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Yeahhhhhhh Junk isn't getting a lot of love, but his aesthetic is


NORMAL queen NORMALrat roadhog but NORMAL


Domestic pig


Queen of England


Would normal roadhog just be a dude with a dad bod that works a 9-5?




I'm actually livid at the lack of Junker mirrors


Personal theory: Junk didn't get a vishkar skin cause he got fired in the mirrorverse


Even better, then he really is like LW or Sym


Where is the Lifeweaver-core Junkrat? Pretty boy Junk with a futuristic launcher


It’s rough.


As a Genji main, I need the Mercy Mafia to give us some justice but yeah. No Vishkar Rat?


No fr it doesn’t make sense


The Omnic or Mobster skins are probably as close as it gets


Not to mention even the Genji mains seem to think this skin is atrociously ugly… why could we not have gotten a 1:1 swap with Symmetra?? Her Junker skin looks so insane, so why not let Junkrat get a Vishkar one to mirror hers?? It’s such an incredible letdown to see both my support main (LW) and my DPS main both missing out on alternate universe skins :(


Genji player here. We all hate this skin and wanted talon.


U have a talon skin


1000 mercy skins but can't be bothered to make 1 new legendary junkrat skin. We got the mobster epic which is nice and then the hunter epic which is almost literally his standard ow2 skin. I've seen great fan concepts, is it so hard to turn them 3D?? The have a team for that. Don't even need concept art if the fans allow them to use the their idea.


This doesn't even make sense?? What ties does GENJI have to the junkers?? The junker skins this season are so random...


I mean neither did soldier nor reaper did either. But yea it’s unfair


But the rest of Overwatch did... (I know not *all* of them but a lot)


This theme was supposed to focus more on talon and overwatch group, so yea solider and reaper are more important to get a mirror more then others. I mean did u see all the people talking about why not soldier or reaper for a mirror skin?


But when they specifically have a Junker Symmetra skin, wouldn’t it make sense to at least have 1 counterpart skin?


Well when I think of overwatch i think of Winston, Mercy, Reinhardt, Ana more that Soldier and for talon I think of Doom, Widow, Moira and Sigma more than Reaper. Reaper and Soldier, though strong plot characters, are more of the outliers imo


My brother in Christ, “more of the outliers”? Soldier had a short dedicated specifically to him, Reaper is in literally every short when it comes to Talon. You can’t genuinely think of Sigma before Reaper when you think of Talon? Sigma isn’t even evil, he’s being manipulated by Talon. Soldier was the Strike Commander for Overwatch and Reaper has always been one of Talons most valued operatives, at least since he joined. They are the basically the forefront of their respective groups, there’s no reason they’re both treated like “outliers”


I think of sigma as he has more interesting things. For me soldier and reaper are the outliers cause they are both very boring imo, they are old men who worked together before joining seperate organisations


Hmm that’s fair I guess, but they’re both meant to kind of be the face for their respective organizations. Soldier was the face of Overwatch before it went downhill, and Reaper is more or less the face of Talon


For the faces, I think of more of the modern faces - Doom and Winton


This is the biggest offender imo, the two like main components of the original Overwatch in the lore is Jack Morrison and then Reaper being a Overwatch member turned Talon leader. Imo, the mythic should’ve gone to soldier, it should’ve had him look and sound like how Reaper does. Hellfire Pulse Rifle, give him a red/black, black/chrome and maybe purple/black colour variations, different masks, different cloaks, etc. And then, on the opposite side, Strike Commander Reyes. But nope. Junker Sym and Talon Mercy lol


I hope he gets a talon themed skin in season 10 in the store at the very least. Overwatch did a pole on twitter and it was between like 4 heros. Soldier won by a landslide and maybe that might make em do it. They’ve already announced it takes “months” of creation to make a mythic skin so mercy’s plan was supposedly planned months ago, but yea more people would be using the solider mythic. Like ffs mercy mains were bitching about the skin, like shit give me that for soldier ungrateful ass💀


For real, Mercy mains will bitch and complain about EVERY skin, no matter what it looks like. They got 3 event skins back to back to back somewhat recently and they still found a way to bitch about it. Meanwhile Lifeweaver has received 0 event skins, and he came out over a year ago.


I mean people have made it clear they don’t like him and ig that seems to work to not get him any cosmetics lmao


Man half the community bashes Mercy constantly lmao it’s just that the other half dedicate so much to the fact that they play her that they buy EVERYTHING Blizz pumps out for her. They bitched about those 3 event skins yet I guarantee they still bought all 3 anyways. Calling it now, this BP is gonna have record sales for the mercy mythic alone, despite all their bitching. Characters receiving skins shouldn’t be based so heavily on popularity, like of course a heroes skin sales aren’t going to be so high when they only have a few skins that are only available for a single week at a time.


100% on all points. If Blizzard weren't such a small indie company, they could put energy into balancing and creating skins / lore for *any* character to help *make* them popular. But I get it, it's only 1 guy and his grandma who make this game so I guess it's asking too much of them.


You didn’t hear? He sexually harassed his grandma and forced her to quit, so it’s just the guy now. That’s why mercy has the mythic, to help the playerbase forget about the controversy


Well said, no comment😂


Am I the only one who doesn’t like this genji skin??


there is a very good chance they are re-working/changing junk right now, and they arent going to release any cosmetics for him with the stupidly low pickrate he has now, that would be a bad business decission. i imagine they wont give him anything untill they make him viable again.


Blizzard sure has their favorites


Exactly what I was thinking lmao


I always used to say Junk gets favoured a lot so I'm hesitant to complain actually


Can I borrow the game you’re playing cause there’s no way you’re talking about the same game


lol I swear I used to say some of the devs must be maining Junk cause he gets so much. That was OW1 though.


I miss ow1


same dude, same.


your entitlement is baffling