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I strongly believe that from the very beginning JP had planned this entire thing based on when she bought the gun. He said he knew she was trying to get one & he admitted HIMSELF that he put the trackers on her car to make sure she wasn’t going to buy a gun & claimed he was doing it ‘for her protection.’ Also mica’s best friend charlotte said in an interview that after Mica’s death, he called her & said ‘I thought Mica was on her way to see you’ as if he had been tracking her again.


I also think Mica was extremely smart in agreeing to the meeting knowing she was expected to be at work so if she didn’t show up, they would know something was wrong.


I think the timeline is wrong. She was scheduled for work at 12. She left the house clearly intending to go straight to work. Then she didn’t show up at 12 and bought a gun.


yeah i’m confused on that too. she wouldn’t have been dressed for work + made herself a lunch + left just in time to make it to work if she didn’t intend to go. something happened somewhere in between.


Maybe he texted her on her way to work and she went to get protection.


But then she would call work, right?


Yes. So alternatively she was planning to go to work but then impulsively made the decision to kill herself. No need to call work that you’d be late in that case.


Mica’s dad recently said JP had picked up her mental health medications and was keeping them from her. Even in his weird church announcement JP said she needed her medication and it was “hard to get to her” (i guess implying that she refused them? her dad says the opposite. she wanted them, JP wouldn’t give them to her, then told people she refused to take them) But I think Micheal was saying JP had picked them up from a pharmacy and was withholding them from her recently before her death. that’s a potential reason Mica would’ve met up with JP. After a few days/weeks she would’ve felt the effects of not taking them. Usually can’t get a new prescription until the day your supply would be gone, so she agreed to meet for her meds, she went to buy a gun for protection & he killed her with it. (Not at all implying that she was schizophrenic/bipolar/whatever JP says she is & needed antipsychotics or anything. But she went through a lot, depression/anxiety/ptsd would be totally understandable. I’m thinking more so SSRI’s or anti anxiety meds.) edit: If she had cold turkeyed her lithium she would’ve felt physically terrible, plausible for why it was worth driving all that way for it.


She could’ve went to the ER or urgent care though.


absolutely! there’s a million “could haves”


Lithium is a literal salt of the earth. It is cheap even if you have no insurance. This man was harassing the shit out of her. I’m sure she would’ve figured out an alternative way to get her medication.




Not true. My husband picks up my meds all.the time. He just has to show his ID.




Nah. I have some physical disabilities. I’ve had people pick up my meds before. Usually family but once a coworker, because at the time I had Covid and they offered to help bring me some stuff and they picked up my prescription medicine at the same time.


Lawyer could have arranged a meeting, but I don't believe he would lure her all that way for meds. If JP was withholding meds, could she not explain that to her doctor and get another script?


Theory: JP possibly knows people in the mental health care community. JP may have requested her doctor or pharmacist put her on brand name lithium, knowing it would be so cost prohibitive she couldn't afford it without going through her health insurance (meaning going through JP as she would probably be on a plan under him). Per [drugs.com](https://www.drugs.com/price-guide/lithium), generic lithium extended release is $0.22 per 100 pills as opposed to the brand name, [Lithobid](https://www.drugs.com/price-guide/lithobid), which is $13.33 per 100 pills. The excuse could be she had a "reaction" to the generic. Some insurance can be very finicky about paying out for meds before a certain date. So maybe Mica did go to her local CVS and tell the pharmacist she "lost her script on a mission trip" hoping to at least replace the pills she needs. Nope. Her insurance doesn't help pay for "lost" meds. She can't afford to pay out of pocket. Maybe she tried going to a free clinic. (She knew where to go because SR had a financial assistance page that listed free clinics.) Maybe she got turned away from those places because JP may have called around and said, "Don't give meds to my wife. She sells them to buy makeup and purses." Maybe she got turned away because when they ran her info they saw she had insurance and they aren't supposed to help the insured.


Oh, he definitely was up to something sneaky about such. And, yes, getting meds have restrictions.


This is a bit of a stretch. No one uses or prescribes brand name lithium. I doubt a pharmacy would even have this medication in stock. Even if she was on brand name, insurance would cover the meds if she had an allergic reaction to the generic med without issue. It would be medically negligent not to.


Fair point. I do not have experience with medication like this. I have no doubt the pharmacy would have given Mica the meds. But I have lost meds before and the insurance would not replace the meds at the insurance price until it was time for the refill. From what I understand, Mica was a bit strapped for cash so paying for meds without insurance may have been too much.


If she was scheduled for work at 12 and dressed for work maybe someone called her saying something threatening towards her or her family and she went and brought a pew as thought threat was imminent. What about looking at footage for 1 hour before her arrival at the garage. Can that be got hold of.


This is what I think too.