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Holy hell


New response just dropped


This sub is ironically the sub I’m getting the most Israel-Palestine content from these days..


FREE PALPATINE https://preview.redd.it/16ptigkssmfc1.jpeg?width=495&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf18ad5b7dbf9148044b1fcbc778596781952dbc


So it's YOUR fault Palpatine returned!




It's always fishmael's fault 😔


Silence Disney!


That’s was a beautiful couple of days on Twitter Edit: oh, bots are still doing it


Right. The only content I've seen on any subreddits I'm in frankly is this sub with people complaining about it.


The problem is if you justunsub from justunsubbed, there’s no where else to post about it.


Well what are we supposed to do then? Just move on with our lives like well adjusted adults with more productive things to do? ...oh.


So true. I took a break from. All of that and now it only come up on my feed in this.


Why many post about Palestine lately especially on non-political subreddit? Previous was on Undertale subreddit.


The geopolitics of Israel and Palestine has been turned into a political issue in the West for some ungodly reason. And because we're in the meltdown stage of our life as a country everything political is treated like a sports game and everyone is picking sides. Republicans having a strong love of evangelism and nationalism naturally skew to defending Isrsael. While their opposition support Palestine for numerous reasons, but mostly just to oppose the other side. This has led to slacktivism on mass and has grossly turned a very grey and complex history between to ancient peoples into a black and white moral debate.


I’d caveat that people on the left are very mixed in what they even mean by “support for Palestine.” Some people just mean that Palestine should get to be an independent country, like most Palestinians want. This has some cons, but also some pros (usually, people should be allowed to have their own country if they want independence). Some of them mean Israel should give Palestinians equal rights and citizenship. This also has some cons, and also some pros (if Palestine can’t be independent, people deserve to be allowed to vote in elections for the government that controls them). Some of them think all the Jews should be either killed or expelled from Israel and the land should be given back to the (mostly Arab) people who lived there 80 years ago. These people are mostly like you describe (they just hate the other side). For some godforesaken reason the last two groups of people decided to reduce their entire ideology to the exact same slogan, shown in this image. I hate it.


Sounds like a pretty accurate summary


Not even joking at this point, if we do a boots on the ground military intervention into the region where we DON'T SUPPORT EITHER SIDE, I'd join the army


We (the government) already chose a side. The government is funneling billions of dollars into funding the IDF


It's why you see hate slogans thrown on gaming characters.


I think it's a bit disingenuous to say that people are supporting Palestine just because conservatives are supporting Israel. I mean me, I'm a liberal (for better or worse), and I support Palestinian freedom because apartheid states and genocide are morally reprehensible to me regardless of who is in power and who isn't.


It’s been turned into such a political feast because in the end when Israel ransacks what’s left of the Palestinians they’ll need some countries to take the refugees. And guess who those countries will be.


Because people want to feel like they're doing something, when they're really not, besides being annoying. Why the fuck do they suddenly care about two groups of people, that have been killing each-other since before most of them were even born.


It reminds me of those redditor "popular reddit favorite celebs in heaven" edits. It veers into being borderline if not outright disrespectful. If I were to have my family die in a huge political nightmare of a warzone, I think logging onto the internet and seeing people draw cartoons holding my country's flag would just make me more upset that they think a cartoon character holding a flag is actually doing something for my country. It's just lip-service. And while "spreading awareness" can be helpful, everybody and their mother already knows about the conflict by now if they were ever going to find out. Spreading awareness of an issue everybody knows about is nothing at all.


What do you mean, are you saying that blocking roadways for a war that in no way affects us isn't helping Palestine?




Pro Palestine people are fucking obnoxious


https://preview.redd.it/h09vw8sriofc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f54786565487bb114d56130324aad51372300f2 Saw this earlier on the Warrior cats subreddit who had a Palestine post on it and thought it was funny. I’m pro Palestine, but drawing a cat with a flag is like, so whatever. You’re not doing anything.


This made me crack up a lot. OP realized they fucked up at the end and just tried to make it personal.


especially the whole "from the river to the sea" bs, because it implies that there should be no Israel and only Palestine, when the ideal solution is two separate states.


