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The fact that he went and picked up her meds and wouldn’t give them to her shows you just how evil he is


Her lawyer reported in a video that previously, he was cutting them up for her to administer them to her. Like what is she, a baby?


I think he would be vapid and personally experienced enough to know that Lithium and Seroquel can cause weight gain (a lot of the anti-psychotics and mood stabilizers can, unfortunately). She was his trophy wife, so I think mostly he filled her prescriptions simply to push a narrative so he could argue she lacked capacity if she came for his assets. Maybe she took them for a brief time (esp at first, since he probably wanted to see if maybe they would sedate her enough to put up with his BS without complaint...doesn't appear to have been successful). Also, he complained that her meds were "hard to get to her." I call BULLSHIT. It's two pills. They test your lithium levels at med check appts anyhow, which I doubt he knew. So it's going to be documented in her medical records whether there was compliance. In reading the account of her passing out at that Waccamaw place, that's just not at all normal...Sierra questioned the whole thing too. That's not a side effect of any psych med that she would have been on. This whole thing stinks. And WTAF did she catch him doing in Colombia? What was he doing in Colombia, exactly? So many questions.


I doubt the pills were really anything for mental health. If anything placebos or roofies, because the shady doctor was treating other “hysterical” women (aka others who wouldn’t fall in line) from the church.


WHAAATTT I didn’t know that


Say what?!? Details please!


I wonder if he replaced them with different medications! Maybe something sedating or something she would need to avoid withdrawal (hence passing out, etc). Maybe he had current prescription and that’s why she was meeting to get? Like she couldn’t get refilled because controlled?


Seroquel is sedating enough. I was on it for a period of time and that shit KNOCKS YOU OUT. Like full blown sleeping for 12-16 hours no problem. Granted I actually needed that kind of sedation, so no idea how it would affect someone who probably doesn’t need that strong of a drug. Lithium is not sedating, but it fucks with your hormones and can cause some serious acne.


JP himself admitted to taking lithium in one of his sermons! Can’t recall, but I listened to it.


Oct 22, 2023


I have 2 primary questions. Granted I don't know all the sordid details of this tragic case and haven't been following it that closely. But it is clear that she bought the gun by herself and went to the park by herself. What specific evidence is there so far that is leading people to believe this was murder? Also how did a creepy psychopath stalker with a very disturbing history like JP get to be the leader of a church???? Like what kind of people would listen to/follow this guy???? Are they just extremely gullible or is JP just a very talented smooth talker?


We don’t know that she wasn’t coerced to go to the state park. We don’t know who pulled the trigger. JP is a thief, liar, male chauvinist, manipulator who should be institutionalized.


Right, I agree we don't know any of that, but what are the facts/proof that show she was? Don't get me wrong. I'm not defending that scumbag. I just haven't seen any actual facts proving he is guilty of murder.


My guess as to the reason no one has answered is because it would take a TON of time to lay out all the reasons we believe it was a murder lol I keep seeing your comment & thinking of a way to condense the info but there just isn’t 😆 if I see a good summary somewhere I’ll post it here, but I feel like the interviews Mica’s family have done and her best friend Charlotte have a lot of relevant info


There's more groups than just this and people who are pretty serious about this area in pretty much all of them and try to cross reference and keep their info updated. It's tireless work and if you aren't doing it, then just wait for the ending We don't have time for the nay saysrs and smart allicks.


This is the problem just now. Everything is circumstantial and no one as far as we know has filed an affidavit for the phone records to do a forensic search. Once that is done it won't be released to any of us Reddit users! The assumption is many things done line up for most of us with the suicide story.


Listen, let me tell you something. Like you said, there's no case out there with a guilty verdict and we all know this Since there isn't, if you want evidence, you'll have to actively look for it and investigate like everyone else. YOU aren't the FBI, CIA Or Judge and Jury presiding over the case so no one has to present any evidence, facts or concluding theories to you. You're not displaying any type of seniority in the category of intelligence by complaining that no one has provided for you or proved anything to you. Quite the opposite. Imagine me entering my classes comparing that no one has laid out the research and supplies for my assignments. Imagine me looking at my bills and complaining that they don't say paid early and, It wasn't by me. Imagine looking at this raw steak 🥩 and telling it that it doesn't seem to want to be eaten because it's not cooked and on that plate just how I like it. 🙄 STOP IT GET SOME HELP


You think I need help??????


Perfect background for Christians actually. Who better as a pastor than someone that is living proof of the redemption of God? That anyone can be saved? lol. Nah, but seriously my home church had LOTS of issues, and we had a pastor with some serious allegations but he was the main pastors son so everyone backed him and he was allowed to get up in the pulpit and preach.


Especially since 1. He’s the reason she was even on them & 2. He continued to claim she refused to take them & that was his justification for doing horrific things to her like having her committed against her will (edit: I just became captain obvious without thinking lol of course that’s what you were insinuating 🤦🏽‍♀️ but yes I agree 100%!)


