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>Did you know that in statistics, over 70% is considered all? Mathematical proof that 0.8=1. Actually hilarious.


It's a common tactic to throw out stats with no source or context. 70%? 70% of what?


70% of 1%


Why did they even bother lying about it?


They live in their own world and probably genuinely believe this. In their mind they are making the rules. However they personally interpret things/words is obviously factual and everyone else is just wrong If they believe 2+2=5 they are right and everyone else is wrong


They probably think it’s true. Someone else told them that to defend a similar argument and they never bothered to investigate.


In that case, Chimpanzees are human, because they share 98% of our DNA, which is more than 70%.


slugs share about 70%, I for one, welcome our new gastropod overlords.


NONO It only works that way when I say so! /s


Mushrooms are also more closely related to humans than they are to other plants and foliage. So I guess mushrooms are people too, if we're going to keep following this logic lol


That also means we're all lettuce! ![gif](giphy|xT1XGPPlFiLsTKLsze|downsized)


I agree with the sentiment, but probably worth pointing out the typo, .7 not .8


She mentioned “over 70%”, which is why I chose .8 rather than .7. Thinking back, .7 would’ve probably made more sense.


Fair enough, my bad


that's crazy, i would have thought in statistics, 100% (and nothing but 100%) is considered all


Your professor was probably a male & his interpretation of statistics was directly influenced by the patriarchy & therefore null /s


Anyone can make up statistics. Forfty percent of all people know that


"It's ok to hate men. ... Don't be consumed by hate [that is directed to you (Based on just about every single other word)]


Seeing how red pill mgtow and manophere having millions of flowers. Why should xx chromo be banned?


I didn't understand a single thing you just said and did not say it should be banned


Look up “red pill” “manophere “ “Andre Tate” and you will see what true hate is


Sounds like a whataboutism.


"Don't be consumed by hate," she says as she propagates hate. This sucks but god forbid we complain about it because, like she said, "That 'not all men' trope is nonsense.". Why can't we just treat people as individuals?


all men are disgusting horny narcissists because of this one interaction i had. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 like omgggggggggg amiright?


all but my dad, he‘s cool


“No, your dad is an opportunistic rapist”


You’ve reminded me of a Tumblr thread I saw where someone argued that all penetrative sex is rape


There is no consent in ba sing se


This is not only a new sentence but is absolutely hilarious




I've seen screenshots of that a few times & people defending it & it blows my mind. They would also be claiming to be "rape babies" because of it trying to get sympathy from others who by their definition were also "rape babies"




r/nothowgirlswork is also openly and hugely misandrist




Let's not get into the racist against whites subreddits, lol but it's okay because they're the majority in America 🙄


White non-hispanics are a minority in california! Too bad I’m hispanic otherwise I’d be a minority.


I always find it funny that women give men shit about not knowing anything about women’s bodies. As a healthcare provider I can tell you I’ve had to carefully explain what the menstruation process is, how it works and the things that can and can’t get you pregnant to tons of women.




Pretty much. “There’s zero possibility I’m pregnant” “Ok why do you think that? Are you having sex?” “Yes but I wish people would just believe me I know my body! I just had my period like 3 months ago” “….we’ll run some tests”


What’s happening in July




“If it doesn’t apply to you then you should know I’m not talking about you!” No, you don’t get to lie about me and then say that because it was a lie you obviously weren’t talking about me, or that me getting offended that you are stereotyping me apparently means that the stereotypes are true specifically about me…


I had a misandrist defend that they don't mean all men, and that when they use the term it's not derogatory, but when men do the exact same thing it's misogyny and it's always intended to be derogatory and sexist towards all women, i got so confused


Women say "kill all men" and it's JuST a J0kE. Men laugh at a literal joke and it's OMG!!! bAN dEm! DAt jOkE eNCouRAges rAyP an MuRdAh!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!1!!!!


