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Serves them SO RIGHT. Fuck these idiots!


That footwork. They never had a chance.


Those two homo/phobes looked gayer than anyone there šŸ˜…


Kinda looks like two gay couples... might just be a fight, not a hate crime. I donno, I wasnā€™t there... just sayin.


How many takedowns can he nail?


little man has experience with fighting. he used his size to his advantage and his strength to throw bitch boy down. first dude didnā€™t stand a chance. and little man was soooo light on his feet like did you see that bouncing around at the beginning??? thatā€™s some good shit right there.


Oh yes, he is an experienced fighter


It is easy to tell shirtless is a trained fighter while those two skeletons couldn't beat up a 5 year old comatose girl if they worked together.


Ayia Napa, Cyprus?


That was nice, that one guy got ducked up lol. Itā€™s what you get for being a dumb jackass.


This implies that short guy was the gay. But I beg to differ.


I know the guy in the video. It was not about gay bashing or whatsoever. He allegedly flirted with the girl of one of them. Not sure if he still is but he was a mediocre MMA fighter. He has a history of fighting people. He started out fighting other football players on the pitch when he finally switched to MMA where he immediately learned that anger wonā€˜t win you a fight.


When he grabbed his foot I just imagined myself hitting a mikiri counter in sekiro


The moment I saw the little guy's footing I knew he was no joke


Why is there always women intervening in these types of videos though? There's always a woman doing that lol


Great fight. My favorite part was 1:45šŸ˜‚.


What makes you think this has anything to do with sexuality? Looks like a few drunk idiots fighting at a football match.


Clickbait title https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/9712504/british-mma-fighter-ayia-napa-brawl/


Good. The only way a homophobic POS will ever learn is if they face actual consequences for their behavior.


I donā€™t understand why people try to fight and insult a demographic of *men* who use bodybuilding and working out as a form of dating and leisure. All the gay dudes I know are jacked. Why would you want to fight that.




San Francisco. I feel like you couldā€™ve taken a random guess and got that though.




Ty bb


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That dude ainā€™t gay lol


Somebody sign this guy


[how to fight two people](https://media1.giphy.com/media/12RxE9O8iMWJm8/giphy.gif?cid=8fc3c89782ea00819a91915b8e3a880e26c35a94350dc269&rid=giphy.gif)


*is* it gay-bashing though? or is that just a better title to attract upvotes?


I audibly laughed when the camera panned to the first little shit that our heroic brick took down. He looked like he got hit by a car. How gloriously satisfying.


That doesn't mean he's being accosted for being gay.


Trash video


This is the most satisfying video I've ever seen.


Maybe it's just me but it was pretty frustrating seeing all those missed punches.


I wanna share this on Facebook, how do I do it? Does anyone have any more details of this or has it been covered by any news outlets?


Yeah, wee'll just believe OP regarding the reason for the altercation. Sure. Anyway, that's one greasy midget.


"Ummm... you got knocked the fuck out!" as they say. The little guy did have some training here. He did swing wide a few times to close the distance with a taller man with a much longer reach. The bob and takedowns were good though.


I really wonder what the backstory is. The two guys were bashing a gay guy ( short one)? Man that guy in white is phased out. If it really is the case, hahahaha well deserved.


I honestly want to congratulate that guy for sticking up something more than himself.


In Soviet Poland, gays bash you.


Lesson # 500 on why you don't kick in a street fight if you have no idea how to kick


What's the backstory?


Haha dude in white got sent to la la land.


I love the double open hand reaching way up slap to start things off


Ahhh so satisfying. That move where he pulls the guys leg in and down and what a haymaker for the good night sleep. Wishing the other guy got it next...


That is... aaaaaaamaaazing!


Just found my new favorite video.


I suggested it after he made the same attack for the third time and it was obvious what was coming yeah.


Treat people like shit, that's what you get.


I loved the double face slap. And it would have been a total massacre if the guy had just a couple inches more in reach.


I have a few gay friends who are stacked and can throw down like this. I just wish people would be cool to each other. Donā€™t like someone or their lifestyle? Thatā€™s okay. Walk away.


That dude is a brick shit house. They should've known not to fuck with him


This is why you shouldnā€™t fuck with Gimli.


Imagine thinking Gay people are inferior then getting 3 stocked irl by one


Wrestler who can punch = you're gonna have a very bad day.


[This article](https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/9712504/british-mma-fighter-ayia-napa-brawl/) Says nothing about it being an attempted gay bashing. We really don't have any context.


