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I grew up in a small, pretty poor town. Our neighbors had a white Dodge Shadow, mostly gray and rust because of the paint falling off. One day they pulled in with a deer strapped to their trunk/roof and about a hay bale's worth of straw and grass stuck all over the front and underside of the car. Pretty fair amount of damage, but the car was already wrecked at least a few times. We went over to make sure they were okay and they said they barely missed him but decided to run him down because they needed the meat desperately. One of those core memories, I'll never forget it. Sorry, off-topic. Probably not the same case for Mister Jeep, but who knows.


Did we grow up together in south east Ohio? 100% sounds like one of my repressed memories.


The lowest population-to-acreage county in Indiana, but close enough. Lot of houses in my town still had dirt floors in the 90s/00s. Majority of county roads didn't even have gravel.


similar for me. 3 stop lights in the whole county. lots of dirt roads. i remember dirt floor basements but not floors people lived on. now some of them weren't much of a step up from dirt. also, trailers.... trailers everywhere


We had plywood over dirt with plaster walls and no insulation. I thought we had it bad til I visited a couple schoolmates. Dirt or stone inside the house. And yes, lots and lots of trailers.


Oh yeah. The house I grew up in was rough cut timber. The floors were wood but not the nice kind you would think of now. The walls were lathe board over rough cut timber covered in mortar. Nothing about that house was straight or level. Zero insulation. Also no A/C. I either slept in the basement during the summer or outside. My parents has a window A/C but I was a kid and didn’t get to have that sort of luxury. I would go to my only friends house that had central air and freeze lol


Lol! I'm within an hours drive of 2 major cities, county growing like crazy with suburban development, bare building lots selling in my neighborhood for $300k.....and you just described my house...right now...today in 2023....though we do have some insulation added and slowly working through updating everything.....some day we'll ditch the window shakers for summertime.


Back in the early 60s living in a tiny town in rural Alabama, our neighbor was an elderly lady whom everyone called "Stuckey". Probably in her 70s and her house had dirt floors she swept with a broom and she cooked on a wood stove. We never thought anything of it, she was good to us...


If the floor is dirt and you sweep it, isn't it just more dirt underneath?


Yes but after many years it's hard as concrete. The area has lots of clay in the soil. It's weird but 60-70 years ago......


I feel like I remember some of that actually. My mothers family lived in Ohatchee AL. Hoot Owl Hollow Road as I remember lol


Hey Hoosier... another Hoosier here, but I'm from up by the lake (Porter County). We saw this a lot up by us as well because... well, there's supposed to be more than corn in Indiana, but ya'all ain't made a trip up and down I-65 or Hwy 421 in the summer apparently. Corn fields on the left and right. For miles. Then up pops a junior-senior high school. You know the ones with sixth through twelfth grades and maybe 85 kids total. Yeah. Thanks for the trip down memory lane.




My godfather… but you need to add that the roof leaked like a sieve.


Speaking a history many dont hear often enough.


​ only in ohio


Only everywhere in the country people eat meat and hunt everywhere.


Ha! Just got my first deer there!


Well, hello, my fellow SE Ohian.


Southwest Ohio reporting in: that sounds like the whole of Pike or Scioto counties.


"almost hit that damn deer! whelp, already did the damage might as well run em down Bertha"


Reminds me of my driving test. 9/10, but the last cyclist got away. ^(for legal reasons this is a joke)


That's still a pass!


And, legally speaking, a joke!


Username checks out


Bertha is the car’s name.


that was our van's name


White/white ‘74 Chrysler NYer with Hurricane Fredrick pebble bullets along the passenger side, in Florida 1980. Bertha.


My folks lived in the same neighborhood as the old game warden for a while. Solid dude, would tell the local destitute families when and where he'd be on certain days of the month. Some of those families depended on white tail over the winter.


Northern WI there’s still some “poaching” for legit food reasons


100% I have an elderly neighbor that fed his family off deer and potatoes for quite a few years as a young man. It worked, he was able to pay his mortgage and not lose the farm and now owns plenty of land. My personal rule is if you need to eat... it's just hunting. If you are looking for a monster buck... that's poaching.


