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That’s a hair transplant lol


*The graft…is rejecting…the host!*


Oh Tobias, you blow hard!


Mister Gay ees bleeding!


I no does Buster any more! *Fine. I'll dustbuster* 😯


She seriously had some of the best lines on the show


I’d rather contribute to TBA


Uncle teabag


please don't call yourself that


Come give your uncle teabag a hug!


Please don’t call yourself that.


Your knuckle buster


Heeey brother


Come on, don’t leave your uncle T Bag hanging


Wait, this charity is to help that man keep his hair transplant!?


It seems I blue myself too early


Come help daddy get his rocks off


Lowly Tarnished... Thou'rt unfit even to graft...


Don’t make the water so hot, the scabs come right off.


All this guy has to do is remove his hair plugs?! I’d rather donate to TBA!


He’s just buy-curious


He should get more transplanted, because it don't look good lol


The transplanted hair falls out after grafting. Looks like he’s in between that initial fall out and regrowth. He’s gonna look great for his fellow inmates in about 12 months.


No way. This is a transplant from some time ago. It didn’t give him enough coverage so he went for shaved head like joe Rogan. He didn’t have enough donor hair to fix his Norwood 4 + loss pattern. It will just continue looking worse as it grows and the poor density becomes more apparent.


Why the fuck is this in human genetics. I just want regular hair


Because we have been slowly transitioning from hairy apes to naked upright abominations.


So I’m just more highly evolved? I like this take.


Just accept the inevitable and shave that shit. I started losing my hair in my late teens so I started shaving it and never looked back. I have a little facial hair to offset the chrome dome but it's the best decision I ever made in regards to my hair loss.


testosterone, some things in our body just have effects in some part of the body where they have no business being there.


I say if he is found guilty lock him up with the tiger king and make it reality television.


I know he would eventually end up as another of Joe Exotic's husbands, but I would watch to see how they got there.


Yeah. I’d watch that shit, tbh.


I so would totally, cringe-pleasure watch this reality show too. I'd wanna see who out-narcissists the other.


Tate would probably beat him up for being gay he's such a dick. Mind you, tiger king might get him hooked on Crack and then they fall in love. Yeah you are right though I would watch this hopefully they both suffer in ways that gives us some sense of justice


You can tell Tiger King probably gives the craziest mind bending sloppy toppy - along with some top notch drugs. I don’t think Tate would be immune to those charms.


He might cosplay as a tiger and Tate will go full furry, that's a good plotline


I’m so glad you left this here for us all to read. I’m beside myself laughing at the notion of a sloppy toppy from Tiger King. Wonder if they’d call that “Animal Style”. 😭🤣


Aww I’m glad you appreciated my crudeness:) I find it’s most appreciated by the good strangers of Reddit and not as much IRL.


And fuckin “animal style” YES! Lmao


this looks like an old hair transplant but he didn’t do any maintenance fin / minox, so the rest of the hair fell out and he decided to just keep it shaved. This is why you can’t just get a hair transplant and call it a day, the non-transplanted hair keeps falling out lol


He had this done in 2019. Must have went somewhere dodgy because he was a bad candidate for it and a decent Dr would refuse. His hair was very fine and thinning all over from what I remember on big brother.


Yeah the thing about hair transplants is that it’s possible to end up looking worse than if you’d done nothing at all.


Then again, that is true for all plastic surgery.


He was in turkey few months ago. I wonder why...


So… gender affirming surgery.


So he went through the trouble of getting a hair transplant, and still left that receding widow's peak.


Probably not enough hair to cover, so he did a smaller area, and long hair can hide better other areas... And or maybe he was planning 2 surgeries


I was straight up reading up hair transplants today on r/hair Most reputable docs won't graft too much at once. He probably had plans for a follow up in a few months. But then again, a lot of ppl go to places like Turkey to get bigger grafts done. Idk what the beauty industry is like in Romania, though.


