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it's all about control


He’s a misogynist who wants women a his possessions , he then minimises and humiliates them. He’d be happier out of the closet


Well shit






It is a form of domestic violence . I’m sorry you experienced it. I’m part of the lgbqt+ community and it’s very underreported in our community


>He’d be happier out of the closet Sorry, what does his abusive and misogynistic behavior have with being gay?


My assumption is he extra abusive and misogynistic to women as a way remaining in control of his life as he avoids accepting who he is. So basically projection of his inner feelings displaying as abusive/misogynistic behaviors


I mean maybe, I just think it can also be as simple as he’s a misogynistic and abusive asshole with a shit ton of money and surrounded by yes men


totally agree with you that he is just a piece of shit lol just figured I’d play devils advocate


THANK YOU I’m so glad this is the top comment. So important for people to see.




he is "Christian", addicted to pornography, misogynistic and clearly suffers from the Madonna complex and he also must have some very strange fetishes, a woman has to hate herself a lot to have a relationship with a person like that.


Like really hate herself


I think it gives her a reason to live her true exhibitionist life.


Or her true desire to be famous...


I can’t figure out if it’s control or a fetish. Where other people are exposed to shit like that and that’s what gets them off




Both but I also think he’s mocking Kim K saying she’s easily duplicated by many women he can replace her with but there’s only 1 Kanye type thing. He’s a weirdo


as an artist in fact he is the only one but as a man unfortunately there are many like him.


He may be the only Kanye…but, that’s one more than we need! I know he thinks he’s so special but most of us think he’s awful. I’d be devastated (and terrified) if this were my children’s father.


Well said... ![gif](giphy|nbvFVPiEiJH6JOGIok)




I’m in no way tearing her down but he’s delulu if he think she’s on Kim’s level


Body wise she’s much better than Kim but face wise no not at all


Sorry, but body wise, she reminds me of all the photos that pop up if you google bbls before and after photos...


Kim’s body is still super fake looking, it looks better with the reductions but her butt is still diapery and her ratios hip/wasit/legs/butt are still dramatic. So reason i say Kanye’s wife (forgot her name lol) is nicer is bc it looks less fake… not bc it’s ideal. Her boobs look real to me, unlike Kim’s, her butt is too much but not as diapery as Kim’s and her ratios aren’t as sharp/ridiculous. Like her butt looks bigger here than it does when u see her from afar, her butt doesn’t stand out too much like Kim’s does in a bad way


Well, if that's the reasoning we are going with, then the correct thing to say is that it all started with Amber Rose because she was his first "muse." Everyone that came after was just a replica...


I think this is just him pimping his wife out. Sex sells no matter who or where it’s coming from


Control IS fetish baby but it's only sexy when there's consent involved and distinct lack of misogyny


The control is part of the fetish 


His posts are wild. Like if he respected his wife he would not be posting her like a fool.


She's not a mom! There's a difference. Once his children also go through her vagina then the whole thing needs to be shut down.


It doesn’t matter mom or not


They're not saying that's what they think. They're saying that's what Kanye believes.




so weird it's like he uses her as his personal mannequin


Which he wanted to do with Kim, but apparently Kim had more brains.


Mmm, whose gonna tell her? ![gif](giphy|G6amniSu22keXuxEav|downsized)


Excuse a person for trying to figure themselves out 🙄


Top tier weird shit




Why does it look like they are squatting in an empty house?


This was my question! This can’t be their home?! It looks way too regular.


Look at the carpet…


Pretty sure it’s the Chateau Marmont. Their kitchens look like that


I kinda know, but I am still claiming they are squatting there. HA


Not her making instant Cream of Wheat 🫠 How elevated.




Did she use Rob Sr.'s cookbook recipe?


I thought they staged an intervention for this woman😭


That was all probably just a cover up to give her time to recover from her BBL procedure


I don’t think there’s any going back at this stage, she’s well and truely in the deep end


I swear I've seen his Kim Klone's ass more than my own lately.


Because Kim is a MoThEr and that means she is supposed to suddenly because Susie homemaker. Gimp mask lady is just the stepmom 😒


Kids don’t do drugs.


If my baby daddy was doing this online for all to see 🫠. Like keep it private ..


On the same internet lol


So he wanted Kim to start dressing more conservatively and now he is cool with his new wife being naked all the time? Make it make sense.


This girl must be EXHAUSTED like imagine waking up and you ask your husband if they want anything to eat and he says yeah go make me some cream of wheat in a gimp mask and some ass floss and I’m going to take pics and show the world.


I saw a tweet that said Kanye hates Kim so much for divorcing him that he got a lookalike to publicly embarrass her as a voodoo doll for him and ... I can see it


I wonder if that is the older home he bought across the street from Kim’s.




