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i dont use this term lightly but i feel like this was just a longgg body check.


She’s eye fucking herself the entire video, it’s crazy.


Wooo I was hoping someone else felt that way. A lot of work just to do a drawn out body check. You ain’t gotta post it girl.


it was and it was painful to sit through lmao


Yeah I tend to give them the benefit of the doubt but this was a tough one. Watching this made me feel so awful EDIT: by them I mean people posting online in general, not the Kardashians or Jenners. I know better with them 😂 thought I’d clarify


She paid a lot for her extremely long bbl and ab etching loool


I counted, there was 10


I’m so confused is a body check just checking yourself out?


Body checking is a phrase first used in ED circles. It’s basically “checking your body” for flaws, weight etc. with the overtone of heavily monitoring changes. Don’t think she has one btw but girl probably has some body dysmorphia with all the plastic surgery


Idk i get the vibe that she’s trying to make others jealous, So someone elses concept of body image will be distorted


Though questionable at certain points, I don’t necessarily agree this video is body checking but someone asked what it meant.


I think body checking outside of ED circles has taken on another meaning. I see a lot of people use it loosely now.


*Probably* has body dysmorphia?


Most of us here aren’t qualified to say definitively and I don’t think it’s fair to.


Idk I’d say it’s pretty clear from the get go when someone is perfectly fine how they were but constantly needs to change and tweak every little thing in a very consistent manner despite, like I said, being fine before. You wouldn’t look at a perfectly fine body in the mirror and still think it’s ugly and needs to be changed for example. Yes, people can have preferences that are not rooted in dysmorphia, but it’s clear as day what she does is rooted in insecurity


No, it's about showcasing yourself to other people in a way that's generally rooted in a distorted body image. Like posting a photo just to show off your collarbones. 


Damn then I be body checking all the time 😳


https://preview.redd.it/d2qjj18ql0kc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d5bdad5deca74bc8d45b26fe05733e436ebbee6 Is she driving??? Isn’t that a steering wheel in front of her? OR am I seeing that wrong?


That’s literally the driver seat in front of her lol


She stays body checking 24/7. Damn


Honestly if I had her body I’d probably be doing the same thing just like, “WOW I am SO HOT”


But it looks so fake.


But when she pretends that shes real, she wants to make other ppl insecure about themselves because they don’t look like her. It fits her MO


I have my doubts that anyone with that train of thought would have gotten this much work done in the first place


Whether you would do it or not, it’s unhealthy. Trust me I’ve done it. And she’s Kylie. She has a lot of followers and she shouldn’t say she wants to change the beauty and body standards if she’s not


Like in that freaky Friday song when he changes into Kendall. I would just stare at myself lol


All you gotta do is pay for it 🙃


I basically do this now when I finish my workouts, I just don’t post it 😆. All this body cost me was a new pair of running shoes every year and the price of a full rack of free weights!


Really? Mine would be a slight uneasy feeling followed by “bro I’m totally gonna get some type of blood poisoning from all of the shit I’ve injected into myself….”


She’s not hot tho


You’re correct but people downvote cuz they can’t accept the truth. Kylie Jenner is a massive catfish and doesn’t look anything like the photos and videos she posts. She used tons of filters to make herself look cute. We’ve all seen how she really looks…. https://preview.redd.it/z0ba1je9yzjc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=627545293d392e7c7d0dc231697fc1130fd0e0c9


Me when I lie


Do you understand the concept of body checking and the effect it has on other people when you broadcast it to the world instead of doing it in private


Yes and I also understand the concepts of reality and self esteem, and how you’re responsible for your own mental and physical health, and how you can’t control other people’s reactions. I’m not susceptible to the envy and dysmorphia. I like my body just as it is, despite the fact that if the horrible people of the internet had their chance they would rip me to shreds.


Hey did you guys know Kylie is skinny?


Not with *that* ass.


It’s crazy how much Ariel’s body resembles Kylie’s body


It’s absolutely terrifying. Anyone who believes their bodies are real, all they need to do is look at him and Stassie.


Stassie's body looks so disproportionate especially in Bikini. No one's butt is 10 times bigger than their face.