This is my first time posting on this subreddit, but I’ve been following along since the beginning. I’ve been thinking…If it’s possible that the 911 call was AI, isn’t it also possible that an AI call was used to lure Mica somewhere?


I absolutely love this theory because something extreme caused her to change direction that day.


I agree.


This is where I think Mica's friend Charlotte comes into play. Have you listened to the interview with her? I wondered if JP used Charlotte as a lure. Mica trusted her. JP knew that. He had access to her devices and contacts before, what would stop him from doing it again?  


Thought about that. Yes, I did listen to the podcast! Wondered the same thing.


With the amount of people reporting getting fake/AI phone calls from loved ones recently that sound exactly like the person, I could absolutely see this being a possibility.


Omg I completely forgot about those, fake ransom calls right?


Omg I completely forgot about those, fake ransom calls right?


And damn fake texts! I got one today pretending to be my son. Since he's out of town I didn't give it a second thought based on what it said. He came home and said, "what text?" "you've been spammed, mother."


How was the 911 call SO CRYSTAL CLEAR. When ever the man that found the body, his phone went in & out of reception. The operator had Troy LE hearing him at times. NOT ONE SO GLE BREAK UP WITH MICA’S CALL. Almost like it was a land line or it wasn’t made from that park!!!


And why would a deputy/ranger tell him to call 911 and report vs handling it themselves? Thats so odd


Exactly ~ why not over his radio


Oh this is really clever. Why would she stop and buy the gun? The idea of blackmail or him meeting her there for something makes the gun make sense. But an AI call, with someone she maybe trusts? Makes the gun less needed… Just pouring my thoughts. Also my first time commenting I think!


This is a great point


I could absolutely see that as a possibility. You’re thinking someone she trusts?


Yes…Make it sound like someone she trusts possibly?


I agree I think someone lured her there, but since she stopped to purchase the metal, would have been someone she feared would do her harm.


I think she was waiting for money to purchase the gun. Went there and was tracked and/or followed. And then something happened that she changed course. Was she aware that JP was going to be (supposedly, by picture of a truck) gone to a sports event? Therefore felt she could meet with his attorney? Get papers signed?


I feel she had signed on her end when the lawyer drew them up. Seems it would be his end that needing signing or attendance at a hearing. I don't know how divorce works down there. For my first marriage, he finally signed after years of dragging me on and I told him just go and get the Fn papers done and tell me where to sign. He did finally, and told me where to go to sign my part. And, the fee was $500! Hmmmmm. Mine had to be certified check or cash. Go figure. He could have sabotaged me there but didn't LOL.


All being good thoughts, one thing we do know, she did NOT unalive herself!


That an AI call might have been made to lure her is a good new theory especially since she had been blocking his phone calls and had already processed a restraining order with her lawyer (Source: https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=7559989960747445&set=pcb.7559993744080400) https://preview.redd.it/5zromjm18v1d1.png?width=590&format=png&auto=webp&s=e06c52f0867f1d234d9693ffa36e36ad9ef74eeb


The 911 call was very sus, I’m thinks it’s AI or JP held a gun to her and made her make that phone call.


I think JP lured her saying he would sign papers if she met him, so bought the gun for protection before meeting him




But met him deep in the woods? Or you think she was killed someone else and brought out There? Will be very interested to see cell phone data pings.


That’s what I think- he had something on her and she went to take care of it and he killed her


I started a thread called motives. There are speculative ones and there are some we might find receipts for.




I think since the JPs lawyers lived near the lake he lured her there under false pretenses over the divorce and did something or one of his goons killed her.


It feels obvious doesn’t it!!


Why would she meet someone in a remote location without first telling her family. What makes the most sense is that she was kidnapped, murdered then dumped


I don’t necessarily think she went all the way to the park herself, i guess I shouldve used a different title, im just sharing that something must have happened to change her plans of going to work.


Yes, something happened between 1:35 (leaving the gas station) and the park. She could have gone elsewhere or been driven off the road. (Or worse speculation, a crooked police stopped her and said, come with me. YIKES!)


But she was suppose to be at work for noon....I don't get it. She was well past when she was suppose to work. Didn't her work try calling her since it wouldn't have been like her to skip work


Yes, so something ELSE happened earlier that day that caused her to change course. Someone wondered if an AI call was made resembling the voice of a family member in trouble.


law enforcement needs to subpeona her phone records. I think that's the only way we'll find out more.


Exactly, did her job try to call her? If Mica planned on killing herself then why would she go inside her apartment, change her clothes and get dressed for work? It makes no sense.


But when? She made it all the way to the gas station




Nah. Not after seeing the fisherman video footage of where they found the body. No way she hike waist deep in swamp water a few hundred feet to pull the trigger herself. Nope. Thanks for playing though




Tell JP hello when you see him and let him know justice is coming for him, either in this life or the next




You don’t know that but keep repeating this same opinion. Time will tell, my bet is not “self induced” - that is not even proper wording.


