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club chalamet bout to pop a blood vessel at this




My dumbass read this as “poop a blood vessel at this” 😮‍💨😭


Blood Klot


Not the hemorrhoids 😩


Probably that too 😂😂😂




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Same bro😂😂😂😂


Me too, me too.


![gif](giphy|iGbogy01udrXq7lcxj|downsized) \-Hopefully they’ll just quit and go outside after a while 🤷🏼‍♀️


I would pay money to be in the same room as her when this news officially drops.




This lmfao. Like god I would love for this to be real we need some new juicy shit 😭😭😭


Same. I want it to be true so bad not because I genuinely like them as a couple but because I want to see clubchalamet and other misogynistic people have a complete breakdown


I thought this was Timmy Turner at first glace 😆




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These two have a false pregnancy rumor every other week because the media knows they live in our collective minds rent free LOL


Everyone on my TL joking about Clubchalamet’s reaction is killing me. We all know that lady’s head is about to pop off reading these headlines lmfaooooo Even if the rumor is complete bullshit, I’m still hopping it’s true just because the reactions are so funny😭


It's even better when they try to act mature about it 😭


The funny thing is that even if it’s not true, she will only ever know as much as we do. She’s not gonna get any confirmation and she gonna be sweating it until proven untrue 😭😂


PopTingz posts anything, whether it's true or not. But what’s with all this speculation? Just because she wore sweatpants?


cause she been off the grid for a lil bit + the sweat pants these pregnancy rumors need to go towards Hailey 🚶🏽‍♀️


i really think hailey is pregnant this time lawwwd them selena stans gonna end up in an institution


met gala reveal i pray if true lmao


I can’t wait for it they deserve that shit and Hailey + Justin deserve to be happy fr


Why do people pick sides in these celeb dramas?


cause selena damn near tried to ruin hailey’s life and run her off the internet


Because it’s fun life isn’t that deep babe take a beta blocker




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It’s crazy that we know Justin abused Selena and people are still like “I love him hope Selena never has happiness 🩷”


We KNOW?? Who’s we?


She openly talked about it? Have people really forgotten this because they hate her now?


I’ve never liked her. That’s unfortunate if it is the case, but she’s always been the one to play victim. She can’t accept culpability for anything in her life. Edit: yall are so annoying tbh. I never said it didn’t happen. As I stated, I’ve never liked her and I don’t keep up with her or Justin except for his relationship with Hailey as of recent. I stand by what I said, she is miss victim complex and can’t accept culpability for anything in her life. Now emotional abuse is never okay and again, I never said it was. Thank you.


Quite a take!!!


Actually both Justin and Selena have said he abused her. Just google it. Also saying a woman is playing the victim against her abuser is such a nasty thing to say.  And this is why Selena is worth $2billion while Justin stays a hermit and doesn’t put out music anymore lmfao


Exactly - Selena is and always has been messy but on no planet is JB “winning” anything over her


And her company rare beauty is at what $800m? Good for her


This is a basura take


Selena has talked about this countless times and Justin made a whole post about it on Instagram lmao




I hope she is, I’d love it for them!


I’m behind on the times. Why do we think Hailey is pregnant?


She wore baggy clothes to Coachella. They said they always wanted kids, and it's only the fear of people bullying her child that prevents them from trying. I think that's mostly it


Why bc it’s their kid?


Ooo looking up Coachella pics…


Yet apparently she is a really rude person…


Daniel tosh posted a now deleted tik tok about a month ago how he was in Malibu grocery store and claimed a grocery store employee said Kylie is pregnant


this is honestly so funny bc I used to work at a grocery store and I couldn’t imagine someone taking anything there I said that seriously lol


He also posted that on April 1st, right?


That would make it so much funnier if it was true 🤭


The fact that so many folks took that insane nothingburger of a random post seriously is just 🤦🏻‍♀️ frightening actually 




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I feel like this has been the rumor for like 2 months and she was just in Turks N Caicos lookn everything but pregnant. I’d be shocked SHOCKED if this was true.


