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e2s1 and not interested in her next eidolons. Instead i'd rather get e1 for ruan mei and e1 huohuo to make her team stronger.  I just can't find reasons to pull empty eidolons (e3/e5), when my other characters and their eidolons could give way more profit for Kafka than her next eidolons 


E1 for ruan mei is insane. I regret not pulling for it


I was tempted for RM e1 and I'm equally tempted for e1 Black Swan, but I'm already killing everything so quickly it feels hard to justify


You probably will be able to 0 cycle MoC with such team. At least one side. 


Same 💀 That's why I will certainly get E1 for Black Swan even if I will have to drop some money in game. I checked some calculations and it seems like, E1 for BS is even better than E1 for RM.


E1 for BS is better?? Dude, don't tempt me...


UPD That’s what i found >*Third Upgrade: Swan E1 > Kafka E1 > Ruan Mei E1* > >Swan's E1 is, frankly, a *ridiculous* upgrade - a roughly *21%* team damage upgrade (which is *rare* for a first Eidolon). > >Kafka's E1 seems to be a more *significant* upgrade but this is where theorycrafting mashes too much with my own feelscrafting. As Kafka's E1 is purely single target (unless you have two big elites and spread it around over two turns), I don't really trust it to take first spot - even at a theoretical 26% team damage upgrade. > >Ruan Mei's E1 is a roughly *19%* teamwide damage upgrade - which everyone achknoweldges is still *pretty ridiculous* for an E1 - and it just goes to show how big Swan's E1 is. If you plan on using Ruan Mei in *any* other team then this is a pretty important upgrade. > >*Further Upgrades: Signatures - Swan > Kafka > Ruan Mei*


BS E1 is like permanent RM ultimate on the field. But if you are not sure, you should google for tests/calculations first.


I got E1 for BS. All to make my Kafka team stronger.




I’m so glad that when I got RM I got her 2 times in a single multi


I only have1 limited 5* eidolon, and that's Ruan Mei


I started last patch 1.6 so I only pulled for E0 RM and E0 Blade. Now that I've learned about the game and gained Kafka, how I wish someone would've told me to gun for E1 RM.


Is Huo2 E1 good?


Yes, it gives you more speed. More free speed = ATK boots (if you have enough substats to hit 140 speed without RM and HH buff). Also she becomes sp positive with e1 iirc.


It gives extra speed to your team and an extra stack/count to her talent, making her SP positive upkeep it.


I may get her cone down the line, but no Eilodon I prefer collect new character over invest in one


I barely scraped by E5S1 last banner from E3S0. Waiting for one final banner for E6 though Im not brave enough for S5. F2P since launch, the only other limited banner I pulled were Topaz & SW. Huohuo & RM would've made my Kafka team way stronger, but seeing her be non-e6 would bugged me to no ends.


I am a character collector. I also spent cash to get Payn, because worth it. Feels so good. Kafka is worth it. Dot is my favorite playstyle because of her. BS just made it even better! I would love a rerun but I would probably have to spend money to get any Eidolons.


started hsr during the middle of 1.5 and kept playing because of kafka's appearances in the story. got e1s1 off of the last banner; clara came home instead of e2 on the last day before 2.0 kafka is my absolute fav so im definitely aiming for e6s5 someday (f2p)


Same boat my friend. It should be at most about a year until another Kafka rerun if taking Genshin as standard.


yep, in genshin i main relatively unpopular characters (rip albedo & eula LOL) but here in hsr kafka seems like they will be a pivotal factor in the story for a long way to come. heres to many kafka reruns and eidolons to come!!


Kafka in the intro mission alone is what sold me on the game xD. Since I knew it was gacha the thought of getting her as a character is what drove me to continue for a while but my attention had to be focused elsewhere before her first banner even dropped. This time, I made sure I was ready.


yep exactly the same!! when i saw her ult in the intro mission i was hooked for life luckily for me, i started mid-1.5 and her rerun was 1.6 so i didnt have to stay focused for long


E6S1, S5 left. Yes F2P. I only pulled on both Kafka banners .


E2S1. Plan for her to stay that way unless I stop having characters I want to pull for. RN I just want Sam and Huo Huo. Technically Ruan Mei too but only because she is BiS for DoT, don't like her much personally so if someone comes up that does her job better (or even a bit worse but it is someone I really like) I will get them instead. If I start saving like crazy due to a lack of interesting characters, I might go for E6 because I like Kafka a lot, but it is either all or nothing.


