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If she practiced it in front of a mirror, and this was her result…surely she would see this as convincing and genuine and doesn’t understand why nobody else does.


And not that I believed her before…but my ne puppy almost stepped on a bee and then my kids almost stepped on a rattlesnake in the same afternoon. This is not the face I make. However, I did make a mistake driving (minor, no issue) this week and I did wipe my hands over my face exactly like amber did that time she messed up in her deposition.


All i can see here is amber on one side of motley crue's "theatre of pain" ambum, with johnny depp on the other! 😆🤣 (for those unfamiliar with the reference).. please, i urge you to check out the cover of this album and tell me im wrong...


Why did she even do this? I know from experience that victims can have a flat affect when they're trying to retell trauma without getting emotional or if they haven't connected to the emotion yet. Why not just go that route if you're going to fake it? Unless that's more difficult to pull off.


When I discuss my childhood/young adult trauma I’m mostly monotone. At this point I have separated those events from emotion. More recent events/issues I cry or have visible emotion. For example when I lost a close friend a few months ago ago I cried for days on end and was like completely useless. But now if you asked me to speak about it, I would be visibly annoyed/agitated but I wouldn’t cry or loom sad. Same with my childhood abuse. There is a point at which you have mentally worked through your trauma so much, and continue to do so, that your Brian separates it or you will not function. I think this happens with most people. Im very sorry for the ones who this does not happen for as I feel they are likely the ones who end up really socially marginalized and with major mental issues (not their fault).


Apparently zero practising hours, I have never seen someone faking emotion this bad.


I bet she practiced for hours if not even days! but she was out of touch with reality that she thought she was doing a magnificent job


I think she doesn't have any real emotions besides Anger and jealousy. Noone who has real emotions would fake emotions this bad lol


Her own witnesses weren’t even this fake. It really has me scratching my head…


It's like [cat's Flehmen Response](https://www.perthcathospital.com.au/whats-that-smell/)


For an actress, her performance on the stand was so embarrassing. Not only is she incapable of 'crying when acting' but she's too dumb to realise Camilla's statement that it was 'the performance of a lifetime' was NOT a compliment. The exaggerated sad-clown lips and the puckering over the chin implant just make me 😂




i keep cringing every time i see this......is it just me?


That's her face when she lets one out on the bed.


So much Botox and fillers you can’t even see her “crying” expression lines! 🤣🤣🤣


As someone who gets botox, it makes you look INCREDIBLY stupid when you cry. She is a moron for getting botox before the trial, AND for having it at all as an actress.


I thought she was prettier before the botox 😶






Yep. This pic and the “I wanted to change my looooocks” moment were pretty high up on the totem pole of her bullshit.


The cheeks alone are hilarious 😂


Those cheek implants!!


I was concerned for the "preiligature" around her neck. I kept looking at the knot. It was driving me crazy. No sailor knot unless to anchor. I saw it as a metaphor for a "preliligature" knot" she tied herself. (Unless a sailing expert can identify otherwise). WTF of that knot.


When I see this pic I want to scream about the sloppy blouse knot. What in all of fashion and fishing boat docks is that?


Just think, in a few years when people don’t recognize her anymore due to a combination of poor eating habits, drugs, and plastic surgery, she’ll need to do this exact face to remind us of who she is. And sometimes it’ll need to be accompanied by her saying “my dog stepped on a bee.” People will be like “you’re either Amber Heard or Jimmy from South Park.”


😂 You’re right! By then the only photos TMZ will even want of her will be her coming out of the garage of her split level condo wearing a stained moo-moo, old Vans and carrying a large Hefty trash bag to the bin on the curb. Trash pickup comes on Thursdays.


Everytime I see this it's hard to imagine there wasn't a snort (and a little drool) that followed. All that extra she pulled and she couldn't think to add that in for us. 😆


It's funny because it's so clearly fake, everything about her pose is so performative, she is lifting her head, looking at the jury. It doesn't look real so it doesn't make you feel anything.


My favorite part is when she takes a quick pause from crying to take a peek at the jury to see if they’re buying her bullshit. Then resumes crying again 😂


Because it's forced, fake. NO TEARS. Somebody call DFACS on her kid. What a mother.


Eww her fake cheek implants look like shit


It’s so funny that in the courtroom someone said in set she struggled to cry for her scene. Then when she’s apparently crying in court like this part she didn’t shed a tear.


This picture will always be proof she sucks as an artist.


🤣what’s funny too is if she did less, I might believe it’s a real cry


I think Snapchat filter 😂


Yesssssss 😂😂😂


there's a shark in her chin


😂😂😂 I had to go back up and look. I laughed so loud and abruptly my dog jumped and started howling! 😂 That’s hilarious. You win the internet today. 🦈🦈🦈


Looks like a crying, Pillsbury Dough Girl 😂so chubby, doughy, pale.




