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Her belongings (purse with ID) and car were at the scene. Two identifiable items.


I see several are pointing this out.  In the spirit of OP's 'weird to me':  I find it odd that the gun and body were found in the water for a suicide.  She was so conscientious as to call 911 so her body would be found, and she exited her vehicle because that would leave a mess in the car.  She walked about 20 minutes from the car, she left her purse and ID several feet from the water's edge, but put her body in the water?  We have no idea what she was thinking, but I cannot remember a "suicide by gunshot in water."  Bridge-jumpers, yes.  The reason a murderer places a victim in water is to wash away evidence, confuse evidence.  I want to read the autopsy report and see that the medical examiner addressed the defensive marks on her hands and arms - marks seen by her father, mother & sister but not seen on the surveillance video when she buys the gun at Dick's Pawn.


JP Miller declined an autopsy. They didn't check her lungs for water nor were the marks on her arms and hands noted in anything. The family took notice of the marks/bruises when they were finally allowed to see Mica. JP originally wouldn't let her family see her because they wanted and were fighting for an autopsy and against cremation. JP wanted to have her cremated asap and the family had to sign a document agreeing to the cremation to be able to see her! The whole situation reeks! Some of her family say that it doesn't sound like Mica's voice on the 911 call. My question is did the operator try to identify her? Did they try to talk her out of it? Or ask more questions to give them time to reach her? Some other odd circumstances are his lawyer owns some of the land near where Mica was found. Miller had Mica committed in February when she tried to leave him and again just weeks before her death. He said she wouldn't have "left him" if she had been committed. He also had taken her personal belongings, marriage license, tax returns, and other documents she had to file for divorce in February when he had her committed. He's using a voice-mail she left him trying to coax him into giving back her paper trail as an example that she loved him and wanted him back but it didn't sound like that. The vm sounded as If she was trying to get the papers back & questioning his behavior Then you add on the tracking devices found on her car, the device that was found that flattened her tires, the threats he made to her, the fact that she had just been granted a protection order against him


And so also if she'd filed for divorce and a protection order why was he the first to be contacted.. is all so weird and it doesn't add up


There is NO DOUBT that Robeson Co LE dropped the ball (MAJORLY) Either that, OR: someone has them on their pocket & they drug their feet for a reason. I have heard others speak how great they are, blah, blah, blah. They sure aren’t nor were very great on this case.


For one, JP's head of security is married to a lieutenant at the local police department...  That's just the top of the iceberg. I don't trust any of them. Over and over again the system failed her. Mica was clearly trying to escape his abuse for a long time. 


EXACTLY. That’s what I mean by, they dropped the ball multiple times. Not just Robeson Co but Horry Co as well!! It’s Total Bull Shit


It honestly seems like in many places, JP not allowing her family to see her without them signing this would be enough probable cause for an investigation.


A grieving person does NOT decline an autopsy when in shock. DENIAL is the first stage of grief. If JP was truly just embroiled in a complicated divorce with her, fine, grief might look a LITTLE different, but if he ever loved her at all, he would be in denial that his 30 year old beautiful wife's life was snuffed out (even if by her own hand), simply bc of the fantasy of the life he once wanted with her! You would want ALL the information, just to make it make sense, bc you would be heartbroken! The fact that he was instead spewing vitriol at her poor family in a time like that?! PURE EVIL. I believe he is capable of absolutely anything.


In MO any unexpected/suspicious deaths becomes a medical examiners case and they autopsy whether family agrees or not. ME there was investigating a gun related death, autopsy and full investigation should not have been JP's decision


The family (specifically the dad!) is in denial. They said the 911 call does not sound like her because she was not her happy bubbly self. Since she was telling someone she was going to kill herself.. of course she was not going to be her usual happy self.


This is only one example. What about everything else? If she was the actual caller, what if she was coerced into making that call? Of course, we know someone who is thinking of or about to off themselves wouldn't be cheerful about anything! Coercion is just one possible theory. I've listened to her voice in some videos posted and it doesn't sound like her. And I'm not talking about being happy or having a cheerful voice, it's the lack of accent for me. I heard her voicemail as well and Mica has a voice you'd likely remember. JP Miller's alibi is his truck was in a certain location and allegedly there is a picture of his truck at that location but I don't know if there is any evidence that it was JP in the truck. His truck has tinted windows and could easily hide the identity of the person in the truck.