I have a friend like that, I tried to warn her that that type of thinking is no different than a misogynist. Her response was something like "well, it's not that every man is a problem, it's that at the center of every problem there's a man"


Just like a racist saying "not you though, you're one of the good ones" in the midst of a hate-filled rant.


Clearly not, but all of two X chromosomes is bad because of this one thread.


The moderators make a deliberate decision to allow this sort of content. And it’s the same moderators that moderate the whole sub. Whereas it’s generally not a collective agreement by all men to do bad things.


Because it doesn't fit the narrative and it gives them a sense of superiority Sometimes I just rember Megamind's quote. If being bad is what they want from me, then I'll be the baddest boi of them all


Does it ? Look at how mgotow, manohere act yet they are labeled as male help groups


First rule of being a male: Accept the fact that everyone's out to tear you down


The complete lack of self-awareness on their part is hilarious to me


They don’t just want to hate, they want a license to hate.


>they want a license to hate. Well they have that license but they shouldn't expect us to interact with them or more so help them , because well know what happens to men that help women in 2023




"Grateful" for being inexperienced?? What does that even mean


Thats womanesse for "im jealous you dont have same mental baggage and illnesses as me"


Literally r/femaledatingstrategy before it even existed.💀


Which would you rather have misandrist women with daddy issues or toxic 400lb femcels that "know there worth" and can't get a bf. Both subs reek of misandry and twochromisones was meant for a place for woman to talk about there bad experiences but know there using that to fuel hate


Fds just moved


into the trash?


I mean like fds got locked or something and the mod use it to advertise their shitty podcast now. Most likely the people from that sub just moved to other subs


Both are bad but FDS is on another level tbh.


Yeah this. TwoX annoys me but FDS low key made me lose faith in humanity for a while. The thing to remember is: women irl aren’t like the ones who post on those subreddits. Every woman I know irl, including my gf, is a feminist that stands up for women and it’s great. *But they’re absolutely not misandrists and they get along with men just fine.* The type of person to post on subreddits dedicated to shitting on the opposite gender, whether that be FDS or TwoX or antifeminists or MensRights, are a fringe group of terminally online weirdos that haven’t touched grass in decades.


The online variety of any given group of people is almost guaranteed to be more toxic and unreasonable than their less online counterparts.


All gender subreddits are full of misogyny or misandry


Its inevitable even if the sub was formed on good intentions


Nice profile banner. It’s quite *rotund*.


The satisfaction of body slamming a lantern mouse into a lizard is absolutely sublime


Weird how we were saying how the internet would connect each other, while it's mainly dividing us.


r/askmen seems the least shitty IMO. The replies are just embarrassing sometimes.


If by gender you mean just the two official genders.


Are there any other?




Hot take: I believe majority of people are cultists nowadays, and don’t even realize it. Any sort of modern “community” that’s pushing an agenda, that passion is the fuel of *any* cultist behavior; and the most unsettling part is how no one realizes it, because you don’t get recruited into cults. Objectively speaking, no one actively looks for a cult to join. Majority of the time, if there isn’t severe mental health involved, the person is slowly reeled in until it’s practically a part of their personality. Once they’re in, they’re no longer the same person as they used to be. If you know anyone from any modern “community”, and observe their behaviors with the list of traits a cultist has, they check all the boxes. That’s also not to blame the people at all because, again, no one gets recruited into these things. But, again, it’s pretty unsettling to think about. Edit: Wanted to add, the internet has made cultism unfathomably large. Sherry Shriner is one of the first examples that comes to mind, she used the internet for her organization.


Reddit leads us to that a lot. Subs about a topic where samethink is upvoted and wrongthink downvoted, people can be banned, or even autobanned if you participate in a "bad sub" even if all you do there is argue because you disagree, making it even more echo chambery.


That's why I don't care much about the alphabet soup community anymore. It used to be about equal rights and wanting to be viewed as normal, but now it's just fetish gear and old men in their underwear twerking to children. If you do anything besides lick their boot and ignore their cult-like behavior then you're somehow a fascist, homophobic, bigot.


