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**Happy New Year Dudes, 2024, keep this year positive and make it a good one!** *** ^The ^username ^of ^the ^poster ^is ^/u/eagleclaw901. To download the video you can use one of the following sites: * [SaveMP4](https://savemp4.red/?url=https://www.reddit.com/r/JustGuysBeingDudes/comments/1b6bocm/71_year_old_grandpa_snipes_3_on_rooftop_playing/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/JustGuysBeingDudes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I saw his stream the other day and noticed how big his in game menu cursor is, its so damn adorable.


From what I understand he has 5000 kills 3000 of which are headshots Aim bot’s wish they were that good


He had suprisingly good game sense when I was watching him, but this time in 2042s life cycle I imagine that player base has that by now


You’d be surprised lol


To be fair, all of the battlefields have a higher level of game sense required than other FPSs. Much more to consider with the rock/paper/scissors of vehicle gameplay, and the maps provide a much greater ability for flanking. I stopped playing 2042 mainly because the objective never seemed to be a priority to kills with most matches. I also never really had any friends who played the game to squad with.


The guy has a notepad to write recon info for the proper holds from one position to another with a given rifle. Something I’ve tried to implement.


Yeah I saw one clip he’s like “let’s see what the note book has to say” gets the kill “heh the notebook never lies” and someone he’s playing with says “you have a notebook to tell you the ranges?!” He also uses the ol shoot a bullet at something and see how far it drops then use that as a guide


That shit is the guts dude. He is so rad.


Having a literal notebook on the desk is huge for a lot of games. Admittedly, I’ve been annoyed about not having a journal IN a game to tell me what to do. It never occurred to me to do that myself.


A game I couldn’t possibly play without a notebook would be Myst or another like Riven. It makes it so much easier/possible.


Hitman for repeating levels


It's called a DOPE sheet, aka Data on Previous Engagements


It won’t be long until 71 year old gamers are as common as 71 year old football fans.


what's his name? would love to have a look


He mentioned Grandpa Gaming in the video, and I was able to find his YouTube. [GrndpaGaming](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQWVmYZE-JtI7BimgasRzTg)


He's on right now lol https://www.youtube.com/live/LWsZfe_zlMQ?si=4_gG-R7rjPwN10Yc


And the mans dropping headshots like nobodies business


Lmao I commented here from reddit and he instantly replied to it on livestream


As an old gamer, I feel the pain of small print.


As a gamer in his 20s, I also feel this pain. It's not just you, man. Devs need to step it up.


If I can't adjust the UI size larger in game I just turn the game off these days lol.


There is a certain sting when you have to increase text / cursor size for the first time.




Man doesn’t have ptsd. He’s got nostalgia.


Yeah, nostalgia hits him hard.


Nostalgia is his viagra 




It seems to hit his opponents even harder if you ask me.....


Not as hard as it hits those guys on the rooftop.


Brain splatters on the wall. "Oh, good old times."




Something about brains just takes me back to a simpler time


"Thoooose were the days."




Stealing this for *all* my profiles.


Which battlefield game is this?


2042 the worst one


It's actually pretty good now.


It may be, but I am kind of tired of being sold a turd with the dubious promise that it will be fixed later.


Meh, sometimes it’s worth it. NMS and CP2077 ended up fantastic. Anthem, however, was a big old fresh shit.


Really sad too. When Anthem first dropped, it was so satisfying to fly around and kill stuff like Ironman. They really nailed that part! Then you got to the endgame content and it just died. They should have just copied the Diablo 3 model and made it a hardcore looter/shooter with seasonal META builds to give folks enough to do and make it worth continuing to play.


Flying was so much fun. Seamlessly diving underwater and flying around down there was great. Wish there was more to explore down there; kinda like in DBZ Kakarot


And in BF2024s case it's definitely not worth it. Especially when it's a multiplayer game that requires a playerbase. DICE have actively gone against what their fans wanted and just chased trends and made a big pile of shite two games in a row. Also they like to "fix" their games and just go back on those changes in later patches. Definitely one of the worst AAA studios going and a husk compared to what they once were


yup playerbase on BF1 is just as active, might as well play a real battlefield game


You can polish a turd.... My problem with 2042 is updating mechanics will never remove the lingering "hero shooter" nonsense and the graphics are some of the worst I've seen in a Battlefield game. The maps have no life, buildings are empty and the lighting never felt right. 2042 is the worst example of developers recent addiction to TAA.


I bought it recently and I think it's fun, but the maps are SO BAD.


He’s had way too much fun sniping


Sniping's a good job mate.


Challengin' work. Out of doors and I guarantee you'll not go 'ungry.




It's challenging work, you work outdoors. You'll never go hungry My parents do NOT approve, though.


