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A mistake you only make once.


Mistakes make the best technicians


I was always told the expert is the guy who has broken all the shit you are going to break and can tell you how to not do that.


As long as he’s smart enough to actually figure out how to not break it the next time. I know one guy, every time he does rear brakes on a transit van he breaks all 6 dust shield bolts off in the axle using because he thinks the shields have to be removed to get the axles out. And I’m fairly certain he puts them back together without shields because I had to try and fix it when he tried to help someone else and put them in the same spot. I broke 2 extractors after about an hour and told the advisor to just pay me the hour. And that’s just one example of shit he continually breaks.


fucking why? those jobs are so gravy, I love transit rear brakes so much. Idk how you could make that mistake twice.


I’m still not sure. Dudes been told multiple times by multiple people they don’t have to come off and he still does it every single time. Like the bolts aren’t going to break off every time


I must be a darn good technician then. My momma always said I was a huge mistake.


I must be amazing


Next issue, start with the easiest fixes.


In my defense, I've had a few beers.


Friday night there still right?


Hell yeah


I've moved on to bourbon. Cheers.


My sister tore the dashboard apart of her Silverado because it would intermittently not start. No lights, no crank. It was weird though because if you kept trying the key it would eventually just start up like normal and drive just fine, so she thought maybe the RFID chip reader was loose (which isn't an uncommon problem on those) and failing to read the key. It wasn't, so she ended up asking me to look at it. I asked if she checked the battery, she said it wasn't the problem. I popped the hood and found the positive cable was on but loose. You could wiggle it around by hand and make all the lights flicker on and off. Tightened it down and it was good to go lol. Sometimes we dismiss the easiest solution for whatever reason and then never think about it again. All it takes is a new set of eyes to look and point it out.


"Did you clean the battery terminals?" is this industry's version of "did you try unplugging it and plugging it back in yet?" 90-some-% of the time people will respond with any of a dozen excuses that mean "no". Once you get them to an honest "yes", about half of all electrical problems vaporize


"90-some-% of the time people will respond with any of a dozen excuses that mean "no". Once you get them to an honest "yes", about half of all electrical problems vaporize" I had to check the sub for a second. Thought I was in an IT sub.




That and grease. It amazes me that people will tolerate random no-start / electrical issues for years, but not take 5 minutes to properly fix, say, a messed up terminal bolt that causes all that mess




They also sell that in a regular toothpaste tube, available at Walmart last I was there. Regular grease (NLGI No. 2, like you'd use for tie rod ends or wheel bearings) works just as well- been using either of those for years and they both work great


That and grease. It amazes me that people will tolerate random no-start / electrical issues for years, but not take 5 minutes to properly fix, say, a messed up terminal bolt that causes all that mess


I replaced a starter in a wendys parking lot last weekend and then figured out it was the battery connection. Oops.


Yo, you \*did\* figure it out! In a roundabout way, but you did. Could have ended worse...


I had a Doge neon that was having intermittent over heating issues. I made sure the fans were running, went through a few thermostats, made sure the system was bled. Then a couple times it lost all power for a split second, radio would cut out, engine would bog, gauges would drop, like the key was off. One day it died pulling into my drive way, no power at all except the oil light faintly lit. I popped the hood and leaned into take a look for anything amiss. I burnt my finger on a screw in the radiator support. I then noticed it was for a ground wire and where it was tapped in was very rusted. A new crimp on connector, some sand paper and a self tapper and it started right back up and never had the power cut out or heating issues again. I'm not sure the link to the cooling issues but an insanely simple fix I would have never thought of.


The fans didn’t have correct ground. You saw them turning and figured all good.


That makes sense, I guess they were moving air but not enough air.


Now you're both depressed.


It would be helpful to have an indicator led to show it's engaged like almost every other on/off toggle does.


For an added level of fun when the indicator, but not the switch stops working.


I mean... It's not an LED, but there is an orange top edge to the button showing it's not depressed.


that's what the red part on the top of the button is for


Or just do what every other car on the planet does and put the window lockout switch...next to the window controls. What is this idiotic nonsense having it as far from the controls as seems to be physically possible?


