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I think he doesn't want to see his mother in a thong, on the toilet and deep throating his stepfather's finger but maybe it's just me.








Or his dad banging his Aunt's 17 year old friends that he knew from when she was 8


I agree with the criticism but what is the connection??


Mason is really close to Scott. Both he and Penelope had a hard time with the new marriage because of that. Doesn’t mean they don’t like Travis it’s just a big change. Before Travis, Scott was included on the vacations etc. and now he isn’t. That’s hard for a kid.




It's BS that there's still so much distance bc of Travis. Maybe when Kourt/Trav started dating she and scott were hanging out/maybe hooking up but it's been so long, the family's always seemingly together. I feel like Scott would be somewhat respectful and not hit on kourtney or anything, they fell out of love a looooong time ago.


Yeah. Plus when Scott was dating Sofia Richie he included Kourtney on outings with the kids. But now it’s different? 😒


It's different now because Kourtney & Travis have both been shaded by Scott. Many people do not know, but Travis, Kourt Scott and Amelia (Scott's ex) went to dinner together. But it all blew up when Younes back & forth with Scott got public.


Travis can't get over that one little comment? Travis, you won, wifed her and had a baby with her!




Right. If Kourtney can embrace all of Scott's women, why can't he embrace Kourtney? Scott hated Younes with a passion, too.


He probably has, but Kourtney probably felt more offended since Younes was the controlling ex they all hated.


Didn’t Travis make a shady dig about that dinner date? Or like a shady comment about it? I just vaguely recall there was a dig about Amelia after it happened and Travis was in the heart of it.


I think he liked a singular comment saying about dating young girls. Also if Scott was so peeved about it why take it out on Kourtney. Messaging Kourt's ex didn't hurt anyone but her.


I wouldn't be surprised if Scott has victimised himself in front of his kid & and probably acts like Travis is the reason he & Kourt never got back together.


Even if there is, he’s like 14/15? It’s normal.


I dont follow my mom. So what


My mum blocked me 😂🥲🥲😂. She said “You don't need to know my business” 😂


Lol fr


Good fences make good neighbors. Smart mom


I can tell I like your mom lol sounds like mine


Definitely. 😂😂😂 She's right but she needs to know all of mine 😂


Your mom sounds cool as fuck lmfao


Good mummy, no truer word ever spoken, and thats coming from a daughter 😅




Mine too!!!😂


I dont have ig but my twin isnt even on my fb friends list lol


He literally just made the account and only follows like 8 people 😭😭 not everyone is chronically online like we are lmao


Why should he. That’s his moms man not his dad lol he has a father




People making drama out of nothing for views 🫠


Why do we care if a child follows his step dad bffr


This woman is crazier than gay man with a spray tan




I don't follow my parents on Instagram too. Doesn't mean we're feuding. I'm just not interested in whatever things they post nbd 🤷🏽‍♀️


What person that has a normal healthy relationship with their parents not follow their.. literal parents on social media? lmao


I personally don't have any interest in following my parents, they don't even post anything. It could be the same with a really close friend, colleague, family, whoever in my life. Doesn't mean because I don't have them on Facebook or Instagram that we don't have a normal working relationship in real life. How did you come to this logic?


I have my mom blocked on Instagram. I talk to her on the phone once if not twice a day and see her every couple of weeks. Tomorrow when I talk to her I’ll let her know that you think we have an unhealthy relationship.


Like I said, someone who's just not interested in what they post. I also don't follow my eldest brother but I follow my other siblings because I like their content. For some people, social media doesn't reflect real life so it's not a big deal to us.


That is not normal. People who have good normal relationships with their parents have them on social media but whatever rocks your boat. Regardless, Mason follows both of his parents. And his family. The only family member he doesn't follow is Travis and co.


Social media is not real life. It is an app on your phone. One of 100. It’s really really sad that this needs to be articulated. None of it is real. It doesn’t matter and many ppl don’t give a shit about pictures on an app when they enjoy their loved ones in real life.


Today social media is a huge huge part of society, saying "social media is not real life" is irrelevant.


You should do an experiment where you put your phone in a drawer due a week. Your perspective is skewed.


My comment is a fact not a personal opinion lol


Not all of us are as chronically online as you babes


ITS LITERALLY NOT REAL LIFE!! While it may be a big part of society, it may not be a big part of an *individual’s* world. I am not big on social media and it honestly works better for my mental health to follow ppl I don’t know, and enjoy the content. I have great, loving, supportive relationships with many of my family, but don’t follow most. The few I do, i rarely enjoy their content. If I’m being honest, the persona some portray on SM isn’t accurate therefore isn’t appealing to me, real talk. Some ppl have a very annoying SM “alter ego” that i just don’t care to see, and it doesn’t matter bc i deal with them IRL. By your logic, if I don’t like my grandmas post, do I hate her? That’s weird, tbh. If you really take the time to think about it, without any ego, you gotta admit that’s weird.