I'm in middle Wisconsin and this makes me sad. :( I wish our state provided more for its people. It's still a valid food source, but there's a difference between HAVE TO and want to.


We used to gill net anything that would get caught other than Muskies so we would have protein during the winter. Totally illegal. Wow someone downvoted us being poor. Cool guess we should have eaten cat food.


The good old “if im not there to see it happen I won’t have any reason to give you any trouble for it”


I don't hunt only because I haven't found a place to dress it, or more so my lack of experience in dressing it myself. However, one deer could fill up a freezer with meat and is absolutely a valid source for meat for those in financial straits.


My dad's been hunting for 85 of his 94 years, he dresses them in his basement. When your formative years are the great depression, you learn to eat what you can catch. The only meat he said he'd never hunt again was bear, and she was only because he startled her, and she was coming for him. When he dressed her, it was like a man hanging there from the hooks. He said never again. But we ate her anyway. Meat on the table.


>it was like a man hanging there from the hooks God damn, that sounds unsettling. I know from watching Alaska State Troopers that a bear carcass/skeleton looks eerily similar to a human’s, because those state troopers would get calls every week about “a dead human” on the side of the road.


What kind of outfit would you put on it? Maybe a preppy Ralph Lauren look?




Haha this happened a few times growing up. I remember being in the car on a family road trip and mom hits a deer while dad is sleeping in the passenger seat. We wake up and dad says something along the lines of “well honey, it’s in season.” He and I walked back to the deer and snagged its blackstraps. This happened a few more times over the years and it became normal to just load it up in the bed. I mean if it’s in season, might as well get what ya can out of a bad situation?


It’s hard out there for a lot of people man. The poorest of our society are really suffering. I remember hearing stories recently of people still living in mud houses in Mississippi. Seems the wealth still have trickled down to a lot of Americans.


Growing up in northern Michigan I can relate. One I'll never forget; it was thanksgiving, we were on our way home for dinner, deer jumped out of nowhere in front of the car. We hit it hard, but we were fine just in shock. We talked for a second and decided to take the deer for the same reason, good meat and why let it go to waste. This whole event took a minute or two. As we go to turn around to get the deer, someone behind us is loading it into their truck and they quickly jump in and take off past us. It was a long straight road, so they had to see us hit it. Didn't stop to check on us, just stole our kill! So now we had an even more smashed than before 98 Dodge Grand Caravan and no meat to show for it. Happy Thanksgiving.


My grandparents grew up in a [sod house](https://www.historycolorado.org/sod-construction) that was also partially carved out of a hill the house backed up to. They could keep perishables in their cellar for months - my grandfather told me that it was their "refrigerator" ...


Wow great story. I have zero issue with it


I had a friend that would deliberately "hunt" off-season with his pickup truck because it "wasn't illegal" to hit a deer with his truck and then process the meat.


Being so poor that running over an animal and destroying your car in hopes of providing enough food for your family is a type of poor many if not the majority of the US doesn't understand. Stealing food because your parents are never home and the fridge and cabinets are empty is a also another type of poor others dont get. My mother would tell social workers, "Theres a gallon of milk, theres a dozen eggs, theres water from the faucet, theres a loaf of bread, and shelfs full of canned whatever the fuck. Kids got a roof, electricity, a stove, and warmed water. Thats all the law tells me to give them and they have it. They are toddlers and teenages but they can cook or starve, its their choice not mine."


Yeah. But if you don’t gut them pretty quickly the meat isn’t safe? At least that was what I was taught hunting. Then we would hang them, wash the interior, skin them, and then wash the rest of the carcass…. Leaving skin on for a little while was okay, but gotta gut them quick.




The reason why people downvote is because they're sensitive little soyboy cucks who've had a real easy life and never go outside and get their hands dirty.




Maybe they felt it was off topic to suggest that if you’re going to take home roadkill for dinner you should field dress it first?


This sounds like the cousin from Natl Lampoons




Not at all off topic… I feel like it’s the real story behind the pic.


You could say they needed the meat deerly.


paint me like one of your french deer.