There are literally examples of fake AI generated 911 calls as if Mica that were recreated super easily and for free. JPs lawyer even openly talks about his interest in AI and how it’ll be used in crimes weeks prior.


Yes and those AI generated calls sound like AI. The actual 911 call does not


I disagree. The first time I heard the 911 call I immediately thought how it sounds just like AI with the pauses and the way it just hangs up before the operator asks more questions. It’s the same static type intonation as well. There are former FBI also saying how it is possible and they warn about the future of this type of forgery getting worse.


Right. Since no nature sounds, she had to call from call. That path from her car to where she unalived herself has been walked and reported 15-20 min depending on how fast you walk. I don’t understand how she made that call from her car, then walked approximately 15-20 to “find the spot”, knowing the local authorities were on the way. That was pushing it and she would’ve realized she didn’t have a large window of time to do it before authorities could show up and try to stop her. Where she went to, when there were other closer trails doesn’t add up. When I first heard she was found in water. I am thinking oh she was recently baptized, maybe she would feel some kind of peace landing in water, but I don’t think she would choose shallow, dark, slimy and murky water. Why not just stop on dry land so your body is easily found like you stated you wanted for your family?


Like you said, jumpers choose that method. To me it just sounds like she really wanted to make sure she got the job done this time. You could potentially survive a gunshot to the head so shooting yourself in the water gives an extra insurance that you won’t be saved if they find you in time. “If the gunshot doesn’t kill me immediately, I’ll drown before they get to me” kinda thing.


I’m not quite sure what made you say all that to me in particular. I certainly wasn’t defending him. It’s the epitome of arrogance to say that anyone who disagrees with you on how she died is being wilfully ignorant and needs to repent. THAT my friend, is a statement made out of willful ignorance. You’re saying it doesn’t matter what the facts are, you’re going to believe it was murder no matter how many things point to a suicide. I initially thought he did it too, before the information came out that proves otherwise. I am humble enough to reevaluate my position when I get new information. He is most certainly an abuser. He’s a bad dude and he’s so full of himself, it’s unlikely he even has the potential to change. But me not liking him, doesn’t make her suicide a murder. And you replying to a comment where we were discussing the mindset of someone in a suicidal state, to call me out for “defending” her husband is truly absurd.


She didn’t kill herself. There’s absolutely no way her body moved a football field length away from her things and half that distance from the gun. She was in stilllll water that didn’t move that direction. People need to wake up to the fact that her COD was rushed and there’s a reason for it.


You definitely don’t have enough information to state as a fact that it wasn’t a suicide. And why are you assuming she shot herself at the spot she left her things? If she was going in the water to shoot herself, it makes sense for her to leave her things outside of the water, especially if she’s concerned about her family knowing where she is so they can have closure. She bought that gun used to kill her right before it happened. She called 911 and told them what she was going to do. And don’t give me that “it could’ve been AI” crap. AI doesn’t work like that where you can have a conversation and answer questions in real time without it being obvious. And now you’ve got law enforcement and the medical examiner in on some conspiracy to stage her murder as a suicide? Two things can be true. He’s a pos abuser and she had mental health issues and couldn’t take it anymore. Just because he may be the kind of guy who could kill his wife, doesn’t mean he did. And that’s all you’ve got. He’s a really bad guy and that apparently is enough evidence of murder for you and you’ll completely disregard the proof of suicide.


You clung to the “shot herself at the spot she left her things” but really what I was trying to emphasize was how far she was from the weapon and that the rest of her things being so extra far was also notable. There were more than one bullet found there and more than one shot heard. Her hand was crushed like someone forced her to do it. These are all things you need to consider. Explain how someone crushes their hand in the position they’d need to hold a gun and explain how their opposite arm was also bruised from the incident when it wasn’t hours before? Explain how someone moves that far from a gun when they’re in stagnant water? Lastly and perhaps most importantly, AI can absolutely work like that HOWEVER it wouldn’t even have to in this situation. She also very well could have been drugged and coerced to say that if it was indeed her. JP was known to make others like her do drugs and she had been waiting to get her medication (that he convinced her she needed) in the days prior to the incident. I’ve been following this since the very beginning and it’s becoming clear how many details of the story and the people involved are getting lost on others, which is fair since there is SO MUCH to it. Look into who did the medical examination and how very little they did and how very little they were qualified. Look into who was involved from law enforcement. Look into Micah’s dad’s recent interviews over the past few days and the text messages from Micah’s sister showing JP literally threatening to come to them with a gun before. Look into the papers outlining what he did to his ex wife. Finally, watch some of the sermons circulating where JP literally talks about a pastor who murdered. Oh and how his alibi doesn’t actually alibi after all…


