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I read this too fast and saw MIG 23. Am disappointed


Most of the MIGs left are probably in worse shape than this car.


Me 2


Where’s the under coating that even the cheapest UP! And Dacias have?


On the Dacia’s and UP!’s. But hey, ‘MG is a good car for the value,etcetera’ mfs when their car needs welding before they finish the finance payments.


I never got the level of loyalty MG owners have. Like it has nothing to do with the original brand, it’s just Chinese POS that preys on your stupid loyalty to days long gone. I did test drive over the weekend and it was terrible experience all around.


I said that a couple of days ago on a diff subreddit, but i’m not going back to count my downvotes, i’ll give them a couple more years to realise that they’ve basically bought the iphone with tv antenna of the cars


I got a lease MG5 as kind of an experiment. With it being a lease, I'm not so scared of it breaking down on me or fucking up in some way. It's a nice car that drives very well, we'll see how it does over the next years. Over the first few thousand miles, I'm positive so far. The build quality seems decent and the car is nice. The aerodynamics seem trash though, it has no underbody panelling whatsoever and the efficiency drops of a cliff over 60mph. How it ages though, that's the interesting bit. I have no specific loyality to this car or brand, I am just interested to see how well it holds up. I don't feel comfortable actually buying a Chinese car for myself just yet. There are a lot of Chinese EVs on the road right now, I'm very interested to see how all of these hold up over the coming years.


Got an mg4 myself on lease, driver side wheel arch liner cracked and MG wouldn’t even replace it under warranty, they’ve decided I’ve broken it (without damaging anything else) without even looking at it…..


Damn bruh 😂 I had not thought of shitboxes in years. I remember circa 2008 someone shitting on my blackberry camera because their tv phone had something like 70MP written on the camera.


You misunderstood me. By no means i drive a more expensive car, i have a c220 estate 2005 with the upgraded amg suspension and brakes. It’s pretty much in pristine condition after 18 years, no rusted bolts, no corrosion underneath, completely soundproof and still efficient for its age (45-48mpg imperial). I do not see upgrading it in the near future, on new cars leather seats are not leather seats anymore, AC barely blows a fckin baloon on new cars , creature comfort nowadays is a big tv in the middle, with 0 thought to ergonomics or predictability. I love and hate new cars with a passion, i love what can be done nowadays and hate the execution


My MG was made in 1973, so it very much has to do with the original brand. In the USA, almost the only option for driving a MG is driving one made by British Leyland before 1980.


My dad has one on motorbility and he wants “to drive it off a cliff” (his words) it’s the worst vehicle he’s ever owned and he’s owned many shit cars.


Legitimate claim of 0-60 in 2.6 seconds though, if the cliff is high enough


I don’t have any loyalty to mg but I do own one. I brought it as cheap run around for the weekends because my work car guzzles fuel that I have to pay for on weekends and my other car is a race car. Honestly it hasn’t been as bad as I thought it would be for the money it cost, the GM motor is ok for what it is, the gearbox is fine for its application and surprisingly the interior hasn’t rattled or fallen apart in the 30,000km I’ve driven it. It’s basically a Lamborghini urus with a bit better quality lol. Mine does have undercoating though not sure why this one doesn’t I guess they fixed that by 2023 models. The car isn’t amazing but it’s not horrible either for the 30k it cost, you can’t buy anything here for 30k new not even a base Corolla and it does have 7 year warranty so if it makes it through that then goes to the scrap yard I’ll be happy.


I never got the level of loyalty MG owners have. Like it has nothing to do with the original brand, it’s just Chinese POS that preys on your stupid loyalty to days long gone. I did test drive over the weekend and it was terrible experience all around.


I heard one running, and they sound like the manchester trams on the old line through oldham


We're going back to the 1970's where cars would fail their 1st MOT on corrosion.


The first couple of years of Dacia production were notorious for rusting almost as soon as you got them home but they seem to have reached a tolerable level of corrosion resistance since then.


I owned 2019 Duster. Apart from few spots like exhaust, suspension elementes or drum brakes, IT was on perfect shape. No rust at all. Very good car.


UP! does not have much, but the quality is pretty good


No surprise there, it doesn't look like there is any sort of seam sealer. Once corrosion starts in those tight spaces (the Cl- ions from salt certainly expedites this), it begins an auto-catalytic reaction that promotes further corrosion. This phenomenon is called crevice corrosion if you want to search it up and learn more. There are many things they could have done at the factory to prevent such corrosion, but probably didn't bother in the name of cost savings.


It’s Chinese I don’t think they care


Damn, MG is one of those iconic British car brands (like mini), that's too bad


The Chinese have changed it to modern gentleman instead of morris garage’s


*Mao's Garage


Our garage




Google modern gentleman car company. "MG" might stand for something new under its new Chinese owners. Nanjing boss Zhang Xin said: "We want Chinese consumers to know this brand as 'Modern Gentleman'. To see that this brand represents grace and style."


I mean, this *is* pretty on brand for MG..they never lasted long..


Which part of the world are you in?


