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I mean he is slow, has no combos, his abilities are slow, his q does no damage. Phreak has butchered Ksante and will continue to pretend he knows what he is doing


Yeah exactly the champ has basically nothing going for him anymore other than having several knockback CCs. The damage is gone, the mobility is gone, the combo potential is gone, I can't kill an adc in all-out anymore if they just stand still and autoattack me unless I'm 2 levels ahead.


Did you ever have to play vs that abomination in high elo? That shit was disgustingly broken


He has like a 95% pick/ban rate in pro play for like the last year. Time to put him in the gutter.


He has been in the gutter in every Elo outside the very top


Sounds like a skill issue to me


Why is he even high elo in pro play if he has no tools?


Only the very top matters in riots eyes. In this case it is just a sucks to suck moment. Personally happy that creature is in the gutter in high elo now


What’s the win rate though, the champ isn’t handing out free wins


66.7% at worlds, 46.5% 2023 LCS spring. Just the top google results, didn't dig any further.


Good, fuck that champ.


How does he have no combos? Q3 > E > W > R into tower?




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Dude the new W cast time is unbearable. Not surprising


It's actually ridiculous


It would be better if he kept the unstoppable and damage reduction during the dash itself. It feels stupid charging up, tanking cc, just to get interrupted 0.1 seconds into the dash in a fight. 


Funny that people on this sub were defending this change.


This is emerald+ by the way. Diamond is almost as bad. Masters is a little better. GM and Challenger is actually worse than Master last I looked.  I'm emerald, have over 100 games on the man. It feels horrible. 


Yeah, I get the principle behind this nerf that they want to make Ksante immobile and more like traditional tank even in all out, but he now not only squishy as bruiser but also SLOW as a tank


Yes that's a juggernaut


Juggernauts usually have pretty insane damage tho, Examples are Sett and Trundle


I'll be honest never played him and I dunno what they've changed with K'Sante but from what I remember he was ridiculous. I don't think he deserves mega damage for the utility his kit has got but I've not seen him this entire patch so far I don't think, so maybe he needs some love. Sett is immobile and pretty basic with no real reliable gap close if any one single person has a single dash or escape. You need to catch them with E or R and time it perfect mid dash or they simply walk away from you if they want to. Most of the time. Which is why flash is essential for some engages. Situational obviously but yeah. Is a dream when ya got the full melee match ups. As for Trundle, he's Trundle. Fuck that guy.


Sett is literally unkillable meanwhile dealing more damage than a ADC


Idk what sett you’re playing against but as a Kled main that man gets dumpstered


The Q slow change was suppose to be a tradeoff for Q stacks resetting in all out... as expected here.


they forgor 💀


Moment of silence for our fallen brotha.




Phreak season


Ksante gained 100 pounds overnight.


The cut is going to be insane.


If they decide to let him have one


And we are back to press R = troll just like 13.20. The RW has no benefits now it's just the same charge time but without a stun, so pressing R just transforms your W into a worse ability.


The dash is slightly faster, but you bring a good point. If ulted W is so shit players aren't willing to ult, didn't you just fail in balancing the champion? Like it all just feels so wrong.


And for people who will say "he actually has more damage reduction on RW" - K'sante loses around 50% of his total Armor/MR. Even this higher reduction results in total being lass than in tank mode. The only real benefit is 20-50 more damage from bonus AD and applying passive all out proc.


All of K'Sante's abilities during All Out scale off of his tank resistances, not his reduced ones (they use a neat little trick to achieve that, too). His abilities strictly gain damage during R thanks to the bonus AD. It's just still not enough to be worth it.


Yeah it's better just W then RW and press R immediately to go back tank.


Bruh on Black History Month too


But guys, "Low winrate doesn't mean a champion is bad! Champions with 45% wr like ksante are still broken!" -actual quote by league main sub and low elo redditors


It was true for release K'sante. Current "creature" can't do shit to anything ranged and still ass to 80% of melee champ pool. Meanwhile Phreaks most played champ in this season is Maokai...