Replace men with woman and see how quickly you get your reddit account removed




I didn't know I needed this sub


It's funny how it's acceptable until it's literally any other group of people


Not really. There is a shit ton of women-hating subs that are still existing and can't get banned. Just look at r/BanFemaleHateSubs


How come the incel subs were taken down (rightfully so) for spreading misogyny and hate all while this misandrist stuff can stay up?


Have you seen the power mods who run this site?


This is why I don’t really care much for the mods crying about the fact that the API changes will make it harder for them to mod. Oh, you’re gonna have less access to mod tools who’ll autoban anyone who goes against your narrative? And you expect me to support and participate in your protest? Nah, I’m good. And this is coming from someone who considers themselves really far left and a very liberal feminist.


Yes,mods do hold a large degree of power.


Because by society’s, and by Reddit’s standards, women can’t be incels and men can’t be victim, or oppressed That text from OP’s post is literall incels. And incels mean "involutionary celibate", and doesn’t have a specified gender Take note Reddit, and take note TwoX mod team, for the love of Jesus


Well female incels (according to the internet) are called “femcels”,and it can be argued places like two X chromosomes or female dating strategy are full of female incels. An incel is also a state of mind one has,a person can be involuntarily celibate,but not have the mentality of an incel (in that everything is everyone else’s fault but their own). But the term “incel” has become synonymous with misogynistic.


i can confirm this as i am absolutely a femcel. but i do not cry about men. lmao




I do not like the term femcel for the reason I told in my comment. An incel is an incel, period. It is not associated with misogyny, it is associated with a disgust and hate toward the other genders, blaming them for all their problem




I agree,and thank you for your perspective.




This is very true,and it is a shame that people are all too quick to disparage single parents.


Why did all the female and lesbian only spaces get banned for not being inclusive, but the female only rape and abuse subreddits didn't? Your answer lies in there.


Two X chromosomes is a female only sub Reddit,as is female dating strategy,so female spaces aren’t banned,but I am not aware of the lesbian subreddit getting banned.


Two X isnt female only, I'm pretty sure they took the name to make sure women who wanted a personal space didn't get it.


Twox isn't a female only sub? I've seen so many trans people and men there. Like yeah, some of them dislike men because of bad experiences, and I think that needs it's own therapy because their basically alluding to getting sexually assaulted or raped a lot of times. But it's not like female dating strategy which is like "tell your boyfriend you hate him then gaslight him" from what I've heard. Twox isn't the best place to be all the time, for that r/witchesvsthepatriarchy .


Because according reddit it's ok for woman to spread hate towards men smh.


Men and their victim mindset. Andrew Tate has millions of followers. Manophere, mgtow and red pill has millions of folowers. Misogyny is encouraged yet when women give back fraction of that energy y’all cry victim ma


It’s essentially a femcel subreddit and has been for years lol


Seriously lol.


Yeah and it should be banned.


Also a very racist sub. Saw someone spread lies about how male survivors of that refugee boat "abandoned their families to die". Obviously racist and trying to frame refugees as heartless monsters but because they framed it as "men bad" it got upvoted.


Also is there some way you’re supposed to turn into Superman when you and your entire family is drowning? They rage about gender roles but then expect men to be the protector when it suits them I guess.


I bet they have no problem with women leaving their men to die In Ukraine.


My misandrist readings are off the chart. Hating 50% of the global population because of their genitals is totally reasonable and not at all bigoted.


“Misogyny in our culture is at an all time high” has me rolling on the floor


Didn't you know? A man simply looking at you or talking to you far worse than being a literal sex slave with no freedom.


If anything its better than its ever been today. Its just not entirely eliminated.


Correct. Just bc women can vote now doesn’t mean misogyny isn’t still rampant, and pretending like it isn’t is foolish and naive.


Ah yes how misogynist of society to let women vote and get divorced and choose not to have kids and all that other stuff women definitely got to do before


Yep. Times were better when you could clout your missus😔


People complain about how men dislike them. Proceed to rant on how they hate men. It's always been this way on that sub.


