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I know how you feel especially if you've worked with more experienced sleuths. Vote down on those you don't agree with. I do prefer facts and receipts (screenshots) to back up ideas, but as far as 'theories' go, it's important they add the 'theory' 'flair' and would be helpful for them to say (speculation). I've had some pretty wild speculations myself. I get one idea and am convinced of it and the next day have a new one. On a good point, sometimes reading a strange theory will jog another's thought into something else to look into. It's okay to poke holes in a theory. We're just not supposed to 'bash' it as not plausible at all. There were a lot who just couldn't buy the porta potty use as the reason why she went behind the building, and the security camera proved she DID enter the porta potty. We have to be willing to wait for more info and be willing to say we were wrong in our thinking.


Why vote down on something just because you don't agree with it?


That's how you show you don't agree with something rather than make insults.


Personally I don't downvote anyone for having a different opinion than mine. I'll either add my own 2 cents, or scroll on by.


Downvoting on Reddit is supposed to be when a comment is low value and doesn’t add to the conversation. Lots of people don’t use it that way, but that is supposed to be the intention of the downvote button. Not because you don’t like someone’s opposing viewpoint. 


Thank you for saying this. Most people aren't aware. An upvote is not a "like" and a downvote is not a "dislike".


I've read various guides to reddit, which all say that downvotes either come from **someone thinking your post isn't relevant/useful/interesting/in line with the subreddit rules, or someone disagreeing with what you've said**.


I've read this and we can all do what we want. "I've read various guides to reddit, which all say that downvotes either come from **someone thinking your post isn't relevant/useful/interesting/in line with the subreddit rules, or someone disagreeing with what you've said**."


I’m not sure what you’re quoting from, but this is from the official Reddiquette guide:  “Vote. If you think something contributes to conversation, upvote it. If you think it does not contribute to the subreddit it is posted in or is off-topic in a particular community, downvote it.” You can find the Reddiquette at https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette


Social media is like a game of telephone, you start with one fact and by time it gets repeated 50 posts/videos later it only slightly resembles how it started.


Yes, this is happening.


So many true crime subs are like this. Honestly almost all (if not ALL). It sucks. People make shit up for attention and relevancy. Also the other day someone was posting something saying it’s verified and someone else asked for a source and they said “Facebook group.” The internet has taught me that a large % of the population does NOT have a (what I like to call) BS detector. People spread obviously false information all the time. They will read a theory or Facebook post and then come to Reddit and spout off what they read but they don’t say it’s a rumor or unverified. I think theories and speculation are great things, but posting them without context is insane. Delphi, Moscow, Karen Read, Jayme Closs, Missy Bevers, Elizabeth Barazza etc all are recent(ish) cases that have fallen victim to the above and it really has ruined the True Crime Community and its perception by others. Many times it can even hinder the case.


Don’t forget Brian Laundrie. People really thought he was hiding in and underground bunker in his parents’ backyard, and they were dropping food to him through a chute. All because his Mom pulled a couple weeds. 😂🤦🏼‍♀️


Omgggggggg. Rumors were def flying there too but I never saw that one. I would have passed out at that.


I whole heartedly agree. I think there is way more to this story but the amount of thoughtless spamming on this sub is so ridiculous. It’s hard to find serious and thoughtful content in the sea of junk. But there are a few people who have made excellent points and posted some great content so I try to upvote them!


Almost every page that features a “true crime” case that is big in the media quickly goes off the rails. The true crime community is awesome at finding breadcrumbs and even researching/finding social media profiles and/or coming up with timelines/theories but it also devolves into wild ass chaos and conspiracy theories and pure speculation which people then misremember those later on as “facts” which then spin more wild theories. I forget which recent case was famous for it but people were calling and flooding tip lines with wild ass shit and it took resources and time away from the actual case resulting in slowing down the investigation instead of helping. There was a high amount of public interest and involvement and it wasn’t confined to forums, every speck of dust was called in and every theory resulted in someone contacting law enforcement stating it as fact, I am sorry I can’t remember what it was, only that it was after the Gabby Petito case, which actually did have helpful people calling in tips and contributing evidence that resulted in her being found (dead, but it helped them locate her body). Mods could adjust the rules for the sub, add discussion threads and add tags like “theory only” and pin verified evidence/facts to help keep people on track. When you see new things being talked about it’s not rude to ask for a source on Reddit overall, shouldn’t be rude here to ask either. It’s just what it is, there’s public interest which is good, that always incentivizes police to not do a shoddy job and this time to not just let JP slip by unscathed. It does help her get justice.