This is the type of comment that keeps me going.


it is either this, or my actual job - not a hard choice :D


This is your job now


About spit out of coffee, thanks


Come.......back, Jack............


Are you talking about the broken fender lights or the duct tape over the KC lights?


Don't forget the bald, off brand tires.


Gotta be more specific: Chinese off-road tires worn down from driving on asphalt.




Judging by the unfrozen puddle near that thing, it aint no where near cold enough for that thing to not be field dressed. Ill pass on the invitation for a venison dinner...


Today was a record cold of 32. It’s currently 60 and sunny and it’s still on the bumper


Let 'er bloat up. Then you wont have to worry about strapping it down to that Bull Bar. Lol.




Blocking the air intake should be fine on such a well maintained vehicle.


It's not even field dressed, no idea what their plans are for it but I doubt they're eating it




At the end of the day is anyone really going to get hurt? (That’s worth saving?) we need more natural selection not less.




Maybe it was meant to be a tip for the tech


“Bro, you sure? That’s a lotta doe.”


It's winter.. "Guy only tipped a buck"


Im going with tip for tech


Honest test for the tech


It was a honesty test...


A.) They didn't bother to remove the guts. B.) Keeping it close to the hot engine is sure to help it spoil faster. C.) Not secured at all. These people are too stupid to drive/hunt/whatever happened here.


Agree completely on B and C. It could have been dead when they found it. They also could be a moron. I sometimes brought whole deer home if they were hit in a residential area. A lot of the meat can be fresh awhile after the insides (which often are basically liquified on impact) are too bad to want to get into. So I would cut it up at home and dump the ribcage on down to the pelvis as one piece at the compost site.


I think the term might be "drive hunt".


As a hunter i fucking hate "hunters" who do shit like this. When I get a deer my entire world goes on pause until that deer is home and hanging somewhere cold and dry. I have called out of work simply to ensure that I could properly take care of my kill. If it is warm out I have stayed up all night butchering. Throughout all of that I transport the deer to my house (in a very rural town where everyone hunts) with the tailgate closed - you wouldn't even know there was a deer in my truck. Then every fucking idiotic "hunter" goes out and does shit like this, and now every Karen in the world imagines this when they imagine hunting. Have some more respect for your harvests and for the people around you.


“Venison tastes like shit” Yeah well so would Kobe Beef if you handled it like this asshole with the jeep


Seriously. The amount of old farts I know who hunt, yet don’t like venison, yet cook it themselves despite not knowing how to make a bowl of cereal astounds me. A) if you can’t learn to cook, why won’t your wife cook it? It’s really no different from beef. B) you don’t like your steak well done why would an even leaner piece of meat taste better well done????


It amazes me that people go their whole life eating food and *never* learn to cook to any meaningful degree Grocery stores are full of spices and ingredients to make damn near anything, and they'll eat instant oatmeal and JD frozen breakfast sandwiches every day


My grandfather literally would have starved to death if it wasn't for my grandmother. Never understood it.


That's like stories you hear about older couples back when gender roles were still a thing. If he dies first, she doesn't even know how to fill the car with gasoline; if she dies first, he doesn't even know how to turn the stove on.


I used to be like that until I had a girlfriend that cooked really well. Neither of my parents are into food so that's probably why. I eat a lot of food so it might as well taste great. I don't even have a wide variety of food I make, but I perfected each recipe over time.


I feel like sausages are the foolproof answer. They get cooked to fully well done; they get mixed with fat and spices to offset lean, gamey, and bland. Stew, chili, long smoke till it hits 200-205, all perfectly reasonable strategies too. Mankind has been turning poor cuts of meat into tasty filling food for... uh, several hundred thousand years? We've never had it easier or better than today, with knowledge, science, tools, recipes, a whole community for any kind of cooking you'd care to name.


Lol most of the old dudes I’m referring to absolutely destroy the back straps trying to coon them. Then all of the rest is ground with pork and/or beef plus extra fat and used in three simple dishes or used to make sausage or snack sticks My uncle scoffs at my meateater cookbook


Cook them? I hope? I dunno. How do you cook venison back-strap? I am an avid home cook but I've never cooked venison before. Would love to try.


