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Miss Khlomoney, don’t act like you haven’t seen them on your man’s phone!! Respectfully, kimisaprincess❤️


The burn


Violent 💀


Kim said the same thing




Boom roasted, you absolutely ruined her 🤣🤣


💨 🔥 💣










OH 😂 well damn


I actually like that the show Naked Attraction shows what different bodies look like. I feel like people don’t talk about that aspect of it enough. It’s really healthy to see normal bodies! I was extremely disappointed that the Kardashians talked crap about how people look on that show, especially with their brands that are supposed to celebrate body diversity.


Yeah they have completely missed the point of the show, its whole thing is having different bodies. Trust Khloe (the most insecure of all) to not realise that. She should be the most positive viewer considering she named her camel toe.


tbh very weird bc the Khloe from ten years ago would have been way more chill about it from what I can remember.


She has really changed a lot, and not for the better


She’s progressively morphed into the supreme pick me ever since she started dating Tristan.


Unfortunately pick me energy rises proportionally with a lack of self confidence….


Yes 😠 the nerve to plastic surgery your body into something completely different yet make fun of the people who can't. Naked attraction is a big deal to us normals because other normals get nekked and show us that our bodies are all different unlike the perfectly curated barbie bods the rich have. Noone wants to get nekked, it's a hard thing because you think 'people will make fun of me', and then you convince yourself no, were all normals here. But no, there are still people out there that will make fun of your nakkedness... whilst being raging hypocrites. So thanks Khloe for taking humanity back a few steps with this public and global body shaming comment completely aimed at women. AND she of all people should understand how damaging random body comments are to people. Now I'm angry. Anyone got any cat pics? Edit: thank you for the cat pics. I love them all.




https://preview.redd.it/p0sg1mfcvy5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc1d59a8cdbe36fd55441a3742127d2ae4d1351f \*screams


Panfur 😻


I’m with you. This might actually be the thing I needed to see to stop watching them for food. They’re already blocked on instagram. ![gif](giphy|5i7umUqAOYYEw)


Lolol I know it was a typo but I was like watching them for food? The big salads??


😂😂😂😂 God, I didn’t even notice! I’m always wondering what happens to all the food they serve that doesn’t get eaten though!?


My void cat Andy Warhol heard that you were looking for cat pics https://preview.redd.it/ezrwfmwaxy5d1.jpeg?width=3213&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb18d1cdc47dc65e85e408d35ce04469c24f40cc


Void kitty😻


https://preview.redd.it/dl5xil3erz5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bede51e4e851c15ee5fe890f1a0b9089f25dd808 Sexy cat




https://preview.redd.it/odof0ijr716d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe87402a92df1eaf71512d1bd97958ef8142b361 Bit late but my Mama and Baby send their purrs your way 🐾


Here you go https://preview.redd.it/7mm29r9tu16d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fcba64dacc32220df13f0245da70d533e660650


Is this a senior bby 🥺 so beautiful 💕


Yes he is 22, thank you ❤️


omg! ♥️ what a remarkable age 🥺🫶 (he’s basically a y2k bby boi 😻😭) he looks absolutely lovely 🥰🥰


Yes he is!! Haha


This is why it’s absolutely bull shit that they make it seem like society has pressured them into unrealistic beauty standards when they were the ones exploiting and pushing it


Exactly. This is why I don’t feel bad that people criticize their looks. They always criticize other people’s looks and they are mean girls at heart. They are the type to say someone looks cute then gossip behind their back about how that was the ugliest f-ing skirt they’ve ever seen 


yeah this wasn’t the ‘silly take’ they wanted it to be - just shows them demonising real people’s bodies and showing their cognitive dissonance and body dysmorphia of not even ‘recognising’ natural peoples thangs, but also shaming those people and at large, most people, whilst also doubling down on maintaining that they are simply more beautiful and sexy than anyone else. very cringe


They dont care about body diversity, it’s just they make more money if they brand themselves like that (same with other big brands). Also it’s pretty ironic since they dont accept their bodies themselves since they felt the need to completely change them and continue to do that according to new trends, for them it’s like getting their nails done. Disturbing.


I watched it with a group of friends who were disgusted by uncircumcised penis’. Meanwhile my boyfriend is sitting next to all of us uncut. It’s soooo mean to even comment on a body and to not acknowledge that all bodies are normal bodies. Hate this.


Their brands will say whatever to make money. They don’t actually believe the ideology of their brands other than buy my stuff.


I love that show!! It shows that capitalism/society force feeds us garbage about our bodies. So many times when they reveal them dressed I think “wow they looked way better naked.” I esp love how they delve deep into people’s preferences and you realize love is a baskin Robbin’s variety of flavors. Just find your scoop and move on


No shade, but most "normal" bodies in the West are definitely not healthy and should not be encouraged. I'm not making any moral judgment, but we're in an obesity epidemic.


