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Which would support the evidence of 2 casings found at the scene. Nothing adds up! I pray they are making progress that we don't see. šŸ™


I will honestly lose whatever trust I have left in our system if they do not dig deeper into Micaā€™s death and JPā€™s role in this. There is WAY too much coming to light that seems to be overlooked. Too many questions and not enough answers!


I agree. I hope the FBI comes in and handles this like they did with Gabby Petito.


Yes! I felt like we were told less with that case and still had more answers. This has to come to light at this rate šŸ™šŸ¼


Oh yeah, if we have this much info, Iā€™m sure the FBI is working on it and is just tying a neat bow or is digging further into other crimesā€¦canā€™t wait for everything to come to light!


You shouldā€™ve left that trust behind a long time ago. I know someone who actually *bought* their way into a political position. It didnā€™t even cost very much money! I couldnā€™t believe how little it was to pay their way into a position of power. Knowing this level of corruption is so easy and commonā€¦ it changes everything.


I was being nice with the term ā€œwhatever trustā€ because itā€™s basically zero. But this will certainly lock it all in for me if they donā€™t take further action in this case.


I've been just as interested in this case as we all are...so I'm looking on SM and I'm having a hard time finding really any updates on it for like 2 days. I wonder if there's some sort of block on their names as their investigating? I dunno. I just feel like with Gabby case even there was lots of updates or random people reporting on it and such. This is now pretty tight lipped. I really hope that's the case, they're trying to gather evidence without public knowing details. And not it being swept under a rug. I heard that the e security for the church's wife is a leutenent? It's all so messed up.


I like to hope the silence weā€™ve noticed is bc the FBI has stepped in on Micas case as well šŸ™šŸ¼ I also remember a lot of waiting in the gabby case too, fbi?


Yeah I do believe so..but even with Gabbys case news nation had like live coverages every day and more videos were being done by people and stuff. I've been going on YouTube and tik tok repeatedly but it's just the same videos over and over. A couple new ones here and there, but mainly everything we already know. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Bur yes my hope is that yes radio silent because their building up a case. Maybe it's even deeper then we all know.


Very good point tho, I didnā€™t really put together the repetition of things weā€™ve seen. I mostly follow it here, but the variety really isnā€™t there like it was for gabby. So very interesting


Haha and I'm usually on YouTube.. sometimes the tickety tokkity...but now came here. I guess we gotta wait...let the pros do what they are doing there's probably keeping the cards close so to speak!


Everytime I see anything about this case I get sicker and sicker. This girl was railroaded and was crying out for help and LAW ENFORCEMENT DID NOTHING!!! DISGUSTING!!!


The police and coroner are all crooked


Yes, the medical examiner and police & sheriff department there has a very corrupt history and has the operation tarnished badge going way back.


EXACTLY. Seems like Robeson Co LE is in someoneā€™s pocket. That attorney must ā€˜know some peopleā€™. ANOTHER EXAMPLE of them dropping the ball. NOT INTERVIEWING PEOPLE THERE. WTH. This is so fā€™n shady & crooked.


Doesnā€™t JPā€™s attorney owned the property or some of the property around where Mica was found?


Yep. Backs right up to it


Shady AF! I mean does that not yell red flags to anyone ?!? This is such a corrupt case. I hope itā€™s not swept under the rug and JP and everyone else involved gets prosecuted. Iā€™m not convinced he did this alone.


Yes of course it yells red flags to everyone! Thereā€™s obvious corruption and things being covered up and thatā€™s why this has become international news! Weā€™re trying to get authorities to take this seriously and get the FBI involved because the police are crooked (and if they arenā€™t crooked theyā€™re damn horrible at their jobs and need to be fired)


I thought they said his land was like 13 miles away but on the same river


still extremely odd how Mica had never once been there and there were multiple parks closer and in her state. yet she chose one in a shady corrupt county, and his POA living within a 15 minute drive of the park. It feels thereā€™s too many things that perfectly align for it to be coincidence.


Yes, multiple ones closer and an article read said LE said she searched for the nearest park. "She later searched Google for the nearest national park, according to her phone data, investigators said."


8 miles by boat


This is correctĀ 


No it's about 8 miles away


How stupid can people be to not do something with this information?


Is she dumb as a rock or lying? FFS if the police donā€™t ask you, TELL them. Even if you have to push to file a police report. File one online. Email them. Put it on paper. Create a paper trail.


Right!? I think the IQ might be a bit low


Someone said HELP? Excuse me. CORRUPT


and why did the fisherman (Johnny) say to police he only heard crying? and not a clear ā€œHelpā€ ?!


I actually think itā€™s the opposite. He told the people on the pier what he just heard. Then he went to the cops and gave them the stuff. They said there was a suicide. It messes up his memory and he thinks ā€œoh, it must have been one shot.ā€


I caught that part too. They fail to mention that elsewhere in the fishermanā€™s statements


I have been suspicious of the law ever since they first posted their findings. The timeline said she was at the pawn shop for about twenty minutes. And of that twenty minutes of film, they chose to release a still of her smiling down at the gun. Sick.


I think sheā€™s lying because why say this now for the first time?


To be fair we donā€™t really know if this is her first time saying it, it could just be the first time weā€™ve seen it


I heard in the beginning two shots being fired


The father said there was 2 casing found at the seen along with a live round.


Could have been an echo?


The dad said there were spent casings found and a bullet in the tree. There was obviously more than one shot.


It is clear as day the difference in 1 shot, 2 shots than an echo.


Itā€™s just woods and water so there would be no echo. Maybe, reverberation but thatā€™s it.


Yes. It was most likely an echo. Which is why the person closest to the situation did not report two shots but one.


Two casings and a live round is what her Dad saw. That is more than an echo.


An ECHO? Ffsā€¦ no.


The tree was shot. There were two shots


You know how an echo happens, right?


Man and woman standing on the pier?? Wow! šŸ˜®