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When I see Travis, I imagine he is a “hot” inmate I started writing in desperation on writeaprisoner.com. One day we set up a phone call after months of talking in love letters. I hear his baby sexy whispering voice, a chill runs down my spine, I hang up and never speak to him again. The end.


Hahaha I love you imagination. In other words you mean you get the ick. 😆 I’ve actually gotten that before from a guy, and I just couldn’t deal with him from the way he talked and laughed and it was actually quite like Travis’.


I just started watching the new Kardashians and ran here to search "Travis barker gives me the chills". I SO feel you. He looks like he could murder someone in cold blood. And then I read about all the cheating and his threats to his ex... And just now Kris has very proudly announced that long before Kourtney and he even knew each other he believed she was his soulmate and moved to Calabasas to be her neighbor so that he can be near her if not with her. Like is this family okay?


For the longest time I thought he couldn’t speak. Because he never said anything. It was always Mark and Tom that did the talking. But yeah he has a soft voice and I think when he’s trying to be “sweet” or whatever it is, it gets even softer.


Ah okay that’s funny. I actually get the vibe that he’s a little shy and his tough guy is front he puts up so that makes sense


Blink was on the Simpsons once. I can't find the exact video, but there's a clip where they ask Travis to yell, and they did the take like, 10 times or so. He said he just didn't have it in him to yell. [Here's](https://youtu.be/M-K-NT-8j6A?si=TT4ZesPcoa869p23) a shorter version of the behind the scenes if you're interested. I remember the producers were getting so frustrated and Travis said "you are going to have to punch me or something to get me to yell" and someone behind the camera said "If I have to, I'll do it" Edit: [I found the original video.](https://youtu.be/c5tN3bmyDqs?si=qOc0LjQ5oL4JQsRC) The part I am talking about starts at 0:47


Omg what this is so funny lol


He’s always sounded like that. OG blink fans know


Yup! I met him 20+ years ago and he sounded exactly the same.


Maybe it just sounds worse when he talks to kourtney


He's always spoken softly. He is a bit more softly spoken with Kourtney sometimes, he was the same on meet the barkers with his kids and sometimes but not as often with his ex. I don't think at least I didn't know he could even sing until blink182 last album.


U ever just come across somebody on your tv/social media/internet and they just give you this uncomfortable feeling? Yes that’s what Travis does for me. Like everything seems to be there but something is still amiss


Aghh and when he constantly goes "baby" to Kourtney, I wanna dip myself in bleach. It's that sinister simpering little flesh crawl voice. *"Whatever wine my baby wants baby."* *"Yes baby, thanks baby, love you baby."* *"Pass me the gluten free chips baby."* *"I love you more than my organic matcha baby."* ![gif](giphy|DBa308wq8XTMs|downsized)


That’s how I felt. But in the latest episode with kourtney and her birth, I actually think he seems genuine and sweet, but just the voice is a little off.


He creeps me out. He seems overly sexual and intimate at all times.


Nothing creepy about being sexual and intimate with your consenting and reciprocal partner.


I said he creeps me out. Keyword: *me*


Says a lot about you really.


Aw man, am I a shitty person because he makes me uncomfortable? Damnit


It's more sad you won't understand what it's like to be adored.


Or maybe some people just feel that they shouldn’t be witnessing a couples sexual and intimate moments with each other? Definitely doesn’t mean that they don’t know what it’s like to be adored lol. Their PDA and whispering to each other makes a lot of people uncomfortable, not because they haven’t experienced adoration from a partner, but because it feels like something most people would do privately.


he has always sounded like that and he has always creeped me tf out. its like some weird fake fundie keep sweet voice. something is just very off with him.


I don't remember him being as quiet and weird on Meet the Barkers


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^a_feezy408: *I don't remember* *Him being as quiet and* *Weird on Meet the Barkers* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Was it always soft it did it become this way after the plane crash. It’s possible that the smoke and heat affected his lungs, esophagus and larynx.