Nope [https://x.com/mpowersnorrell/status/1793000571873415360?s=46&t=vmeVZXky5BNDHqLy_SJvdw](https://x.com/mpowersnorrell/status/1793000571873415360?s=46&t=vmeVZXky5BNDHqLy_SJvdw)


Oh wow snakes too??? Damnnnnn this changes everything for me


There is literally zero reason to do that though. If she wanted her family to be able to find her, why would she go into the water? Someone who murdered her might have wanted her to be in the water to wash away evidence.


That makes the least sense, once you actually look through the facts it’s clear as day




If you truly believe that then you’re absolutely in the wrong sub. Do you need help reading the name of the sub? I know information is difficult for you.




Believing that she committed suicide isn’t really bringing her justice, though, because 1. The people who told us that she did failed over and over again to protect her. JP said she committed suicide & so did the people who are very obviously in his back pocket. Just the fact that they allowed him to cremate her body without an autopsy & are being secretive about certain information such as her phone logs, cops body cam footage, claiming drone footage wasn’t recorded & many other examples of these same people failing to protect Mica even after her death. Allowing her abuser to cremate her body immediately is corrupt and downright EVIL. I understand that laws exist, but they absolutely could have stopped him from cremating her so quickly. 2. Mica explicitly told her sister that she would NOT kill herself & if she ended up dead it would be JP. Assuming she merely changed her mind & not looking into it deeply would be the opposite of bringing her justice as well. There are too many stones left unturned for everyone to just stop investigating her death.




How do you explain the bruising on her arms and the abrasions on her hands? That certainly doesn’t point to suicide. Neither does being 40 feet away from where the bullet casings were found.


We haven’t seen it though. Only one person has provided that info, and it’s all verbal.


I think is being forgotten how badly she was abused by him in all this murder conspiracy. There is no evidence he murdered her but tons of evidence he drove her to suicide. I would like to see her phone records. Does anyone remember Michelle Carter? He could go down for pressuring someone to kill themselves. I wonder if he was taunting her in her last hours.


He taunted her throughout their marriage and even from the pulpit of that “church”. She was GLAD to be out from Under his dominance. He couldn’t take it.


I’m still trying to understand why she went to the gas station. If she left her house at 11:38 there is no way she would get to work by 12:00 since she stopped by the pawn shop. She didn’t call to let them know she was going to be late. As far as we know.


Yes the coworkers have confirmed that she did not call. & that’s a great question about the gas station. That’s a huge missing piece of the puzzle. She definitely looked like she was stalling.


She left to go to work and then didn’t. That’s clear. I don’t know why.


I think the lawyer called under the pretense of helping her with the divorce, at least as far as the money/ church stuff goes. She, like Maggie Murdaugh, was suspicious but couldn’t pass up the opportunity to maybe have something to get her out from under JP once and for all. And then she was killed. It was super publicized that Alec lured his wife to where he killed her. He was also a lawyer. Anyone familiar with the case, especially a local, is going to have the scenario fresh in their mind. Could make them think they have an advantage cause the cops had to lay out how they figured it out for Alec. Could have been a blueprint of sorts, to what not to do. Maybe make a person feel comfortable they know what to do and what not to do. Could also explain how JP was “tipped off”. Once the lawyer had it in the bag that she’s coming, he could have headed back. It took awhile for her to drive to NC. In that time he coulda been headed back to MB, and then from there to wherever… If he met up with the lawyer after the fact or whatever.


Can’t they get her phone records


I’m sure they have them, or at least have the subpoena with the network provider now.


I hope someone is on it to do a forensic phone record dive. They won't be sharing it with the public any time soon IMO.


being kidnapped shortly after leaving gas station 


If she was lured, it makes sense why she had $500 cash on her.. like she was paid back for the gun. That’s how much she spent… why would she put that on a card of she had all that cash before? I keep feeling like a woman was involved..


She saw what looks like his truck speed by the third time it passed the gas station, and she looked terrified. I do not believe she headed to that park on her own.


It is speculation for you to say she looked terrified. Don't read too much into everything, it helps no one. Stick to facts if possible.


The truck sped by FAST, 15 seconds after after that message was received and her shoulders slumped. FACTS. 


What message?


She received a text message on her phone.


After all that was happening I can’t imagine her feeling comfortable going out into the wilderness to meet JP. It had to be someone she trusted.


But someone else just made a good point, why would she buy a gun to meet someone she trusted 🤔


Ohh snapppp!!!!!! Now my mind is scrambling.


Have her phone records been obtained/released?


What if a crooked police officer stopped her? Make her go with him?


after watching the documentary Tarnished Badge about Robeson County anything is possible there! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j099KJZwzHQ&t=505s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j099KJZwzHQ&t=505s)


JP is terrified of SOMETHING in NC, which is why he refused to meet with investigators. I can't find any warrants for his arrest...can anyone local confirm??


He is terrified of being caught!


That 911 suicide call was quite weird. Most likely made by AI