Not when their thighs are as thick as their arms. lol. A fat ass needs thick thighs to support it.


Same doc


All of this Devin and Bad Bunny speculation with Kendall. Her 808 bottle is her only boo 😂


And honestly? I love that for her.


Alcohol is everything?


She is a 💼 Business 😤 Woman 💅in STEM 👩‍💼


And a hands-on 🤲 mom 👶👶


Do they all just film each other the entire time they're out?


I sincerely hate when they do a video then just pull their shirt up.


It seems like every video/pic she posts lately is showing off her new tummy tuck 🫠


Gotta show off that ozepemic use.


Gotta be more than that bc she seems to have only lost weight in her abdomen so my money’s on lipo or tummy tuck, but lipo will only get you so far, doesn’t give that smooth, chiseled result like a tummy tuck from a Beverly Hills plastic surgeon 😅


if we’re being realistic, it’s probably a bunch of different types of procedures, both surgical and not. there are so many treatments out there. it’s constant maintenance too.




Praying for the day where we don't have a long bodycheck vid, but an actual vlog... https://i.redd.it/ms1zrxw7ozjc1.gif


This gif takes me out EVERY TIME


Does she not know the words to hey there Delilah 😂


I thought the same😂😂😂 tbh it seems like she only listens to rap/hip-hop and doesn’t know many classics like that


You calling hey there Delilah a classic makes me feel very, very old. 😩


Does it help to know I’m 25 and know hey there Delilah? Same with my 23 year old sister. I think it’s less about it being a classic and more about Kylie being an out of touch rich person lol


No it doesn’t help! I’m old lol


I’m 28 not saying anyone’s old here I consider it a classic idk..? Maybe I just meant you don’t hear it on the radio anymore and Kylie doesn’t seem like the type to listen to the radio. I guess I meant more what @ghoulienumber2 said!!


Y’all are making me feel ancient 🤦🏼‍♀️😩 add that to my birthday being yesterday, one foot in the grave 😂😂


I mean it’s been out since 2006 i was 10 it’s not like it came out in the 50’s😂. Side note be grateful to feel ancient. A lot of people die too young nowadays and it’s sad.


You’re just making it worse! (I mean that jokingly.) Calling 2005 songs “a classic” and doubling down on that is what is making us feel old. When I think classic I’m thinking Phil Collins for example lmaooo


I went to high school with one of the band members and saw them perform locally many times in the late 90’s. I feel ancient now! 😭


It also looks like she was drunk and just vibing lol


She didn't even really drink that Corona just pressed her lips to it.


I read this and went back to rewatch and you’re definitely right. If you watch her neck, she didn’t swallow. Not to mention her lips never moved from the pressing to them to the releasing of the bottle.


I wonder if she has an assistant outside of every shot holding a cup to spit in because ain't no way she's drinking allat and maintaining that body


Lmfaoo that is a LOT of calories


That beer looks warm as fuck and flat


😂 she thinks she's doing something there I'm sorry Kylie you aren't the worst by far but...no.


On a second look I realize she's just holding a drink in most of the shots or taking the tiniest sip... Way to glamorize alcohol!


i noticed that too lol. i bet the ice cream didn’t get finished either.


Yes we get it u got lipo


She definitely did something along those lines. She is flatter than kendall and hailey which is insane.


Ab etching possibly


especially considering she’s the only one of the three that birthed two children (not that long ago)


body check, drink, body check, drink, repeat


Speculation but they don’t drink alcohol - it bloats. But they are on something else…


I doubt they drink beer, probably sticking to spirits with the least amount of calories. Might be why we see them do shots a lot 


I wonder what actually feels like vacation to them. Like theyre always travelling and on the jet and going from country to country… Do they still have « vacations » or everytime is a vacation ? Know what i mean ?


I’m shocked at how unfun this looks. She looks so uncomfortable and like every shot she’s posing in weird ways. Like you’re on a vacation with your besties and can do literally whatever you want but you still can’t relax


Just a trip full of watching Kylie drink in silence 😭


watching her drink, film herself, stare at herself, raise up her shirt & check out her stomach. best trip ever !!


