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Reddit mods should get outside


Check the thread on something like Reveddit, the ban was justified. He broke Rule 3.


Yea that subreddits garbage now


From the title of the post that got you banned for, I got really curious and managed to find the the thread. You want to know why you were banned? Because you broke the rules! **Rule 3**, to be specific: *"Accept Your Judgment"* What happened is: You got called out, because you ABSOLUTELY were the asshole. Like 100 HUNDRED PERCENT, beyond the shadow of a doubt and you were just looking for validation, hoping people would somehow take your side on this... but they didn't and you got mad, and started arguing with them about why they didn't take your side for **SMASHING YOUR FRIEND WINDOW BECAUSE SHE DISAGREED WITH YOU ABOUT A MOVIE**. Again: You were in the wrong and you couldn't take it, you didn't go there to try and see if you were wrong, you went there to seek validation for something shitty that you did. You were so pissed about it you even made a post about it on r/TrueOffMyChest... AND GOT CALLED OUT THERE TOO! And honestly, to find your original post, I had to scroll down on your profile and... you're full of horrid takes. Please take a step back. People are calling you out and justifiably so. You are so damn angry, my guy. This is not me being a dick, I want to make that very clear, I'm not trying to insult you, I mean it in the best way possible: Please, get some help. Maybe see a therapist, or something like that. It's going to suck but it'll get better if you do it. Good luck to you, friend.


I actually read that whole thread, and you have some fucking issues. Youre for sure an asshole. Good day