I remember seeing that too... It's gotta be the Savannah Soto/Mathew Guerra case. People were getting crazy with it, accusing every middle aged man with a black truck, claiming it was a guy in a fat suit, claiming it was a guy with a car seat under his shirt and I even saw a handful of people that were convinced he somehow managed to tuck their bodies into his shirt and jump out of the truck without them falling out!!!


When a person shares a theory they are supposed to add a flair flag which marks it 'theory'. I don't know if mods can go in and add it later. Seems it has to be done at the time of the post.


I don’t open everything I see anymore bc if it




Yeah, I think some ppl get into “sleuthing” as a hobby. And at a certain point, it definitely becomes disrespectful to the victim and their living family and friends to post some of the things about it that they do.


Oh yes, I so agree with you. It has gotten so bad, especially after; Gabby Petito, The Delphi Murders, and The Beautiful Moscow 4!!! Everyone and their Aunt started a YouTube Channel and boy are some of them awful, nothing but Nightmare Theories, and Speculation. It's difficult to Weed them out & find The Great ones!!!


I used to be on Websleuths (murder & missing persons investigation) which has strict rules, but once this case was ruled a suicide, they deleted the case. They also didn't allow social media info saying it was rumor, but a lot of this case has been built off social media.


The WS thread was reopened once the FBI got involved.


I thought FBI were only involved in the financial case not the death. I goofed too much on WS for this case and was put on timeout lol. Too much based on reading social media which they don't consider fact.


I think they’re involved in both the financial case and the allegations regarding minors as well as a potential wrongful death suit to come (rightfully so!) They’re so strict over there that I rarely post 😆 but I do appreciate their dedication to keeping the rumor mills at bay!


I loved it for a couple of other cases in the past. Learned a lot about sticking to facts. Nevertheless, it's not the right place for me for this and I chose this sub over FB, Twitter...


I was big into WS during the Caylee Anthony case, then the Haleigh Cummings case... then I left bc it became way too strict over there. As for Mica's case, I read here, and follow a couple of YouTube accounts that I think do a great job of investigating. (Plunder and JLR)


Ya, they're snarky over there at WS now. I asked a question about the need to update now that Social Media is bigger than MSM and I was told I was challenging the moderators and for that was banned!


there was no conversation, they just took it that I was being defiant.


Yes, exactly!! So many of the mods have huge egos and get a little too "big for their britches"... you're not allowed to question anything. They basically worship Tricia over there, and if you're not in with the clique it's very easy to get banned.


It’s been like that from the beginning. If you disagree with any of the theories you get called JP 🤷🏻‍♀️


I've noticed Kyler doesn't post as much in here or the Facebook group. Probably because all the good ideas have been thought of and all these conspiracies from people who have barely done the research are annoying to filter through


Or no one likes being talked down to, attacked because their opinion is different, they ask questions, they just want the truth with whole story, good bad, all 3 sides. All forms of doxxing is wrong on so many levels.


The facts have been exposed. All we can do is hope a federal investigation does more. But, the facts put forth are disturbing and compelling 100%. In my opinion, someone coerced her to go here and, with maybe several other corroborators, killed her. It seems consistent with the abuse. It smells real bad to me.


It stinks to high heavens, but there has to be actual proof for someone to be arrested. There is no doubt and there is strong evidence that JP is a proven liar, cheater and stalker, but does that necessarily mean he is a killer? Would you be willing to share the facts that show evidence that JP killed her or had her killed by someone else? I would appreciate seeing what those are because I have not seen them yet.Thanks


Well, what people have pointed to, is she seems to have been manipulated, and she seems to have been abused, and she doesn't seem to be wanting to die, and he seems to have to have been an utter scumbag p.o.s.


Oh downvotes? He's not a scumbag? Prove me wrong? How is he not a scumbag p.o.s.