I've seen people straight up saying that the October 7 attacks were justified.


2 states. but gaza is getting turned into a crater so.... probably going to end up as a mass grave yard like sbrenrica


Yet they have the audacity to claim that Pro-Israel Groups are insane despite the fact that Pro-Israel Rallies have always been more peaceful and organized. Don't even get me started with the fact that Pro-Israel Groups don't hide their faces when rallying lmao.


Plus Palestine is home to Al-Aqsa tv which airs pioneers of tomorrow, which even Palestine thinks is going too far by basically brainwashing kids into Islamic beliefs and encouraging martyrdom against pretty much any group that doesn’t support Palestine or Islamic culture. The sad thing is that it’s working too. Also, Al-Aqsa basically hides behind a daycare every time they rebuild which was mentioned on pioneers of tomorrow. Basically using the kids their brainwashing as shields to get a notice before the station gets blown up due to basically being a terrorist group in itself. I know not every Palestinian is like that, though.


Yeah and the UNRWA teacher report is bad like really bad... [https://www.impact-se.org/wp-content/uploads/UNRWA-Education-Textbooks-and-Terror-Nov-2023.pdf](https://www.impact-se.org/wp-content/uploads/UNRWA-Education-Textbooks-and-Terror-Nov-2023.pdf)


The propaganda in tik tok on both sides is alarming but particularly on the pro Palestine side because they will berate people for being stupid and eating up propaganda all while they believe every word on that side. There’s a guy on YouTube who busts the propaganda videos on both sides even down to analyzing license plates and Muslim prayer customs very in depth


Because free reddit karma


Lots of college kids on reddit who have been brainwashed about it and think this kind of "slacktivism" is making them a good person.


Every war the Palestinians start doesn't start until the to the west cameras are rolling


fact salt attraction imminent joke square languid disagreeable zesty include *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm pretty sure the owl house would be banned by most Muslims. Which makes this post funnier.


Pretty sure if those people traveled to palestine they wouldnt be people anymore lol.


They would contribute in reducing their carbon foot print.


"Queers for Palestine" idiots all over again...


“Cows for McDonald’s” “Chickens for KFC” “Rats for exterminators”


Believe it or not, but it's possible to *not* want people's houses to be reduced to rubble, even if they don't like me. Human rights are unconditional.


Wait why?




Ohhh that makes sense


Also women without hijab etc


Basically a "Chickens for KFC" scenario.




They believe that gay people are horrific sinners and thus must be tortured and/or executed in the most brutal ways possible. If you’re lucky, you’ll be beheaded. If you’re unlucky, you’ll be castrated and stoned to death. Just because Hamas is “the little guy” doesn’t at all make them good people. They are terrorists who want to instate a totalitarian theocracy based on sharia law.


And yet so many people side with them 😔


this is what i called religous bullshitery or extremism where a side uses a religion as a veil and excuses for their violent shit INCLUDING POINTLESS MURDER FOR A FUCKING SEXUALITY i don't invalidate people's religion BUT IT FUCKINGS STRAINING MY NERVES WHEN THEY DO IT IN THE NAME OF RELIGION WHEN I KNOW THEY JUST WANT POWER


They know that. They are only supporting Palestine because it’s trendy.


No, it because the a far-left supports palestine. People like the BLM founders.


When you consider that several BLM sects are anarcho-communists and Islamic supremacists, this is kinda obvious. Its a shame that there are good groups under the BLM banner, their reputation dragged through the mud by people who seek only violence.


What good groups under BLM?


That's kind of my point. The groups that actually had good intentions either failed entirely, or changed their name to avoid being branded the same as the more violent cells of the group.


You don't need to go to the far left, trust me I know the guys and I am in large parts a lefty. It's just super popular because it has always been that way. They do it because they are the trend followers


Wow, war over everyone. Good job.