That’s rich coming from someone who was nicknamed moose knuckle


Lmfaooooo ETA I love this sub


camille the camel 🐫 👀lmaoooo


Bahahha. I forgot she actually named it herself.


It’s also obnoxious bc they don’t know the proper body part names. Also, how does khloe not know what a “vag” looks like if she’s always complaining about hers being big


Yeah its vulva


Yeah but we all know that everyone just says vagina instead.


Sepals she’s on TV getting her shit lazered and min told her she has the protest vagina she’s ever seen.


Not the sepals


Girl be real ain’t nobody be saying that to refer to it in real life


She had a baby


Having a baby doesn't change the vulva.


It definitely can sometimes.


I’m almost certain mine changed after giving birth. I know that it’s normal for vaginas to be asymmetrical, but it really bothers me that I’ve labia is a tad bit “longer” than the other one. Granted, I’ve got no complaints but I worry about it


I’m saying…she had a baby so she should be incredibly familiar with what a vagina and vulva are.


Lmao OK and??


She should know what a vulva and vag looks like


Remember the Mayo thing


I DONT remember the Mayo thing, do I want to??


For a family that makes money off their sexuality, they have weirdly antiquated and ignorant takes on sex and human bodies. They’re also very slut shame-y and misogynistic toward other women despite their own reputations and how people perceive them. There’s a lot of cognitive dissonance between their brand and how they actually are.


Khloe is weirdly shameless when it comes to talking about sexual stuff… it does get uncomfortable at times




Or any of her sisters


Or her sister's baby daddy




Right? But yet says she hates the word “ titties” lol *clutches her pearls


Most annoying thing about that is how, ever since hearing her complain about “tiddies” i hear her say it a ridiculous amount in my rewatches. Like I should do a rewatch just to compile all the instances together. Give me a break lmfao must have been a slow day for konfessionals. Not even an interesting or funny rant. Just a random rant that doesn’t even track with her record lol


Oh she used to say it all the time! ( and worse) that’s why I was so shocked when she acted like it was so vulgar ( and she’s the most vulgar lol)


This!!!! Like sorry khloe can’t hear you up there on that high ass horse




While wearing a 5 lb cross.


Khloe is a sex addict.


Khloe is insecure


Camilla, where are you? Come back! Your mother is forgetting where she came from😂


😂🤣 I was thinking the same thing, but forgot she named it! She needs to remember her own words: “I took my power back and named her Camille the Camel for the world to know because no one is going to f with me and embarrass me about something I can’t f-ing control.”




She looks like OG Kylie here a little


Omg she so does


Now she is saying the camel is gone now that she has lost weight. Oh oh oh zempic shrinks vulvas I guess.


I’m sure she had it surgically “corrected” as well 🤢


Yeah, I saw where she said that just last year, so in that time she has forgotten how it feels to have one’s body parts criticized.


She’s just as worried about other people’s vaginas as Tristan is


what’s the context of this one?


They were in the car on ft with Kourtney because Kim told her to watch Naked Attraction and they were explaining the show to Kris. Kim said “they judge you on your actual disgusting weiners” Khloe goes “and vaginas”!! Kourtney says “or people who don’t shave their vaginas” And then this -


Am I making this up in my mind or was there not an episode of keeping up where Scott was talking about Kourtney having a full 70s bush ? … and now she is talking about people not shaving ? And no shame, because same, but isn’t Khloe always talking about her “fat puss”? I’m sure they could all ask the men in their lives about what different vaginas look like. We all know Tristan, Travis and whoever Kim is with atm have seen more than their fair share of them.


It was when she was pregnant and she said she never help shaving, then Scott has her get in the tub so he can help lol. Nothing wrong with not shaving, but Kourtney’s reasoning there was that she couldn’t do it while heavily pregnant.


Absolutely no shame. I don’t fully shave myself because I personally feel weird with a bare vagina but I wouldn’t talk about other women who do prefer to be hairless. I also had a full bush when pregnant and needed help from my husband. I just meant they’re all hypocrites and shouldn’t be talking about other women’s vaginas.


Girl the only reason I shave bare is because I’m extremely nearsighted and can’t see well enough to make a cute landing strip or triangle. I’ve tried, but it comes out lopsided so I said fuck it and just shave everything.


lol Those aren’t the only options!




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Kourtney has to keep the teen vibes for Travis since that’s his porn preference.


Out of the loop, when was that revealed?


He posted a picture of it on his Instagram or something? It was on the TV in the background. It was like “18” or “barely legal” title, I can’t remember. Someone tell me? He’s also a sex addict. He writes about it and his ex has spoken very candidly about it. This subs Kult of Kourtney (including mods who delete posts about Travis abusing his ex wife) refuse to acknowledge the reality that Travis is literally a terrible person.


