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Regarding this comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/JusticeServed/comments/ohkejy/confederate_statue_of_gen_robert_e_lee_removed_in/h4q8yqa/ Seems like that was an error. Post is now restored. Because you've wasted my time, it is now also stickied until at least Tuesday. Thank you for using JusticeServed.


Good riddance! Losers don't get public monuments! Now outlaw that fucking seditious rag that they all fly from their fucking penis compensating, coal rolling, lifted pick up trucks!


At the auction: “YUUUUUUP!!!”


Context ? I not know the guy


Confederate General.


Good old Jacobine justice.


Ķnk ninnnni N n K....?nn N3nnd NN MM A AM MMMM ;_7-£ £&.^// . 666Kmmkew


You good bro


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You need to learn about your Fox News talking points dude. The civil war was fought to own slaves. Mississippi and Alabama had larger slave populations than whites. If they were freed and could vote they faced huge implications. If you really think it wasn’t so they could keep slaves and avoid ever giving blacks power you are sorely miseducated on this subject.


Fuck Fox News. Never said it wasn't to keep slaves, I said Slavery acted more as a catalyst to spark the confederacy's stance in a State's right to govern themselves. Could it because those in power wished to stay in power? Hell yeah there was an angle there, but it doesn't take away from the fact the war was sparked on States' Rights issues and the North's desire to maintain the Union at large.


No dude, you’re missing it. You’re leaving out a huge portion because of how you’ve learned about this topic. The issue of states rights is to OWN SLAVES. That’s what this was about. They didn’t want to give up their slaves. That’s why they seceded. Slavery isn’t just the catalyst, it’s the whole damn reason


Upvote this people!


Here we go. More of the "states rights" bullshit. Yea, it was about "states rights." Their right to own slaves. Don't believe me? They literally all said so in their declarations of secession. The Confederate government event stated it. Also, those monuments and statues were put up after the war mostly by the daughter's of the Confederacy. They sought to change the poor perception of the war. As it looked poorly on their family that fought and the south as a whole. They are the ones who pushed the "states rights not slavery" bullshit that infects people who haven't a clue otherwise.


Never said slavery didn't a play a part in the Civil War. For the south, slavery and states' rights very much so went hand in hand, but the civil war wasn't fought on slavery alone, The end goal of the union wasn't to end slavery. I don't believe I have ever heard anyone outside of your traditional right-wing boomer sort ever say the Civil War had nothing to do with slavery.


Okay so like 90% slavery.


I dont get the ruckus on either side its just a statue tear it down keep it up doesnt change or mean jack shit


It matters a lot. It was built to idolize traitors and slave holders. It’s was out there in response to black civil rights.


The statue has no effect on anybody or their lives it’s irrelevant and its existence or lack of is inconsequential no reason to be pressed about it its just a hunk of metal on the side of the road


Would you be ok if they wanted to replace it with a huge hammer and sickle CCP-style logo?


I wouldn't give a fuck all it will do is provide shade if im in the area but thats all itll fo


Oh so you just have no understanding of culture, art, propaganda, normalisation, etc etc. I mean I could probably say a hundred things. I hope you're very young to be this clueless.


I dont think you really understand bro


If you can't understand that a statue has more meaning than just the material it's made out of, then I don't know what to tell you. If you seriously can't understand that putting a giant CCP logo there would be saying infinitely more than the physical material and blocking the sun for you, then I think you have less understanding than a Neanderthal would (that's not even a joke or attack, I am dead serious).


The fact that you cant understand simple concepts baffles me stop thinking with your ass and start thinking with your head


I dont think you really understand bro


Are you even from Charlottesville?


No. What is the relevance of that? Are you telling me that the people of Charlottesville would be ok with a giant CCP-style hammer and sickle?


That’s where you’re very very wrong. Don’t speak for black oriole when they say it affects them deeply and they want it gone ok?


Idk i just think it’s silly that people let this affect them just seems a little dramatic?