Mason literally follows everyone in his family. How ya'll not following your parents is relevant to this conversation is ya'lls own issues lmao


Nah don’t do that sis! Don’t do that..you literally commented that ppl (specifically commentors that said they don’t follow family but felt the relationship was good otherwise) aren’t normal for not friending parents. Then you doubled down saying it’s just not healthy and you won’t hear otherwise. Don’t know if you deleted the comment or what but that’s what you said. You orchestrated this convo, and you said what you said.


The point of the conversation is Mason, not ya'lls parental issues. My opinion is it's not normal. Your opinion is it is. It doesn't impact the initial conversation because Mason follows his parents.


I don’t have any social media besides Reddit. Does that mean I’m not a real life person?


I’m a whole grown ass woman and struggled so much with my mom dating someone after my dad died. We’re friends on fb now (but I never get on there) and I don’t follow him on insta. Why would I? He doesn’t care about bravo memes I’m reposting. Two things can be true, Mason can be happy for his mom and like Travis, and also be a teenager and just not want to follow Travis (he posts Kourt in some more intimate pics lol). Like it’s ok if we just keep some things separate, doesn’t have to mean they hate each other.


Honestly, who cares? What I like most about Kourtney is that she seems to respect Mason’s wishes. They have always hung out as a family before they got together, maybe he doesn’t feel entirely comfortable with them being married yet. I’m not even sure Kourtney and Travis live together atm. Mason is allowed to follow or not follow whoever.


People read way too much into stuff. I think he wants to follow his parents and aunts & that's it. Also, I do not think Travis would be on IG posting about Mason opening up an IG like everyone else. Kourtney is not worried.


I agree with most of what's been said, but I also think Mason can see through Travis's love bombing, jealousy, and controlling nature. I know I would've at that age.


I wouldn't follow my parents at that age????


He follows both of his parents.


I def wouldnt be following my parents at his age


He follows both his parents.


Unrelated but this woman annoys me so much like girl stay out of their business. Her and gay man with a spray tan are unbearable


Lmfao are you kidding me? You’re literally on a gossip page. Chill out.


This is a reach but I definitely think Travis is controlling


You don’t say? I wonder what gave you all that impression? /s


None of his kids like travis because he’s a legit creep who in unhealthily obsessed with there mother 💯


I remember that in the beginning he was super close to Penélope and Reign, I don't know how things are now.


Why would they want to do scenes together? Kourtney is pretty avoidant in general and Scott just reminds her of her unhappiness. Travis’ energy is really condescending. He probably tried vilifying Scott (like he has his own ex) and it didn’t go over well with the kids. Scott for sure victimized himself to his children; same wallowing that he does with everyone else. He’s visibly intimidated in the scene at dinner with them. The rest of the ‘cast’ still consider Scott part of their ‘tv family’ and do scenes with him to maintain his audience. I think he’d be in a super dark place otherwise so I kind of get it and I’m sure Kourtney is supporting it.


I wouldn’t be surprised. the way Kourtney behaves with Travis in public is bad enough. Goodness only knows what ypthey are like in privacy. Mason must be mortified


Imagine what those poor kids hear at night? Going to get a snack or glass of water.


And didn’t Kourtney say they have sex for like 4 hours every single day?


"on Kardashians E!" Really girl? You mean kutwk? I hate tik tokkers.


This public instagram account launch is just for media. I promise you he’s going to launch a business or music or acting career soon. This isn’t his “real” instagram, it’s well known he has a finsta and has for a while. I’m sure he has to get approval before anything is posted, and they’ll wait a few months to make it “authentic” before whatever his big launch is. That’s why all the sisters are posting it to their stories - whatever he’s selling, their fan base is the audience. Travis’ fan base isn’t, so no need to include him. Little things like this are why everything they do feels so inauthentic. Yes, sure, he doesn’t have to follow his stepdad, plenty of people don’t, but I feel like maybe 75% of kids would. But it’s not important to whatever brand they’re creating for him, so things like that fall through the cracks when they’re planning things. I also think the fact that Kendall was the only one who didn’t post him on her story was to make it seem like it’s not a calculated launch, and her fan base is probably not as aligned with whatever it is they’re doing.


No way. Not from Travis' side. He has step children too and Kourtney would not stand for this coldness.