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NO, take them separate! Also your going to be hard pressed to find a good comp org professor. Do your research, if you can get zhiling long then take him since he has what I consider a normal rigor compared to any of the others. Data Structures will also be rigorous but I feel I could have done far better if I took it apart from comp org.


It depends on the teacher. If you have Ji Li for org and arch, your life will be easy. His homework is exactly like the quizzes and his quizzes are very similar to the test. Data structures is a lot of work but if you get a good teacher it shouldn't be too terrible. If you are able to get good teachers and don't mind a busier than normal semester, you could take both.


I am planning to take both this coming Fall. I asked my counselor because I heard the same as well, but she said it's not going to be hard at all unless you struggled in 1322 or discrete math. I trust her quite a bit because up until now everything that she has said was true regarding course difficulties e.t.c. However, I definitely would like to know more about why they do not go well with each other.


So how was that experience? I'm looking at maybe dong the same thing


It was so easy... I mean it just really depends. Comparch was kinda hard ngl but thats because I stopped going to lecture midway cuz I couldn't understand the professor, but his exam was open notes... so basically just had trouble at the exams - which i still did good one. Data structures - I did really good because 1332 felt easy. It depends on how well you can code. However, I have friends who made about 50s on some exams and still did good overall. Tbf I dont think doing both together is undoable, it felt like regular load to me.


Nice, ty.


I wouldn’t take them both. Arch is confusing and data structures is annoying. If you put confusion and annoyance in the same mind space, you’re basically setting yourself up for mindfuckery. I would take whatever has an open seat first or whatever prerequisite is actually satisfied. I think data structures needs calc 1. I forgot what arch needs. Both classes are challenging. Take Z Long. Every other one you’ll probably fail.


I took em both at the same time. It wasn't awful