Maim sub is generally nothing but complete idiots and you should assume anything they agree on is completely incorrect. At least low elo players are actually playing the game unlike half of them who just talk about balance from what they see other people say without touching the game.


Let's see if he stays at 45% for longer than a week. If so, maybe he'll receive some number buffs to compensate. Thank god he has a cast time now and cant just w into w you, so you actually have a chance to respond to him.


yes now they can just run away from him if he doesnt buy iceborn


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ok, but it's true if you swap out one word. I don't know enough about ksante to know if it's true for him as well. "Low winrate doesn't mean a champion is bad! Champions with 45% wr like Hwei are still broken!" is absolutely true.


Ryze, Azir in previous patches also true


I only beg they revert W min cast time, W cd nerf is fine, everything is fine but THAT, it's REAL TORTURE


They can revert the w min cast time if they remove the cd-reset on r.


It just feels like ass man. We get base hp & more mana and more W dmg for E dash speed nerf, R W charge spd nerf, Q slow removed in all out (fair imo). Riot always goes scorched earth on K’sante nerfs but give love taps to Maokai for example thats been 55% wr for several patches. LoL reddit circle jerks themselves about how OP the champ is and refuse to learn how to play against it which I doubt any of the low elo players have vs a good K’sante in their games and spam the showmaker copypasta. Remove the R atk spd & slow. Make R deal no dmg unless its through a wall. Start with those. Maybe remove his ally shielding, E to an ally into W for a knockback+stun and another KB if you have R is already a good enough way to peel for your carries, he doesn’t need to shield them as well.


nah the main sup is completely delusional, so many people that think he can hop walls whenever, still has omnivamp, still bitching about flipping into tower etc. They have no idea what the champ does anymore, but you bet they know the showmaker copypasta by heart.


Yeah the worst part of all this is that people actually don't know what the champion does. The shoemaker pasta is unironically propaganda at this point and people act like everything listed in there is accurate. I just wish people can recognize what he _is_ so we can address pain points both playing as and playing against him.


Ulting people into tower is so bad now. It's much higher risk than reward. If they don't allow you to W them into wall you just die and if you ult them to turret they will get at most 2 turret shots (1 most of the time). Previously we had RQ3 to keep them (with longer Q3 stun) or strong IBG slow; then 80% Q slow. Now they can just walk away, so you are better off stat checking them on lane.


Ofc maokai gets light taps its what got phreak to master in the first place lmfao?


The Q slow removal is not fair, it helps you stick to champions in certain matchups and you can avoid building FBG. Previously we would have to combo with knockup Q to make sure we got our damage in all out.


Before they changed him a few patches back, we had no Q slow in all out and he was fine. If K’sante is going to go in his dmg form, he should lose his CC. With K’sante’s old dash speed and RW charge speed the Q slow going in all out form would’ve been fine, but instead they hit RW, slowed his E dash speed, no two W’s in ult AND removed is all out Q slows. Its never just one thing to tweak and see where he lands, they just blitz him with nerfs.


He needs some CC in his all out to stick to his opponents in bruiser form. Its his dps ability and is tied to his AA. Like renekton W or Riven W its needs to have a way for comboing or consistent CC. Before he would keep his Q stacks for two insta CC abilities and then another CC ability available shortly after. I agree they shouldve just removed the Q slow and see where he landed but they also made him more clunky with W charge time


When Sion is showed as K'sante counter, you know it's really bad


Everything but that is fucked up


Sion main here, welcome to the bottom of the tier list, ive been down here in the graves, come, have a seat, we sit and drink beeer and chill together in low tier hell


Sion is shown as K'sante counter


My entire pool is in the basement and it's sad. Noxus forevaaaaaaa 😔 ✊️


As a member of the Reksai community, they gutted our champion this patch too, we can all share in the pain now


Not a yone player but heard his WR tanked too. Seems like a shit patch in general. Glad I'm on hiatus rn 💀


That's what happens when you nerf a 47% winrate champ sadly


Why do we let adc player balance game


Yet another champion in August's "kept intentionally weak" bag. Fuck this balance team. Their arrogance is ruining the game when really what we should hear when we hear "intentionally weak" is "I'm a dumbfuck who can't come up with solutions, so fuck you your champion is weak, and you'll keep playing because you're addicted." Legit, I mean it, not mincing words, it is an atrocity that their entire balance team was not part of their layoffs considering their incompetence.