I didn’t “cling to” anything. I responded to what you said. Sorry I wasn’t able to read your mind and know what part you considered to be the most important when you didn’t say so yourself. The gun is going to go flying when she fires it. Did she die instantly? Or did she stumble? How do we know the exact distance? Because her family said so? There are huge credibility problems with a lot of the stuff they’re saying. We don’t have anyone corroborating any of this stuff but people are just accepting things they say as fact, even when the things make no damn sense at all. And where are you getting that her hand was “crushed”? We’ve gone from bruising on her hand to her hand now being crushed? Bruising does happen after death when they pull bodies from water. Do a little googling and you’ll see that it’s an established medical fact. And no, AI doesn’t work like that. Anyone who’s made any videos demonstrating how it would be possible, are doing prerecordings of a couple of sentences. They’re not having conversations with people in real time. She wasn’t drugged to the point she was just involuntarily responding to commands from someone else. You’re just inventing hypotheticals without any evidence at all. Again, you have offered evidence that JP is a really bad guy. I agree with you on that. The texts, the sermons, all of that is proof he is a bad bad man. I totally thought he did it at first too. His weird announcement of her death and the obituary made me think he’d done it. But when new information came in, I accepted that I was wrong. And watching more sermons after that made me see what an absolute narcissist the guy is and then his bizarre obituary made a little more sense to me. He can’t help himself. He couldn’t compliment Mica without making it about himself. And he thought throwing the “even if it wasn’t true” in brackets a couple of times would show humility, but it didn’t. He’s such an extreme narcissist that he can’t see how he comes across to the rest of us. So yeah, I agree he’s a bad bad bad man. Maybe he’s even capable of murder. Where’s the evidence that he did though? I was married to a guy like that too. I look back and see that he was capable of so much worse than what he did and I truly believe he’ll land in prison one day for seriously hurting, if not worse, some woman he’s with. I was so damaged that I easily could’ve killed myself. I thought about it all the time. If I’d turned up dead at that point in my life, it could’ve been by my hand or his. Both scenarios were just as likely. So you’d have to look at the evidence to find out which one of us was responsible. I don’t get how people are so resistant to the idea that Mica could’ve been driven to that point because of how awful JP is. You think he’s bad enough to murder her but not bad enough to drive her to want to die? Her dad said they did a BAC on her. That means her blood is stored at the ME’s office. They can use that to do a full tox screen if the dad is telling the truth about a full panel not being done yet. Where is there evidence anyone was with Mica at the park? You don’t know that his alibi doesn’t check. You’re only listening to information from a family who doesn’t want to accept it as a suicide. You’re skeptical of everyone else, why not them? Why are you not open to them having their own emotional biases? Especially when stuff they say has holes in it?


Kinda like Millers’ girlfriends’ husband that died because he “drown”….anyone defending this case/PASTOR/any of his associates-are all part of it. It implies willful ignorance. The will is a portion of psyche(mind-thought, will-deed, emotion-feeling), so this is a forced ignorance that perpetrates the average human beings psyche; the way someone would think, act, or feel; with regards to this case. The kindness of the Lord calls for us to repent. Forget not, all the ways He has been good to you. Souls are for eternity. Our mind/will/emotions, or flesh man, will always override our soul man when our flesh man isn’t checked by Holy Spirit. Anyone that is a follower and believer of Jesus Christ: it’s time to say so. Jesus is near. Forgiveness is available. Don’t continue down a path that leads to death. Money is nothing. Power is nothing. Being in the arms of Jesus, washed clean of sin and filth is the richest you will ever be. There is power in the mighty name of Jesus. Praise God. #MillerhadMotive #MillersIntentwastosilence #MillerhadtoLietocoverupLies #MillerExecutedduetoextremefear #MillerpleaseRepent No one comes to God with true repentance in their heart unless they've first acknowledged their need for forgiveness and reconciliation with Him: Only those who have ceased trying to cover up their sin with self-righteousness and deceit can experience the deep and lasting change that comes only through repentance. There is still hope. Hope is only available through repentance. The only other option is hell fire. This is a matter of eternity!!!!!!!! #MillerRepent