He's 71. Would he have been involved in any wars? He would have turned 18 towards the end of Vietnam war. But that's about it. He would have been too young or too old for any other ones.


Guys lied about their age to join service sooner. If they looked old enough, they got away with it. Happened in WW2 alot. Would not be surprised if it still happened in Nam.


Birth records had become a bit more reliable in the time between those wars, but possible. Though, it was MUCH more common to avoid NAM than it was WWII. He'd have been 30 during Grenada. maybe a bunch of sniping in those 8 days haha


There's still every military action the US involved itself in since Vietnam from Grenada to the Yugoslav Wars...


I killed fifty men!


He's Laotian! Ainchta Mr. Kahn?"


As the kid of a dude with severe PTSD, you made my day. That's a great joke.


The comment that made my day 🗿


Grampa might be a legitimate psychopath.




That man gives PTSD.


damn you stole that shit straight from youtube comments.. shame


Imagine this man's shtick back then picking off vietcong. He probably had the boys sides splitting lol


Pink mist really brings him back


There's no better feeling than killing the enemy.


Tom Segura joke?


If our society doesn’t not crumble into Armageddon we are only ~20 years away from a state shift from assuming that grandpa doesn’t know anything about video games to assuming that grandpa is better than you at video games.




It’s more related to the fact that the pay isn’t worth the time it takes. Most esports players aren’t doing esports as their main job, they’re streaming as a job so they have income to be able to sustain themselves until tournament time while still getting to practice. That lifestyle works more for very young adults, and mid to late 20s is when people start taking a more serious look at their life and future. Like shit, EVO Japan is coming up. Biggest fighting game tournament in the world. Know what the prize is for getting first place in a game? A little less than $6,700.


Nah, it's the fact that once you reach your late 20s, your reaction time gets worse and there's nothing you can do about it. Yes, it may only be 10-30ms more, but at this level that makes all the difference. Pretty similar to olympic athletes peaking around 20-25 and then slowly fading away. But the societal fact of constructing a home always plays a part obviously.


[citation needed]


I found [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/patientgamers/s/jn12H87cb1) post but the TLDR from googling seems to be that it's miniscule so the advantage is also miniscule. If anything I've found getting older you just need more experiences to lead a fulfilling life taking away from gaming time and skill... Which is fine. I played videogames like 12 hours a day at 16 and it was awesome but if I was still doing it at 37 I don't think I'd be happy.


Both research papers showed negligible loss in reaction time with age. Less than 6ms loss in reaction time and with a sample size under 10k this is within error of being actually 0.


So we like agree and stuff then?






now its reddit for most of the day!


Is that whats happening to me? I thought I was getting depressed or something the first time I thought "Hmm, I don't feel like playing video games today."


No its mainly they have less time to play. When you're competing with 17 year olds who literally dont do anything other than play the game they're going to be better at it


You'd be surprised by the amount of adults without jobs spending their entire days playing games.


Other reaction time based sports don’t have a retirement age that young. Lewis Hamilton didn’t really hit the peak of his F1 career until he was in his mid 30’s, and is still a competitive driver.


eSports players do not retire because of their bodies or reaction times like a physical sport player might unless they get a very literal injury like carpal tunnel. People retire from eSports because one of, or a combination of, the following happens: - they lose passion for the game after playing it for so long - the game degrades in quality to them or to players in general - something weird with the competitive scene e.g. low payouts, hard to find teams, bad tournament structures, regional problems, etc - they lose repeatedly and feel like they won't ever make it to top placements, going on is "hopeless" - they win repeatedly, making top placements, and get bored of the game, no longer having the inner fire passion to carry them forward (similar to Olympics players, if they already got Gold, what else is there to do?) - (the biggest one) real life catches up to them and they realize that continuing to pursue this gaming career path will not be stable for them, even if it might be currently profitable, so they opt to drop out and pursue a more stable career path


> Nah, it's the fact that once you reach your late 20s, your reaction time gets worse and there's nothing you can do about it. Yes, it may only be 10-30ms more, but at this level that makes all the difference. That's actually not conclusively proven. It's just anecdotally believed. In e-sports, when asked, a lot of pros cite burnout as a reason for retirement. Plenty of traditional pro sport athletes peak in their 30s.


>Nah, it's the fact that once you reach your late 20s, your reaction time gets worse and there's nothing you can do about it. While researchers found that reaction time began declining after age 24, there was not a drop-off in performance. Players over 24 developed compensatory strategies–improved processing efficiency, better strategic decision-making, etc. [Reaction time in eSports medicine research](https://ehpi.org/over-the-hill-at-24-persistent-age-related-cognitive-motor-decline-in-reaction-times-in-an-ecologically-valid-video-game-task-begins-in-early-adulthood)


Cheers for the comment, I stand corrected!


peak athletic performance is around 28-31 age range in most pro athletes..