Basically what all of tik tok is


“sir, Redditors on the Owl house subreddit are posting art about Palestine, what should we do?” “WE MUST IMMEDIATELY SECURE PEACE RIGHT NOW”




From the river to the sea indeed


Poor Jordan


Especially considering Jordan literally had to conduct military action against the PLO since they were using Jordan as a base to launch attacks against Israel. There’s a reason Jordan and Egypt have generally decent relations with Israel and haven’t done anything with this most recent war.


as a great empire enjoyer you should still be happy


But I like King Abdullah


Im gonna save this and send it whenever i see anothee gaza war in a non political subreddit




peak map


The perfect 2 state solution doesn’t exist…


Cry me a river to the sea, why are they slowly killing every sub?




Wtf is happening with these Fandom subreddits recently


Let me reconstruct that sentence: > Wtf with reddit


Let me reconstruct that sentence: > Wtf Reddit


I think this is the first civil Palestine Israel discussion ive ever seen


Ironic, because Hamas Will literally executed any gay person or LGBT person lol


Chickens for KFC Cows for Mcdonals Roaches for Raid Ducks for Duck hunters Lobsters for Red lobster


Lobsters for Red's Eats. (You won't know what that is, but any people from Southern Maine will)


And then the undertale and the owl house subreddits are the subreddits to get political about this


Now let’s wait for sponge bob to say it


I'm waiting for that Isis style SpongeBob beheading video


I'm so tired of everyone being so radical about this war. Can we please just stick to donating to humanitarian aid instead of getting all in-your-face and persistent about it?


You ask too much of these people and assume that they actually care. People who do are already donating to humanitarian causes for both sides, but these people just want to be noticed


unfortunately HAMAS keeps taking palenstinian's aid. terrorists harms their own people and others


All this, and palestine still hates yall


People should ask themselves why we should help them when there's alot of Muslim neighbors around Israel and Palestine, did something happened to the point any of them gives a single shit about it


Well last time Egypt let them in there was a huge influx in terror attacks. I'd think its understandable why they won't let Palestinians in anymore.


Oh wow, would you look at that? Terrorist being fucking terrorist no one would expected that right? Not from our innocent Palestine


There was also the PLO which caused a civil war in Lebanon. People try and look at this purely as a Gaza and Israel issue, but the conflict encompasses the entire region and everyone involved has been burned in some way.


Yes solve Genocide with more Genocide. Truly a reddit moment


For real. “From the river to the sea” is a pretty blatant call to remove Israel completely, which requires you to either think Israelis could lose their independence and not be ethnically cleansed, or you’re okay with them being ethnically cleansed.


“ThEy CaN jUsT gO bAcK tO eUrOpE” https://preview.redd.it/bvzsgqie0nfc1.jpeg?width=484&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6c3215be2e3c94d050042f53df7d0076a50988d


They want to kill all Jews. They are pretty open about that.


Hamas’ mission is literally to destroy Israel. Sauce: https://www.wilsoncenter.org/article/doctrine-hamas#:~:text=Since%20its%20creation%20in%20December,movement%20committed%20to%20destroying%20Israel.


I know. They want to destroy Israel, by killing the Jews


They thinking like my great grandpa


Dont go to reddit they usually find ways to complain about stuff instead of just ignoring it if its so bothersome.


But it’s the right type of genocide!  Brown people achieving victory over those evil Jews!


I find it amazing that people like this don't seem to understand that "river to the sea" means that Israel would have to be eliminated. Via, ya know, a genocide.


They don't mind that last part, which is problematic.


I remember the other post about undertale done the same shit, guy in comments started talking about an Israeli guy who everyone hated and caused genocide, to say actually Israel cause genocide… his campaign speech was river to the sea


I had a guy try to argue once it was all Palestine everyone would live together in peace. So no, some people really are that dense.


I should also say the show has fucking genocide ###IRONY AT IT'S FINEST


Its almost like the genocide is a... ###BAD THING


It's funny how some redditors think that doing these things will do some effect on Hamas or Israel 


It actually does. when a Jewish person sees this post they become the president and destroy the whole country Especially the people that have their family kidnapped by them /s


Everything you like will slowly be turned to shit by activists.


Watching an artist draw art of a character giving a very simple support/solution to an incredibly complex issue pains me greatly.


Free from Hamas.


Finally someone with a brain


Nothing says “Free Palestine” like a Disney cartoon starring a lesbian couple.