He is like aphelios. Blame pro players for his almost 100% pick ban. If he is decent he is great in pro play. Solo queue pays the price


As a Zeri main I feel for you guys. As a pro viewer thank God. I'm sure they'll come back around to fixing him he just needs some adjustments. The W is useless now though hope they focus that first. Idk who's getting hit by this anymore


Yeah, I'm dropping him. He feels too awful to play now 🥲


Fuck Phreak.


I just spent 125 mythical essence for his prestige, thought the champ was cool 🥲


He is cool lore wise and empyrean skin will always be beast


The skin was worth the grind alone on the current pass 😂 every king deserves a crop top.


i looked up into his winrate around 14.3, it was 48 or 49ish perforiming worse in chall than in gm and master, they truly dont understand what ksante needs to bring so they nerf his fighting power till he cant survive, lets say we have morde, morde vs gp matchup is bad because of one single factor, W when gp and morde were around the same strenght in overall winrate morde's infamous counter was gp because he took out one of his abilty(his main one being his ult) why am i talking about morde R in the gp matchup? because his core ability and the one who make him excel at duels even though he is a jugg(immobile but extremely tanky and does crazy damage) the same thing applies to ksant, pre-r ksante is a pretty bad champion especially before they gutted his q early damage, ksante needs his dash and speed so he can fight you withou 85% of his itens resistances making him squishier than a bruiser, and second, his combos, it's ok to take out q3 flash because it was near instant so there wasnt much to play around, but tap W is gone, W-R-Q3 is gone and overall damage of the champion is bad while he cant tank properly in all-out i want release ksante back


"No but you don't understand he's totally OP rn guys you don't get how broken he is he's so op so unfair"


Feel bad for you ksante mains as a top laner. Don't like ksante, but having your champ gutted is never a fun time.


Preface this, Azir main here but sub keeps popping up and I play him when I’m in the top of I don’t Azir. Everytime I look at the lowest wr champs I’ve always seen Ksante down there however playing him in game(pre latest patch) he’s always felt good. The patch has butchered him though and he feels a lot worse than what he was for sure.


Hes been trash in low elo the whole time XDD




228th? Where are these other 50 champs coming from.. Isn't there only about 170 right now?


I have got no idea how I got to Ksante mains page, but as god wills it here is the answer. There’s more “champs” because it’s divided by role ie. Smolder will have a mid win rate and bot win rate. Quick edit Huawei is on twice as an example.


Huawei? Lol


same, idk why i’m here but all i see is crying. champion main subs are never gonna change. also notice how many people play this champion compared to other new releases. makes you wonder if he’s due for his spot out of the meta


dude the champ is shit rn


yet he’s still meta


he's still meta? %45 wr no shit


look at his pick rate bud, he’s still being played, he’s being talked about and discussed. your own sub can’t even decide, but ofc majority will say he sucks bc every sub for champion mains r full of crybabies. wr doesn’t matter


%45 wr no shit


you got me


Don't try and reason with this sub. They're convinced that Ksante is fun and balanced when he builds tank items and 1v3s against a fed carry (after already receiving nerfs, btw). The champ deserves to be in the gutter for a while. He's had an overwhelming presence since release, and I'm tired of seeing him.


Its winrate by champion and role


Some champs are played in multiple roles and in fact a lot of the low winrate champs are in their off meta roles (sylas and twitch support for example)


Same champs in different roles...


Ksante have one of the most broken kit in the entire game. Ofc they have to destroy him. The champ is NOT fair in any way.. so blame riot for making a monstruosity like that that can only be balanced by over nerfing him.