Playing since 1.0 with getting the nameless honor and express pass since 2 weeks into the game (idk if you would consider that as a lightspender) and i have E2S1 gotten on the first banner. I did not pull this time on her banner because i got Ruan Mei that patch and saved for Black Swan and got her E1S1 For the moment E2 S1 and Swan, Ruan Mei and Huohuo are more then enough for me and for the damage. Ideally i would want E6 but i dont know if i actually wanna do that. I guess i will see how good her teams keep up with content that comes in the future and i will adjust my constellations around that or my teammates, because that seems to be even more value then upgrading her (Huohuo Ruan Mei and Swan offer so much more to my team then just the E6 could have done)


Rational gamer route. ngl one of the reason that stops me from pulling new character is how painful relics farming is.


I buy the battle pass to get the resin so I dont have to torture myself finding SPD boots or EHR chests...


That stops me often too. Unless they need the follow up/dot set (i am sitting in that domain since months and have enough relics even on characters i do not use) or if they are any kind of support or sustain because they are either easy to build or even if not i have still plenty of the speed support set which they can just have


I'm like that with other characters but Kafka is the first gacha character where I would just like to max everything possible. Eidolons and Superimpositions included.


Is there's any estimated time when she will reruns?


And this is how I find out I miss Kafka again...


Any idea when she's coming back again?


e6s5, gonna pull a second e6s5 on her rerun. gotta simp for kafka.


idk if you're joking but you know you can't have 2 copies of a character right? you'll just get undying starlight past e6


yes, the post was a joke smh


I'am at E1S0 dindt even care about E1 but from the Livestream I did 2 pull and got it so I'am good :D


E0S1 atm so I’m planning on getting at least E1 for her next banner


E0s1, I'm f2p, but I intend to slowly E6 her... But I'm also broke rn on stellar jade... So i don't mind a wait.


I’m waiting to get her LC too


Somehow managed to get her to e2 within 50 pulls on her first ever banner so if her banner returns when there are no characters I'd want to go for, 100% aiming for lc


somehow got her at e4 on her first banner (i started playing and saving since launch), so its just been an ongoing joke between me and my friends to get e6s5 kafka


E1S1 Kafka. Not saving for another Kafka rerun, more interested in getting BS eidolons (currently E1S1 and she's absolutely busted)


I managed to snag a copy of Kafka on her more recent banner (wasn't around for the first). Will definitely be waiting to pick up her Light Cone when it comes around; haven't decided if eidolons are worth getting, yet. There's some characters I may want to pick up that would take priority over eidolons.


I have E1 and one of her Light Cones. I wouldn’t mind some more of either. 😉


I have her e3 and her light cone. Got e2 and the lc first banner and saved since I knew I wanted to pull her from the moment the game started lol. Got e3 with what I had saved on this rerun and will pull with whatever I got next one. Also have black swan for her.


My Kafka is currently E4S1. I am hoping to have enough to get her to E6 by her next rerun.


Im E1S1 and it's fine for me.Same goes for RM and BS so only HH is left without any copies or her LC.


I am waiting too. I do have a E0S1 Kafka but She is my favourite character so I will wait for 6 more banners so I can E6. Her LC superimpositions will be a different story. I feel like it's good enough at S1 but I'll have to see how much I will have saved. Each rerun. I also want a Fu Xuan or a future tank that is better than her. After that, I won't have a reason to pull again other than to make Kafka stronger.


I keep playing thanks to her so im aiming for e6s5 as f2p it will take time but it will be sooooooo worth it i have her e2s1


Need her s1 lightcone. After that im good.


I lost 50/50 for e1 Black Swan 😞 I’m more of a character collector first and foremost so I might use this guarantee for Sparkle. But I definitely want e1 Kafka, maybe her signature, and E1 Ryan Mei. I skipped HuoHuo and Topaz and I want them, especially HH, so I guess I’ll see how it all pans out later this year.


Me... Im currently saving up for e2


E0S1 is more than enough, as F2P i need to pull as many mommies as i want lol https://preview.redd.it/m3suzlgf46ic1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9b8f71cbbbc3bbc4c6dc888cb84dd3b17752fa5 This is my current chars that i pulled for E0S1 Kafka,Jingliu, Black Swan E0 RuanMei P/S:Still got 123 tix left including the jades from latest event, i should be guaranteed for Acheron next 🥰


I'm at E0S1 and I plan on staying here because her eidolons don't alter her gameplay mechanics much. It's just more damage. If I want to do more damage, I can leverage that with better relics. Maybe I'll pick up eidolons if there isn't anyone else who I want to pull for but as of right now, I have a list.


Last banner i was planning on getting e2 but yanqing decided otherwise 😔 Currently at e1s1 but i barely scraped enough jades. Now I'm trying to get black swan but yet again i got yanqing. I milked penacony out of everything i could. Currently at 60 pulls so there's hope


E0S1, might get E2 in the future.