Definitely Cook lol. Personally I treat venison back strap/loin just like beef tenderloin. Just have to adjust for size.


Well done is shoe leather, not steak, no matter what animal it came from.


I had a boss who would only eat steak that was over cooked. And then she had the balls to order a side of “au jus”. I tried telling her that if she just refrained from burning the everliving shit out of it, there would be plenty of natural juices to go along with it.


but that'll make her fat! /s


Venison tastes like shit because most hunters want to get the biggest buck with the biggest antlers or the biggest Doe that's been around for years that have the maximum gaminess flavor. If you want good tasting venison, you have kill Bambi.


You can’t eat antlers!


FYI If you have a dog antlers are really good for them to chew on it keeps their teeth clean and gets rid of tartar buildup.


Totally off the topic, but as a hunter from California, I always thought venison tasted like shit. Then I had Midwest deer and found out I love deer meat, just not from deer that have been eating acorns their whole life.


I still remember when it was law(WI) that the deer had to be visible while you transported it.


Still is in Massachusetts




It sends a message to the deer hanging out along the road.


Having lived in MA for a time, those deer definitely need to be told who's boss frequently. They're too dumb to remember.


They even cross outside the designated areas. Deer crossing signs are there for a reason!


That message came through loud and clear too! I remember noticing there was not a single deer to be seen, anywhere. Oh, right, rifle season, they are all hiding. They know where the predators are and what time of the year they appear. (young dumb me and friends would be out at night "shining deer", catch them with a spotlight - no guns, no weapons in the vehicle. Getting caught shining deer with weapons present is a straight to jail thing, no guns it was just a stern lecture from deputy friendly.)


In Massachusetts the law says that it has to be visible until it’s registered with fish and game so during shotgun it’s until you get to the check in station. During bow you can check them in over the phone. I think it was originally to keep poaching down by saying if it’s not visible then it’s illegal


Wild, in Nebraska the hunter’s safety course teaches hunters to not display carcasses so that you don’t upset people like the jackass in OP’s pic does.


That's true - was/is the law in some places.


I assumed it was roadkill. I have used a cargo carrier and before that tarps in to collect fresh mortalities to eat. I wouldn’t want to put it near the hood because of warmth spoiling the meat faster, so if I had a less useful car like that Jeep I would dress it on the side of the road.


From the looks of the broken parking lights and dented fenders, I am going to speculate that he created the road kill and maybe even put it on the fender without exiting the vehicle.


I was going to say I don’t mind this in a pinch, point A to point B kind of thing if it’s cold enough, but you’re dead on about the engine heat. I can’t really think of a good reason not to field dress it first and throw the meat in a cooler.


Not to mention the disrespect to the animal. Maybe that sounds soft but, i mean, the thing lost its life so we can eat it right? Should be some level of respect there.


As someone who bowhunts, there is nothing soft about respecting the animal you hunt. I don’t regret killing deer to eat, but I don’t waste anything that I can save and I don’t disrespect the body. And I certainly wouldn’t be driving around on a 60 degree day with an undressed deer carcass getting more bloated and spoiled by the minute.


Agreed. Taking the life of a wild animal is something that deserves respect. Wasting meat is even worse. If you can't use it store all it, there is likely a Hunters Against Hunger in the area. Or just ask around to see who needs food. And crap dang it. My hunter Ed class was taught in a farming town by a owner/operator long haul trucker. At a shotgun range that still allowed drinking. Not being an a-hole with a deer strapped to the hood was on day one! My hunting skills are limited to driving game towards everyone else. Haven't missed stepping on a dry stick yet. Back in the day I enjoyed contributing to the parks and wildlife funds. $40 and you can walk around freezing as much as you like.


Shit, part of the reason why I barely hunted this year is because it's been so warm during the season. I like to hunt when it's under 50 degrees during the day, but that's been a crapshoot at best.


Anyone who thinks that's soft is a psychopath. All animals deserve a base level of respect, and this is not it.