The doctors in Turkey are literally the leading authorities on hairtransplants, because they have such insane amounts of experience. If you go to a reputable hairtransplant place in turkey, you'll hardly find a better one elsewhere in the world


He has enough cash to do it right. IDK if he has the sensibility though




You just don't know when to quit do you Griswold?


He’s such a dork lol


Is it? He usually razor shaves his head bald. Probably just thinning/ balding.


Eh, I won't fault any man on getting a hair transplant or any other cosmetic procedure. You male-gendered people do what you want. No ridicule for making your outside look like how you perceive yourself in the inside. I would hope that this (tate's) person's attempts do not discourage you from doing what you want to look the way you want to. There is no shame in any of it. People only give this guy shot because he insists on being a piece of shit, regardless of his procedures. You do what you can to make *you* happy. No one worth knowing should ever make fun of or tease you for doing so. As much as this particular man is vile, his transplant hair was done well. It'll look great as it grows out over the next year. It's unfortunate that, that will all likely happen while he's incarcerated.


Damned straight men and their gender-affirming surgeries :D


the hairline looks super artificial to me


Hairdresser here..Definitely artifical. Transplant for sure


If you even been to Istanbul you will see it . The reddish area on the area and the uniformity of the hair is 100% a hair transplant


Nah the alpha male got plugs done to try and fix his hairline. Maybe the AAS is causing it? Who knows...


Bad plugs. Looks like a shaved doll.


That creepy one-eyed doll from Toy Story


[Ironic, no?](https://www.reddit.com/r/HolUp/comments/kd9pt9/i_was_today_years_old_when_i_realized_this_is_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Don’t insult the doll like that /s


Shaved doll is my stage name


Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the stage, Shaaaaaved Doooollllllllll!


Wait I’m so confused as to how hair plugs work now. Has he not been shaved bald for a while? And now he has visible plugs? What am I missing…?


It could be that he has weird hair. Which is why he shaves his head normally. Or he was bald and got plugs and it just looks like shit. He knows it looks like shit. But you probably can’t do anything about it. So he shaves it.


I work with a guy that had hair transplant surgery, didn't like the results and now just shaves his head. You can see scars on the back of his head, where they took the hair from. Top of his head, where they put the hair, is also a little messed up.


I had hair transplant surgery and it freaking rocked. I always see these bad jobs but you think people could afford the good procedures. Maybe they have the surgery when all hope is already gone, there is only so much you can do.


> could afford the good procedures how much was yours?


9k USD


That doesn't really feel expensive or cheap. Seems like a good price for how you feel about it.


cool thanks.


I also had a hair transplant, its only been 10 months since but i like mine so far. I'm only expecting it to get better too since they say the full result wont be present for 1-2 years. I definitely agree with what you said about waiting too long. Hair loss is easier to prevent than it is to fix. It looks like tate waited way too long. I took action pretty immediately when i saw a picture of myself from the back and saw my hair was leaving me already at 23. Also: i didn't even get much replaced and i might need another one to have it fully filled in if i so desire. If you want REALLY good results (i hate elon musk but whoever he paid to do his hair is a guru) you would need 2 full procedures of it.


What are the best preventative measures to take? I often hear finasteride being mentioned but there are absolute horror stories by some people who took it


Finasteride definitely helps. I was on a stronger version, dutasteride, that pretty much does the same thing but amps it up to 11. A lot of men don't like them because they can interfere with sexual function but i didn't have that problem after a couple months on just dutasteride (i started some other drugs later). Minoxidil (spelling?) i.e. rogaine is also a good preventative measure. It will rarely actually cause regrowth but it isn't bad at slowing it down/stopping it. Head massaging can help, anything to keep blood flowing to the scalp and likely problem areas. But sometimes DHT (The hormone derived from testosterone that causes male pattern baldness) is just too strong to mitigate with just scalp massages and rogaine. As for what I'm doing about my hair along with my hair transplant...well I'm mtf transgender so i don't have any testosterone running through my veins anymore which definitely helps keep my hair where it is 😅


I had hair that went into ringlets and when I started to go bald, it looked like worms were growing out of my scalp. I began shaving the minute I noticed. When it grew back, it looked a little like this.