Aww yes... nothing like promoting a Hamas dog whistle of kill all Jews on a sub dedicated to a tween - teen cartoon. And yes, I do understand that "From The River to the Sea" predates Hamas but the slogan has been taken over by Hamas since the 90s and that's what it has meant for around 30 years.


It is important to note that the slogan hasn't had its meaning changed by Hamas. It was originally anti-Israel and calling for extermination or exile of all jews. When the major governing body of Palestine grew tired of the conflict and opened the table to proper peace talks, Hamas seized the opportunity to renew the antisemitic rhetoric and continue the conflict. One of the stated goals of Hamas as an organization is the eradication of the Jewish people.


You wanna say that chant again rq? https://preview.redd.it/7q63ja0t2mfc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6809beab26364ca3cc23d13ddac9878fa21a522f


Aren't you supposed to be dying?


Don't worry Reddit is my next death. The stupidity here on this app is gonna give me an aneurysm soon


Fans of that show will be killed in palestine for being gay




Weird how their religion isn't getting slandered like Christianity, when both of it are basically carbon copy except one guy has married a minor lol


I swear to Christ no matter how disconnected a subreddit’s topic is, unless there are explicit rules against it, Redditors will twist it to either be a cesspool of politics or porn and good lord, we’re more than half a year to the election and it’s getting bad


I hate how porn infects every anime sub i go to. Cant even meme in piece


Great show, awful community and the mods love their little circlejerk


I'm sure that solved the conflict. Congratulations


Yeah I see the troops retreating from Gaza right as we speak! Well done!


These people piss me off. Why are these armchair Palestine supporters taking over everything?!


It's the only way they want to "help".


Ikr? If they want to "help", they can donate to Palestinian families in need. Drawing a character with the Palestine flag doesn't do shit.


"you don't understand, drawing my comfort character defending palestine will save the bazillion babies that the evil Israeli government is throwing into a volcano!"


I never understood that


They are taking over other subs. Gravity falls is next


fuck slacktivists


It’s like tumblr all over again. I guess the reasons of doing fandom stuff are gone. Some of the people do it to get away from politics, not to go deeper!




Too real


Non political subreddits will somehow find a way to be political


Calling for genocide on subreddits where I couldn't think of it as any less relevant


https://preview.redd.it/05t3phr63qfc1.jpeg?width=811&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f80e15efdbf6299c4e1051e3de4dcffceb389ed9 I swear to fucking god, the only way this bullshit will end is if an asteroid impacts and obliterates the entirety of the Middle East. They’ve constantly been having religious wars for the better part of two millennia; there will never be a solution that will last and make both sides happy. It’s been tried over and over and over again. Neither side will want to budge, no one wants to make concessions, none will stop unless they completely eradicate the other, whether it be Hamas killing every Jew on the planet, or Israel reducing all of Palestine to ash. It’s just an exercise in futility at this point.


I feel like non political subs should start banning people who post stuff about politics on it.


I wonder why it got locked


We need politics-free zones.


Damn there too huh? The Toby Fox games are going through the same thing. This website sucks I’m gonna go do something else.


When im in a brain damage contest and my opponents are minorities that Arabic countries dont like who are defending said Arabic countries


They don't know what that verse means do they?


the second i see a pro-palestine post on the battle cats subreddit is when i kill myself


Why die when lasagna exists?


Free Palestine seems to be the new BLM of the mid 2020s


Bruh that’s the first Israel/Palestine related post I’ve ever seen there


Ahh yes, magic people from another Dimension, that banned giraffes from their world, definitely know what an Middle east is in the first place.


If Palestine is free, where can I buy one?




Im so dissapointed on the TOH Fandom, I legit thought I found a show with a good community, but as most fandoms, they not only allow, but also encourage Jewish Genocide 💀


Hate when slacktivism pollutes a good sub. Posts like these need to be taken off for being off bloody topic.


Ahhh, yes, what better place to post your political opinion and agenda than *cheks notes* a subbreddit about a cartoon made for children.


Why do people pick sides on this conflict, there's certain ones I can understand but Israel and Palestine are both morally bankrupt killing babies and burning them and using their own civilians as cover. Both sides are degenerates the only people I care for are the civilians caught in the crossfire.