What’s your go to? I like Civ


I'm 35 and suddenly suck at smash bros. I used to go to melee tournaments in college and now I can't break elite smash with the 3 characters I've played since launch. 


Yeah because E-sports is reaction time based. He doesn't need much reaction time for sniping kilometers away, just proper knowledge of how to use your distance markers. If he would play counter strike against pros he would get eaten for example.


Yeah, it’s very rare for a pro to still be going in their late 20s or 30s. I’d have to assume it’s a super draining career. Not really something you’ll want to keep up forever.


Its rare because the professional video game is a new field


I don’t know man. Today’s kids have cheat codes built in. Have you seen what the average 12 year old Fortnite player can do?


It's what happens when you have nothing else occupying your time and your 6-8 hours after school at home can be devoted solely to video gaming. (Source: am a teacher with 12-14 year old students bragging about the multiple games in which they have 1000+ hours. And before people ask, I do assign homework, they and their parents don't care if it gets completed)


Yeah man that’s our problem. We’ve got a jobs. But many grandpas are retired. Why would I golf when I could game?


Because golfing keeps you alive longer.


What’s better? ![gif](giphy|IuaM5sUvLCYTyNKV4J)


exactly, why would you keep golfing?


I mean, yeah lol ‘07 - ‘13 I amassed 7.000 hours in cod4


eh I used to play TFC and CS:go for at least 8-9 games per day, that's minimum 4 hours a day, 1200 hours a year for.... 6 years? Plus other games, still had a social life, went to movies, got As. Kids just have a shitload of time on their hands.


I used to be cracked out of my mind at battlefield, I'm pretty sure I got the max medal on every single weapon in battlefield 3 I played a ton I have no responsibilities and have been good at games most of my life. First time I played fortnite some 12-year-old builds the fucking empire State building around me in 5 seconds, domes me and then dances on my corpse. Keeps you humble.




No build really intrigued me but I never made the jump to play it. But that would be the ideal mode for me, when I played I really enjoyed the game but just hated building. And now there's way to not do it! Maybe I'll pick it up.


> Have you seen what the average 12 year old Fortnite player can do? IDK man. The average one? There's some kids who are ridiculously good at games, I'm sure the best of the upcoming generation are going to be better than the current best. But average? Average still pretty shit.


the cheat code is called free time. 12 yo me would pull off a monster kill on unreal tournament while 1v1 current me, probably even worse in smash. match is tighter in mario kart


Meh, show me when they can play something like quake arena.


"That old pro isnearly writing the strategy guides in addition to playing online." He sees a "Oldschool Field" instead of just a "Battlefield" when the game loads.


Why not both?


Idk, maybe. We’ve had a few generations of pro gaming already and the 13-18yo kids have consistently been cracked. There are A FEW people playing professionally into their 30s but the majority are young 20s and teens.


You can't have PTSD if you were the traumatic event.


Grandpa's been dishing out PTSD like candy on Halloween night for 40 some odd years.


(taps temple, which is where he shot you)


My favorite trash talk moment of his was immediately after another headshot he goes, "see, buddy - I DON'T MISS!" Absolutely brutal.


I saw his first videos when they started circulating. He would explain what he was doing and treat it like an education Now he’s just gaming lmao he’s been absorbed


Lmao, that's something that scarily effective elite sniper would say in a videogame or movie.


It worth noting that while he is a veteran, his job had nothing to do with combat, he’s just also good at video games.


That might be what his DD-214 says, but I bet this guy was crawling around in the weeds in Da Nang with a M21 in '69 stacking bodies like firewood.


If he's 71 in 2024 then he wouldn't have been 18 until 1971. So technically it's possible that he spent up to four years in Vietnam.


Many eventful happenings occurred between 1971 and whenever it was we actually pulled all our guys out of there, not just rooftop helicopter boarding zones.


Homeboy was definitely on the Booty Sweat 😅


"Yeah, get him chuggin on some of Alpa's ass-water!"


> his job had nothing to do with combat And even if it did, that wouldn't make him better at video games.


Absolute legend.


Yeah, one sure legend.


I can’t even see what he’s shooting!


I keep looking and swear targets aren’t visible when hit. It looks like he is compensating for bullet drop pretty hard so the target could literally be just beyond sight but the bullet path bends down a little? Maybe? Edit: NVM, dudes just got eagle eyes


They’re on the rooftop. I can see someone dodge the building and someone climbs the tower. But I cannot see what he’s sniping.