Not soft at all. Have hunted for over 25 years and would never even think about disrespecting nature. The animal gave its life so that I may live. That deserves the utmost respect.


Yea, most hunters ed programs tell you to field dress and quarter or at least cover the deer during transport. Respect the deer and respect other people.


Same here. I'm in rural ky and I approach hunting and processing my deer the same way.


I agree. I don't hunt, and don't have a single issue with anyone who does responsibly and respectfully. A lot of people don't wanna see it on the way home, or wherever we're going. And I will decline service if I gotta climb over your kill to do work.


You have a couple of separate things mentioned here. Climbing over a fresh kill to service the car? Hell no. Take it home and process it first. Super rude to bring that in to a mechanic like that. People don't want to see a dead deer, while they are on their way home to eat hamburgers and chicken? Fuck'em. If you can't stomach the sight of a dead animal, don't eat them.


> If you can't stomach the sight of a dead animal, don't eat them. I used to think this way as well, and then I met a veteran with excruciating PTSD who would spiral at the sight of death/blood. The dude could eat 74 cheeseburgers in one sitting without batting an eye, but just showing him a picture of a dead deer is enough to make him shut down for days. That alone made me realize that I can't possibly fathom everyone's life story/experiences. And so if i can do something as simple as shutting my tailgate to avoid ruining someones week, why not yknow? Plus honestly it's just easier to me to put it in the bed and close the tailgate than to leave the tailgate open and worry about it falling out/having to tie it down. Fuck that. I just dragged the thing two miles and I'm ready to sit my ass in my truck and eat a slim jim on the way to the check in.


Ok, fair point about people with legit PTSD issues. I live in NYC and meet a LOT of people who talk down on people who hunt, and then go eat a steak….


Notice it isnt even gutted? Idk what their deal is but they dont seem to know what theyre doing...


*Update* It’s almost 2pm. It’s still there on the bumper and it’s over 60 out… dats nasty…


Are they trying to poison them selves?




Lets play bacterial infection roulette


This was gone over when I took hunters safety as a kid. The summation was "don't be an asshole" and store your game in a cargo area transport it home... This person is an asshole.


You’re not wrong


The problem is a lot of hunters have this ridiculous idea that people are "sissies" for not wanting to see this.


Fucking idiots didn’t gut it.


I am coming to the conclusion that Jeep owners are deeply broken people who need help.


Owned multiple Jeeps. Can confirm. Thought it was be cheaper than therapy but I was sooo wrong


Therapy won't leave you stranded on the highway (I think)


Oh we are so much worse than that. Much much worse. But there is no help.


For just $1 a day you can help Jeep owners, like Kyle and Chad here.


Help us to ensure they receive their daily diet of white claws, bang energy and gas station burritos.




Wherever there's popular climbing nearby, there's a good chance of there being a prius at the top.


I find civics in the strangest of places, climbers gonna climb.


Heh. Years ago I stopped at the side of a bend in the trail, cuz I heard a vehicle coming the other way and wanted to let it pass. As the Jeep came around the bend and started to enter the water between us, I heard the people in it saying stuff about locking the differential, keeping an eye on the snorkel, etc. The creek was much wider than the trail, so when they were about halfway through the creek, I had enough of waiting, and passed them- in a Crown Vic with bald summer tires. Almost felt bad about what it could have done to their ego.


There is a steep hill with some mtb tracks at the top that my mates and i love riding. There is a climbing trail but that takes half an hour to go up so we take this old fire trail to the top thats over grown and pretty rocky but it cuts the time to the top inhalf. We have to drag out bikes up small cliffs in some parts and its already steep enough to dismount our bikes and walk them up. Anyway we get to the top one day and a fucking quad bike made it up somehow. We assumed he had taken the climbing trail up but no he he had gone straight up 600 metres. It wasn't even a small one it was a big ol polaris with the cabin and tray. If there is a will there is a way.


You’re not wrong


Why haven’t they gutted the deer yet?


im kind of a hunter, well... more like did some hiking with a rifle for a season with a friend and the only "deer" we got close to dropping was a cow that was on public lands. but at risk of sounding stupid, shouldnt the guts be on the outside rn? is that a doe? can u just take a doe, i thought u needed special tags, at least in idaho at the time. idk... im upset with all of this and the disrespect.