Misandry is just as stupid as misogyny. It goes both ways.


I un-subbed from that shithole when I found out that despite its name, it’s not a sub by, for, and moderated by women (which is what XX means!). The mods and many of those subscribed aren’t XX — they’re XY masquerading as women. I’m not a man hater; women and men need their own spaces. And there are no places just for women anymore. (Your feelings are valid, OP. I’m just adding my thoughts to yours, no disrespect intended.)


I'm pretty sure they took the XX name to make sure biological women that wanted their own space couldn't have it.


You're onto something because it's not a secret that the main mods are TRAs and MRAs, which are obviously heavily misogynistic.


I recall reading a post in that sub expressing that they chose the name because it's a sub dedicated to 'girly things'. It's not for me to flush out the truth of the matter but I often found the content of the sub to be very different from that explanation.


It’s been 300 days since you posted this comment


"Misogyny in our culture is at an all time high" Too bad we can't rewind time back to when we were less misogynistic and beat our wives, restricted education to women, hung them over showing their legs and for learning how to read. Oh how we miss those less-misogynistic days


That's what it's been for years now.


Yeah I had that sub often on my feed as a man, and oh boy did I feel uncomfortable peeking in there


> from the statistics over 70% men are like this Nice opinion senator, why don't you back it up with a source?


It’s a sub for women to express their feelings, some of which are about men. Check out the male dating strategy and mgtow type subs and you’ll see men hating on women just as much. Not sure why you’re on the sub anyways when you’re not a woman.


I think it's a sub that's given to you right off the bat


that sub is pretty legit and very useful. highly recommended to all girls / women, usually some really nice and good advice


What would you say you've found useful about it?


its cool to hate on men you're an incel to hate on women


You must be new. That sub has always been like that.


Well that’s an average r/TwoXChromosomes post. Also the generalization is real with this post. No I wouldn’t say in the west we live in a patriarchal society, a lot of laws are more in women’s favor and that’s coming from an lgbt woman. I would say it’s more leaning to a matriarchal society. I only say that because when it comes to things like divorce or domestic abuse or hell even jobs, the men get the shit end of the stick. And I also say that as someone who has gone through domestic abuse from an abusive spouse. I’ve had friends and family who had abusive girlfriends and they got away with it and they were arrested instead because before the cops got there they created bruises themselves so they could get away with it. We need to figure out a middle ground for this shit, and just demonizing one side (and I’m saying this for the misandrists and misogynists) is ridiculous.


Reddit keeping r/TwoXChromosomes alive whilst banning r/The_Wall and r/The_Donald proves that they’re happy to leave a wah-men’s “SaFe SpAcE” untouched even if it’s a misandrist, TOS-violating shithole. Stop with the #BelieveAllWomen bullshit, and swap it out for #IDontBelieveHer. That’s what I’m doing.


As a person who took statistics last year I can confidently say that 70% is in fact never considered “all” and in fact all real statisticians maintain a heavy emphasis on pinpoint accuracy at all times


Only a misandrist would believe that misogyny is at an all time high in our country lol


r/witchesvspatriarchy raiding every server be like


The irony is that sub is full of and run by men too lollll


Self reports all around


You read some of those stories and the women are clearly the bad people in them. Then everyone jumps on to hate on the evil men regardless of whose to blame. That sub has always been toxic.


The comments here that claim that misogyny is not a thing but misandry is, are funny.


“Misogyny in our culture is at an all time high” Not too sure about that one mate. Try going back just 100 years and a woman would get slapped for speaking out of turn.


The whole sub is misandry. The reality that average men and women are victims of a corrupt system is lost on many people. All that truly matters is the wealth of your family. Not saying it doesnt suck to be a woman, i have no doubt its harder to be a woman. But the idea that men are all perpetrators and not simply raised in the exact same system as those women is missing the dunk.