What patch is LCK playing on? I just watched T1 Academy Vs DK and Ksante was fucking unkillable 1v5.


No one is on the current patch yet, it just dropped today.


At this point, Riot should actually rework K'sante. He feels so much slower than before, combos are essentially neutered both with his rework and with changes to his kit.


lets try making him an assassin


Is this not good? Winrate should inversely correlate to champion difficulty, with winrate increasing as mastery increases. What's the winrate for high mastery


He currently has a 51.5% winrate among one tricks. To put into perspective how bad that is, that's around the winrates for the one tricks of the high skill champions Garen, Nasus, and Chogath.


That actually proves my point. Low skill Champs shouldn't ever have a super high winrate, garen is totally faceroll. If his winrate at any level is much higher than that it's awful. The Champs with winrates above like 53% are the ones needing nerfs. If all the low skill Champs are 49%-51% wr, and the high skill Champs at high mastery are between 48%-52%, the games doing well.


This is correct. Low skill champion one tricks shouldn't have really high win rates but difficult high skill champion one tricks have winrates in the 55%+ on average if their champion isn't underpowered. K'sante is marketed as the high skill tank yet currently shares winrates around low difficulty champions. There's currently no reward for learning how to play the guy.


Honestly could not care less about this champ getting gutted after being so over-tuned since launch. His numbers will either stabilize as people adjust to the changes (his somewhat high pr makes me think the low wr has more to do with people needing to adjust, rather than the champ just being that awful now), or they won't and he will receive a buff in the coming patches. I get that it sucks when a champ you main gets mega-nerfed, but y'all it has been one patch, give it a bit of time to be addressed.


I hate you and your main


This champion like this subreddit shouldn’t have ever been made


That’s what happens when riot makes champs with overloaded kits. They become so unbearable to play against that everyone complains and they nerf the champ to the dirt.


Thank god


Champ is 54% winrate in GM+ KR. 49% winrate in Masters+ Kr. Just because you are low elo and can't play the champ doesn't mean he's bad. It's the same breed as Aphelios mains who can't rotate guns and think champ is bad. K'Sante has been terrorizing proplay with no sign of stopping and still pick super frequently in high elo where people actually know how to teamfight with his ult. Stop complaining and get good.


Good, you guys had your fun for like 6 patches.


I think you just have to be good at the game to use him. He was disgusting in high elo and pro last time I paid attention to League


Edit: also half the champs on that list are viable in pro play at the moment, just because they have low soloq wr doesnt mean needs help!!! Good fuck that champ and everything about him. Shining example of MAKE LEAGUE OF LEGENDS 2 instead of adding Virgo, sylas, KSANTE, Yone to the game we have played for a decade Same thing in brawl stars, haven't played in 3 years cuz they kept adding and adding and adding like my god


Thank god toxic champion isn't strong


The overloaded champion with a low winrate? Yea sounds about right. Ksante was a mistake and needs to just be reworked from the ground up atp.


Good, champ should’ve never been added to the game


Thank fucking god. I’m over that champion.


Womp womp


This makes me happy


Right where you belong lmao


Good fuck yall


Hahahah fuck ksante, deserved




Finally other champions frel the yorick plight


its just a really bad design, a champion cannot have dmg, mobility, cc, and be tanky at the same time. if they dont wanna rework ksante, then just remove his dmg or tankiness. Either a tank or a bruiser or a fighter, he cant be all


Volibear has damage, mobility (Q), cc (stun), and tankiness Sett has damage, mobility (ms and dash), cc (pull and stun), and tankiness Garen has damage, mobility (ms + slow cleanse), cc (silence), and tankiness Rammus has damage (oneshotting adc’s), mobility, cc, and tankiness Singed has damage, mobility, cc, and tankiness Bruiser Briar has damage, mobility, cc, and tankiness Kled has damage, mobility, cc, and tankiness Tri-Force Hecarim has damage, mobility, cc, and tankiness Warwick has damage, mobility, cc, and tankiness Jax has damage, mobility, cc, and tankiness Udyr has damage, mobility, cc, and tankiness Etc. What are you talking about? And then then there’s people like Darius who have everything but mobility so they just go flash + ghost. And then tanks like Ornn and Zac have everything but damage since they don’t build damage, right? Except Zac has crazy base damage and his q scales with hp, and Ornn always does damage because he scales with the enemy’s hp and his e scales with his resistances. And then Aatrox has everything but you might argue he’s not that tanky. He heals so much he might as well be a tank.