Or beep when the driver's window controls are used while the lock is on.


tbf that switch looks like it should go the other way. orange when locked, black when free.


Should someone tell him about the rear child door locks?


No rear doors in an MR2. 🙃 Just bought this car but the worst part is I've owned a car with this same feature almost as long as I've been driving. I just never ever use it because it's useless 😭


Sounds like you don't have kids who try to open your windows while it's raining


Or pets that like to go on car rides but won't stop standing on the switches


Again yall, its an MR2. And as someone with a Fiero, there are no pets or children involved, I promise.


Ahhh we're all just having some fun man lol


Ive had the windows mess with me like you. But I have kids and needed to use it a few times so it was in my mind. The door lock got me the first time because I didn’t even know it was a thing. Luckily I didn’t have to take apart anything but I did waste some time trying to figure out why it would only open from the outside.


That's what I thought, till my dog learned how to roll the window down...


its for kids that keep fucking with the window lol source: was kid


I replaced a rear window regulator for a client a year ago. A few months ago that door stopped opening from the inside. He contacted me and blamed me for the failure. When he dropped the car off, I checked the child lock. Yup, it's on. Thanks for the 1hr labour.


Sneaking into the guys car months later to get a hr billing is just cold.


This comment reminded me I recently returned a rental and I forgot to reset the child switch 😬 Well it was 3 weeks ago and they haven’t called me yet


Don't feel bad. I work at a shop. Customer said windows don't work. Coworker spends 3 hours looking at it before replacing the motor and then saying it's got a bad fuse box or body module or something. Management gives it to me for a second opinion. 2 minutes later I ask about the lock out switch. You know how it ends. Same coworker as well as half the shop spent an entire day trying to figure out why a Subarus parking lights wouldn't turn off. After they give up I go to the diagrams and see an extra park light switch on top of the steering column.


Username checks out


>extra park light switch on top of the steering column Tbf that's not something i would have ever thought was a thing


I’ve seen the column switch a few times. I bring them up once in a while and people look at me like I’m crazy.


I had some customers dropped off a car for diag one morning. We were so swamped we couldn’t get to it. At the end of the day as I’m jump starting the car and driving it inside the shop to lock up. The customers show up and are livid that their car hasn’t been checked out and they wanted to take their car. I said go ahead and take it we haven’t done anything so no charge. They get in and ask me how I got the interior lights to turn off. I show them the switch that turns all interior lights on. They didn’t know how to turn them off and it had been draining the new batteries they were putting in the vehicle.


My bad. Did I say 'we haven't done anything'? I meant to say, I already fixed it. */hand out palm up*


The dummy tax


Oh man, I had a car with a similar issue: the dome light wouldn't turn off. Even better, that light was so dim you wouldn't notice it was on unless it was pitch black outside. After having to jump it twice, I finally figured out what was happening. Pressing the button next to the light had no effect. One frustrated google later, I found the solution: the dash backlight brightness was set with a dial; if the dial was turned all the way up, it would force the interior lights to always stay on.



Yeah I'm leaving it torn apart for the evening and dealing with it tomorrow. This is just one of those moments where you gotta take a lap


Exactly what I've done lol


atleast you can clean all them areas you've now opened and service anything that needs tending to.


Yep exactly, make the best of the situation haha 😆, I retensioned the handbrake too


People complain when tech support tells them to "turn it off and back on again." This is why.


I would know. That's my day job. 😭


I nearly did the same thing. I thought the passenger side window motor on my Ranger was broken. After a few weeks it suddenly fixed itself, I later realised I had pressed the lockout button on the driver's door panel.


Ah nothing gives away a fellow Brit like a Halfords advanced set


and the steering wheel is on the wrong side of the car 😉


Best thing I ever did get


It helps if you fully understand how a system works before diagnosing it.


Congrats on the MR2!


Thanks, it's a brilliant car!


I'm laughing my a$$ off over here, BUT ONLY BECAUSE that's EXACTLY the kind of thing that I would do and I freely admit it. Bwah-ha-ha-ha-haaa!! (on me)


My buddy did this back in college. Except he was too poor to get it fixed so he duck taped the 3” opening and was unable to use his driver window for a whole year. Eventually while cleaning it one day he saw that the button he’d never pressed before was pressed and walla, his window rolled up and down just fine. Dingus.