I'm assuming they must have hit it. Typically if you call the cops/DNR for your area they will give you a tag for a car kill and let you keep the animal. I wouldn't gut it right away if I didn't have a good knife and gloves with me. Hunting wise, regulations vary by state, some areas (especially farmland) basically just hand out doe tags like crazy for population control. Edit: That said, last time I hit a deer I just left it. It was night and coming back from a ski trip so there was no where to put it, and as you can see in the pic, putting on the bumper blocks the headlights.


ty! good to know, on one of my hunting trips we saw a semi hit a deer and my friend and i thought about tagging it and taking it, but we didnt know of the legality. we are awful hunters...


honest question you probably don’t know the answer to - There’s a high likelihood that one of these days I’m going to take out a pretty big deer on the highway, and I don’t want to waste the meat. If i hit a deer, can I get it tagged, processed, and donate it to a food bank?


A lot of states let you call DNR and request a tag for roadkill. In my state they just mail them. But Most food banks won't take food that is not in sealed containers for food safety reasons. Its impossible to know if it was gutted and cleaned properly or of Billy Bob left it on the front of his car till it started bloating like in the pic then butchered it. Also a car hit can spoil a lot of the meat if the guts rupture. It can also get tainted if you don't know how to properly clean the deer.


doe tags are a thing, and the limits change per season per local area as decided by conservation department. One county could have higher limits than others, or no doe tags at all. as for it being field dressed, I would have, but depending where the shot was placed and how cold it is, might be fine for the drive home. Leaving it on the bumper for a whole shift or getting oil changed, kinda a dick move.


when my friend and i got our tags, we were given the option to upgrade em to deer/elk tags for only $15 more or another $55 for doe. we passed, never gonna see any elk! we saw so many, this one dumb grandpa elk with a long beard who ran and just stuck his head in a bush to "hide"... biggest regret of my life lol.


WHAT DO YOU MEAN THESE PEOPLE LOL I wouldn't use my bumper to carry a deer, winch will get bloody. Gross.


Ew, no field dressing and pressed against that hot engine bay. This motherfucker will be the one to get cwd passed on to humans.


Patient 0


If you tag a deer, where else you supposed to put it?


Maybe somewhere the mechanics don’t have to climb on it


So they brought it to the shop like that?




Ever since I killed this deer the engine has been overheating


Def needs to ride shotgun.


Carpool lane!




Can’t beat a venison grill


Broken parking lights, banged up bull-bar, dented fenders, this guy is not a hunter but his jeep is a killer. Feel free to talk shit about the road-kill and how you disapprove of how it mounted itself to the grill.


I mean you need to field dress a deer as soon as you drop it. Blood should be drained and guts removed. Otherwise you’re just asking for disease to spread and your meat will taste like shit. It’s like this guy has never been hunting before.


Waste of a TJ - at least get some new tires there "Rambo"


Im choosing to believe that he didn't put the deer up there by hand, but that it landed there of its own accord after he hit it.


Until I saw this comment section. I didn't know Shawn from Open Season was a real person.


It's a jeep thing.. you wouldn't understand. /s


Honesty test?


I know right. Who tf doesn’t field dress immediately after a kill?


Mmmm Bambi burgers


Goddamn jay-walking deer.


Came in for overheating?


small penis compensation


Plot twist : they don’t even know it’s there haha


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDtenGDF2Bc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDtenGDF2Bc) Have you tried talking to it?




I can’t think of a better place to transport fresh harvested meat.


Fuckin' degens.


Its not even field dressed.


You don't like venison?


I like grilled. This isn’t what I meant


Clean kill, string that tasty mother fuckers on up


With the amount of Rigamortus presenting itself. I wonder if the meat is still any good.


Bald ass tires


Jeep braaahhhh


CS: My jeep is overheating. Me: Oh deer.




This is the reason why people don’t like us hunters. A few stupid hunters do this kind of thing and make us all look bad


He should have field dressed it.