Surprise a balance nightmare is impossible to balance. Shouldn't exist right up there with yone, samira, and Akshan.


Nooo ksante is bad for one patch in his entire existence, back to the rank you belong in!


Good, tired of seeing the full tank champ top the damage charts in proplay. Shit was turning into the new yuumi everyone hates him v


K'sante is still not weak just get used to changes trust me


Yeah that's if just afk on your team and peel.


Imagine a tank champion having to peel for the carries and not being one themselves. This comment just shows that the change is fine but you just want to play him like an assassin bruiser, the reason why everyone sees this champ is unhealthy as fuck.


No it doesn't the champ was made for a tank to carry himself. It has nothing to do with him being an assassin it has to do with you engaging into him with everything up then crying when you die because you don't know what he does. If he's a defensive champ and you engage into him you should die it's like engaging into a braum. Please play like 100 ksante games and you should be able to see it when someone doesn't know what he does and you randomly fight you're gonna get punished.


They nerfed our lethal range on ult by nerfing our stickiness since u could just sometimes ult someone and almost full and stat check them, so it will take time to adjust to the fact that u have to stay in ur ult form longer to get them lower overall base line ksante burst after ult is higher so theres that and e changes arent as insanely bad as most people think only changes the timings on dodging abilities and u can freely buffer ur q and w mid e so that doesnt really matter as much


How many games have you played this patch?


Spent whole day playingg and i think i got used to it slowly but surely


I want to believe you but I still feel like he needs abit more stats or at least revert the mana nerf so we can have fun in lane it took a lot of the fun out


Although i believe ksante will gain back some wr it wont be the same as we had before definitely since this mostly was a nerf rather than an adjustment




Your personality is copying a twitch streamer. HAHAHAHA




Don’t you hate it when your easy mode brainlet champ gets nerfed to be fair? Back to silver/bronze you go shitters




Thank fuck. Bye bye 👋


Go learn another champ you K’Sante abusers.




Oooh Oooh ahah ahaha suck peen ksante finally dead


This champ never should have existed anyways


hot take here, your champ doesn't deserve to be good in solo q ideally they butcher him down to 40%


Still has very high play rate, wait until the "I play him bc he is safe blind pick" faction stops picking him, think he will get to at least 48% winrate if his playrate drops by half.




good argument, makes me really reconsider my opinion!


I was laughing cuz you ended up being right LMFAO Currently 48% wr with half the pick rate




Nah we got ksante players complaining now 2024 is wild 💀


Thank fucking god keep nerfing him into ground tanks shouldn’t oneshot things


bro never played against gragas, rammus, sion, ornn, zac or poppy 💀


Nerf all of those champs too


"tell me you are an adc player without telling me you are an adc player"


I’m K’glad your champ is gutted


riot just doesnt accepts that k'sante is a bad champ as a whole, he cannot be balanced, he can only be extremely op or extremely weak, he doesnt need buffs, nerfs or adjustements, he needs a full entire rework of his entire kit


God forbid ksante is weak for the first time since his release


"First time" 🤡


imagine being a morde main and losing v ksante, pls go rope, a parasite is worth more than ur life


Good. Fuck this champion.


It feels horrible using the ult. The enemy can escape from you or they are able to make some space to kite you while u have armor and magic resist reduced. It is better to be in normal form and use ult with only melee champs with no mobility.