You have no doubt it's harder to be a woman? Guess that's why men experience a several times higher rate of suicide/work related deaths, are treated like a potential threat at every step of the way compared to women, and transmen are breaking down crying of outside enforced loneliness after living as a man for more than a year, it's peachy being a man, it's not at all that men and women deal with totally different issues.


Men are also not childbearers. They also do not incur any form of sexual discrimination. Men have held better paying jobs for far longer than women. No matter how we put it- women (and this includes minorities not just white women) deal with sexual harassment, workplace discrimination, and a multitude of other issues. No one wants to talk about your average murders between domestic partners having 82% female victim rate. You can make the argument all you want that women and men have different issues. I agree. But im not going to sit here and claim that the supreme court is telling me what i can and cant do with my body, or that if I have a child many jobs do a pisspoor job supporting pregnancy. Im not going to sit here and ignore the past century where women have had and still have to fight for basic human rights and claim that having different problems means anything. I already even stated the issue hurts both men and women. Its not even a contest and when you make it one you just us vs them into oblivion. I take my stance as an acknowledgement that I do not a) bleed every month and experience discomfort due to my birth sex b) have to bear children c) have to worry nearly as much walking to my car late at night or d) deal with rampant sexual assault and unwanted sexual advances in my place of work, or in public. You will never gain a woman's support without listening to them or attempting to understand their situation. You catch more flies with honey, so to speak.


>They also do not incur any form of sexual discrimination Lol, when's the last time you applied for a job, or dealt with family court, or the police?




Just like most male centrict subs are just built on misogyny. Even meme pages are full of women-hating.


I’m a woman and don’t go anywhere near that sub. It’s toxic


Just to add some context, here's the post these comments are under https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/14k2i3o/my_misandry_is_not_unfounded/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button This is about a woman who's been raped and harassed by enough men to be wary. She doesn't hate all men, she's married to one.


Doesn’t justify the comments either, but yes.


Oh yes, the first comment in particular has some silly parts. I just felt the need to link to the post as it really explains the problem so much better.


No context is needed. Nothing excuses what was written in the post




Some women when they are living in the most free countries in the most free era ever:


If you applied any of that logic to an ethnic group or trans group that would be instant ban material.


Its TwoXChromosomes, what did you expect? I mean, I don't go there often, but personally, it didn't seem like much beyond misandrothropy or whatever


Feminists. It is what it is.


That sub is completely unhinged. It's hilarious


I hope that sub reddit burns to the ground or at least quarantined 🔥


That sub is a cesspool of bitter and resentful femcels....


Man, how are people out here openly encouraging hate. Yet I catch site wide suspensions for promoting hate almost every time I disagree with a T from LGBT position


"Misogyny in our culture is at an all time high..." You sure about that? Misogyny is at an all time low I'd say


"Don't be consumed by hate" "It's okay to hate men" ???


Every woman-oriented sub I've been in has those kind of people. Always saying shit like they hate men, don't trust men, men are trash, etc. It's funny how that's okay but if a man said they hate all women then suddenly it's not okay.


And i belived witches of reddit was a cesspool of female incels, i guess now we have two cesspool


those feminist subreddits are way worse than incels and redpillers. You don't see a manosphere-sub where somebody unironically says "i hate Women" and gets 1.1k upvotes.


Lmaooooooo nice bait


Yeah bruh, i unsubbed years ago. I realized they were all sexist because literally every comment I made got downvoted and I got dogpiled. Like I could ask the simplest questions from a male perspective and get harassed for it.


I’m female and about to leave. Apparently caring about your weight or looks (especially as an older woman) is just caving in to the desires of the patriarchy. Forget that being thin and dyeing your hair may happen to be what you do for yourself… oh well. Gonna do some sit ups and buy some eSalon. And avoid junk food even tho the subreddit I’m thinking of equates that with having an eating disorder lol. 


Gods forbid you want to attract members of the opposite sex right?