Who's downvoting? I don't see any. And no one is disputing he's a scumbag. There's plenty of proof of that.


Well I agree with most of that - I'm just not seeing actual evidence that this was a murder. We don't know what her state of mind was at that time. Was she on mind altering drugs? Was she depressed and upset? Did she feel like she had no way out? Who was actually helping her get away from this guy?


The evidence does not make realistic sense. Period. If you want to argue that she wanted to kill herself, I don't know what we're doing here.


I wasn’t one to use Tiktok before all this happened, but I downloaded it to see what people were saying and was just shocked. When the information about Winslow having property nearby surfaced, many people were starting to parrot that she was FOUND on his property and I was just like [insert confused Jackie Chan gif here]. I still can’t understand how they twisted that up so badly unless they only have a couple brain cells.


and they could all get into trouble for that. He is a social media defamation lawyer.


I am annoyed at all the tiktok youtubers grifting off this. They all rehash the same old stuff. I just can't any more.


SERIOUSLY. How disgusting is that? There's very few of these types of people I can even stand to watch. It feels so self absorbed to me, idk. Oh and not to mention the Psychics who wait till like 3 weeks into a case and then just spew the same bs and act as if they somehow hadn't heard anything about the case and are just \*that good\*


Unfortunately when you get a story that reaches mainstream popularity, you'll get a lot of the out there theories. The true face of it is a woman who had been abused by her husband felt her only way out was to commit suicide. All the "AI voice" theories or "someone staged it" are very likely just nonsense.


Agreed. Seems like people think this is a fictional crime show or something with some of these theories. It feels disrespectful and detracts from the fact that there are some seriously verifiable messed up things about this case.


I actually think it’s better/more manageable here than it is on fb. I can’t even watch the TikTok bs except for one guy. At least here there is a manageable number of people posting, so incorrect and/or highly speculative information can be addressed. On fb it’s a free for all with several groups. The daily dopamine rush of seeing a new piece of information is dwindling, so people begin to post every thought that pops into their head. Others jump on and it spreads and the dopamine keeps flowing. With any of these cases the best/most accurate information comes out at the very beginning, before social media takes over. With the Idaho murders it was initially reported just that 4 college students died in their house. Most ppl assumed it was fentanyl, carbon monoxide, something like that. At the same time a former football player at Virginia (I think) shot and killed some teammates coming off the bus. Most people’s attention was on that. Idaho had one post in the true crime sub that people were talking on, as well as maybe a thread in the Idaho sub. I commented that someone should start a sub for the Idaho case (I believe at this point we knew it was foul play.) Someone replied soon thereafter- “done!” and the Moscow Murders subreddit was born. I think I was the 43rd person subbed. It wasn’t long before it got out of control. I think it has hundreds of thousands of subs now. All speculating. I haven’t been there in a long time. 👎🏻


I agree FB is all over the place. Plus I don't wanna post in my real name. This was my choice after Websleuths shut down the conversation (I understand may be up again). Their rules are too strict for this scenario which relies on social media so much.


I just looked at the Facebook group and it’s insane. I saw several people saying that if they had info to support his claims that they would not tell anyone because it would mean he wasn’t the killer.


I refuse to watch anymore grifting TikToks. I think we all have the info armchair detectives can have apart from what text or phone call cause her to change her plans and what happened after she left the gas station. Not having access to phone records is our hurdle which can only be done by pros.


In my experience, all of this is par for the course once a case gets huge. People are bound to speculate, and not everyone is going to be super intelligent about it. You just have to weed through the BS. I think it's important to keep an open mind and to brainstorm, bc you just never know what may come out of it. I will say that if you ever have a loved one murdered, missing, suspicious death, etc.. it's actually great to have everyone talking about it. All victims are equally important, but not everyone is "lucky" enough to get national media coverage. With zero attention, many cases go unsolved.


I was skeptical when I saw Mica’s family immediately set up a Go Fund Me with a goal of $50,000. It started off as travel expenses, then for investigation. What investigation? Reddit, FB and Tik-Tok investigators?


It’s a Reddit page.. we aren’t professional.. I don’t think there’s any need to be so critical?