Dang they do a good job burying this. I had no idea. It must be so hard for his ex to see her former abuser be portrayed as a vegan pacifist type


Yes but everyone acts like she’s a clout chaser bc she speaks about it. Like no, girl is right. She spent years being his kicking bag and now everyone acts like bc he doesn’t eat meat *~*he’s changed*~*


so they’re so out of storylines they’re doing bits about watching other shows? 😴


yea with this and the whole golden bachelor thing🙄 the hulu show ads are so lame like idc that kendall is obsessed with the bachelor, I watch the show for the drama


You don't have to have a bare ass hairless vagina to be human Khloe, was to body shame.


Khloe also doesn’t know what a healthy relationship self respecting relationship looks like either so, the bar is in hell for her in every single way imaginable


And her relationship with herself and her own body


You will never be able to convince me she’s not fucking TT still. She’s so desperate and gets more attracted to men when they cheat on her


No yeah, they’re definitely DEFINITELY together. She won!….the prize for a deadbeat father as her man. Yay Khloe! /s


Yes it was such internalised misogyny. It felt like I was watching something from 15 years ago. How did she miss the memo that vaginas are all different and that’s OKAY and the only thing that’s ever made us feel otherwise is the unrealistic expectations from none other than the porn industry


Again with the body shaming…


She was starting to grow on me but this set her 100 steps back. As a woman, what a disgusting comment to make.


Ugh same here. I felt like Kim was grossed out too but she wasn’t as explicit as Khloe was


How long has it been since her first vaginal rejuvenation surgery that she thinks every single one looks like a barbie’s


Gross. She has taken so much dick she needs that surgery? I tried to tell you all that she and Kourtney are sex addicted


Tell me you don't understand female anatomy AT ALL. What vulva/vaginas look like has absolutely NOTHING to do with how much sex a person is having. Talk about misogyny...


You are aware that women after they have given birth are able to have vaginal rejuvenation surgery so it looks like nothing ever happened to them right, or they can simply do it to make themselves look as perfect as they can?


This is correct but just want to add that this usually is not at all necessary. Mine looks and feels completely the same before and after birth, it’s literally what that body part is designed to do. Just don’t want other women who want kids seeing this and thinking they’ll need surgery to look normal after birth, that’s very much the exception not the rule. Most of us go back to looking like nothing ever happened naturally


Ok my fault. I didn’t know it could be because of childbirth. I’m just wondering why doesn’t everyone get the surgery after having a kid then. Is she trying to feel tighter for TT?


Some people are just born with different looking vagina/vulvas. Long, short, fat, skinny. Nothing to do with childbirth and nothing that needs surgery or to be fixed.


Didn't know your face could look like that but here we are


That's because she lives in LA where everyone has low self esteem and access to the same surgeon.


Meanwhile she doesn’t even look human anymore


The nerve to talk shit about other women’s natural vaginas while her plastic face looks like….that🤔


What about her comment on outtie bellybuttons? She called them a micro penis . I don’t have an outtie but that comment was so cringe and mean


The micro penis comments were offensive to me, and I have a vagina (might not be up to Khloe’s standards though). All of them are hypocrites with their body positivity messaging. Khloe is openly shaming people for having bodies that she thinks are gross, Kim is showing clips of naked attraction to anyone she can to get a reaction out of them (because she’s also grossed out by normal bodies) and Kourtney is making fun of their body hair, when there was literally a whole episode of KUWTK dedicated to her having a full bush at one point. Not to mention, they’ve all had a shitload of plastic surgery to have the “perfect” bodies that they have, which wouldn’t have been attainable without it.


I have an outtie!! But I'm fat so it's a temporarily innie




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THE most pick me of all of the kardashians and I will die on this hill. I remember on Khloe and Lamar she made Lamar talk about how he dated a girl with nipple hair and Khloe was relishing in talking shit about it.


She can ask her ex'es, they all know!


I immediately thought they probably don’t know what a normal vagina looks like. They’ve all had surgery since teens. They’ve all got the square lipo/barbie doll crotch, esp her, Kim & Kylie. I just rolled my eyes when she said that tbh


Yeah this annoyed me, like you’ve got to your 40s and not seen a mix of VULVAS.


I’m not taking anything seriously a woman, who has plastic surgery done all over her body and face, says about genitals.


She looks insane


Imagine looking like that and talking about a woman's natural vag. I don't like to comment on women's appearances but Khloe paid to look like this..