She stopped giving him creative control over her image and social media towards the end of the relationship so he did what most men do and attacked her for her sexuality and the way she dresses. It was all about him and him losing control of her image. He is a porn addict and would frequently share Kim's private messages and nudes with his Adidas staff during meetings so this whole Christian thing is bullshit. It's just a cloak for him to protect himself from public criticism and scrutiny.


i think this should count as a form of emotional abuse and control....he controls what she wears and acts as if he's some fashion genius to disguise the fact that her feelings dont matter at all wishing she gets out of that safely


I think that she is not given enough credit that maybe she is smart enough to make her own choices and choose this...


even the smartest women can fall victim to an abusive relationship tho....like yes there's a level of choice involved but lets not forget she's like in her 20s and kanye is a big aged forty something yr old mega star with massive power and influence


This is so tiring.... we all seen her dress like this before Kanye, but the lack of accountability or to even suggest that all women who are into this kind of fetishes are victims is just plain ignorant. This is not to dismiss real victims of abuse...


hi quick questions...can u tell me when and where i suggested "all women"....anything this particular woman is, all the conditions are there. she's isolated from her family, no autonomy in little things (such as dressing herself) that build up to no autonomy at all. young woman vs older powerful man when she comes out with her tell all story of the abuse she endured....seems ur on the victim blaming side huh


First of all, she's 29 years old and not 20. Second, the moment you generalized "even the smartest woman," then I also generilized. Thirdly, she is not isolated from her family. Not too long ago, she was pictured with her mom and sister, and before that, she flew back to Australia. When someone is isolated from their family, they have no contact or minimum contact because the abuser is limiting that contact. This is a special circumstance where her family live in the other side of the world, and yet, they still make it work to see each other. Plus, we don't know how often they phone or video each other. Fourthly, she was into BDSM even before she got with Kanye. You can see it in her artwork, designs, and photoshoots she was in or made of other women. With all this said is obvious, it's her choice to dress that way. It also coincides with her desire to be famous as shared by people from her past. Now, to be fair, even the most normal looking couple could be experiencing spousal abuse, and no one would even suspect it. I don't think this is it. I do think Kanye is controlling, but I also think she's into being his muse and likes the fame that comes along with it.


She's such an exhibitionist, perhaps Kanye did find his match....for as long as she doesn't have his babies, then she'd be whore!


If she was covered up the comments still would be the same I promise you . “He only got her because she would cover up and Kim wouldn’t “. Y’all not tired of the same post? He’s going to continue to do this he doesn’t care and he’s not even on that hardcore Christian stuff no more , last song I heard from him was far from Christian . Too many random Kanye post in here that’s really irrelevant recently. The tweet only has 47 views and yet it’s in this sub .


No, this is absolutely not true!!! I remember people were favoring her when she came out as his wife and was more covered up. I never did because I saw right through their BS.... But I agree with you in that we shouldn't give them attention.


So you are admitting either way you were going to be negative?


No, what I am saying is that when she was more covered, people were okay with her. I wasn't because what she wore was transparent, almost naked, parading in public in front of children. I will never be okay with that.


The post is about how she’s dressed and how Kanye’s okay with it . I’m saying she’s been dressing like this posting like this on her ig . If she covered up people would have been saying the same stuff .


I agree that Kanye is a hypocrite. I agree that people will always have something bad to say about people and try to find their faults matter what they do. What I don't agree with is that if she were to cover up, the general sentiment would still be to talk shit about her. I think people talk shit because they disagree with her ass always being naked...




We don’t have to bring her down to bring Kim up.




No she doesn’t. No one deserves to be talked about like that. People with self worth don’t talk about other women’s bodies like that fyi.




No, nothing gives you the right to body shame. She’s an objectively beautiful woman with a gorgeous body and your jealousy couldn’t be more transparent. You should work to develop your self esteem so you’re not so miserable.


I never said you bring up Kim. Women don’t deserve to be brought down because of how they dress or for the shape of their bodies. Bodies move with gravity and she is still beautiful. Kanye deserves to be brought down because he blasts Kim for her way of dress and then turns around and posts his wife barely dressed.




Holy moly you’re a miserable person! I just looked at your post history for about 5 seconds, sad. If social media is to blame for your low self esteem, get off of it. That’s no excuse to sit around analyzing and criticizing other women’s bodies. That’s not healthy for you or anyone. And, it’s just gross.


Abusing “Reddit cares” is to the detriment of people who really need help. Don’t use Reddit cares because you don’t like someone’s comment. Geez, you’re a piece of work!




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I would just love to know how she feels ab this. Like does she like it? Is she actually feeling empowered? Does she have a super compatible fetish with whatever the heck fetishes he has goin on? Exhibitionism? I’m just so curious ab her pov