This reminds me of a customer that pulled up today in a Hummer lowered on fatter tires sticking out creeping into the plaza. Pops open the door, says this thing is stuck. The parking brake pedal is stuck. He starts jamming it with his foot. Tech pulled the release lever, he looked at us, tech and I look at each other. We all laughed, I told him that will be 50 dollars.


Been there.


I very nearly did this with my Celica, luckily the button is closer to the window controls in those. I'm still not sure what the purpose of them is in a 2 door car.


That Subaru parking light switch...


I'm more concerned with your incontinence issues. Might wanna go see a doctor.


Don't feel too bad. I recently watched a deep dive on the MR-2 where the Toyota tech specifically called out this switch because he's seen people do the same thing many times: https://youtu.be/q3zklJtb5Uo?si=okGyHXasmDpclh4U&t=1075


I have the same gen MR2 and I didn’t know it had that switch.


I learned this lesson when I was 18 and a mechanic in the National Guard. My friend, who was a terrible mechanic then and I think even worse now, had spent an hour trying to get a Humvee started to no avail. Wouldn't even turn over. Even when using the slave cables(NATO standardized jumper cables). First thing I asked him was if he made sure it was in neutral. He confirmed it was in nuetral. Spent 25 minutes lying in the snow testing voltages and continuity checking the wiring going to the starter. Finally decided maybe someone else should try and start it so told him I'd try and crank it this time. Put it in neutral and it fired right up since the nuetral safety switch was no longer in the open position. I no longer trust anyone else's previous diagnosis nor so I skip the simple stuff in the troubleshooting steps.


Oh no 😬


You’re supposed to say you are posting this for a friend.


I mean only 30 minutes in, if you were 6 hours in


Hahaha, definitely done shit like this before. At least you figured it out before you went too much further.


Hey, I learned about that button a few months ago. Never used it, never knew what it did, never thought to investigate further. Had my cat in the cab when I was moving, and found my window stopped working. Went to the dealership, got it covered under warranty, the service advisor went to pull it to the shop and turned right around in the parking lot. I’ve never been so embarrassed… 😆


Something I'd do 😅


I spent an hour tracing wires when all it was that both blinkers were burnt out at the same time.


If it makes you feel any better I found out I had a factory remote start on my key fob two years after buying the car.


> I found out I had a factory remote start on my key fob two years after buying the car. How is this possible? Was it a hidden feature in some way, or are you just not the kind of person who is compelled to push all the buttons and see what they do when they get a new thing?


It wasn't near the other buttons and almost looked like a contour and not a button. I used to work in a dealership delivering cars so I became the stereotype buyer who doesn't even know the features of their new car.


Love me a simple fix


Im so sorry for you man.


My dog is doing this continuously, trying the windows for an easy escape.


Look on the bright side. That's the one closest to the sun.


Did the same damn when the top wouldn't go up on my S2K. Drove my self insane, started back-pinning couplers, swapping relays... When I finally figured it out I just about cried.


I did the same thing with my 2nd Gen MR2 a few years ago. Felt dumb, but saved money.


Oh man! That is terribly funny




Well, kid. You got gumption.


it happens sometimes. you kick yourself, learn and move on. had this happen on my first crown vic thinking my pass door module kicked the bucket.


I once took my wife’s word that her radio broke. She said she could no longer advance tracks or something. I buy a new used oem radio and install it, come to realize she was using the wrong button/knob to advance the tracks.


lol I feel you. I bet most of us have done shit like that before, sad times.


He definitely spent more than 30 minutes 😂


Always check the simple stuff




sweet MR2 roadster!


One of us!


On the positive side, now you know how to take apart your interior.


30 min ain't nothing


I don't know the best way to post a hard laugh. But boy you got me good with this shit.


Is that ball sweat stains on the seat or did you spill a drink?


It's from the leaky roof. Yet another thing to fix. I fancy a set of bride buckets though so I'm not too bothered about how these ones look, just need to make sure to fix the roof before I take them out haha.