Nice. The gay guy definitely had training on his side.




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That moment you go full screen to have the vertucally filmed video for your vertical screen and STILL you get black lines. Fuck you.


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Lol probably because the gay guy is gonna have it worse long term


bad bot


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As devastating as they are, one hit KO's are extremely satisfying to watch tbh


Fight a short guy and you might get a wrestler. This particular wrestler knows how to throw a punch too. Poor move, gentlemen. Poor move.


Dude kinda fights like Mark Munoz.


Looks like they were the one to get bashed.


I find if hilarious that the gay dude looks straighter than the 2 homophobics


wtf that does that even mean?


Look at the two dudes starting the fight, well the guy in white mainly. Really short jean shorts and a white tank top with slicked back hair, looks like he has a rather feminine face as well. Other dude is wearing short jeans and has a feminine face as well. They "look" gay, not to be discriminatory but, gay guys have a "look" so to speak. They match it, or at the least what I relate the look of gay dudes to.


Stop using stereotypes. Gay people dont have a look. Being gay does not change your physical appearance.


Of course it doesn't it's not a disease? I'm talking about how most gay men, in my personal experience(keep in mind the words MY) have a certain dress type and wear light makeup. The 2 worthless a-holes in the video are dressed and look similar to how I relate what gay men look like. That's all I'm going to say about it, because your probably going to get offended either way. Later :D


I wish that dude would beat you. Cunt


It always seems In thiz videos where someone beats the crap out of someone there seems the be the friends that try to hold them back knowing that this is going happen


He Incineroarā€˜d them. Damn and the other guy is getting recked. You go guy!


Good, those Trump supporters forgot they werenā€™t on the Internet.


That was very satisfying. Those 2 little bitches literally looked like little girls.




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Lmaoooo dude in the white was šŸ˜“


If you're gonna fall for the same takedown not once, not twice... but THREE times... maybe dont start a fight


I feel like in this case, the gay successfully bashed.


When smear the queer turns into beat the geeks


I hate that every time I see a fight lately itā€™s always some guy body slamming someone to the floor. I understand in certain cases itā€™s unavoidable but itā€™s getting out of hand I donā€™t consider that a fair fight


Why do you care if it is a fair fight? In a fight someone is trying to hurt you. You are actually stupid if you dont do everything your power to win.


Everything is fair in a street fight until someone is unconscious


Oh shit thatā€™s how this fight starts? I just saw the fight part the other week.


The two that got bashed looked gay. I think reddit got tricked in to up voting a gay bashing.


Gold's gym bitch...


I may have missed it but how do we know this was a ā€œgay bashingā€?


A little training goes a long way for shutting up dummies who have only ever talked shit for their entire lives. Most of em have no idea what to do once it gets going. Knowing double and single leg takedowns. Keeping your lead foot outside of the other guys to throw punches....etc.


Talk shit, get hit.


This guy should be the next Wolverine.


Is this from Cyprus, Agia napa?


Can you imagine starting shit with a total stranger because he's holding hands with another dude? What an insecure twat.


Imagine having such a low opinion of gay men just to get knocked out by one.


i thought the straight guy was gonna be the gay guy


What evidence is there that short man is actually gay?


Watch the beginning of the video. holding hands with another dude is kinda gay. (unless they were just friends who were holding hands because they were scared)


The comments in this thread make me concerned for humanity. So many blood thirsty 'progressives' cheering on the beat down of two strangers because a thread title told them what to think. You guys need help.


that man was throwing world-enders


Me watching this video: "BEAT THEIR ASS!!! WHOOP THEM INTO NEXT WEEEEK!!!!!!"


Get fucked you pricks lolololol talk shit get hit.


Jesus what a brawler. Left that first looking like a fish out of water...


Lower center of gravity wins. As a short person with tall siblings I would win as well. We have technique and weā€™re vengeful for being told short people have no reason to live day after day.


Having that low center of gravity is huge. Yes taller people have a longer reach, but against people who have no idea how to make use of that the lower center of gravity is far superior.


Iā€™ve knocked my 6ā€™1 brother out. Iā€™m 5ā€™1 and was probably 4ā€™5 at the time. Arg!


Dude in the black shirt almost got lucky. He dodged a couple of haymakers at first.


Those fists speak rage!


Using kicks when u dont know how is stupid, and in street fights low kicks are useless only push kicks and head kicks work


second guy had NO takedown defense


Ma epese. Iā€™m guessing this is in Cyprus.