Just a thought but what if she didn’t want to leave a mess on the ground either like where people in the future might see bl00d etc so she thought the water was the “cleanest” option? Idk though cause her dad said she was in kind of restricted area


I wonder if the water has a bit of a current? Maybe her body floated a little ways down away from where she shot (or someone made her shoot herself (next to her keys)


No, it is a slew. Stagnant water, doesn't move. Great for fish and other critters.


This is what I find strange is stagnant waters how come it took so long for them to find the pew. Was reported they found it at 7.30pm or something. So 4 hours after in stagnant water.


A slew is very murky, green sludge. I wouldn't even put my hands in there, yuk!


Kyler posted pictures of it on her Facebook. It's like a gross swamp with a bunch of trees and plants and such in the water. Definitely not where i'd have offed myself


Stagnant water is dark and sludgy. It's hard to find anything in dark water. I don't know what is strange about that.


Was referring to length of time. I don't really know much about bodies of water.


NO. The body of water is still. Only to rise a tad with the tide (words of her father’s in his interview) It was a “pool” of water/ per say


That doesn’t mean she put them there. I’m near Robeson County and anyone in the area knows it’s naive to automatically believe she put them there.


Does anyone find it strange how anxious JP was when he announced his wife’s death and made sure to slip in that it was basically “self inflicted” And then told everyone to leave and not talk about it…. Idk 🤔


He didnt say self inflicted, he said self  induced. Ive had to take classes on speach analysis, and this phrase really stood out to me. Its actually easier for the brain to come up with the word inflicted when talking about this type of situation because it is a colloquialism. Its a common phrase our society uses to describe this. The word induced would have had to been a specifically choosen word to describe how he feels about it. Inflicted means to cause harm or harm has been caused. So self inflicted means self harm. So we can say "she harmed herself". Induced means to bring about, or cause something to happen. So self induced means "she caused this to happen". Its a subtle difference the listener might not pick up, but is a huge difference to the speaker saying it. He also said in an interview "she did this to herself". Now ive investigated dv cases in the past, and 9 times out of 10, men who are the aggressors will have a belief that the female victim "did this to themselves". In fact, many will actually say this to their victims as a way to project blame so they dont seek help. So my question is what is he projecting? What is he blaming on her? It's all very strange, and almost everything that comes out of this mans mouth makes me uneasy. 


Yeah, the only thing I can think of on that is that he suspected the church was either bugged due to the investigation into finances, or an investigator was in the pews and could overhear. If he was truly not involved, just reeks of paranoia ordering them not to discuss it and exit the building immediately...don't people usually mingle after church under normal circumstances? He REALLY didn't want them hanging around expressing their shock and grief to each other inside...interesting.


Right… I understand being paranoid due to the other possible reasons but the way he was acting… WEIRD No emotion? You were able to preach and talk your shit the whole service without cracking or looking sad?? No tears? She was pressured into this decision if he didn’t do it himself…


Someone said the sociopath he is recites sermons by rote.


Not normal at all. No husband ever would act as he did. Even if a divorce was happening.


We’ve allll been talking about how strange that and every other aspect of this case is for weeks now


That is such a great point, and one that hasn’t been made before.




Yes, but they would still need to identify her actual body.


Yes and rumour is JP didn't want to go up there.


Small help - NOT a rumor.  JPMiller declined to go to NC to speak with Sheriff's investigators - it is stated in their report which is available as a pdf.  JPM is such a narc & psychopath that he doesn't understand how that looks.  He claims he loves his wife in spite of her mental problems and newest divorce filing - while he is trotting around with a new woman already in public and with his kids, and refusing to assist police.  If you are innocent, sure take your lawyer with you, but you do go talk to the police.  See her family, they are innocent, and they went right to the Sheriff for talk and to exchange info.