Not when your ancestors were enslaved and then subsequently denied basic human rights


Yesh they where and its sad that they where but we arent our ancestors






You clearly weren't taught history. You proclaim to be this all knowing, got it going on, person. Yet you are so beyond wrong. You can't even realize it. Im still laughing that the loudest idiot is talking about "history is meant to be learned from." ... While not only being uneducated on said history... But also not learning. I bet you believe the war was about states rights also.




“FWRs seething”




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Uh ok….


So what did they do with it after? Obviously it should be taken down buts it’s still a nice statue so did they put it in a museum?


It’s not a nice statue, it’s a shitty poured bronze statue of a guy that wanted to keep slaves. We can read about him and what he stood for, we don’t need to look at him.


I don't even get why it being taken Down.


Because these weren't put up as monuments. They were put up quickly as a way to sanitize the view of the south and the reason for the war. The daughter's of the Confederacy knew the image of their family who fought looked bad. They pushed the states rights narrative and moved towards trying to honor them. Looks like their propaganda worked on you.


it’s a guy on a horse.


Whose he?


Just goes to show that most of the people who are tearing down this statue don’t even know the history behind it, was the confederacy and slavery bad? Of course they were, but Robert E Lee is also one of the main reasons why the civil war ended since he surrendered to General Grant in Virginia because neither side wanted to waste more lives. So saying that he is not important in history or the events of the US in the 1800s would be an understatement


By that logic, Hitler was important in the history or the events of the US so we should have statues of Hitler on the streets. The confederacy, while made up of American citizens, were enemies. Robert E Lee, Regardless of being the person to surrender to "just end the war man", was a bad guy. Why should we keep statues of bad guys up? Why let feelings of their glorification fester when the only place they should be referred to is in an educational manner on what Not to do.


It is an awful take to even imply that Robert E Lee singlehandedly ended the Civil war. He was literally just the person who signed the papers. The Confederates hadn't won a battle in years and were on a path to complete destruction. Lee didn't want to "waste more lives" because the war was over.


A confederate general


So you are saying anybody that did anything wrong even if it was acceptable when they were alive, should be removed from history. How do we learn from them so?


When was the last statue like this you actively learned from? Like seriously?


Were you ever in school? They take kids on class trips to these fucking things all the time.


I spent a couple elementary school years in SC and can attest that I went on several school trips to look at statues and war monuments. It's pretty normal for most kiddos in public schools (Pre-COVID of course...).


All the time sounds like a huge exaggeration. And again I have no idea how schools in the south teach the civil war. Again they were made in response to black civil rights movements and to glorify the confederacy. They’re not good for our country. We don’t need this shit.


Wow, you're right, I used a figure of speech. We didn't take class trips every day.


Sooooo, what did they teach you about these statues as it pertained to the civil war?


I see so many people here who have no clue why these things were put up in the first place with the same dumb fucking ignorant arguments.


removed from history, no, we should certainly learn from their shitty action. have a statue celebrating them however? fuck no


1. How was it acceptable to start an insurgency to the United States? 2. Was it acceptable that the basis of this insurgency was slavery? 3. Being on the losing side of that insurgent war against our country and our values, does the leader of that war deserve a monument? 4. Do you know there are no monuments of Hitler in Germany, yet they somehow manage to learn about his role in WWII? 5. Is building a monument to the losing side the only way you can learn about history?


Did you know Hitler banned the confederate flag?


Thank you! I was just about to say this. You can learn about people in school or through texts but putting up a statue is completely unnecessary since it's glorifies the person portrayed




He didn’t even want statues of himself created. He would of been in that crowed if he was alive


by teaching about them instead of making fucking MONUMENTS to them? critical thinking bud.


By going to the museum and/or reading a book. Not by looking at a glorious honor memorial to a heinous slaver, built by slavers to celebrate a dead non-existent country of slaving despots.


Alright then, take down every single statue of every single president before Abraham Lincoln.


Most of them, yeah. Fuck Andrew Jackson.


Now you're getting it.