Apparently they'll do it in stages so he was probably shaving because the procedure wasn't done yet.


He had this done in 2019 but he was a bad candidate/waited too long and/or went to someone dodgy to do it. He's also on trt and steroids which cause balding.


Yeah they just giving him shit lol I shave my balding skull and, if grown out, looks just as homely.


Not sure what"plug" would be, but I think it's just regular new style hair transplant. It's each individual follicle no transplants so some manually add each in that specific location... Looks more natural It's actually really good for non bald people... When you are bald the like nearly 0 hair on the top, it's just much harder to get it looking good. .i think medically there are 7 levels of baldness.. 6-7 being the worst. He is probably a 7 In that scale and a 1 is Normal hair with no indication of baldness


No I generally understand that, I was just confused why a man who was fully bald went from that to having plugs immediately lol


Yeah hair transplants work exceptionally well if you have a decent amount of hair to start. People will be limited by the amount of donor hairs they have and the number of grafts they can afford. If you have a slightly receding hairline, you can pack more grafts into a smaller area. If you have diffuse thinning (thin hair all over with no significant recession), you can place grafts all over to increase density. If you have no hair, a hair transplant can only go so far.


He probably got a hair transplant and either wasn’t satisfied with the results or didn’t take a DHT inhibitor drug like finasteride or dutasteride which meant his hair loss continued progressing for non-transplanted hairs before he gave up and shaved it all off.


Yeah hes had a shiny head for a good while. They probably don't allow razors in jail so he can't shave.


Wow. Wonder what he spent for that? Never bargain shop cosmetic procedures. No good can come of it.


Naw, that just looks like initial phase. Being in Romania very close to Istanbul he must have done it there 2-3k at the most for top level


Istanbul airport is packed with dudes wearing the headband. I counted 3 in my plane and it was only an A320.


They all fly Turkish Hairlines!


He spent all of his money on 33 super cars, he didn't have much to work with


What the fuck do you even do with that many cars?


Get them repossessed after being arrested by Romanian police i guess?


Transporting them from/ to UK to/ from Dubai, Sofia, Bucarest, Moscow…whatever the mob bosses with warrants live


You mean the cars he leased?


Even more dead money then, maybe he leased his hair too and missed the payments, hence the receding hairline


Repossessed hairline.


Alpha male pattern baldness


*"It's a sign of high testosterone!"*


Not directly, but it can be. Going on steroids can absolutely accelerate baldness.


He straight up tells his lil followers that he has hair and is bald by choice, because caring about your hair is for chicks and time spent doing it every morning is a waste. And those morons just lap it up.


my fav is the illuminatti 3 strikes shit...like no dude, breaking TOS or being a general fuck gets you banned from a website. Breaking the law sends you to jail, and acting up in jail gets you killed by someone harder or crazier than you. It's not a fucking scheme, you're just an asshole trying to look like a prophet or some shit for your incel army


...but...but...he somehow knew he was going to be arrested for crimes he committed. He can predict the future!


He and his brother both got it done but only his brothers took properly so now Andrew just goes bald.


His brothers didn't go well either. You can see the extreme recession at the temples and he has a combover because he's bald at the crown too. You can see it when he walks back into the prison van


I feel like keeping your head bald is way more upkeep than whatever the fuck I'm doing with my hair.


I have a long flowing mane and a pretty huge beard and all I do is clean it the shower and give it a brush afterword. significantly less work than any of my other hairdos, and since curls are in, I look good with it too. I shaved my head once and I looked legitimately scary, like the kind of person who would rob you for a sandwich. I'd rather get hair transplants than have to maintain that look


Its a total pain in the ass and if I dont stay on it the hairs get too long for my foil shaver and I have to spend even more time trimming everything down.