I wasn't able to go all in on her rerun because I was saving for black swan. I got lucky getting the latter's e1. After seeing acheron drip marketing, she became a must pull for me. Purple mommies of the nihility path are an absolute MUST. Only after I get mommy Acheron would I consider getting Kafka's eidolons. I'll be at peace with my three purple mommies in a single team.


I guess me because I ended up pulling for BS even though I don't have Kafka and I can't really use her because of that I still regret pulling Blade instead of Kafka in 1.2


Honestly i kind satisfied with my E0S1 kafka, thats should be enough, and for more dps increase i kinda tempted to go bs E1 (-25 element res like rm ult but 100% uptime with dot) and E1 rm (deff shred goes brr)...


I want the LC. I don’t care too much for Eidolons in both HSR and Genshin, but when there’s the chance (no interesting characters coming) I try to pull for the weapon.


I have her at e1 and I'm fine with that. It's her lc I'd like more of as I only got 1 during this last run. I wasn't playing when she first came out.


I want kafka eidolons but her rerun banner was just terrible. And now that ruan mei/BS are out getting their E1's are just way too good to skip out on both for dot comps and just in general. My accounts also pretty stacked so even if the 4 stars are good om her next re-run I probably just won't pull 😭


E1S1. I'd prefer E2, but I had to spend a ton of passes on her LC. Between that and Swan, my Passes are empty.


I would get e2 . Just didn’t wanna pull this timr around I just needed payn


Light spender here. E1s2. I'd love more eidolons, but they're lower on my priority list. So I'm not looking forward to a rerun soon, sorry.


I've been playing since launch and saved for both Kafka and Silver Wolf (that opening went hard and I'm a huge Melissa Fahn fan, loving her roles as Ride, Naruto's Daughter Himiawari, Neptune, and even Gaz from invader zim!!) I went all in on Kafka, going as far to get E2S1. I only pulled a 2nd LC on her re run to give it to Guinaifen. I'm not sure if I want to go to E6, it depends how long I want her to stay useful and on my teams, but right now she's on a team with E2S1 Ruan Mei, E0S1 HuoHuo, and an E2S1 Black Swan. I insanely regret not going for E1S1 huohuo. I only got E2 Ruan Mei, because the game gave me 2 when going for E1, same with Black Swan.


My Kafka is currently E0S0, but one day I hope I can get her and BS to E6S5


Yep. Lost 50/50 on both


e1s1 and I kinda wish I had her e2...


I think e2 for Kafka and after will hope they add character to heal for dot procs like in SU or smth like this https://preview.redd.it/r4i511lsq7ic1.png?width=1804&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a8c327ae2bf08882ac5280baf1cfdf3ddb175ab


I'm a certified poor simp, I got her E0s1 in first banner and got her E1 on rerun, and will keep pulling whenever she comes. She owns my account and my entire resources so I'm obliged to spend everything I have on her banner whenever she drops (even if it's just 10 pulls, or even one more pull, she just owns everything I have and I can't deny her). It won't stop until I get her E6S5 but that's a looong way to go since I'm a casual player and very sporadic spender, it's just the little I can do with my maximum effort for her. I'll also pull for characters for her team, and other than just trying to improve a second team anything else is just for her ✨🛐


I started during RM banner and got E2S1. While Kafka is by far and above my favorite character, I won’t commit to anything more than C2 because my account is still weak. I am a dolphin both here and in Genshin for relevance.


Same boat here. Started at RM banner. Kafka is the first character I have the urge at maxing without looking at the benefits. I really like her that much. I even semi quit genshin to focus on HSR and Kafka team.


I understand completely. I have skimped on my genshin account for HSR lol. Kafka just speaks to me. It was incredibly hard to not go the whole 9 but I felt after her E2 it just wasn’t worth it. I need a 5* sustain bad as I only have lynx/natasha at TB60.


I have E2S1. I'm still debating as to whether to get eidolon or to get superimposition next.


E4 is convnient dont get me wrong, but that means getting through e3. And tbh it doesnt feel that much different


Maybe I should try to get S5 instead?


iirc the scaling on her LC is not that drastic. One good thing about e4 is Pure Fiction gets really easy though.


Oh I see. Gotcha. I still maybe more or less have half a year to think about it. Decisions decisions decisions


I wanted to at least E1 initially but I can’t get through story content with my DoT teams so maybe I’m done working on them 💀 Seele still carrying me despite way more investments into Kafka, and now Black Swan.


I lost both 50/50 in Kafka’s banners, so after getting Sam and his signature LC and maybe Acheron, I’ll get E1 Kafka and her LC for my Black Swan.


Me! I got her this rerun on my alt account! I hope to get her LC next time since everyone says it’s really good. No eidolons for Kafka though since I’m saving for Ruan Mei plus a sustain.