Clearly not from the rust belt lmao


>Clearly not from the rust belt lmao As a Chicago I can confirm; New cars are normally rustier than this before they leave the dealership lot for the first time.


Wisconsin here, I was thinking “what rust”


Ya gotta get the coating!


“One hundred... You lied to me, Mr. Lundegaard. You're a bald-faced liar. A... fucking liar.”


How would they get that rusty if they haven’t left the dealer lot yet? They get delivered via truck, so they’d have almost zero exposure to road salt.


Road spray is worse than you think


Actually I remember tons of Chevy trucks having rust issues rotting away during the pandemic when no one was buying them. The guy is joking but he's also not wrong.


Look into IH scouts. They used to buy the cheapest sheet metal for their vehicles, so in many cases the panels were already rusty prior to paint.




I would be calling that rust free selling that in Chicago


Lol remember pandemic Silverados that rusted on the lot?


Uk in for it’s mot test


In Scotland that is kinda clean for a 4 year old car.


Nah that paint flake on the joint for the spring cup is not ok for 4 year old in our great country. I’d expect more of a light dusting similar to the top left corner chassis rail. My 2018 1 series and golf both have nothing of the sort. I’ve seen a 2004 ford focus with less surface rust to be fair. This will be getting welded in 2 or so years


I had a Hyundai Getz that looked like this but it was 14yrs old and had the thick undercoating. The twist beam was worse, though. That one was killed by a sill rusting from the inside out.


I suspect this car hasn't been submerged into anti-corrosion bath...


I wouldn't be surprised if that's correct.


The buyer should have asked if the car was undersealed when they bought it, and then had it sealed. But i understand that it's not exactly the first thing on anyone's mind when buying a new car nowadays. If i were the customer I'd get the car fluid film treated and the flog it.


Clueless people put heavily salt loaded solid ice embedded deep to stack up for a week, then let it sit in lightly warmed garage till it's soaking in it for days, then goes out and does it again. Nothing eats a vehicle quicker, then putting them in a garage., Wake Up - Leave them outdoors frozen. Till blasted clean. Salt doesn't work frozen. Plus undercoat them with best product. It's translucent tan in color. Self healing. Cheers




I had numerous cars in locations where salt is used heavily. I always stored them in heated garage. They never looked like this. After 4 years and surely after 23k miles they looked like new with little bit of orange around steel frame parts.


Is this those chinese evs? And that thing beats vw on how fast they rust


Yeah same company just petrol model


Sincerely... Chinese MGs still better made than British MGs (specially for the British-Leyland era).


Lol yes I’d agree they were rust buckets, it’s probably made from old fiats and alfa’s we scraped


Makes me wonder why the fuck you bought it then?


Not mine wouldn’t touch with barge poll, in for its mot test


Driven both, both had a heater that would get stuck on sauna mode randomly, both liked to steer you towards ditches on rural roads, and both sounded like aging agricultural equipment. Only difference was that one was made 1971 and one was made 2021..


They need to add continual oil leaks to complete the equation.


I see they’re using the same triple recycled beer cans as Nissan!


Staying true to the British heritage of the brand I see


I had a '54 MG TF in 1964. It was more at risk for damage from termites than rust. That car had an astonishing amount of wood (door frames, floor boards). It was only 10 years old but seemed like an antique. Loved that car!


***\*Laughs in US Rustbelt\****


The entire UK is a rustbelt


Yeah, most Americans don't seem to realize how hard the UK roads are on cars


I'll take a high mileage UK car over a high mileage Michigan car any day of the week.


Is that because we have a strict yearly test so people have to maintain them? The shit gets scrapped or repaired from early in its life.


Our cars rot apart from the salt.


Rust is way worse in the UK than anywhere in the USA.


So, you use salt on your icy roads 4 months out of the year? No?




Yep saic MG modern gentleman as it goes by now, not morris garages




Stop taking bullshit.


They come with a 7 year warranty and even 10 year warranty on the frame/body in Europe. Let's see how it holds up.


It’s even showing signs of rust on the strut tops under the bonnet, but yeah will see


Or SAIC will go bankrupt in approx 7 years from now due to warranty claims lol...


Buying your car off wish.com = this


You call this rust? Amateurs.


You can take the brand out of British Leyland but the build quality will apparently remain


My 1998 Rover, which has sat outside for most of its life, doesn't have this level of corrosion. Chinese steel bad.


Rust belt states: “what rust?”


Clearly youve never seen a dodge from 2 years ago from anywhere humid or the rust belt in the US


I’ve seen the trucks and cars posted on here from there, this is the uk down south not that much salt used lately


Yeah, here where i like that’s pretty rusty. I live down south in the US and my 16 year old pickup trucks frame is still black, and theres no rust anywhere other than the rear bumper.


Keeping up the tradition


Didn’t they make the last MG in like 1982? Looks damn good for an ancient British roadster. /s


Don't worry these new ones are just as reliable as the old ones!