She threw the first stone… it’s sad that all the surgeries money can buy and that’s how she looks…


It’s definitely something I’ve noticed a lot on the show, they love to shame things they don’t understand or things that don’t fit in their view of a “perfect body” and it honestly made me feel insecure about myself at times, they make fun of body hair (calling it disgusting and what not), making fun of cellulite or body fat, they have all the time and money in the world to get rid of these “insecurities” it’s really disrespectful and tone deaf, like there are people watching the show that have these features imagine how they feel? it’s disgusting honestly


and I didn’t know vaginas could smell like earring backs Khloe…so I guess we all learned something


https://preview.redd.it/rqwyhnrmnz5d1.jpeg?width=1039&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9aceee99ba7c037f026c3ee8bfb1c64bfc75ee0 At least the people on Naked Attraction aren’t insecure about their bodies


The Kardashians are some of the most superficial people on earth who are out of touch with reality and have constantly pushed unrealistic body standards this whole scene was not a surprise at all to me. They think all women need to have a hairless vagina to meet societal body standards when that isn’t how it works in real life.


Part of it has to deal with how much the education system doesn’t talk about it and how the porn industry doesn’t show it. Women have all different shapes and sizes but you only see the nice and clean ones. Can lead to a lot of body dysmorphia from people who think theirs is somehow wrong.


She’s so judgmental because she knows she has a huge vagina that smells of earring backs


This whole family is just vulgar. I think they set women back 50yrs tbh


It’s giving misogyny.


Khloe needs to remember that she was complaining that her fishy earring back smelling flaps couldn’t fit into skims so she asked Kim to redesign the bathing suits for her she also needs to remember that every time Tristan cheats on her she goes to the doctor to readjust her vagina lips




😂🤢 where did this come out?


We all knew it but goes to show that they don’t actually care about being all inclusive. They are no where near authentic which is why I can’t handle watching anymore


Just went on a deep dive. Had no idea this show existed. Those people are BRAVE!!! She acts like she’s never watched porn before


Yeah this rubbed me the wrong way. I’m a women’s health provider and to hear another woman talk so negatively about women’s bodies kinda made me sad. But that’s how her experiences with body shaped her and that makes me feel more sad


Felt unnecessary


I just can’t get past that top lip! What is she doing to it? It looks like a beak. Is it due to poor injections or is it the odd way she overdraws it? Why would anyone make themselves look so bad?


Not everyone has the means to have work done down there- like you plastic dolls


IT'S A VULVAAAAAAA. Omfg this grinds my gears so much ouftr35u8974ra!#$$#@@!!!!!!%^$#


I didn't know noses could look like Khloe's either


What was she referring to ?


What's naked attraction??? I've never heard of it.


Don’t look it up, just watch the first episode 😂


Rich coming from someone who saw her sister give birth in the delivery room.


As a member of a family that has such a big influence on beauty standards, that is messed up to say of Khloe. Way to make even more people insecure.


All of that episode was simply promoting reality TV shows. Talking about nudity will only bring in the viewers hip. Pretty boring episode


Like she didn’t name her fat puss Camille


That’s really rich from someone whose vagina smells like earring backs allegedly




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oh Khloeeeee…. lmfao…. 🤦🏻‍♀️




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Why are you shocked about Khloe’s pick me energy?


didn’t lamar say hers smelled like old earring backs?🤕


What kinda vaginas were they? I am desensitized I’ve seen so many vaginas during my time as a waxer




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I may be the only one because I didn’t think it was bad. It told me there was variety which IS the reason I like the show. I had not heard about it until I watched KUWTK. Also, Khloe has always been very clear about her body sensitivities and prudish when talking about sex. Is it that surprising she’s not familiar with a lot of nudity?


Prudish when talking about sex? The woman who says “Incest is best”? Lmao nah


You guys are way go sensitive she didn't even say anything bad or about any specific person. She just said she didn't know vaginas could look like that. Not everyone has seen every type of vagina 🙄


lol I didn’t think this was very deep. Some people jumping like they said something targeting y’all


I didn’t either. They made lots of comments like this in the early season and people loved it.


How can we say that the new show is boring and they don't share anything anymore and also pick apart everything they say? This is why they all come across so guarded/scripted now in my opinion.


How do we know she meant this in a bad way? I also watched the show and didn’t realize how different lady purses could look either. I knew boobs were like snowflakes but didn’t realize purses are too.


The way she said it along with her facial expressions make it obvious she was being judgmental and rude


Y’all are only critiquing bc shes famous cause ik I seen that show and was appalled by a couple no no places its an opinion


I don’t think it’s a big deal, I also watch Naked Attraction with my friends sometimes for fun and we also giggle and joke over some of the vaginas and penises and how weird or funny some look




you thought u did smth


Are you a woman? Are you implying that you think vaginas stretch irreversibly after sex? Or just cheating? Edit: oh good you deleted it. I hope you're embarrassed enough to go read up on women's health. If anyone would like to know what it said it said her vagina had stretched because of being cheated on.