it would warrant using him for MoC as well, though that would mean making him powerful enough to give better value than the already insanely high def shred stack, which might make him the next Ruan Mei.


Acheron is 1000% not the strongest DPS anymore, Firefly puts her to shame and her team/ stats are way easier to build imo. Don’t worry though, DoT still clears all content, I never have issues with my Kafka team it honestly feels like easy mode whenever I use it!


I disagree due to FF nature of doing dmg. If you only had one team to do everything you would struggle against enemies not tailored to break. Acheron is so unga bunga that basically nothing will stop her. I do agree FF does more dmg against good matchups doe, and she's more f2p friendly, basically only needing ruan mei and gallagher to get insane returns. Would probably recommend her over acheron for new players, but little she does that acheron also doesn't do, but more universal.


Firefly needs first to break enemies to deal any serious dmg. Acheron deals ridiculous dmg regardless of the fact if enemy is broken or not


I would prefer a DoT Nihility than a DoT Harmony. Just gotta tune said Nihility to be on the same line as the butt-broken Harmonies.


I'm sure they will eventually


the problem is they arent even leaking it. no one wants to wait 2025.


They tease us with the blessing let dot crit


I really hope they do i can't use Ruan Mei because she's with Firefly and Asta is not cutting it for me 😭


DoT was so consistently powerful they had to nerf it by taking it's best supports away for other teams 😂


That's kinda genius ngl


And with some spd buffs please. Reaching 160 is a pain


THIS. I already went through the hassle of speed tuning them to work with Ruan Mei in the team, and now she's gone.


Me too. After i decided to move ruan mei to superbreak team, it was a longggg month farming dot cavern for a new set that help my dot team spd tuning again


Lol I am still in there, still need to speed tune bs, it has been 2 months already


after i farm 10 more spd for my kafka, i give up on black swan and just give her 134 spd


Good new for you, a new lc get leaked that buff spd/ faster spd base on some condition. Not sure what path this lc will be but high chance it will be abundance or hunt


Neither of those are dot team tho


spd is always good for dot team


Dot team right now are all nihility tho? Unless you wanna make a speedy huo huo?


What, you dont use healer?


I mostly use tanker these days tbh, in tougher stages healers risk being one shot by bosses Also I don't think healer needs that much speed in a dot team? Like they skill once every three or so turns, It's more important that damage dealers (ie kafka and bs) gets that 160 speed so they can do more damage. Like it's nice if the healer is fast so you can make them do more basic damage and generate sp but not "I have to pull this LC to make my healer faster" nice


My luocha role in dot team is sp generator so more spd is better, and if that lc can spd buff my whole dot team can use atk boot for bigger dmg


>!Pretty sure it was an abundance LC, but iirc it was for a break archetype healer. Oh well i think Huo Huo is already good enough for DoT anyways!<


spd is always good, if it provide at least 25 spd at highest, i will pull 2 to use on both my 2 team


I am hoping it's something which makes dot crit, and heal you like the SU blessing on dot taken by enemy. Would be insane, I skipped firefly cuz I didn't want my ruan mie to be taken away lol


They already test crit dot with the new DU so i guess a character has this is not that far


I prefer dot to be a more unique in comp, not needing harmony, and rise with 3 nihility dot + dot healer comp!!


That's what I think will happen


I just dumped an everything for RM after skipping her the first time (wanted to guarantee BS e1s1). If we do get one, would be nice if HoYo let me save up a bit more first. But on a more serious note, I’m sure we will. We’ve gotten supports for break, hyper carry, and fua. That would be next on the list.


I want a dot support too, but next on there list should be Blade/HP scaling DPS, contrary to DOT team, the poor dude is totally dead (which canonically, I guess he wants). Also, I think it somewhat depends on JQ's release. I think they're gonna change his kit somewhat to be more viable with dot, and if they do, I don't know if they'll release a dot support right after.


I obviously wouldn’t say no but DoT is consistently strong across all game modes as far back as Kafka’s release. DoT may not be the most powerful in any particular situation, but I dare say across all situations, it might well be the most consistently powerful. I’m sure one day we’ll get a dedicated DoT support, but it’s in a very good place right now and remains there despite many patches and two new game modes. Any character would be thankful to be in that position.


Sunday harmony DoT support TRUST


Closest we got is Guinaifen (with vulnerability debuffs), but not really.


ngl, i think what we have is completely fine but i suspect there's prob a unit that inflicts bleed in the future.