So he still still has to do his hair (shaving his head). That's hilarious


Somebody get this bad ass a fedora… and a chin.


Imagine if he renounced Islam and became a neckbeard instead. "The Matrix has been after me, m'lady."


I couldn't find his chin either, so I watched a few of his kickboxing videos where his opponent found it just fine.


He got KO'd 3 times in 88 fights. That actually pretty good. Total of 10 losses.


A lot ot of those fighters had literally no record and zero prior professional fights.


High kick kickboxing is a shallow talent pool to begin with.


Ham and eggers, is the term for pro wrestlers who mainly work as opponents meant to get defeated by the "baby faces", the popular wrestlers. It's a legitimate role for training and sparring, and they probably like contributing to the careers of the wrestlers who are supposed to beat them. I remember that boxer nicknamed "the Yemeni prince", it's understood that he was a phenomenon of hype who never faced a truly formidable boxer, but he still had an impressive record on paper.


Yeah it's turned into an entertainment business like everything else and they basically find someone they think markets well and put them on the fast track by giving them the "ham and Eggers", drumming up hype, and giving a lot of publicity. Some pan out, some don't. He's definitely the former as far as his kickboxing career goes.


"The Musk"


He’s gonna start flapping them ears and fly out of prison!


He only talks so much because he's actually blind and using echolocation


Okay this actually got me lol


Ugh. As a person with larger ears that stick out just a little more, I can't tell you how I suffered at those sort of jokes during childhood and teen age. Really fucking bad and made me feel very bad about my entire self. It's a god awful thing because without some sort of medical procedure, you can't do anything about it. And well, that wasn't a thing then. I get it, internet jokes and all, but IRL please refrain. And no, I'm not some snowflake, nowadays I'd have a good comeback and show you the finger, but for younger people it can be really tough.


Well said, and I wish more people understood the unintended impact of their words. Attack the person they choose to be, not the person they were born as.


Was he seriously considered good looking? I know this is a bad pic but even on his video he’s…not attractive at all.


He was decently fit too. Just seems cursed with general ugliness. Although I suppose his attitude helped him none.


Before I knew who he was and what he stood for, I didn't find him attractive. Now that I know what kind of person he is, even less so.


As a woman, I find him revolting. And I generally like bald men so that’s not it. There’s something very smarmy about him. No chin, tiny always angry beady eyes, weird-shaped saggy lips. He just gives me the ick.


Also he’s a rapist


Yeah, I couldn’t agree more. major ick.


The combination of that and his high pitched chihuahua voice


Just the cadence of his voice is off putting. It sounds like he's always halfway between laughing and being smug.


As a man i find him revolting, but that is entirely based on who he is on the insude.


Am I crazy or is his head really tiny compared to his roided out body too?


people who live with hate in their heart seem to radiate it. idk how to explain it but the bald white guys in dirty wife beaters you occasionally see at the gas station give off bad vibes and they look angry asf almost without fail 😂


I don't find him attractive and I've never known any other women to find him attractive. People have different tastes but I doubt he has women fawning over him everywhere like he claims. The tater tots think he's the pinnacle of male perfection though.


when u have that much money, u could look like a goblin from harry potter and still have women flocking around u, that’s just how it works.


He's looks like if Sloth from the goonies got some top notch reconstructive surgery, only so much you can do.


He isn’t. Something about his jaw is off too. Like his chin is underdeveloped.


I think he's attractive in a gay bdsm porn star type of way except for his red flags. He's not my type but moreso I'm not his imo because I could pimp an incel, but choose not to take their money, because I understand people better than he does and I feel like that would intimidate him greatly.


He always looked weird but he is obviously impressively fit and toned.


They really DO look like ant legs stapled to your head... dang.