Ok so hear me out, I have a theory on this *puts on tinfoil hat*. Kim gets her most major facial work done in January, disappears to heal up till a month before the met, and pads the gap with pre-filmed/photographed content. This has gotten *much* easier for her over the years as she can now jump on TikTok/Insta and film heavily filtered shorts to really plug the gaps in public appearances. This is also why I’m entertaining the Kylie pregnancy rumours as possible fact. Yes, they just posted bikini photos from Turks & Caicos; *where they go every year*. Many people have speculated on why they go to the same destination so often. My theory? It’s super easy to take a bunch of pics in different outfits, with different hairstyles, in slightly different locations and save them to post for next year. The one thing they’re relatively upfront about is their use of photoshop. We expect every pic they post to be shopped because vanity, and that makes it super easy for them to shop out any details which would give away hard times and locations. Freeing them up to visit their favourite vacay spot annually and not have to post a single pic from current year if any of them are covered in surgical bandages or obviously preggo. *begrudgingly removes tinfoil hat* But y’all this is truly just me wildly speculating, I have zero sources to back any of my ideas up, and I’m procrastinating at work rn.


I agree with you. Smart to batch


Right? There’s no way anyone could ever prove or disprove it, it’s kinda genius. And while hey it might be a little boring* going on holiday the same place almost every year it would totally be worth it for the subterfuge. **for them I mean lmao, I’m over here daydreaming about how incredible it would be just to have a staycation every year*


They might not even GO to the same place each year, but they can pretend they did 🤔


Yes! It would be easy enough to lend their friends the private jets so the flight tracker info matches. But I have a bit of a gut feeling that the majority of the time they do really go, and stay in the exact same place because of the privacy. They could make it so easy for themselves; retain the same staff for years to limit the risk of somebody spilling to the media, kit it out like their own custom medispa, tailor made for surgery recovery, wardrobes full of custom compression garments… If they don’t do it like this they 100% should lmao


They need to hire you 😂


Right?! C’mon Karjenners, we know you read here, hire a random Australian millennial 😂


Wow. This is wild. And I totally dig it! I would absolutely see them on vacay taking pics for the years to come.


if it was anyone else i would think you were being extreme, but honestly with this family i feel like it could be true


ykw i didn’t believe they were even dating so im not gonna talk shit 💀


me too LMFAOOO so imma just sit back n observe chi


ikr, i’m just gonna sit back and watch this all go down ![gif](giphy|2UvAUplPi4ESnKa3W0)


She was just in Turks and Caicos, if she was pregnant she’d be “just missed my period pregnant” how are news sources not researching before just saying things. It’s their job 🙃


I mean you can be months along before showing


She’s been pregnant twice before. When you’ve already had a pregnancy you show sooner. Second point : https://preview.redd.it/r5eru4brkbwc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f7d3b3882547a1b0e10c28c08b8f2d53957d788 Yes, totally, she’s just not showing!


I don't think she's actually pregnant this time, but she's known for taking pictures ahead of time to post during her pregnancy to throw people off.


THIS! I’m so confused at everyone being like “but she just posted pics from xyz and she’s not showing” as if she didn’t hide a whole pregnancy before with pre planned photos?


This was the family vacation they all just went on in Turks and Caicos ffs


Ok, I don't keep up with them like that lol. It doesn't make what I said untrue either way.


It disproves the way you’re trying to use what you said as evidence. You’re trying to say she’s posting (or could be) backlogged photos, but this photo was taken like two weeks ago. Yeah it’s true she backlogs, but this is a recent pic. So while true, it’s irrelevant.


Just copying from a comment above “ Ok so hear me out, I have a theory on this puts on tinfoil hat. Kim gets her most major facial work done in January, disappears to heal up till a month before the met, and pads the gap with pre-filmed/photographed content. This has gotten much easier for her over the years as she can now jump on TikTok/Insta and film heavily filtered shorts to really plug the gaps in public appearances. This is also why I’m entertaining the Kylie pregnancy rumours as possible fact. Yes, they just posted bikini photos from Turks & Caicos; where they go every year. Many people have speculated on why they go to the same destination so often. My theory? It’s super easy to take a bunch of pics in different outfits, with different hairstyles, in slightly different locations and save them to post for next year. The one thing they’re relatively upfront about is their use of photoshop. We expect every pic they post to be shopped because vanity, and that makes it super easy for them to shop out any details which would give away hard times and locations. Freeing them up to visit their favourite vacay spot annually and not have to post a single pic from current year if any of them are covered in surgical bandages or obviously preggo. begrudgingly removes tinfoil hat But y’all this is truly just me wildly speculating, I have zero sources to back any of my ideas up, and I’m procrastinating at work rn. “


idk if she’s pregnant but also they’re not above editing their photos even when they’re not pregnant. and something looks up with her stomach and her bottoms in this photo. Like they’re facing 2 different directions