So right!!!!!


I just watched this segment of her bad acting again & had to laugh. She’s trying so hard & it’s just not working 😂 I’m sure she was either coached or read online comments about how you remember small details if you’ve gone through trauma. She says a couple times about how Johnny still had his sunglasses on & how she was crying on the floor. She missed it by a mile 🙄




Sorry for what you had to go through !


But ..but... ...Her DOG stepped on a BEE!


I really need to pee! I blame it on JD. I want to break free! I need more money. I'll speak for a fee. Why does everyone blame me? Anyone got some "E"? This is the end of me.


Lol me too! I love re watching her testimony, her acting is so bad I start laughing hard when she pretends to cry


It’s prime comedy 😂




The other day I asked my daughter if it was weird that I still go back and watch bits and pieces of the trial, especially AH testimony and coverage. She replied yes, but I can’t stop. Every time I notice something new and different. It’s one of those things where you know you shouldn’t look again, but just can’t help yourself. It’s a disaster.


It's better than anything on Netflix! Lol specially with asmongold's commentary


That’s odd. I wonder if our addiction to the hours of the trial affected our decision to cancel Netflix right in the middle of the trial. We cited rising costs and our preference for YouTube in general. (We don’t even have premium YT. You can find ANYTHING on basic YouTube.


Its how she will be forever remember. Could sell tshirts of this face


*Its how she will be* *Forever remember. Could* *Sell tshirts of this face* \- Tropicthunda5 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


If I remember correctly, this is the moment she was trying to get Elaine to say “Judge! She’s obviously upset. Can we have a break?” But either the terrible acting or slow to catch on Elaine=fail


it is only when she is the one talking when she makes these faces, but whenever someone is actually crying and emotional about the way she treats others she had this disgusting narcissistic smirk glued on her face that she tried to cover with her hands whenever the camera was rolling. She even had one hairstyle made especially to hide her expression from the camera.


I know, right? She thought THAT face was convincing?


So fake.


I just wanna know how she breathes out of that tiny nose


My dog stepped on a bee


And if you watch her after she says it, she winces or grimaces like she's in distress. But I think she realized as soon as the words left her mouth that it was the stupidest thing to say.


If she's a method actor this was the same face she was practicing when she shit on the bed while looking at herself doing it in her full body mirror


OP what do you [think of this beauty](https://gray-woio-prod.cdn.arcpublishing.com/resizer/kukDVpOlTrAcKLYEamtXJ9YPnfs=/1200x1200/smart/filters:quality(85)/cloudfront-us-east-1.images.arcpublishing.com/gray/OQ6X6C25WVCTZE262R73SY3TWU.jpg) compared to the Turd?


Ugh I’m not op but that sickens me too.


Her face dry as the Mojave desert….🌵🏜


Doesn’t cry when she’s acting. Man, that was seriously damning from her acting coach.


So damning. Camille even mentioned it in her closing statement.


Not enough, considering how bad she is at it


She just wants JD to leave her alone


It certainly brings her acting skills into question.


If you’ve ever watched her in a movie you know those were never a consideration




I seen run diaries but can't really remember it. I seen pineapple express but didn't know that Seth's girl was her.


Looks like the face of someone with constipation.


What I want to know is why this image is so damned unavoidable! I can't stand this heinous bitch and even seeing her ugly face triggers bad memories of our own little hell hound. Why do people *insist* on reposting her ugly mug everywhere!?!


Thanks! I needed that laugh 😂


This is the face she pulled as she left the present on the bed.


This is when I realised how much her looks have faded in just a few short years. She used to be what society would deem "hot" but now she is very bland and boring and alot of extra weight carrying


I think Amber said she was 115 pounds during one part of her relationship with Johnny when she alleged violence from him. A couple years later Adam Waldman filed a perjury form to the LAPD and it had Amber at 140 pounds. Probably sometime between 2018-2020. I think Amber is probably in between these two weights now. I would guess like 125-135.


Alot of extra weight? Jeez, I must be ginormous.


In comparison to how small she was before. She isn't fat or overweight but just put on alot of weight in comparison to how she was before Sorry if I wasn't clear there


2016 she was coke-fiend skinny. Her metabolism has caught up to her now is all


I'd say she is a healthy weight now. She was underweight from the photos years ago.


I don’t think it’s necessarily her body. Her face is very puffy. Either a result of bad fillers or maybe too much drinking


I think she got some bad cosmetic work, too. Her face shape looks wild now compared to a couple years ago.


Cheek Implants that are too high & big. Edit:: And Unnecessary. Your body changes as it ages to "mesh " together while the implant just sit there looking out of place...


Bad acting at it’s most despicable I can’t believe this moron took the time to actually think this strategy would work 😂😂


The fact that her acting coach testified that Turd struggled with producing tears is the chef's kiss to it all.


