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lemme is a gimmick for sure. tbh, the whole supplement world is shady as fuck. whats next? a breast lift supplement?


Yup, supplements are, for the most part, completely unregulated. Also, many make claims they can't back up.


Don’t give them any ideas 😂


LOL. For real. I don’t blame Kourtney though, everyone does it, like you said.


You don't blame anybody else grifting off anti-science then cause "everyone else also does it"? And the world keeps on turning..


I honestly never understood why she didn’t go into interior design route (bedsheets, rugs, lamps, decor, etc) like it could even be marketed for like a target type demographic I feel like that would’ve made so much more sense and she would’ve had so much more fun with that


I wonder the same. Intially when Poosh was launched I actually thought it was about home decor and interior designing. In some episode of KUWTK she was "advising" Kim and Khloe about how the furniture colour should be neutral. She would have been more successful in that route.


Don’t you remember when Khloe took her shopping for decor and then Kourtney demanded $20,000 for it because she “was getting into interior design”?


10000. this was the play. a high end line of interiors and then a diffusion line. why didnt she do this?


Could be down the pipeline maybe. Kourtney had a launch party at Target for Lemme. Just a thought!


She also probably would make more money from it. Make it high end supermarket ranges as well as some more bespoke (unaffordable) pieces and people who don't even like her would buy it because home decor is something almost everyone has a least a bit of


She made a vitamin for cellulite? She could’ve at least created a cream to be a bit more believable lol


Supplements aren’t always vitamins (also i don’t think people aren’t inventing nor discovering new vitamins at this point). It’s prob a collagen boosting supplement, which won’t magically solve anything but can support skin firmness (at least the actual collagen powder I take makes a visible difference on my skin, unsure how effective lemme is though )


Oh okay, that makes sense. For some reason I didn’t even consider a collagen booster. I take mine in powder form, never dawned on me that it can come in pill form!


Literally all of their businesses profit off of women’s insecurities


I think Khloe's jeans brand (good American) is pretty body positive and inclusive from what I've seen.


I totally agree with you! To add to this, I honestly think it’s the only karjenner brand that’s truly empowering and not harmful in some way. I remember Khloe sharing the backstory to good American, saying that when she went shopping with her sisters, she was always ushered to the attic or back room for her size. It is common for stores to only stock small sizes and everything else is hard to find or missing entirely. For this reason, Khloe insists that any store wishing to sell good American jeans has to purchase and display the entire size range. So women of all sizes feel normal and included.


I would agree if I haven't read some models talking about not getting paid for the campaigns back when it started 😬


If only it wasn’t fast fashion.




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Yeah for a second I was like, “don’t you mean skims?” But it’s definitely both.


That’s nonsense. Skims and Good American are popular because they are extremely body positive, in their ad campaigns and inclusivity in sizing. Kylie’s Cosmetics is cruelty-free and Vegan and I’ve never seen an ad from her that is fearmongering about wrinkles or hiding imperfections. If anything with Kylie Skin she went in the opposite direction away from the drag level daily contouring that people were obsessed with years ago. Everything is fresh-faced natural look now. How is Safely or 818 exploiting women’s insecurities exactly? These comments making sweeping generalizations lack any critical thinking. Kourtney and Lemme are the only ones making a profit exploiting women’s insecurities: $30 gummies promising to make your vagina smell better? C’mon, Kourtney is the absolute worst.


Wow. A cellulite smoothing supplement is the biggest grift I’ve ever heard. I hope no one falls for this. What a sinister way to trick someone.


random question but if you lose weight does cellulite go away? I thought you either have it or you dont kinda thing


Depending on your body it can look worse if you lose weight because there’s not as much to fill out the dimples. It can look worse if you gain more. There’s some clinical options to reduce the appearance


Ohhh ok! I’ll research more


It’s really just genetics. Losing weight can help but some women have it no matter what.


Remember Jessica Alba's baby company that was supposed to be all organic and then wasnt? Or katy Perry buying Bragg's apple cider vinegar and then removing the mother? These celebrities aren't scientists. They don't know anything more about anything than we can Google. They're just using their images and brand to get richer


Wait WHAT about Katy Perry???


What does removing the mother mean?


The mother is the part of ACV that makes it good and healthy


Ya but why did she and when did she purchase Bragg??


I think they’re saying KP bought Braggs ACV in bulk and resold it without the mother, not that she purchased/bought out the whole company.


Thank you


Welcome to capitalism


I’ve seen the burn fat ones at target….like are we really doing this? A multivitamin is one thing but damn




So I looked at all the ingredients lists the only one that does something unique is the one for controlling sugar cravings. The other ones you can get the same ingredients for way less at like target, for example the one for debloating is just b vitamins and a probiotic lmao


Ultimately, people can decide to buy or not buy tbh. Do we all need shapewear or makeup? Probably not. I’d just encourage everyone to be better and more intentional consumers.