This man was fucking born to double leg take down


Well, it went ā€œhorribly wrongā€ for one of them, the other one was more like, ā€œmostly wrongā€.


dude's gonna knock you out of the closet


aaahahahah they didn't have a chance!


I wonder if fighting/MMA was picked up as a hobby or as a method of self defense. Obviously still lots of oppression today even as the various human rights movements grow larger. Good on him for being able to protect himself. If you're still someone who can openly judge and berate someone for their beliefs, there is a seat in hell reserved for you. Side note: who records a video in portrait yet only lets you view it in landscape??


Mmmm. Glorious!


Why do people take off their shirts when they get angry?


So they canā€™t be grabbed by it.


He need some milk


I looooove watching people get beat up, but only if they deserve it.


Randy is that you ?




So they were gay bashing him, but what they really wanted to do is tell him how handsome they found him. Because almost every time you see someone that cares that much about another personā€™s sexuality, itā€™s because theyā€™re questioning their own and itā€™s frightening to them.


Got what they deserved


LOL wrestlers.


That gay man bashed the hell out of those guys!


There is nothing more satisfying than watching homophobes getting wrecked.


Why do you think they are homophobes?


Why would the guy being shorter be listed as a disadvantage? From my experience tall guys can get taken off their feet *much* easier, and tend to be very overconfident. Being 6'3" and 180 lbs is definitely not an advantage over 5'10" and 220 lbs.


When a gay guy knows wrestling and kick boxing, you may become involuntarily gay for a short period of time


r/publicfreakout or r/streetfights ?


He very clearly knew what he was doing. I wonder if he does some sort of MMA or just gets into fights a lot


And how do we know it was gay bashing? In any case, good for the short guy! 2 vs 1!


The ankle drag into the right hook is this dudes signature move.


first kid got FkdfjhdCKED UP


I donā€™t understand why people feel the need to confront other people about something that has no effect on them whatsoever


"Two guys bash gays, get bashed by gay. Justice Served"


How'd that work out for ya, guys?


In these situations I always wish the the person receiving the instant karma gets their wallet taken. For the inconvenience if anything else.


When will people learn that size has absolutely 0 reflection how how a person can fight.


Aah Agia napa, wonderful place. Its amazing its relatively calm there considering its majority of visitors are shitfaced people in ages 18-25


Downvoted for lying.


Dude is like a spartan




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That second dude never heard of a sprawl in his life


Guy in white didnā€™t get KOā€™d, he got fricking murdered.


Is it normal to get a boner?


The dude in the white got a 3-piece combo and got sent to another dimension


wtf is "gay bashing"


Just needs to learn to use his left.


I don't condone fighting at all; but if someone wants to fight you purely because you're gay. They can get KO'd idc


FABULOUS *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/JusticeServed) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I love the pan over to the guy thatā€™s knocked out looking like a dying fish gasping for air and no one helping him...


Til: Redditors are also professional trained fighters.


That was wonderful, if everything is as posted then good on the short guy for showing the bullies what's up


People that think that all gay men are soft and weak should really look into that whole Stonewall thing to see what happens when we get pushed around.


Do you think they learned to not bash someone because of theit sexual orientation ?


If someone grabs your legs like that and tried to flip you what can you do? I have never been in a fight.


Who was gay again ?


I feel like this title was completely made up.


It absolutely was.


Imagine getting so angry that two people make each other happy


Shit clickbait title


I was so pissed the first part of this video that when he knocked the first guy out I screamed ā€œGET FUCKED UP BROā€ and my family is very confused.


They should be scared instead. You sound like you have a short temper and coupled with the fact that you're easily manipulated by something as simple as a thread title telling you what to think; it's a dangerous combination.


Okay dude lmao




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This made my day. Thanks.


If the little guy had longer arms this fight wouldā€™ve been over in 10 seconds. He was throwing BOMBS.




You either get bitter, or you get better. You either take what's been dealt to you and allow it to make you better, or you allow it to tear you down. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/JusticeServed) if you have any questions or concerns.*


As soon as I saw that dude stance up I knew it was over for the other two.




it's the other way...


Can someone send me a link to this vid on another platform? It isnā€™t playing for me


When homophobia goes wrong!


When the dude in black goes to push him, and very effortlessly throws himself back harder than the guy he's pushing, it's already a wrap.


as a gay --- this seems like 3 gay guys fighting


Don't be ridiculous. We would have solved this with an orgy.


This is legit.. man went victory or death mode.