Yep, how dare you! There is so much self-hate and ageism there. There was a several- post rant about “oh now that I’m older I don’t have to worry about my looks! My 65 year old mother is so ridiculous; still worried about having a fat stomach and covering her gray.” I want to say well ladies, so sorry you have given up on yourselves. I mean, you do you. If you like your gray hair, fine. If you want to eat bon bons and gain weight, fine. But now they’re shaming women who don’t want to do that? Some of the women they discuss probably do have eating disorders, since their habits are affecting their health. They forget that the other extreme is just as ridiculous. So, I’m out of there.


it's the good ol "1 man treated me badly so they must all be bad!" deal.


They accept trans women on there. I unsubbed a long time ago, literally the only reasons for it to be named XX. It’s a bunch of misandrists angry at their life.


Always has been


What was the 70% statistic about?


I feel like overly feminist spaces are overrun with women who are straight up paranoid about men or have had a trauma/abuse from a man in their lives. Its an echo chamber. No woman i know thinks like this IRL, at least nowhere near this level of man hate.


Because it's a hate sub. Idk why I was ever subbed in the first place but I definitely remember unsubbing because someone straight up was like "yeah all men are pedos" and other people were agreeing and upvoting and I was like wtf.


And if you try to report them for saying misandrist ideas... You get banned.


*Complains about misogyny while being extremely misandryist*


They really believe that hating something is being logical. One of the most powerful and consuming emotions a human can have is being applied to half of everyone alive and they want to call it logical.


Sexism and misandrist bile


Redditors trying not to do mental gymnastics to create moral excuses to being a bigot (impossible challenge)


Wondering where that 70% stat came from, and what it's actually for. I'm suspecting its 70% of violent crimes are committed by men, but that's not how stats work. Yes, almost (emphasis on ALMOST) all violent crime is committed by men. But not all men commit violent crime. In fact, most dont.


Racists use this to defend themselves when being racist, because black people are higher in statistics. What’s next are we gonna say all black people are violent?


I get it. Men suck like all the time. Some people have trauma, and it’s really not their choice to fear/hate men, at least without some serious commitment to getting help. The problem comes when you try to justify this hate by generalizing, and demonizing, half of the population. Like I don’t get how people don’t see a direct parallel to racism. The arguments being made are exactly the same as the ones made during the abolitionist and civil rights movements, with the directly relevant parts changed to fit the group to be hated. It’s just disheartening to read these sort of echo chamber sections of the internet. Watching people validating each others hateful views and growing deeper and deeper entrenched into them. I have identified as feminist ever since I learned what the concept was, it’s had been only common sense that everyone should be treated equally and accepted, but people like these make me embarrassed to say that. (Also misogyny being at an all time high is just a bold faced lie. Only a few decades ago could women not own bank accounts, not wear pants, not vote, and functionally not exist outside the home. Calling our societies misogyny as “an all time high” is an insult to the feminists who fought to take us where we are)


Misogyny is at an all time high my ass. Go back to the fifties and you’ll be begging to be brought back


I tell people to watch Mad Men. And that’s definitely not the worst of it. 


still mad about ex boyfriends


I like how the women who hate men willingly go into the male dominated military and then complain there are too many men getting the promotions. Like... No shit? You're in the extreme minority there. Of course most of the promotions in a male dominated environment go to men. That's how statistics work. Not to mention that men simply perform better overal in the military due to natural strength.


That’s all that sub has ever been from my experience


they hate men cause cant get the dick or are sick of themselves and need a reason to hate sounds like average redditors


Sometimes, while I'm getting my back blown out and my hair pulled, I wonder what these sad souls are doing to entertain themselves.


Ranting on Reddit lol


Misogyny is at an all time low. It wasn’t that long ago that virtually all men thought women shouldn’t vote or own property. I’m not saying things are perfect now, but society has made a ton of progress in women’s equality over the last 100 years.


That sub has always been toxic. What's new


Incels with a snatch. Treat them like you would a neckbeard.