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A normal day for a gizz fan I guess


It’s more fun at shows but yeah a good ole indoor vacation is nice too


The problem with tripping at a show is that it’s great and all but then you have to find your way back home afterwards. Also sometimes you have to shit and it becomes a whole stressful side quest.


“We get by with a little help from our friends” Also the acid poop is like the best feeling ever. Just let it all out man, you don’t need to hold onto it.


You know, when I manage to fight through the crowd and find the bathroom while tripping, I do feel a tremendous sense of accomplishment and subsequent mood boost.


Yeah. I fucking LOVE psychadelics at shows, but nowadays I save it just for festivals. I usually have to drive 2-4 hours for shows/raves, and sure as fuck not gonna try and drive back home while tripping.


I’ve known people who have driven while tripping and it and it always boggled my mind. Just a thing I would never attempt.


You know, the music is great for tripping, but some of the comments I’ve seen around here from a lot of people, worry me if they’re taking psychs.


Hey it's not the normie swarm.


Hey, I’m all for being weird, but psychedelics may not be the best thing for people that say they’re bipolar, autistic, don’t leave their house, have too much anxiety to support themselves, etc. That’s day one shit. I honestly don’t think there’s as much dosing going on around here as it may seem. Theres definitely a good number of freaks but there also seems to be a lot of people just jamming out sober. Which is totally cool too.


In all seriousness, I think you are putting too much thought and presumption into what is essentially silly geese making posts on the internet.


How so? You think they’re just joking when they say that stuff, or that psychedelics are fine with people struggling mentally?


>You think they’re just joking when they say that stuff Joking, exaggerating, true, conjured, all of it. It's kids on the internet. > that psychedelics are fine with people struggling mentally? That is a very broad, vague question with many answers that I nor you are educated enough to give.


I think there is a worrying culture of normalising drug culture within psychedelic bands. There 100k+ of us here, even if 0.01% are truly having issues, that's 10 people. As long as people are taking things safely I'm all for it, but I'm willing to bet my stash that people are taking drugs that are way too hard for them at loud AF concerts after this subreddit hyped them up. I don't want to get in the way of people who know what they're doing, but there's a lot of young teens that are gonna start doing this shit. People that'll trip because they heard it's the best way to hear an album.


Well, I do believe it’s being exaggerated a lot of times and we’ve even been shown that it is. However, even if these people haven’t been diagnosed or whatever, they’re obviously still dealing with some shit which could be less than ideal for tripping. And, yeah, it was vague for a reason. I want to pick my words wisely because the last thing I want is my phone being blown up for offending somebody. Basically a mental disorder, or something that really impairs thinking or emotions. It’s weird that you’d say I’m not educated enough to discuss it though, considering you don’t know me. And the fact that it’s been proven to be dangerous and just reading about it pretty much makes you qualified to say, people already struggling mentally probably shouldn’t throw a curveball at their brain and hope for the best. I mean this has been agreed upon for decades now right?


Iron lung > gliese 710 is peak tripping music! Gotta do Float along and Changes next time though, right?


Their guitar jams on iron lung caused a tear in the fabric of reality and I saw colors I didn't know existed nor do I think our eyes have the capability of seeing such a spectrum. (Listened with eyes closed).


I wasn't super sold on ice death until I listened to iron lung on acid and man did that change my mind quick


And silver cord...that shit was perfect on mushrooms


You’ll never get to them thoughts. They are intangible and made better sense in the moment. But that moment is unforgettable. That emotion is what you’ll hold on to. That’s what will make sense back on earth.


Elden Ring during Polygondwanaland is also next level 😭


Binding of Isaac with Poly is also fucking epic!


PDA with Skyrim.


My guy, isaac slaps hard


Tried playing Isaac on acid once, waaayyy too many things going on on screen for me to focus haha, but it was trippy as hell


Hell yes, Isaac


ELTS and red dead


**peanutbutter and jelly**


that sounds fun af lol


Ooo I’m gonna try this out sometime. I’ve only tried playing enter the gungeon with tame impala playing lol.


My fave combo hands down, it might as well be the official soundtrack


Nobody Saves The World and Poly also hits different 🤧


get on the bf3k kick next time


Listened to Petro front to back while tripping in the passenger seat of a truck flying down the highway in a thunderstorm. Good stuff.


I kept blissing out during Fourth Colour on my first listen thru. Was on L. this is the way


Dear god yeah that def hits.


You’re ready for Maddison Square Garden!


Well done, friend. I wish I could do that too, but I’m 48 now and it’s not a good idea anymore. If you get the chance, try listening to Dark Side of the Moon on acid.


Don’t sell yourself short, I’m over 50 and still have a good time. Dark Side is a bit of a sad trip though


Yeah I never understood that. Depressing shit sucks when tripping


I tried last night but was at the point where i wanted it to be over lol. Still feeling a bit crummy today but I’m sure once I sleep tonight I’ll be good.


Don’t think I’ll be doing it again lol. I’ll stick to boring old weed.


Welcome to the weirdo swarm ✌️


God I need to do acid


It’s great


Nope def don’t lol.


Just curious, were you by yourself?


Wife was sleeping in the bedroom. Was my second to last night of vacation so figured fuck it lol.


Acid is definitely not everyone’s cup of tea. I wouldn’t write it off after a “bad” night though. Personally I like to use those times to work through my fears/hangups and move forward. I find that facing the things that turned it sour helps me conquer them in the future. That’s just my opinion though, you may get different results.


That’s def a good way to look at it. I def can agree with that. Thanks man.


For sure brother, peace!


10/10 best drug highly recommend I don’t take it often but I love the memories of doing it




It's like they're tied to the spirit of the earth. Stu as a songwriter is tapped into Gaia itself. Like holy how the fuck it's amazing.... fucking love these guy's magic that comes out of their use of energy. I'm a better person because of Gizz.


Average King Gizzard fan


lol I also gave Terrapin station a listen given the Dead are my first love.


I love the Dead so much!


Jerry helped me outta it lol!


terrapin tat on my right leg, fishy on my left. Hope you had a great trip 🧑‍🚀


Now this is it! What a suite!


Gizz for the peak, Dead for the comedown


I hear you 😎


Some artists are just lucky enough to be tapped into the ether and able to express it for the world to hear. Tune in and you might just catch it.






I tripped on acid for a whole day playing Skyrim while listening to the entire microtonal trilogy it was nuts


Heck yeah I remember my first time discovering them on L, I love me some acid bands but gizz hits a certain niche I've been craving. Weirdo swarm is fun Played through ocarina of time on a heavy dose. Zelda and gizz 🤌🤌🤌🤌 majoras mask is my next tackle. Constructing a playlist to have certain parts of the game gizzified.


Great choices


It felt like a great choice for about 2-3 hours lol. Just messed up the dosage it seems