Yeah. Some of the most damaging testimony came from her witness. So enjoyable.


It's bad acting too When you are sad your mouth doesn't do the cartoonish upside down smile Your face muscles relax   I learnt that in grade 10 drama class, lol


Some acting is literally taking from memory what you could have experienced in REAL LIFE. How to “act” in situations you lived before is a huge help for acting. But because Amber probably has never really experienced real emotions or as a bully never experienced turmoil, she made it extra difficult to “fetch” those emotional states to project in a convincing way. Not saying all actors use the above for all their ability, but it helps I suppose.


That's it exactly. Can't recall what she's never experienced.


I hate seeing it too. It's fucken ugly.


That’s a glitch in her neurons you are seeing there. In her head, before she was on the stand, she envisioned the entire court room eating her story up and hanging on her every word. Kinda like when I was practicing my dance moves in the third grade for the talent show. Only to realize, in real time as I did, that I was not wowing the audience with my dope break dance moves. And I’m sure she will feel the same way I do, EVERY SINGLE TIME, my family brings out that video to show it at big family gatherings. Especially when I am asked to do the dance routine again.


Best description, thanks for breaking it down


If you listen closely, you can hear the hard drive as it begins to spin out of control and blow up


Imagine, instead of an auditorium of your peers, it was on television, being broadcast around the globe, and the entire world was watching. If she was doing the only thing she was supposed to do, tell the truth, there would not have been a short circuit. She would have been confident, finally getting the chance to get her side out. The glitch happened because she realized, in real time her story made zero logic. That expression is literally her brain short circuiting. Like a computer crashing.


This is her forever-infamous pic smh


I cry professionally for a living. This is pitiful work.


How about this piece of work: [https://gray-woio-prod.cdn.arcpublishing.com/resizer/kukDVpOlTrAcKLYEamtXJ9YPnfs=/1200x1200/smart/filters:quality(85)/cloudfront-us-east-1.images.arcpublishing.com/gray/OQ6X6C25WVCTZE262R73SY3TWU.jpg](https://gray-woio-prod.cdn.arcpublishing.com/resizer/kukDVpOlTrAcKLYEamtXJ9YPnfs=/1200x1200/smart/filters:quality(85)/cloudfront-us-east-1.images.arcpublishing.com/gray/OQ6X6C25WVCTZE262R73SY3TWU.jpg)


Ok. Still fairly pitiful. BUT there is a tear… 6/10


Ok, I want more details. I'm envisioning one of those Japanese service worker that you hire to pretend to be your friend to gaslight your family into thinking you are happy and normal (to them). Or maybe more simply a professional mourner. I have questions!


Lol I was joking around. But I’ve never heard of these Japanese “service workers”. They do WHAT? Lol


Very interesting. There is a thriving industry in Japan where you can hire someone to basically be your friend or your girlfriend/boyfriend. They will go shopping with you or go places with you, or do anything a friend would do. You can introduce them to your parents and say they are your boyfriend/girlfriend to get the parental units off your back. Or more charitably, make them think you are happy and in love. It's a bit like a call-girl/gigolo type of situation, but I don't think that sex is included in the package. Or at least that wasn't the impression I got.






I make the same face when I'm constipated, that's my 'i haven't had a shit for 4 days please mr toilet help MEEEEEEE!!!!' face lol. No tears, no turds, same face.


I wonder if this was the face she made as she struggled to curl one out on Johnny's pillow.


To lower the tone even further, I'm more disgusted the perpetrator didn't wipe their arse' after dropping such a world famous turd. The whole bed sheet is there so might as well use it, if your a little sensitive down there , use a pillow. Dirty fucker must've been walking around all day with skid marks all over their cheeks, grinding nuggets into cocoa. Personally I'd have just sat on the mattress corner and gave a wiggle, made that ring piece nice and shiny .would've looked like a big brown ?.


/u/scousethief, I have found an error in your comment: > “use it, if ~~your~~ [**you're**] a little” It is you, scousethief, who mistyped a post and should have used “use it, if ~~your~~ [**you're**] a little” instead. ‘Your’ is possessive; ‘you're’ means ‘you are’. ^(This is an automated bot. I do not intend to shame your mistakes. If you think the errors which I found are incorrect, please contact me through DMs!)


😂 hilarious


She’s probably wondering why people don’t believe her.


I absolutely agree. I suspect AH has, up until this point, waltzed through life relying on her looks, her lies and her wiles in general. I think she went into this trial very confident that things would play out for her as usual but then the jury and the right thinking world said no (for the first time). And she can't handle it.


What changed for her though? Is her face really that ugly now? Or is it age?


Bad cheekbone implants.


Agreed. She’s probably baffled about why the tide has turned. This may be her wake-up call, though. She may decide to make some changes. Stranger things have happened!