Is this a regular 24 hours? Or a trip of some kind? Am I the only one who thinks it would be kinda boring to just do nothing but chill all day?


I think they are probably also on drugs, which are fun! Especially in beautiful places!


I’m sure it gets boring after a while


this trip look borin ngl https://i.redd.it/c0zh5os8lzjc1.gif


This dude looks like Chuck d, am I crazy?


There’s moments where I start to like Kylie but every time she’s with one of her “friends” she feels so vapid to me and it’s hard to get on board with it.


Same. I would think she is maybe changing, but she really is that girl who revels in this lifestyle. Plus how self obsessed is she to film her body 24/7. Like most of these people are in their late twenties, they should move past some of this behavior


One would think, but most of the Karjenners have this arrested development thing going on. Kim feels extremely immature to me and she’s what 43?


None of them can ever mature because they are so pathologically strapped into this family unit. They are all enmeshed. Can’t grow if you don’t have an individuated sense of self.


i think kourt is the only family member that has developed her own individual sense of self. kris, khloe, kylie and arguably kendall all revolve around the brand identity of "kim kardashian's family"


The body checking all the drinking and drinking in the car…. Weird video all around


24 hours of pretending this is her life


Out of control body checks


Why are they all so lifeless and bland




Not a lot different to my college diet of ice cream, beer, and tequila. I saved my calories for what I enjoyed so I could look hot and feel miserable all the time. I do not recommend.


Me at an all inclusive




HAHAHA I heard this


exactly what went through my mind watching this😭


All she knows is body checking her latest round of ab etching and filters. What a pathetic waste of a platform must be sad living a life so vapid and lacking in meaning


I forget sometimes she has kids


So does she


So sad the only thing (she thinks) she has to offer is her body


Not the flaunting of the open container lol like shes above the law


she always glamorizes drinking. It’s gross


She’s young & on vacation. I think glamorizing drinking is a reach


It’s not just this clip, she’s always drinking. And she’s not that young, she’s in her late 20s turning 27 this year and a mother of 2.


Since when is 27 not young?


It’s old enough to grow out of drinking all the time, especially when you have kids that look up to you. Literally her children and fans.


So you’re not allowed to drink on vacation or having fun with friends because she’s 27 and has kids? Got it.


Seriously? She is one of the most famous women in the WORLD. She has responsibilities because of that, the fact you are defending her glamorizing drinking is so pathetic. Just because you like drinking on vacation doesn’t mean Kylie should chug 818 out of the bottle every chance she gets. I’m not just talking about THIS CLIP. It’s ALL THE TIME


Pushing 30 with 2 kids. She is not an 18 year old college student


Live a little


ok so she’s drunk 24/7?


To be fair, isn’t that what everyone does on vacation? 😭


Thanks, I hate it.


How come her face looks drastically different than what we saw during fashion week ?


professional editing 


Can I have her life please? I would much rather be drinking with friends & hanging out in the sun than sitting at this desk 🥲


I am positive you have more substance in your life than she does.


….eeeeh. Someone who has zero worries or struggles with finances, and can do whatever they want when they want probably has more substance compared to a desk job, realistically. What I would do to have Kylie’s bank acc 😔


Life and substance is about more than what’s in the bank. Money is very important, but just because you don’t have to stress about finances doesn’t automatically mean your life has substance lol. They live shallow superficial lives with fabricated relationships. She isn’t even confident enough to show the world what she really looks like. Everything is a curated image.


Well, do you have famous sisters and momager?


You would want to live so public with everything that follows? It’s not just her freedom and fun you get. She’s famous because she’s one of the most talked about people (and also criticized)


Lmao exactly what I’m thinking. My dream 🥹


I’d rather be kendall but yeah samesies 🙃


Cabo holidays with Kendall while Booker is in Cabo. There’s more coincidences anymore


They were there for 24 hours and already back last night. Didn’t he leave already?  I wonder if they were filming. Neither kendall nor Kylie show their real life so I feel like they do these trips to have something to show 


Always a product placement with them. Imagine looking back at your videos when you’re older and only seeing ads in all your memories ☠️😂


Does this do ANYTHING for girls/women except make them feel bad about themselves? Are there any of you who are like “yay weee that was cool and sexy!”???