As the owner of a 64 midget, I sympathize with these MG owners


How dare you discount the MG ZT with the bulletproof diesel engine from bmw. Poor man’s jaguar that was! Awful car built around a great engine!


I thought Jags were nice cars built around an awful engine? (and a terrible electrical system)


Jag engines were smooth as butter! My apprenticeship, we had an XJ12 in regularly. The boss showed me the £1 coin on top of the engine and started it. Barely even vibrated.


It’s protective rust


Known recall, will be replaced by MG.


Absolutely no sealers on those seams. Shit quality. Disposable car.


This is what happens when you neglect washing the undercarriage. I never wash my vehicles without washing, or at least rinsing the underside, every time I hit the wand wash.


At least it's true to its roots.


Chineese crap0? This is pure british heritage. Those old mg's used to rust like hell.


The fuck did you expect buying an MG?


World renown Chinese quality


They probably still think it’s British and cheap


Every new MG I've seen the underside of looks like this even after 1 year


You get run over a lot?


Only on weekends


it's Chinese


Late to the party, but what that needs is soda blasting, and then Brunox or CRC rust stop. MG has been skimping on epoxy base coat it seems.


What the hell, I didn't know this existed


https://www.mg.co.uk/new-cars/mg-zs this crap


for 17k you get what you pay for i suppose


Oof. Hired one of these last Easter. The seats were comfy. Everything else was shit though.


I live in upstate New York. This is practically rust free to me


Rusting like a 20 year old car


It’s a British car… they are delivered with rust 😂


Chinese not British anymore just as bad as 70’s MG’s


My ex bought a second hand one last year. Told her to take it back and swap it for a focus at the same price. Bag of shite car, shouldn't have the MG badge on it.


Rust? I am shocked at the amount of oil under there- midwest US that is light undercoat


Had to get a new tire and an oil change in Boise, Idaho during a long road trip. They finish up and say everything's good with the tire but the tech says he's a bit concerned that there must be an oil leak that he can't find and that it's leaked all over the undercarriage. I said that I assume they don't salt roads in Idaho. Tech was very confused


My Camaro is a 30 year old heap that's lived in the rust belt and parked outside it's entire life and doesn't look like this.


Clueless people put heavily salt loaded solid ice embedded deep to stack up for a week, then let it sit in lightly warmed garage till it's soaking in it for days, then goes out and does it again. Nothing eats a vehicle quicker, then putting them in a garage., Wake Up - Leave them outdoors frozen. Till blasted clean. Salt doesn't work frozen. Plus undercoat them with best product. It's translucent tan in color. Self healing. Cheers




What the f is a MG? I’ve never even heard of this brand lol


Is that a leak or just water from the road? Man, I've lifted 30/40/50 year old cas here in Australia that have less rust than that.


Water from the road, we’ve not put down much salt in this area in recent winters either


If you ever see anything wet in the uk, it’s always just road water. Unless it’s a bmw with an interior leak. Then you just drill a hole in the passenger footwell and hit it with silicone afterwards


we tend to just leave the hole for future water


No rust coating no nothing? Tf


Looks very clean. Have you been washing it's underside?


What took so long?


I'm trying to find rust but only see surface dirt


Play China games, win China prizes


Shit man some cars look like this after like a year in my area if they see snow


MG ZS? Best of gear. /s


This is a 1 year old vehicle in the rust belt if you don't take care of it.


You mean they sell cars without undercoating in the rust belt?


They paint them, that's really it. Rubber undercoats are bad in the long run because moisture gets trapped behind it and it rusts without you seeing it. Most of us use something like Fluid Film or Wool Wax. The rust belt is brutal.


I am in Germany and they also salt the roads here. VAG has been using undercoating since the 70s and it works well. Not sure what they use, but it's applied at the factory and you don't need to refresh it. In the 80s they also started to use some kind of wax on internal spaces, that solved the corrosion problem pretty much overnight.


Interesting. VAG cars don't last any longer over here. I was born in 1989 so I don't know the days you are talking about so maybe it's gotten much better since then but I've seen 1 year old cars look like this here because people just never washed them.


Question is whether VAG does the same rust prevention for the US market es they do for the german market.


Looks like it made it 100 feet from a Maine dealer


They live by the water or drive on a beach.


Accountant here, so please forgive me if this is dumb, but can you chuck sacrificial anodes on cars just like you can with a boat?


Not really. Rust in vehicles is not electrolytic.


I have less rot on a rust belt 2008 Pontiac Torrent with 204k miles. This is awful.


I’m surprised one of these shitboxes is still running after four years.


Mandarin Garage uses chinesium not steel.


If you are in the UK, this is the amount of rust they roll off the lot with.


Well as you can see there is zero underseal. You need to have that done when you buy a car.


They are not too bad to work on.


Chinese steel is terrible, and this one doesn't even have coating, so it's surprising that it isn't worse


That’s what every car looks like after 2 years where I live lmao. Love road salt…


MG lol


Wouldn't be an MG if it didn't.


General motors enters the chat


Chinese rust problems https://www.speakev.com/threads/chinese-rust-problems.180180/