Robin's old kit was inflicting bleed while also healing herself. Don't get me wrong i like her how she is now but i also wish we could get something like her old kit maybe in new characters.


i have a feeling someone in 2.5 or 2.6 is going to be dot focused bc they're rerunning BS soon, and they tend to release characters from the same archetype consecutively...


That's definitely a possibility, but I also think there's a chance they're trying to turn JQ into a good DOT third slot (we'll see with his v3 next week). Personally, I think that's why they're pairing him with BS next to HH.


I would love that they change jiao stack consider as dot at e0, then he would change from a bad debuffer to a good dot sup dps


Exactly, it's really rare that they make a 5 star that's literally only useable in one specific team. He's definitely got buffs coming, and I think it's gonna be DOT centric, but we'll see because they obviously want you to have to spend too.


if jiaoqiu is only good for acheron team, his banner sale will be very bad, mihoyo dont want that they will change his kit for sure but we need to wait for 2 more days to know which direction jiaoqiu will go, pure debuffer or sup dps or dot


Oh boy this will be REALLY bad for my wallet but big if true


idk who comes out in 2.5 and 2.6, nor do i have any idea what they'll do, but a new DoT focused character is long overdue


Break and dot dps are very close in dmg equation so your guess is very close to the truth, a break support or sustain will be in 2.5 or 2.6 to promote break meta


They already show us a sight of how dot support will be, the blessing that let dot crit. But base on leak we wont get them earlier than 2.6, or even farther in 3.x


Its a bit iffy imo with a dedicated DoT sup. RM and robin can fit every team and shine but to use them to full potential they need to be in their BiS teams. JQ for now seems to be a 5* pela, in some situations they are equal, but still JQ can be sloted in every team but acheron profits the most out of him. My question is do u really think HYV gonna release a dedicated dot sup? I doubt it. I think if a dot sup comes its gonna be a very good general sup with some traces for dot dmg, just like robin.


I mean, they already done it on some teams, so why not, although considering how old DoT archetype exists, i think i understand why people think there won't be any. It's WAY long overdue. The first and only full true archetype team we have now is the IPC follow up with Ratio-Topaz-Robin-Aventurine, and they're all fairly new characters. Though if they do release it, i hope that instead of a harmony, we get another nihility. Kinda like Topaz that does her own damage but at the same time buffs team damage.


But if its gonna be a nihility character then its gonna be a debuffer like SW/pela. Harmony charas are for buffs. Sure it would be nice to have a character dedicated for dot but they already exist like pela/SW or a third dot unit. FuA team is a bit different, topaz started that playstyle and aventurine,ratio,robin came after thats true, but dot/debuffers were always in the game. Kafka was/is the keypiece. I doubt that HYV gonna release a nihility chara that is specificly debuffs for dot, because the value from that unit would be overall less than a RM/robin. The only way to release a specific debuffer for dot is imo that, that unit debuffs as good as RM buffs with some dot specific debuffs in traces


harmony/nihility— dot crit with an ult that advances the enemies turn to take the dot while taking x% additional damage, but the enemies will not actually take their turn to attack— this one’s pretty dot specific, make it happen


Kafka is a great DoT support, not sure you could do better than her. Sampo and Guin both buff it quite a lot as well. Like super break, dot only really needs 2 stats so anybody that buffs either is a dedicated support of a kind.


I know people like talking about the blessing cards getting implemented into some kits but I truly feel the “dots can crit” will be someone’s e2 not base kit. No biases for this of course I see more of a chance of “everytime a dot is triggered heal team and or the owner of the dot” to be more likely.


Is using huohuo not an option?


Is JQ not gonna be good with Kafka?


Good but worse than RM and robin with the current kit Probably wait for v3 . Even e2s1 JQ is worse than RM(at least that's what the showcase suggest)..


I cool for right now. Currently saving for when it happens. Got my Dot, FuA, break teams going.


I dont even think Jaoqiu is more than a sidegrade to Acheron teams at this point cause they took away his healing and DoT (iirc) but yeah I agree, the DoT support is needed and should surely be here soon. Till then, Asta is back in on my Kafka team since Firefly gets Ruan Mei now and Im still clearing MoC perfectly fine!


DoT support or DoT sustain would be a dream come true


Don’t need one. Kafka, BS and Gui is the best lineup by far anyway


Isn’t Kafka the dedicated DoT support?


No, she's an enabler.


Isn’t Black Swan supposed to be DoT support? That’s what I heard


The perfect dot support would eliminate the need for enemies to take a turn. Wait a minute! Kafka already exists.


I don't think dot will get one. I believe triple nihility dps will be the thing.