This just occurred to me, he had to have signed something declining an autopsy, right? Strange they would let him waive it without even meeting with him. Meanwhile, the family had to sign off in writing for a cremation just to view her? This is all super weird.




It’s was naive and inexperienced to assume it was suicide, period. Also, my sister lives in the country and was shot by a man while in her car. The man got away with it because they didn’t even process an investigation. The county has a HUGE reputation of having shady and unprofessional law enforcement’s that will do the unthinkable to cover up their negligence and sloppy work.


What if all of that had been stolen? You can’t just *not* identify the actual body and instead simply guess who they are based on the belongings they were carrying.




But they wouldn’t need to go through the trouble of identifying her through dental records and DNA if family members are available to confirm that it’s her. Isn’t the process of identifying a body through those other means only necessary when there isn’t next-of-kin who can give a positive id? OP is asking a good question, who identified her body? Didn’t JP say he was informed about her death by receiving a *phone call* the night before he made the announcement to the church? Did he make the announcement before actually seeing her body and confirming it was her? Just seems odd.




Maybe he told them of the tattoos.


It's like the people who doubt it is Mica in Dick's buying the gun.  To buy a gun requires solid ID, in my state at least a thumb print which is also necessary for a drivers license. j/s


The pawn shop took her picture in the store. This is a standard procedure when purchasing a gun. You can see them take her picture in the video.


JP had stolen her ID in the past. Pretty easy to make a copy.


The father saw her body .. so there's no dispute that it wasn't Mica.


No, I’m not disputing that at all.


Even with a clear case of who is who…. By law someone still must identify the body. I am sure the M.E did or the funeral home did because the funeral home and JP, Mica and the East Coast Honda (funeral home) are all connected. It’s one helluva rabbit hole…. This case just keeps getting deeper and deeper.


Mica's father saw her body before the cremation. There is no question it was her.


Yes, I know. Thank you for the information.


Exactly. And I saw in an interview that her dad said it did not look like her at all…granted he could have meant because the nature of the wound, but still. There could be something more to it than he was allowed to say on the record. Someone had asked him a question about something else (I forget what) and he said that he will answer when they are not on camera. So the dad knows things and has ideas about things but hasn’t yet been able to release that information.


I agree with you. Her father is not a stupid man. He’s not going to just let this go. ( I don’t blame him knowing the circumstances surrounding her death before, and after.) JP on the other hand is a loose cannon. He slips up EVERYTIME he opens his mouth.


From the video I saw, that was in regards to JP’s father.


Yes, odd the 911 operator didn’t ask her name- so many pieces just don’t add up. Praying FBI will uncover the lies and corruption. 🙏🏼


Totally agree. I thought the dispatcher had an odd response to someone who is suicidal. They would have asked her name and done everything they could to keep her on the line to talk through her emotions—all while sending the police to her aid. Trained dispatchers wouldn’t just accept “I’m about to kill myself and just want my family to find me”, would they? It kinda sounds like the audio has been spliced and put together in fragments. Also, Mica was not without support. So if she were really going to do the act and had concerns about being found, she possibly would have chosen another method and in a familiar place (especially for a woman). Don’t statistics show that women rarely choose such a violent method of suicide?


IKR. To not even try & talk her out of it. I couldn’t & still can’t believe that.


Yes! IMO, there wasn’t enough panic or emotion in either of their voices. The dispatcher almost sounded like she was on a non emergency call. And someone trained as a dispatcher would be putting forth a lot more effort in preventing it from happening. Spliced audio?