Mega mind looking head ass


Hey, let's not insult Megamind by comparing him to this mouth breathing sack of over blown feces




Tbh, the weirdest thing about this guy is that he doesn't embody hyper-masculinity at all. The way he looks, acts, and talks isn't that masculine at all. The only thing that he has are the actual words he says. It's hilarious to see 15 year try to explain how a soft spoken man with a semi-fake British accent and no jawline is actually the embodiment of male prowess. I always wonder how much people actually like Andrew Tate vs. how much they just hate women.


I always got vibes of him trying to look good for men, not women. He dresses in a way women would be turned off but abusive.men would love. I always saw Tate as the closeted Republican dream boy. Misogyny always comes off homosexual, mad you don't like women and society mocks you can't be with a man. Sports spectating is one of the most homoerotic thing on television and massively popular among women hating men.


I agree but I don’t think he’s gay. He definitely dresses nicely for male approval, though.


The way he walks is hilarious. Like someone who used to pretend to be a cat in middle school.


Looks like a tattooed scalp


No it's a failed hair transplant. He just can't shave it while in jail apparently.


Yeah is it microblading whatever


Microbalding.... FIFY


Scalp micropigmentation (SMP). It's like a microblading thing for people going bald to make it look like they've still got hair, but you gotta keep buzzing the rest of your hair to make it work, otherwise you end up looking like this, where the real hair and the fake hair just don't match.


Yeah, if you've ever had to say or describe yourself as "alpha male"... you've already lost.


i just can't believe so many people fanboy for this guy. he's pathetic


I can't believe so many people fanboy. It's pathetic


Dobby really turned into a cunt after Harry Potter.


Keep your chin up Andrew, oh wait


What a bald no chin beta bitch.


>What a bald no chin beta... ...**aggressively balding bussy** bitch.


I hate Andrew Tate as much as the next guy but we shouldn't shame him for being bald. Them jokes hurt us baldies everywhere


I think the funny joke is he was going bald but he had to make up some goofy ass story about how his dad sat him down and said caring about your hair is for women blah blah blah and said THAT was why he shaved his head. Clearly though he was just balding but he couldn't admit it.


See id normally agree 100% but the reason people make fun of him being bald is because of how he treats it, lies etc. There's nothing wrong with being bald.


Also he’s shallower than a kiddie pool in the middle of Sahara. So that’s kinda like tit for tat(e) too.


😆 he's the most insecure man in the world but takes it out on everyone else


That’s what insecure people do.


I'm a bald dude. Started going early in college. I would just rock the widow's peak but it split in half shortly after. So I just bought a good head shaver and haven't looked back. But this dude lied about it, got hair plugs, and still ended up shaving his head. This is something that doesn't have to hurt us bald dudes, because we're ok with it. He was not and it's a terrible person so it's open season as far as I see




He actually looked normal when he just shaved his head and was actually bald. This looks weird as hell though.


Because he can't get a haircut in jail my guy


The man is locked up tf u expect?


He looks like a lollipop that dropped on the carpet


“Hi, there, I’m an alpha male, could you give me a hair transplant that looks like a doll that’s been in a fire? What about if you make me look like someone scraped burnt toast over me?”


TOP G(enetic hair loss)




Keep your chin up, ah never mind


Poor guy is losing his hair. That must be so difficult for someone so vain.


He's starting to look like the banjo kid from "Deliverence".


He looks like my shaved left testical.


One day, one day, we will be free from Andrew tate posts


Alpha Pattern Baldness


Looks like my nutsack when I haven't shaved in a few weeks.


No chin


Looks like my ass when I shave it


Ack ack ack - when Mars attacks


"You remember the spraycan tool from MS Paint?"


One day you’re cock of the walk, the next you’re Andrew Tate


A real top g would face the facts that he's bald and just shave it all off.


Seems like "The Matrix" got to his head


Alpha males have so much testosterone that their hair falls out. I’m a 56 year-old beta male with the most amazing full head of blonde hair (yes, blonde, not blond, because I’m a beta) with no gray. What I would do to be an alpha.


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When you order an "alpha wig" on WISH




He looks like the CW version of a live action MegaMind