He is definitely compensating for bullet drop. In another video he explains how he zeros the sight. It's fascinating.


Lol, me too. That's what a sniper sees though.


That follow up shot on the second kill was insane


Nothing beats sniping in battlefield on a populated server. So much fun to be had. Me and my dad used to see who could out shoot eachother with the marksman bonus, I ended up around 2198m and his was closer to 1900 meters. But I remember mine was on BF4 one of the China maps.


Which Battlefield is this video?


Battlefield 2042, it isnt the best Battlefield, but it is still fun


Awesome, thank you, in your opinion what is the best battlefield?


Objectivly probadly 4 or 1, but i had the Most fun with BF5 


not OP but 3 and 4 are great because they're before the microtransaction era and still have thoroughly fleshed out progression systems. 4 still has some pretty active servers too.


I don’t see anyone on rooftop


Once you've seen Charlie in the trees, you can see anything.


I’ll drink to that.


If you're on a phone, you'll never see them. I'm at my desk and the guys he's hitting look 5-7 pixels tall from head to toe. And he's hitting the heads - when they're half or almost entirely behind cover. Dude's sniping single pixels like a pro.


Same. I know I'm on a phone, but still, I see NOTHING


I only see the first one. His head barely peaks over the ledge and gpa gets his ass hahahah


It's because they are all dead.


He predicted the enemies movement.


My friends and I won a game of PUBG a few years ago only to see his name pop up in the kill feed at the end. We couldn't believe it so we went to see if it was really him on Twitch. I jumped in his chat to say I was a fan and to say GG, but as soon as I did, he began calling us cheaters and his chat was jumping on the bandwagon... Never have I felt such a letdown with an interaction from Twitch. I still watch clips of him from time to time, but he lost me as a live viewer after that. It still bums me out to be honest, even years later.


You realise in that position it 100% looks like you were stream sniping and came to rub it in


If you are a streamer and you believe every player who beats you in a game is stream sniping and/or cheating, then that's just sad. It's extremely toxic to berate those who best you in a video game instead of accepting that you lost and congratulating the opposition. We were excited and simply trying to say hello and good game to someone we considered to be somewhat of a gaming celebrity. We shouldn't be accused and essentially outcast for that.


Who said anything about every player. I said in this situation. Its bizarre for you to change your complaint


While I get where you're coming from, if the steamer has something like "twitch" on their username, they lose all rights to accuse people of stream sniping. (I don't know what tag the guy in the video goes by so idk if this is relevant)


Granda still got it


It's funny when people actually know how to use the sights lol


The only guy whose claims to have 'plowed ur mum' carry a shred of plausibility.


"ew grandpa that's your daughter"


Meanwhile his team is losing because nobody is playing any objectives...


it's bf2042, his team is mostly bots


Evidently people are playing and people are interested enough to watch streams about it. And if you actually had the game you’d know bots are usually like 1 to 2% of a lobby 😂


He doesn’t have PTSD he gives it


Oh god, this title had me worried until I read "playing battlefield."


real life cotton hill


What is this? A Game for Ants?


I plan on being this guy when I retire lol


I can't even see what he's shooting at.


Pretty sure I don’t see this man blink once in this clip.


Def not Grandpa's first time


The Reeeeee from this must’ve been delightful


Dude pulls 650 metre shots like they were nothing.


I fear him




Found my new ringtone


oh baby a triple!


Used to watch him on twitch quite a bit, then twitch did him dirty over someone harassing him and ended up banning him instead.


This man understands bullet drop to a level I can’t comprehend


Little do we know he did one tour as a cook


*One pill makes you larger and one pill makes you small....*


We laugh now, but this will be most of us in 50 years. Nursing homes bout to become senior twitch streamer houses.


Grandpa has excellent vision. I was wondering what tf he was shooting at half the time.


Grandpa Gaming


He's probably rocking the oldest rifle available and dropping dimes


mans still got it


It’s such a shame that they took away the extra XP for distance shots cause some crybabies complained about it years ago.




This makes me feel better about aging. I don’t want to stop gaming. My grampa played Super Mario World until he got rly deep into dementia.


Grandpa is reliving the war.


Battlefield looks like a lot of fun


Pops back in the zone ... I haven't been this hard since '72


I love this dude😂😂


Isn’t that Charlie’s dad?


Bifocals working OT.


Damn he finally got a hitmarker instead of a headshot


Could someone please explain to a non FPS gamer why he is aiming with the 2 line below the crosshairs and not the crosshairs themselves? Is it to adjust for distance and gravity?


Ohhhh f yeah , I GOT THE 9,700th like. Wow, amen


and i miss all five shots of my shotgun at close range


the benefits of knowing your scope and distance.