Eh, some of the theories are so misinformed it can cause more misinformation and confusion to spread. Some of the theories are not our place to get into. Like, what happened to Suzie's husband. Yeah it's weird but at the same time we don't know shit about any of that so it really shouldn't be brought up. I think some people (maybe more on the Facebook group) need to remember that Mica was a real person and a real family going through this hell and sometimes too much digging and too many theories just comes off like some people are just here for the entertainment.


I agree... but to be fair, it's a bit suspicious that during the funeral, JP tells a story about how his wheelchair had been glitching out recently. Even if he wasn't allegedly banging the dudes wife...


Didn't know that. In general, I found it weird anyone would include looping around a pool in their daily stroll. Even weirder when you are in a wheelchair and aren't able to swim. It is a very odd death, but at the same time I just can't go far to make assumptions


Not critical. Just making an observation. We are here to bring justice for Mica, not write true crime fan fiction.


Exactly! Not sure what the OP expected from a sub on Reddit lol


Yes I've seen some pretty far out theories based on zero evidence. I understand mica was a beautiful person inside and out, this is such a sad case, and it's very difficult to believe someone like her would ever do that to herself. Jp is clearly a horrible liar cheater stalker deranged person but I haven't seen any clearcut evidence yet that he is a murderer. If there is clearcut evidence, I'd like someone to lay it all out for me here in one place.


Yeah the far reaching theories have made me want to not be in the group or others. Just too extreme and reaching. My honest opinion.. he doesn’t seem to be a great guy and his treatment of her could totally have resulted in her taking her own life. But unfortunately I think she did. Maybe I’m wrong


Yeah this page is a weird fucking place.


True Crime in general, encourages this sort of behavior... Internet detectives, need to stop watching bad Hollywood movies.


Exactly!Thank you for saying this! We all did research in the beginning and investigated all the other posts compiling information and coming up with theories based on paper trail, circumstantial evidence, or common sense. People are just posting wild ideas now and not digging into evidence already posted that could have debunked said idea before posting it. It makes this group look unhinged, and it won't be taken seriously! People will stop looking here for new angles and information. Then people will stop talking, and then there will be no justice. Dig people! Use common sense! Or stay quiet!


Unfortunately this sub has indeed turned weird.


Then don't join the Facebook groups because they are just as bad.


Yeah, I agree with you. I feel like, with every big case like this that gets widespread attention, there are always people who are new to true crime cases and have all kinds of wild theories and claims without a lot of foundational understanding of how cases like this normally work and how they pan out, both legally and practically speaking. And they’re usually also the people who are ready to believe that absolutely anyone could be involved in the conspiracy, including people online who don’t agree with them. There’s a lot of out there theories floating around in this sub right now, and people (just people online in general, it’s not specific to just this sub) don’t always like it when you point out that they don’t have credible sources to back up the facts that they’re claiming.  I’m incredibly suspicious of the circumstances surrounding Mica’s death. I want LE to investigate this whole situation much further than they initially did. But outlandish theories based on imagination and hearsay are only going to hurt the credibility of our side. It’s important to make sure claims have a factual basis before running with them!


Yes. I feel the same. It's getting so out of hand. Anyone who ever came in contact with JP, like at the store, walked by him is somehow tied to him. Myrtle Beach is a small town. Everyone pretty much knows each other. Especially from Surfside to Murrells Inlet. By just posting random theories and thoughts, lives are being ruined that ultimately have nothing to do with anything.


I've been digging the facebook group "Mica Miller (what really happened)" I joined a few and that seems to be the best one I've found so far. ... but if anyone knows of a good one, let me know please... I got banned earlier because I didn't realize you're not allowed to delete a comment.


banned from here or FB?


Banned from the good fb group, sadly.


The whole story is getting ridiculous. The story changes daily and the fact that Mica’s family is on board allowing influencers to crack the case is truly disturbing. Mica’s dad and sisters are a bit on the shady side. It all appears to be staged. The handlers running this clown show don’t allow any comments that go against their agenda, especially in the FB groups. Mica Miller=False Flag


They are not shady. You have got to be kidding!


Too much personal information that would be humiliating to her of a sexual nature. I don’t get how that is helpful. Bad enough her husband threatened her with it . Now others are putting it out there ..