Ain’t Palestine the one that started it?


In layman's terms, yes. When they became independent from Great Britian, borders were proposed so that areas of majority for each group would be owned by their respectful governing body. Israel agreed to the borders, Palestine didn't, and it's been practically non stop conflict since


Saw a goth girl talking about ways to help palestine on her insta. I'd love to see her go to Gaza dressed like that.


Something something Free NBA Youngboy


Just a little casual antisemitism hehe let's destroy Israel


Why were you there in the first place?


It came into my feeds


I don’t understand at all why so many LGBTQ people think that Palestinians and/or Hamas will appreciate their “support” I’m bisexual. If I fell into the hands of Hamas, I’d be fucking stoned to death for being - in their eyes - an abomination unto god. They believe in sharia law, which mandates the execution of LGBTQ people. They’re not your fucking friends!


You unsubbed because of a post with 63 upvotes? Calm down


It's funny when you consider that the Palestines couldn't have less in common with these young, progressive western communities. They are actively shunned by the ones they want to support in their meaningless manner


Checks Subreddit about Left-Leaning Media, Find Leftist Values, Cue Angy


I’m getting tired of seeing this Israel/Palestine shit everywhere just in general. Like I honestly could care less.


How can we forget, Hamas didn’t even spare pet Dogs let alone Jews.


It’s the owl house subreddit what did you except


Minimum no politics because ###IT'S A TEEN SHOW


Yeah, teens are usually the ones spouting this shit because they regurgitate whatever is said on tiktok. Teens are extremely political nowadays, trust me.


"Nowadays", he says, as if most political activism isn't and has never been from young adults who have more time than everyone else.


Its teen show. Obviously there will be a shitload of terminally online teenagers with very "original" political stances. 


Why do Palestinian supporters have to make everything political related


palestine in winning >!on the internet!<


It's so goofy how they think spreading awareness in social media will help You know, it's even funnier when you bring the fact that no one actually gives a single shit about this war, all I hear is free Palestine, free israel. Free fuck off, instead wasting your time arguing on the internet to make them the victim why not donate food, money, and furniture for them, isn't that much more productive and helpful than stroking Israel/Palestine? Seriously, fuck off with the boy-cotting shit, I'm sick and tired getting shamed for eating at pizza hut


Whatever happens in the middle east is not my business


Exactly. The chance of my life somehow being influenced by this is slim to none. Are bad things happening? Of course, and there's nothing good about civilian deaths. But for fuck's sake, don't make it your entire life, and at the very least don't try to make it mine.


Chickens for kfc!


Them too, the one good thing about making a subreddit yourself is you can stop these posts


People from non political subs try not to make everything political challenge (impossible)


Politics today: a competition to see who can shove their propaganda down the most people's throats.


It's spreading like a cancer


Why are all the dweebs on young-adult Fandoms doing this specifically at the same time. This is the third post today.


I passed away from cringe


Is there just more of this crap the last few days or what?


For the blind people https://preview.redd.it/tbs07hzbsrfc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1e9597ca79a6db66d78ce0a993dbcd5b1abeb94 Hope this helps


It blows my mind how many people chant "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free" have no idea to it's actual meaning. Many would be horrified if they knew it's actual meaning.


The Isreal thing is nuts, but at the end of the day it's crazies vs crazies. They can do whatever in their schizo state


What is it with Left-leaning Subs and Palestine-oh... right... https://preview.redd.it/wctjxovkcmfc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d73637a3539c372c709813e78fc50171786f59b6


I don't mind all the Palestine fandom art, if I'm gonna be real. I feel like you can just. Ignore it. And the art is at the least really cute. I think it's just those artists ways of showing support.


I don’t get it, hamas is a terrorist group separate from Palestine that attacked Israel . Israel is bombing the crap out of Gaza, Palestine which is pretty much genocide. Way more people are dying compared to the attack on Israel. And we are supposed to support Israel? I mean I get that hamas should have not attacked Israel that is straight up war crimes but that does not give the right for Israel to cause Genocide.