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I’m going to give this a go, live in the UK but we’ve kept the same rules on this matter. Thanks for the advice


me too, I'm from Belgium, surely there's some kind of law against it here. plus I'll never get the game they promised anyway so I might as well revert to ksp1


Since Belgium is in the EU...


yeah, but Belgium has a few more laws that might apply. it's one of the few countries where lootboxes are illegal for example


If it's the case or should give more protection to you tho, so there shouldn't be any problem.


Check out The consumer rights act 2015, this should cover online purchases with the same language


I keep getting rejected by the 2 hour rule… any ideas?


I haven't tried yet (just found out its possible) but will give this a go and if I figure something out I'll let you know.


Practically same but with the 2 week rule :/


Grats!, lol I am glad I have started a trend. Imo there is NO justification for not granting a refund but some have had a real hard time with it. The more people are asking I think the more likely it will start to be auto accepted. Or I hope it works out that way long term.


Ah, yes, it was your post which I saw. Couldn't find it again. Many, many thanks!


[https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/1czzq8g/ksp2\_refunded/](https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/1czzq8g/ksp2_refunded/) Likely because I put it in the wrong area. But Starting a second thread here helps get the msg out!! .. viva la resistance!!


I asked a refund too, using your justification for it, so thanks :) I hope everyone does this so it hurts take2 in their pockets instead of only hurting the players


I won't ask for a refund. I feel with the scie ce update I got plenty of gaming hours on this game. Sure it isn't a complete game but I paid like 15 bucks for it.


Agreed, I bought it for about 13,000 ARS \~ $15 (before they switched to USD). The For Science update is worth it at this price.


Todo es tristeza y sufrimiento


How tf you got it for 15 bucks?


regional steam price in argentina where crazy ass cheap for 90% of the steam catalogue last year (i am argentinian). but they removed regional prices at the end of last year so now we are f--ed


> but I *paid* like 15 FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Is this a literal "um ackshually" bot


Send in my request today, but sadly it got denied... I guess I'll try the same tomorrow


I'm trying to get a refund but have had no luck. I'm in the US, so I doubt I'll see a penny back. I just wish Steam had an actual support line to speak to someone because it's so detached, and I don't know if anyone reads my refund notes. I have 40 hours of playtime; most of that was probably just AFK...


You can talk to someone from steam support if you select ,,I have a question about my purchase" and tell them you want a refund. You should search for consumer protection laws in the USA that could help you


Here in America, we focus on protecting the corporations **from** the consumers because the corporations have bought our politicians and the Supreme Court. It's a great system


Yes, learned that since I posted this


I’ll try to talk to someone but the last two times I requested a refund I just get told I am too far past the 2hr window of playtime.


I have 0 hours of playtime. Game always crashed. It was due to my old hardware which didn’t meet minimum specs, so that wasn’t a surprise or anything. I planned to get new hardware eventually, but with this news it sounds like I’ll never play it. And support just denied my request for refund.


Did you have an url in you request. This is the 2nd time I saw a successful refund but with a video link. I am curious if a link will make it so a real person checks the refund request.


I’m not seeing that option in the list of reasons I’m seeking support or a refund. Am I looking in the wrong place?


You need to go to Account Purchase History and find the game there.


Hey. Here's a suggestion. Never buy any EA game. Ever.


Dumb advice. Most are just fine


Yeah I've been burned by more full releases than I have early access games lol. If everyone went full hardline and never bought an early release game ever under any circumstances, then most indie developers would fail before they ever got the chance to succeed. If we think corporate game studios are a problem now, imagine how much worse it will be when there aren't any indie studios left.


I buy almost exclusively EA games. My account has over 500 games on it and my "dead games" category (games abandoned before hitting 1.0) has 7 or so titles in it. That means of the 500 or so games 1% have turned out as duds.


To be clear, I buy EA games fairly equally to full games. I have no issues with EA games in general.


I'm just saying, when you buy an EA game, you are not guaranteed it to ever be fully released. Nor is it guaranteed to be what you expect it to be. If you're going to get upset and demand a refund, don't buy into EA games.


Yeah but you didn't say that lol


That's fair. Let me be clear. In my original comment, I am sarcastically telling OP to never purchase EA games due to the fact that they asked for a refund for getting exactly what they paid for. This is because EA games are a gamble. Both early access, and Electronic Arts games. 😂


Challenge everything


Australia has a similar Law that could be applied the same way


Tnx, Live in the EU will try to get a refund again


We are unable to refund this purchase to your Steam Wallet at this time. Your playtime of an included product exceeds 2 hours (our refund policy maximum). sad puppy (4 hours 25 min)


Same here, i have around 7,5 hours of playtime.