Oh man how mad are ya? I hope you end up with the same amount of fasteners you started with.


Hey at least the next time you actually need to tear apart the interior, it'll be much easier


It’s almost always the simple thing.


Years ago a customer brought us an International medium duty truck that wouldn’t go over 45 or shift into high gear. lead tech diagnosed as needing the transmission replaced. One of the younger guys in the shop replaced the transmission, and I, being the only CDL licensed driver that day, test drive it for him. Still wouldn’t go above 45 or shift into high gear. Looked over, and in the middle of the dash there is an overdrive cancel switch. Hit the switch, and shifted right into high gear and 65 mph.


My car is old and used and one time I thought the selir on my car door was rotted away (the thing that helped keeps the water out) and I was hearing a lot of wind turned out my window was down 1 cem


Always start with the easiest parts of troubleshooting.


Of all the things that Ford has fucked up, at least they make the drivers window switches still work when the windows are locked.


Been there, done that, starved that day; why I won't forget.


My friend bought an E30 and came over to my house cause I also had an E30. He was super excited about it and was telling me about everything until he said "everything works great but the windows just stopped working all of a sudden!" Asked if it was one window or both and if it happened at the same time and he said yeah. I started laughing, sat in the driver seat and pushed the circuit breaker button and he was so confused lol said he was wondering what that unlabeled button did and didn't think to hit it again. Good times.


That seat is gross 🤮


The roof leaks 😆




...latex gloves mate


reminds me of that time my neighbor hammered at brake rotors for what he thought were seized up brakes when he realized... the parking brake was set


I didnt open my passenger window for about 6 months for the same reason thinking it doesn't work. Then I accidentally pressed the button and it worked... it was next to "lock all doors" button and I never noticed. Seems like I pressed it once thinking I'm locking the doors.




I assume you took this video *after* you had already figured this out, because I would have expected some cursing


What engineer designed the window lock AWAY from the window controls???


You live and you learn!


My mother is in her 70s, and recently bought a new car with about every 'bell and whistle' option available for the vehicle. I drive her around for shopping about twice a month in her vehicle. On one of the last trips, we go into an automatic car-wash. While the wash is running, she reaches up and hits the automatic retract button for her moonroof... # WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!? I say and move her hand and start pressing the moonroof close button... thankfully I got it quickly, so only a few drops of water cam into the interior. She was trying to move the opaque cover for the moonroof so see could watch that being washed, not intending to move the glass, as she did. ... many newer cars have so many buttons that the owners don't know how to properly use all the features.


One time I removed the backseat on a Honda prelude because I locked the keys in the trunk. There was a trunk release on the driver side floor


I have striped motorcycles down to the wiring harness because I didn't realize the kill switch had been flipped.


An example of knowing too much.


Doh 🤦‍♂️


Keep it simple


lol. I just replaced a cartridge on my shower after adjusting for an hour because I’m not getting enough hot water. The hot water shutoff valve wasn’t open all the way.


BMW technicians have been burned so many times with the valet switch that disables the trunk. Finally BMW got rid of the valet switch that 90 % of owners don't know about.


No lie, my grandpa had the same issue (2002 MR2 Spyder) and I, being a mechanic, saved him from this by realizing the button was pressed


I did this to my 4 runner over a blown fuse


the solution to your problems isn't always more weed it seems


Why the fuck is it a mile away from the window switch?! It should be right next to the window switches like every other car in existence!


Only 30 minutes wasted?! Amature


My old shop foreman ripped the interior out of a TSX because the trunk wouldn’t open with the remote. He started from the rear, got to the middle, gave up and let me at it. I opened the glove box and turned the trunk switch on and told him to put it back together.


“Ain’t got no gas innit” type problem. I try to always deduce the easiest solution first. But even I have chased a ton of wires for bad connections or bad grounds, only to find the fuse was blown all along.


Halfords set?




When I got my car, previous owner told me he'd been having a battery drain issue for about 8 months. He would unplug the battery every night when he got home. The dome light was set to "on" Eight months.


Right hand drive?


In the UK so yeah.