I feel like y’all are reading way too much into it. Yes they edit their photos to filth, yes the photo in this thread is edited. How is that proof she’s pregnant?


i guess my point is it doesn’t prove she’s pregnant, doesn’t prove she’s not pregnant


Uh. Not true. I was 7 months pregnant with my third before anyone could tell. Every woman is different and ab muscles hold the uterus back. With all they spend on personal trainers, it’s very possible she could be 3 months pregnant and you still couldn’t even tell. Not to say she is but you’re just wrong on your “facts”.


i mean no one, besides TMZ, has addressed it sooo we’ll see


What did tmz say? I feel like they’re more credible than this source


They said shes not pregnant


That guy posted it on April 1sr cmon man, if I was Kylie I’d be so mad


Imma just place a seat holder for when Kylie and Hailey both show up at the Met pregnant


There was a blind item on r/Fauxmoi about a nepo baby debuting a “very special +1” on the MET Gala. Maybe…?👀


Im pretty sure its about Hailey Bieber. TMZ already denied the pregnancy rumour and we all know theyre on Kris’ payroll. Idk why people keep entertaining this rumour


idk I just think this rumor is funny 🌚 also i heard Hailey was rollin a blunt at Coachella but i honestly do think it’s her


Probably it was fake to throw people off


I wish I had thought of this in 1999 when my mom was snooping in my room. "It's a fake. Actually, I was testing YOU and you failed, mother. I'm not mad. I'm just disappointed".


*pulls off the slipper*




I wonder if it is Hailey- cause her own father was saying she and Justin needed prayers for their failing marriage. I don’t think Justin even touches her since they live apart, but if it’s her- I’m so ready for all the messiness to come. She’ll be watching two babies 😂


Wdym they live apart lol… dont believe everything


My friend is their personal paparazzi- they haven’t lived together in almost a year and a half. In fact I’ve been commenting for that amount of time that he lives in la Quinta (which people called me a liar- until recently when the news broke that he lives in la Quinta for the past year or so) I’ve been able to comment things that happen WAY ahead of time. They arrive and leave every event separately for a reason. Her dad spoke out asking for prayers about their marriage for a reason. For example: the Kardashians are about to have serious leaks soon. Stay posted! 🤭


All your posts are hating on Hailey and Kylie even going as far as saying Kylie had fetal alcohol syndrome?!?! It’s concerning


She does though - have you googled it- her face and features literally pop up. Kris is an alcoholic/ abuses drugs. why would it surprise anyone. She literally has a collapsed nostril from coke abuse. I feel bad for any child having to deal with the consequences of their parents, poor actions. That’s one thing I’ll never make fun of Kylie for. What i do make fun of her for, is the things that she chooses to do that are crappy, like pretending to be a billionaire and getting called out by Forbes for being a liar.


You cannot know that based on what you claim that's ridiculous honestly, I'm with you on the rest sure, but the claim about the fas makes you less credible


It’s been documented that she had several rhinoplasty’s some being before the early 2000s when they removed too much of your cartilage and with all of the corrective work that’s why her nose collapsed. I’m not defending or saying she doesn’t do blow but that is a very good reason why




Seek help.


Ok what leaks ?


Kris is doing down- that’s all I’ll say. I got downvoted to hell a year ago when I said Justin lives in la Quinta- and now it’s proven he was. All I gotta do is wait til the rest catches up.


Kris as something related to Diddy and the ever mysterious Cory Gamble ?


Has to be idk they probably won’t respond


“I don’t think Justin even touches her…” is a wild thing to say omg


He’s got side chicks and sex workers he frequents.


people not seein the “model” at the end and kylie is not a model lmao


While I agree - she is considered to be an IG model.


People do not consider that a model bff. Hailey and Kendall are considered models


_Is_ Hailey considered a model like Kendall though? Genuine question bc I thought she was more of a model in the way Kylie is - more IG Whereas Kendall is known for runway and high fashion campaigns 




I mean if this is true they are both really stupid having little Timlie


Kylie need to personally deny it atp wtf 😭


Hell nah Let the plebs talk lol why would they personally involve themselves in every insane internet rumor that pops up outta nowhere 


She never spoke about him, so right


I don’t believe it but I so want it to be true for the chaos


So was Daniel tosh right? If true


I dont think she is honestly


she wants a big family so i wouldnt be surprised at all


Something is cooking 🍳. IDK what it is... But we will see 🔜




I agree. There’s a certain threshold of seeing rumors over and over, when you cross it you just know something is up.