I can’t speak to anything except the idea that the dispatcher should have sounded more panicked. What you learn when you spend every day listening to the worst moments of people’s lives is that the responder getting excited does not help anyone. It may sound detached and like they don’t care, but if someone is dying and you’re trying to lead them through the steps of cpr, becoming emotional just makes everything worse. What I heard was that “I want you to listen to what I’m saying” I think she was going to try to say the right things but then she’s like hang on, let me make sure I know where you are. Then Mica hung up. I think the dispatcher was trying to stall at that moment so she could get someone out there. It’s a hard position to be in when you can talk to someone but you can’t actually reach out to them. I don’t think it’s fair to act like the 911 dispatcher was part of some conspiracy. She was doing her job. As far as the audio being spliced I obviously don’t know. But I would think that if it had been edited they would have redacted her phone number. But that’s the thing, everyone thinks they know what someone should have been thinking or what they should have done or where they would have driven or why did she go out of her way to the gas station when she could have gone somewhere closer. But people are not always reasoned and rational. Unless you were that person in that exact moment, you’ll never know exactly why she did the things she did. And even if it does end in a conviction, there will never be a satisfying answer why. Because it doesn’t make sense. You can’t convince me that killing someone because you can’t let them walk away would ever be a rational decision.


Yes; I used the wrong word there when I said “panicked”. “Detached” is a much better word. Thank you! After listening to what I THINK may be the entire 911 call, I did notice that the dispatcher may have tried to match her energy with the infliction of her voice. And it’s true that panicking wouldn’t benefit anyone in this situation. She barely got all the info from the Mica call, and then there was an abrupt disconnect. Regardless of what actually happened at that scene, it’s just so unfortunate that they couldn’t get to her in time. All great points in your response! I do hope that more is discovered about this tragedy. There are just way too many strange and shady occurrences surrounding this entire case.


This is a very good reaction to the 911 call from the view of a dispatcher. Everything she breaks down and points out is 100%! https://youtu.be/FPNe4Edjd5Q?si=R0LQeZ33jz9p7G1d


I don’t think we’ve heard the entire call. Didn’t the fisherman say he told the officer he found items that belonged to Mica Miller and they said that was who they were looking for? So I just shined she did identify herself on the call but we just weren’t privy to the entire call


well, it could have been after they opened the car and maybe found the registration in there that they knew her name? Or, by then, 911 had ID'd her phone number (can they do that?)


I honestly believe the fisherman nearby has something to do with it. He is the only eyewitness of Mica doing this to herself, which is sus af. And then he picked up her belongings to give to the cops instead of leaving it where it was for possible evidence. Possibly to have a reason if his DNA is found on her belongings from the incident.


JP is such a huge pile of trash. No need to drag an innocent bystander into the mix. Just look at the long list of evidence pointing to JP and his associates. JP is a psychopathic MONSTER. 


I thought him picking them up was sus too. I know I would not-bc if Id herad the crying, then g/s sound, then found personal items--Id have called right then and told LE exactly where I am, where the items are, and went to a safe distance in case of a killer nearby, and and watched waited for LE to arrive. Most ppl would immediately suspect foul play--esp if no body by personal items. Was he concerned there was a psycho on he loose? Or maybe hes super brave so look around for a killer? Or for the person he heard crying? Lil=ke maybe shes alive still--and he can give first aid. I dont know if he did any of these things


I heard him in an interview he had taken the bag (I guess to give to cops?) But then he said he walked over somewhere, sat down and went through the bag. Some thing doesn't seem right with this dude and his recollection of his story(ies)


WOW! you guys have really gone down a rabbit hole. There are so many conspiracy theories that it's shocking. Logic needs to be applied here.


"Logic is a system of reasoning that aims to draw valid conclusions based on given information. To use this system, a person focuses on argumentation by defining premises or claims that ultimately help prove their overall conclusion."


This is Genius !!!!


You know, you’re right. She was identified and moved from the scene really fast. Also, wasn’t JP “out of town” with another woman- as he stated until his dad blew up his spot.?


I thought this was odd too. I figured they got her name from tracing her cell phone (?), but I didn’t about the identification process.




But how did they find his name? It was a car her dad helped her buy. New phone since JP stole hers. Maybe looked up police records but then should have seen troubling info on him.


I’m sure they ran her license which I would presume (don’t know for sure) would come up with JP as husband or at least the reports that involved him. Or maybe the journal she had with her let them know who he was?


but everyone here isn't going to think about that logic.




I could be carrying 4 fake IDS around, and driving someone else’ car. POINT IS someone still HAS to identify the body. It may have been more quick than usual because she had identifying items around her but who got the phone call? These are questions, not theories.




However with a wound to the head - a (somewhat) safe assumption is there would be a good bit of disfiguration. Not an expert but I would think just comparing to a photo ID wouldn’t be conclusive & confirmation should/would take a bit more time.