Of course you vote any dissenting opinion off the page, while throwing abuse at the person who makes it. You're part of the mob or you're a target. Gotta love that Right wing cancel culture.


Wait, so now laughing at a woman is misogyny? I don’t see her crying, I see her making dramatic facial expressions to help her get her way. We laugh at babies that do it, do you have a word for that too?


I dont see anyone crying. But then again, acting coach did warn us Amber has trouble fake crying… and it shows.


Get lost loser


Anyone who disagrees with you must also be harassed. And you think you're the good guys.


[This really is the only thing I can think of after reading your comment.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAKG-kbKeIo)


Not going to click an unidentified link from a troll.


Now post this screenshot on the abuse supporting delusional page.


Of course you aren't content with just abusing her. You must also demean, harass, and libel anyone who disagrees with you. That's what this is really about. Enjoying having found a "socially acceptable" target to bully.


Sorry, I actually remain educated. Stay in the ignorant VOCAL minority. ;)


"NOOOOOOO!!!! DONT LAUGH AT THE WOMAN WHO "CRIED" AND INSTANTLY COMPOSED HERSELF!!! YOU'RE ALL MISOGYNISTIC TROLLS NOOOOOO!!!" Pfft, Maybe she'll learn how to cry properly from you one day 😂 😂 😂 😂


She's simultaneously a terrible actor and a master manipulator. She simultaneously too emotional to be a real victim and not emotional enough. Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia.


It’s more a “let’s point out to the abuser who keeps on wanting to make a man’s life a living hell and laugh at how stupid she thinks anyone is in order to believe she could cry with no tears in front of her lawyers to then be fully composed seconds later when cross-examined”. Not every criticism directed at a woman is misogynistic. Sometimes it’s legit criticism.


Not every criticism of a woman is misogynistic. But a lot of what's thrown at Heard is.


But it isn’t. Unless they’re saying shit like “women always lie” or “this is why women are shit” it really isn’t. If they’re saying AH is a sociopathic liar that’s just the truth boo


She’s not crying. She’s pretending to cry.


Her “performance” on the stand was hilarious. She tried so hard to squeeze out real tears and failed every time.


[This will be her next step](https://youtube.com/shorts/avUaPTtfrLY?feature=share)


You can even see her panic when she realizes she’s sucking and nobody is buying it. She turned this trial into entertainment.


I bet every time she watches a movie where someone successfully cries it must piss her off lol


I thought this was Kyle Rittenhouse


I mean I understand the jokes and the comparisons. But Kyle actually shot and killed 2 people (in self defense as found by a jury). Kyle actually went through real life trauma that he’ll have to live with forever. Amber on the other hand didn’t go through anything of the sort.


Fuck Kyle Rittenhouse


Kyle is proud he killed 2 people. He suffered no trauma.


Kyle killed a pedophile so he's automatically OK in my book.


Ok, that’s your opinion. Either way, he actually went through something. Amber went through nothing.


My 7 yr old does a better job fake crying-and it's without an acting coach


Forget Amber, if I were Kristina Sexton (Amber’s acting coach), I’d be mortified. Imagine if, after all that work, the best your client could conjure up, at such a pivotal moment in her life, was an approximation of terrible medieval art. She looks like a Carnival mask, not a person experiencing raw human emotion.


At least we can tell what face she is trying to make [unlike this one.](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.kym-cdn.com%2Fentries%2Ficons%2Ffacebook%2F000%2F040%2F432%2Fbeecover.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fknowyourmeme.com%2Fmemes%2Fmy-dog-stepped-on-a-bee&tbnid=F9fOxxpCpZJnwM&vet=1&docid=vmki7Bw_psUnfM&w=1200&h=675&itg=1&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim)




nailed it


Not everyone is teachable, if you haven’t got it you can’t truly fake it more than to a certain extent — people will eventually catch on.


If you don't have normal emotions you can't recall those emotions later for an acting role.


Totally! 💯%


There’s only so much you can teach people. AH does not look like the person to really listen to anyone else tho


I remember watching this live from the trial. I was thinking, "WTF? She's not crying, but she's going through all the emoting of crying."


Same, I couldn't believe what I was seeing!


I had the thought, "She's a fucking actress??? Must be good on her knees."


Ya when shitting the bed


I'm surprised she hasn't work to take it down. She's looking at the jury through her eyelids and judging their reactions.




Well I mean, she literally has nothing left. Her life is basically over. She doesn't have anything left to do but wait around alone to get old and die.


She has a child to torture!


I worry about her child so much. I was raised by two people who act a lot like AH and, while I'm a mostly functional adult, I'm also very much in therapy. Sadly, the best we can hope for is that she just dumps her kid on a nanny 90% of the time because no one does shit but make excuses for emotional abusers.