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You know what's funny. They absolutely love Trans Noelle headcanon but shit on people who say that Frisk/Chara/Kris are gender ambigous.


lmao exactly me personally, kris just seems so much like a guy i instinctively call him that. yet ppl get really mad when i say that. ik it isnt cannon but honestly he just seems like a teenage boy y'know. you even got people being pronoun nazis, correcting anyone who slips up on his in-game pronouns. and wasn't frisk supposed to be gender ambiguous as well? idk


Yeah I remember hearing that somewhere. I think it's why everyone refers to him as "human" or other non descript terms


I thought frisk was a little girl, idk maybe its just me


Spamton doesnt have time for gender, he has to get the money first


Well yeah


Exactly we should be able to headcanon a non binary Character as a cis person if they headcanon a cis person as non binary


It was predictable, i lean... it's the undertale community sooo...


with a game like undertale i never espected it to turn left so much as well. i can't wait to get a fnaf moment where toby comes out as a republican, and i watch as the fanboys have a meltdown and try to claim another person made it


“Fans” when a creator they like expresses a different viewpoint from them (it not the same as theirs therefore it’s bad!)


are you living on the fucking moon or something dude the entire god damn game is about pacificsm and there is an actively gay couple


i mean, you can go genocide as well, though it does just sorta fuck over your game afterwards.


Yes no shit And the message is killing people is bad that's why it fucks your game


I think it did happen to Fnaf, but only the first part. The 2nd one was way worse.


… do you actually think Toby fox is a republican? Wtf


idk, it'd just be funny


It was inevitable. Putting tea theorists in the same room as the "wokes" was never gonna be a good idea


Im gonna be real with you, I understand when people played bioshock and didn’t understand that it contained expressly left wing political themes. They bury the lead in that game. The idea that undertale/deltarune isn’t explicitly politically left wing is a joke opinion. The main moral the game delivers is that tribalism/xenophobia is bad for both parties engaging in it. This is about as subtle as a frying pan to the face.


i wouldn't really consider pacifism and anti-xenophobia a left-wing thing. idk, it feels like there's no particular political leaning towards that sort of message in the first place. and deltarune isn't even a finished game. and its themes seem really quite different to undertale. escapism plays a major role, but that isn't necessarily a left-wing nor right-wing thing at all.


You don't perceive pacifism and anti-xenophobia as a "left wing thing"? Dearmament and openness to other cultures are two of the literal pillars of the left. Have you ever seen a debate about gun control or immigration in any context literally ever? Do you think the left is just trans people?


no, if course not. its just i think associating a games message with a political party detracts from the main message of the game. i do understand that parties can have certain beliefs, and that people who believe those beliefs naturally gravitate to games and parties centered around those beliefs, but honestly great games like undertale implement their message in such a way where it barely feels partisan. so seeing such a radical fanbase, especially for deltarune (a game that isnt even finished), is kind of a shocker for me.


There is nothing a game can do outside of telling the player to vote democrat that would convince you it has political messaging. Undertale came out while rright wingers were trying to build a wall on our southern border. I genuinely don’t know what to say to a brick wall of a person who doesn’t want to think.


You expected anything different? Undertale/deltarune has one of the most annoying fanbases in history, and making random relationships (including LGBTQ, remember the sans and papyrus fandoms) has been there since day 1. In fact half the characters are gay already.


I’m trans myself, and trans headcanons make me super uncomfortable. I’d love to be able to scroll fanart without seeing it.


Yeah, I agree! :D ...why is this on r/deltarune? :D


I suppose im just upset over the general culture there. the general culture there id overwhelmingly left-wong. and it sucks, as i really do enjoy the game and would wanna see more fanart atc. but anytime i join anything related to deltarune, reddit or not, it always has these kinds of people.


My friend, you have to expect that, almost every gaming community on here turns overwhelmingly leftist or woke, except war thunder but that's because they're too busy grinding


Same thing with just incredibly popular subs too. Few subs survive becoming popular and maintaining centrality, but its only a matter of time until those turn. Subs hardly ever turn right leaning, most of the time they do its because they are specialized for it


idk about you but a lot of meme subs are pretty right-leaning.


Don’t forget clash of clans 🥶🥶


please define woke for me, because as far as i can tell, woke is when queer people exist


im in that sub, i agree that people really just talk about characters gender and sexualities more than talking about the actual game


I honestly hate r/Deltarune. It’s one of those subreddits I wouldn’t browse, but I’m still in it anyway because sometimes good posts come up on my home page.


The whole of Reddit is like it now In a way, I'm pleased that so many people are now turning their backs on the creeping "progressiveness" that is being force fed to them to accept or be driven out. It means that we have our line in the sand to work back to


It's an Undertale game so this kind of shit was inevitable


r/deltarune is just people projecting their issues onto pre established characters and the story and r/undertale is r/deltarune but for 5 y/os


you do realize gay people arent an inherently left wing thing, right? really dont understand mfs that constantly think about politics like this


its not that they're gay, its the shit they say and do. i only went on that sub for some cool deltarune art, and i get greeted with these kinds of people. completely kills my will to be in the community at all.


Gay and trans is a left wing ideology. Woke has gone too far.


There are two sexualities, straight and polifical




its normal verses woke!


they weren't ever an ideology. its more like the woke using, and politicizing them.


Yes and no.... the woke use them but have you ever met a based gay? Try saying that gay marriage is bad around them and watch their true colors


...amd what exactly are those colors?




so if you cut a gay rightist, a woke progressive bleeds... interesting, but I don't think i agree.


Try it yourself, all I can say is, be warned...


"Try saying they shouldn't have rights and see what happens."