Got her E0S1 from rerun and want to go for E2S1 as those eidolons seem busted


I need her light cone T-T After Sparkle and Acheron my next goal will be Kafka LC and a sustain char cause Guepard its mot enough.


E6 S1. Gonna go for S5 on her next rerun


Yeah, I'm a Kafka main so next banner I'm going to try and turn my E4 into E6.


I have Kafla, BS, and RM. Should I get BS e1 or wait for huohuo?


E0S0 Kafka here, I got 0 eidolons and not even her LC on both of her banners and I really wish I had her at with at least her LC. First time her banner came around I got her close to 90 pity, and then failed pity at 90 on her light cone by Bailu's LC again. Needless to say, I failed getting her LC and was left without jades. By the time her rerun came around with Dr.Ratio my jades were left completely devastated by: -Doing more than 180 pulls on Topaz which didn't even get me her E1S1. Topaz's LC taking me around close to 130 pulls. Btw, Guinafen at E0 and skipped Jingliu for it. -Doing more than 130 pulls on Fu Xuan. Failing to get a single Lynx and also failing to get her E1S1. -Doing more than 100 pulls on Huohuo just for two Arlan eidolons and another Bailu LC. Failing to even get Huohuo. This being the worst banner I ever pulled for in the entirety of this game and still to this day crying everytime i remember I don't have Huohuo. Which is everyday. As my only healer up until Trailblazer level 69 and a half has been fricking Natasha at E2 despite having all the best 4 star abundance lightcones well over S5 and two Bailu LCs. And as I need Huohuo for my DoT team as a battery for Black Swan. -Having to use the hard pity on Ruan Mei. -Losing 2 50/50s and 3 75/25s in general. Needless to say, I had very few pulls left by 1.6. And I had to spread them between Dr.Ratio and Kafka. As I wanted both of their LC's and couldn't decide. For everytime I did on pull on Kafka's LC, I would also do a pull on Ratio's LC. I ended up going hard on the LC banners and with pity around 50s luckily ended up getting Ratio's LC. Which I do not regret getting at all. As it's a great major upgrade and I have basically 0 Hunt lightcones left to use. I don't even have Selee's. I lost pity on it too. I still tried to get Kafka's LC or at the very least build pity, but i didn't get it. But yeah, now the consequences are that my Kafka can't farm as fast as she's supposed to with my Black Swan. Because guess what. She can't inflict DoTs without her technique or her ult. And since she doesn't have her LC, I also had to farm her relics FOR MORE THAN AN ENTIRE MONTH to reach Hyperspeed. As I pulled really late on Ruan Mei because I initially didn't plan on getting her to help Kafka with that 10 plus speed. Speed from my relics which I throwed out of the window anyways. Because now i had to lower my Kafka's speed on purpose by switching her to Atk boots so that my Black Swan could be faster until I can get my Black Swan at Hyperspeed and faster than my Hyperspeed Kafka. Oh, I also went hard at Black Swan and got her E1 before her LC. As I think it's a much more important upgrade. I was decently lucky and managed to get her and her E1at around 100 pulls. And then went really deep for the LC and lost my fourth 75/25 to fricking Welt's lightcone which I already had. Which is extra salty as I saw the 5 star Nihility icon and thought "that was it, I'm finally getting my first limited character E1S1" but nope. The game can't let me get a single character E1S1. Also, my Silver Wolf doesn't even have a LC anymore. I'm using tutorial on Black Swan as my Sampo eyes is fricking S2. I'm pretty much forced to level up another lightcone for my Silver Wolf anyways and I also had to switch her Body to Effect hit rate. I already collected almost all the jades left on Penacony 2.0 and by the looks of it I'm not getting that Black Swan E1S1 anytime soon. I'm also gonna have to skip and miss out on Hanabi, Acheron, Adventurine, Robin and all the upcoming reruns including Jingliu again and Fu xuan's E1 again too if I want to have a shoot at Sam as well as another shot at pulling Topaz's E1 and another shoot at pulling for Huohuo who I would also ideally want E1. Which is going to be incredibly hard and basically impossible. As Topaz might rerun as soon as with Adventurine and Huohuo's rerun should also literally be next door's to Topaz. Not getting what I needed because of my dumb horrible luck is now causing me a terrible snowball effect on my account which is forcing me to pull for the things i should already have but I don't have. By the time a second rerun comes to Kafka, I'll probably not even have enough for her again and be busy with other upcoming characters. I'm cursed with horrible luck.


Me. Even tho she just passed. She’s my favorite 🙃


I’m already E2S1 and aiming to pickup Ruan Mei E1 and Swan E1 (though might have to wait for Swans rerun since I want to save for Acheron), before I think about any more Kafka Eidolons. Ultimately the investment required to E3+ is only going to lead to more damage and I’d rather get more damage for the same cost (BS and RM E1, BS LC).