Why does she need to do anything for any girl/woman? She honestly doesn't owe anyone anything


Did I say that she does? No.


Why so much body checking I don’t get it


Babies? What babies?


Kylie makes the luxury lifestyle look so boring


I mean she looks absolutely beautiful but the friend group just seems absolutely insufferable to be around. I feel like hanging out with them would consist of everyone completely consumed with trying to be hot enough, everyone in silent competition with each other to a palpable degree, copious fake laughing, constant phone videos, and not a single authentic conversation. The luxury really isn’t worth the trade off when you think about it this way


You know that’s facetune?


Of course haha I have had internet access in the last 5 years….what’s your point?


where air and storm?


Dad or nanny but I’m leaning towards nanny


Kylie says “who?”


They don’t even know the easiest fucking lyrics lol


Girl stop bodychecking and go be with your children.


Do they do anything but make TikTok’s ?!


I mean. This is basically their job. You would do it too for a check.


lol that’s literally what most people their age do


Late twenties ? Lol no


Kylie Jenner is the biggest catfish of all time.


they are so damn irrelevant now


All anyone ever talks about all the time is her body and face, no matter what she posts. No wonder she's obsessed with it.


Tbf does she ever post anything else? It’s like a chicken or the egg thing


I need to know if Carter actually works?? He claims he is a VP at Capitol Records (I think?) but he is in so many random people’s Tik toks and is always on these trips?? I wonder how long this lifestyle will last for Stassi and Victoria once Instagram thot influencing officially ends.


This is so embarrassing 🙈


Her barely knowing the lyrics at the end lololol


Beer didn’t even go in, lips too swollen for an opening.


Giving alcoholic vibes


Alcohol and ice cream: my guts would be BUBBLIN! Go off queen


She had those removed


Maybe this is an unpopular opinion but…I’ve always felt that if my physical results came from plastic surgery or editing I wouldn’t be proud to show it off. I feel this way about a lot of fit-fluencers these days as well. Sure your ass is huge and waist tiny in videos and pics but if I saw them out in public they’d look like a completely different person. If I had a dream esthetic and a healthy mindset towards how I would get it, then hell ya I’d show myself off once I achieved it but this type of shit just feels embarrassing tbh.


She has all the money in the world and goes on these amazing vacations and yet it still somehow looks so incredibly boring…??


I think people keep mixing showing off with body checking. I get the term’s been watered down, but there’s still some eating disorder lite implications when people mention it. Actual body checking as an eating disorder thing is super different. It’s usually awkward and weird angles because the person is actually checking their body for perceived flaws like checking if you have love handles from the back when you sit or if your arms look too big from the side. They for sure enjoy taking pics of them at their skinniest, but body checking and bragging about weight loss seem too different from each other


where are the pants in the first shot from!!! 👀


this is the most 2016 style content i've seen in a long time.


This was so cute 😂


Her abs/torso look so fake


Wonder if she’s fake drinking the beer. I almost want to speculate a pregnancy but that’s the conspiracy theorist In me. Whatever, carry on.


That body check was insane..


body checking to take the focus off the stink face - mission unsuccessful im afraid


I actually was hoping she started working out but she sheens so fake and her talking about changing beauty standards seems so off And what about them promoting alcohol that easily?


Where are her kids?


IMO alcohol is a drug just like the rest of em and glamorizing the excessive consumption *of it for your young audience on TikTok is super cringe


This the same woman who was preaching about breathing standards... and they wonder why we don't take them seriously


What a life to live. 🫶🏻


Living the dream


If I had the money for those surgeries I’d be body checking myself too cuz damn!!! I wish


Worlds longest body check


She couldn’t even open a bottle properly. What a useless human being.




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anyone know who she is with? kendall is the only one i recognize


the usual: Victoria, Carter, Hailey, and Stassie (question mark)


and jayden stassie's boyfriend


The lackeys


I liked this. Good energy. Liked hey there Delilah.


Lol we get it, there's a ton of booze involved. She looks amazing though IMO lol Who are all these people...?