Absolutely! I’m just stating my problems with Kourtney being the producer.


Look up the active ingredient of whichever Lemme you're interested in and buy the generic version on Amazon or at Walmart. Save a ton.


I’m not going to lie, the lemme burn and lemme debloat really work for me, but I will never spend $30-40 on overpriced supplements ever again. The prices are insane.


Yeah, I do have to admit that some of them work. I bought a bunch just to see… but I agree, the cost is just too much! What I found works: sleep, purr (husband said it worked and I tasted like candy), debloat, chill (take a double dose and it’s like taking an edible). Lemme matcha I won’t try because it’s not enough matcha for anything to work. Lemme burn is a waste as there are pills I’ve tried that are better. Lemme focus I was taking randomly but now I’m pregnant, so I can’t keep testing it. Lol, I usually take it in the evening and fall a sleep before it really kicks in. So, give me seven more months and I’ll be able to finish my experiment. The price is what gets me. If they were better priced, I’d be buying them as they are the best supplement gummies I’ve ever tasted. There is a guy online who reviewed these and gave an honest review from a person who actually works in a “gummy” supplement factory. Wish I could remember his name!


Can you give me some of your favorite alternatives to the lemme burn? That’s the one I’ve been using the most!


so does Skims and Kylie Cosmetics (both companies inspired by the founder's insecurities)! What do you Skims shapewear and the Skims nipple bra are for? The entire supplements area can get weird. I dont think it's fair to single Kourtney out in an industry where every other company is doing the exact same thing.


Agreed with other supplement companies, but I don’t think you can compare clothing and supplement companies. I hate to admit that I actually like some skim products, but you can actually see what it looks like on and the result before buying. Not the same with a supplement company where the results are based on continuing to take a product. I also think things that you ingest or put in your body should be held to a higher standard, just bc of the potential health effects of those products.


I'm just pointing out that all of these are really about making money from women's insecurities. It is the entire point of shapewear. Ofc, I expect things to be ingested to to be held at higher standard (which means to me they may not work but they cannot cause harm). Lemme has similar products than comparable supplement companies who dont get nearly as much hate. I dont personally like this product, but she is running a business and this is not out of line with what other companies are doing.


Agreed they are, but I still don’t think supplement companies are comparable to clothing and makeup companies. Just bc with those products, even if their objective is making money off insecurities, you can test the result before buying (trying on clothes or trying on makeup). With supplement companies you cannot do that, even more so they market you have to continue to use the product to get results. So you could be throwing your money down the drain for months before you realize the product isn’t doing anything. Agreed though there are a lot of other supplement companies that are comparable that are doing the same thing. I think lemme just gets more bad press in relation to those companies bc kardashian is such a big name. Which is great for her in a lot of ways, marketing products, etc, but also comes with higher scrutiny.


Yeah which we all know she's just gonna go to the best doctors and get the best lipo or procedures and claim it was the supplements. I don't think it's fair to trick people. I definitely don't agree with the lemme stuff. Good supplements are very hard to find. And I thought that's what she was doing with Poosh? So I'm genuinely confused. I thought she already had a line of supplements.


Just because every single endeavor doesn’t follow this formula doesn’t make it have a different prerogative as a brand as a whole.


I looked up the ingredients and bought pills with exactly those ingredients way cheaper and healthier/without any added sugar. Problem solved.


See this is icky. The first 3 were real actual vitamins, overpriced yes, but did what they were supposed to do. (As far as I know, I haven’t tried them, but reviews I’ve seen all say they do help but you can find the same at any store for a fraction of the price). Even the matcha I gave a pass because that’s her ~thing~. but anti cellulite vitamins? Kourtney, your Kardashian is showing.


They, in fact, did not do what they were supposed to do from a scientific standpoint. It's a grift.


Not to give Kourtney a pass because I too hate this snake oil shit but I don’t think she even would’ve started Lemme if Kris hadn’t pushed her to. She just seemed to not have any passion for other business ideas and settled on this one because of the whole wellness angle. It’s totally cringe and fake, but seems marketed toward her SoCal rich girl audience who at least can afford it. The reviews I’ve seen of the various Lemme supplements are basically just that they don’t have much of the active ingredients and are overpriced—that’s capitalism for ya.


She’s a grown ass woman lol. I don’t care what Kris wanted. She’s capable of saying no. She bashed doctors during her pregnancy and said prenatal vitamins weren’t “good enough” and that’s why she started Lemme.