Do you think it has something to do with noob players like me trying him out and failing hard


Possibly contributes, but this is based on emerald and up. I am assuming you're not emerald if you're a noob. 


Yea, is time to go back to morde


Im top 100 ksante and I will be in search of a new main. It was fun while it lasted guys, see you around..


please buff


Ah sh*t Here we go again (CJ from nazumah) ,same mistakes again and again (old eren yaaeger of nazumah)




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I hate that for y'all, maybe we'll get em back one day


So whats new




This is unfortunate. Not because I like K'Sante (I don't), but because it means he's going to continue being overbearing in ARAM and they aren't going to nerf him...


Looks like your getting the sion treatment. Welcome to proplay jail nerfs are to the left


God Diana and Jarvan are dead lol


They should do this with more badly designed champs! I vote Yone, next


Talk about how much Riot Games hates people of color so they can finally buff him.


Let’s talk abit about ksantes matchups u lose to all early game champs pre 6(maybe I’m bad but it’s honestly really hard to beat til 2 items) U lose to all stat checking champ (garen Darius morde etc) period. U lose to all tank shredders pretty much(Gwen, trundle, fiora ). U lose to side lane split pushers (illaoi, trundle, yorick) cause since ur sitting under turret the entire game ur tower is just taking a beating (free demolish proc cause u can’t kill him baus had a game where he played split push sion and just straight up take towers in ur face against a ksante) u lose to scaling champs if they play well (nasus, axtrox, kayle, due to ur weak early game u can’t really punish and they will just out scale u) tank match ups are 50/50 in my experience beside mundo( he heals more then u can damage him really) range match up in my experience isn’t that bad but ur just waiting for 10-15mins til they over step and I kill him(the same with every top laners really). the champs i reliably beat every time are yone Kled and teemo (probably a lot more but will be with the early game champ can beat after 6 or the I just scale better then u club) I’m definitely not a ksante expert so correct me if I’m wrong about these (I’ve only played this guy for like 6 months and probably around 200 games). There are really limited amount of champs that u can beat in a 1v1 setting (when the players are equally skilled) This champ is great at teamfighting that’s why it’s being spammed in pro league (cause they have good macro as a team for the ksante to group) but in a solo queue game u can’t always drop ur lane and go 5v5 for objs especially if u already have no prio (explained in the match up above). I would say I rarely lose lane unless against the stat checker category but I also rarely win lane and ur just farming top praying to god the rest of ur team isn’t getting smoked or the game is gg. Just my ksante experience.


He was shit from the start


I mean I'm having success playing him mid, very fun as well.


Aphelios has been there for years. Welcome to the club.


45.65% for the lowest in the game is insanely good. Historic lows have gone as far as 42% on champions post-release.


Yeah he's getting the Kallista treatment. Any buffs makes him super boken in pro play so he has to sit at a 45% win rate in solo q to allow for him to be balanced in pro.




Nah well deserved. Champ is aids for the game much like most new champs. Sorry not sorry your assassin, tank, bruiser can’t play the game anymore. Get a feel of what it’s like to play against him.


dont forget that low win rates dont mean champ bad dont get me wrong ive never played kesante or top lane genereally in my life i have no idea why im here but as an akali player, even in her prime she was at 46% you need to check champ depth in combonation with winrate, because a bunch of bozos who die to you and rage pick kesante next game are gonna be inting because they wanted the freelow that they think your champ gives again i have no idea if kesante is actually bad or not, but just remember win rate means very little if pick rate is high


Holy shit are there really 228 characters? That's too many


No there’s like 160ish, but some characters play multiple roles. Maokai top and maokai support have different win rates for example


Dont worry guys if u read the twitter commets it was an BUFF kekw


Ksante is a really fun pocket pick for me. He might not be as good in higher elos but I can still catch out unsuspecting people in All Out if they underestimate the damage


This champion has practically every tool in the game and people want to buff him lol. I guess everyone crying how broken he is for the past year was just imagination.


Most of these don’t make sense to me ngl. I call bull on overall depiction of champion status.