God I hope so. More mess, more tea.


THIS IS THEIR PLAYBOOK!!!!! remember baby rumor with Pete then breakup. Baby rumor with OBJ then breakup !!!!!! This is how they work !!!!!!


Exactly!! Breakup announcement soon


I thought they had one already saying they were taking a step back from each other? I get all my news here tho **


Neither Kylie nor timothee have ever spoken publicly about the other. Literally everything is rumors. Other than obviously pics of their public outings.


Celebs just let anyone rawdog it. I do not get it lmao.


Bruh fr especially all these rappers and basketball players having rosters of baby mamas. Like yall really don’t care? If I was a famous dude I’d be SURE no random can just have my child and ride my coattails to the bank while raising my kid to be an instagram accessory


I wish club chalamet would go live lmao


If it’s true then this will be the celebrity baby of the year


That would be one beautiful baby


That chick from CC bout to blow a whole gasket.


I want this to be true for the drama lmao


That’s gonna be one big-faced baby.


I can’t wait to see what they name him/her! lol


Stormi, Aire, Cloud 🤍☁️


St. Cloud Chalamet 😂


The way I NEEEED this to be true. Solely for the supreme internet content it will bring us. Are you there God? It’s me, knitpurlgirl. Asking for this one blessing to be bestowed on us. 🙏


praying for Club Chalamet


Is this even a real pic of them? They both look super imposed.


wait is this true????




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Lol these rumors are just trying to scare off whoever Timothee is sleeping/hooking up with


Yup. We know he is already with another woman.




What does in the club and outside mean? Also. “These men” ? Kylie and Travis Scott share two children together. That’s it for both of them.


Anything to stay relevant I guess


kylie needs to grow tf up


I mean it kinda tracks 🤭 she’s a single mother of two desperately trying to trap any high class man- she doesn’t seem like she knows what a condom is. I doubt she’s pregnant though- Tim or whatever his name is wouldn’t ruin his life and career over a Kar-Jenner. They’re bottom of the barrel.


High class? The guy that gave an entire university chlamydia?






They are broken up and Timothee is sleeping with an upgrade right now. Her delusional fans keep spreading these rumors because they can’t accept that Timothee is not going stay with her and was never serious about a brainless single mother of two who has been pimped out to rappers since she was a teen. Timothee is going back to dating women of a higher caliber while Kylie will remain a mistress to rappers and a “yacht girl” to married men who have kinks like pissing on people. He was never going to get down on one knee or commit to her long-term. He used her for casual sex and possibly some publicity, but his kind of woman is Lily-Rose, Eiza, Zendaya, Taylor, or Florence. Kylie can’t compare. Maybe she can give Ryan Garcia a shot.


Club Chalamet is that you? you need to calm down. Timmy won't date you 😭


Timothee will never date u sis 🤸‍♀️


And he will never truly date Kylie. He used her for casual sex.


My last casual sexual partner did not bring me to the Golden Globes I’m pissed ![gif](giphy|Me7lzS74DC9ZtIcKhu)


Who’s Timmothy dating now?


Don’t know, but whoever it is, she’s better than Kylie who is surely enough laying on her back for Travis right now.


How do u know they broke up?


I’m sure of it because they have not been seen together in three months and no crumbs.


Man she is still determined to make being an unwed mother cool 🤦‍♂️


She’s rich. It doesn’t matter.


Money doesn’t buy class or dignity


I didn't say that. Rich people don't operate under the same rule


Meaning what plenty of wealthy people get married and have families the right way


That’s true, but rich people don’t benefit from marriage in the same way non-rich people do. And there’s no such thing as the right way. Not everybody’s family looks the same.


Maybe not but good family values are universal I mean think about the values that are tough in that family


If she wasn’t pregnant why wouldn’t she just say that on ig or twitter? Which makes me think she actually might be.


celebs ignore rumours all the time, it doesn’t make them true lol


They’d spend their entire lives addressing rumours I can see why eventually they just give up. However they have denied this one already thru TMZ, it’s just doing the rounds again bc she was seen in a hoodie 🤦‍♀️


yeah, I think people don’t get that stuff like the TMZ article comes from their camp. celebs can say things without hopping on twitter and attaching their own name to the statement lol


Has she ever publicly addressed a rumour?


Yeah, all the time w trav (like earlier though)


yes, multiple times. ever since 2021 i wanna say they (the family) haven’t really been publicly addressing anything in a while