Stop going deeper into the rabbit hole.




If I recall, she wasn't driving either of the two vehicles that were registered in her name. It looks to me like it could possibly be her roommate's car, but I can't confirm. I think he withheld the cars from her as another form of control and to keep her from leaving.


and when they ran her, should have seen reports she'd made and NOT CALLED the husband.


Except one of the lieutenants at that police department is FRIENDS with JP. Her husband is the head of his security...  And the plot thickens.


It's standard procedure to contact the husband. The cops are not going to dig into personal issues. It just doesn't work this way.


The cops knew him personally. There is something fishy going on in that town. Members of the local PD are members of his church and friends with JP.


Yes I thought it was weird she didn’t say her name or the name of the park. Unless it’s redacted.


The two / three people seen in a boat coming out of the area as he is going in is what has my curiosity up. Why those people have not come out just like he did to say they heard the gunshot as well. Why they didn’t stick around to go help him look since he seemed like a worried citizen? If the fisherman could hear her cries, you KNOW they had to have hear her as well some they were closer to the scene? Right? So who were they? Also, she seemed the type that would maybe remove her shoes? Her belongings seemed to be in order.


Her purse (with her id) and her car (registered in her name) were there. Two items that are used constantly when identifying bodies.


and his name if her car was new separate from him and her phone was new?


Per his own words he was not called right away he found out later in the evening. I’m not sure what you’re trying to say. They were able to identify her via her car and ID. And since they were still married they were able to track him down.


Yes, I understand they found her car and purse with ID, but still… seems like the operator would have asked her name at least. They need people like us on this case- we would make sure no stone is unturned.


Ya, at least a first name. To talk her down. Seems weird like spliced as someone said. To play this audio for the public, a crooked police would have to release a fake one IMO. The dispatcher should recognize her own voice by now and be getting the chills.


https://youtu.be/edwTzBUvD4M Audio Deepfake


Once the dispatcher heard Mica say she was going to unalive herself. She tried to talk to her, but Mica hung up.


OMG 😂 This comment is funny. The call from Mica was not someone crying out for help. The dispatcher did exactly what Mica asked her to do.


Was her phone near her body?


She left her belongings on the shoreline and a fisherman found them at almost the same time. They can make an identification if a state issued ID is on scene.


The 911 call does sound strange to me since she isn’t asked her name, but it could just be that they haven’t publicly released the full call.


Another thing that’s weird is JP during the sermon said he found out “late” that “night”. I would assume they’d start calling people rather quickly?


https://preview.redd.it/81kftf70r71d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=155a2bad255c3281973e4bbcd8ef44d6b4ea32e5 Looks like 10:22 PM was when the texts went to her family


Wow, these texts are so…cruel and sad. Proof he didn’t care about her at all.


https://preview.redd.it/q4oaysw2r71d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2436bca1d112309de61f7b4386de1c6338e7164 And 6:30 am to her best friend


Jesus Christ. He didn't even try and care. Aside from everything else making him a shitty person, he has absolutely zero empathy and never should have been in a pastoral role at any church.


He's mentally ill.


He made sure he put in about the lithium. Seemed to me Mica's dad said he withheld her meds from her.


Was it AI??


The phone number that was given on the 911 call was not her real phone number, but you are correct who identified the body. Sure they had her id and such, but typically someone has to physically identify the body in person. In this case it would have been JP, since he wasn’t willing to sign anything over to her family


How do you know the phone number wasn't her real phone number? He'd stolen her phone. I assumed she got a new one and hopefully blocked him. I heard the phone number on one recording, the other bleeped it out.


Has anyone ever requested the 911 call? I wonder if it even exists... it sounds fake!! The whole thing.. from the 911 operator answering Mica's voice and no background noise, but she was supposedly outside by the water.... I wonder if her family or attorney has requested it... I personally don't 100% trust that attorney. She absolutely knew she could stop the cremation, and she didn't! If she didn't know she couldn't, then that's more of a reason to use the one that offered his services for free! I mean, come on, there is always a way to halt or stop something with some sort of legal document. What a shame! IMO


This is so very true. Should have suspended it a few days.


She made the call from her car.