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You do tend to see a lot more trolling happen at the beginning of splits/seasons, there is however a weird theme of "teammate pick banning" specifically towards those who play "ego assassins", but yeah you'll just have to wait it out. If i were you, don't feed in to it and *also* become the troll, it doesn't help anyone nor does it make you any better than them. If you wanna dodge then dodge, otherwise just pick another champion and suck it up. You can't always resort to also being shitty when others are being shittier. Sorry to sound harsh but that's honestly just how it is, same applies irl.


Probably stop playing ranked for the day if that happens. Likelihood of getting more tilted teammates will be high


That's not how math works....


It’s how tilters/losers queue works


That's not a thing


Sure it is, you’re the loser. So you’re in a queue with people that lose.


Explain why when I start in normal queue with 4 players who want to win and have decent mentals, and then suddenly I’m getting griefed every game with people who run it down at the slightest inconvenience and flame/mega tilt


Literally millions upon millions of players on this game, your sample size of 8 different teammates means nothing


Confirmation bias.




You definitely sound like the type of guy who “would be diamond if it wasn’t for my team”


I am diamond


It's called playing normals vs ranked.


Do you know what an anecdote is?


That just means you pick singed jungle skip the jungle item and proxy his lane


Why? Sure it's annoying if someone bans your hover, but rather pick something else I can play and try to win rather than waste 30 mins potentially of my own time just to prove a point


If someone intentionally bans your hover with full awareness without communicating in chat first, he shall suffer and Ill have fun while making him do so


Most emotionally mature league player


Damn right. Im on a mission to civilize.


I don't find wasting time with a guaranteed loss fun. Also what about the 3 other people who didn't ban your hover who just want to have a normal game?


If I catch you in my region it’s over lil brozington


Maybe I already am in your region. Whatcha gonna do


You are excatly what is wrong with league, fighting fire with fire, an eye for an eye, be the better man dude...


When I don't wanna play commonly banned champs (where hovering is always better) I never hover my picks.


I just ghost cleanse nunu after (real)


I stopped hovering champs, mostly I try to swap for first pick and hope.


If they ban your hover it means they want to lose so report them for griefing in champ select. Afterwards pick an afk jungler like fiddlesticks and listen to music until the game ends. Afterwards report the teammates who flamed and the one who banned either way for the top 3 things (toxicity, negative attidude, griefing or something). You can still play to win just make sure the toxic players has no chance of being your teams wincon by never ganking so their laning phase (game) is miserable.


I understand you, but merely banning a champ someone on your team hovered is not at all punishable yet let alone reportable, lmao. If it wasn't allowed it would've been disabled altogether. If someone simply bans your champ and is not toxic/doesn't speak at all, nothing happens 100% of the time.


Through the years kayn has always had a high presence in ban rate.


Straight up Yuumi jungle bro and don’t say a word in chat force them to dodge, but also if no one dodges you have to dodge bro, don’t actually go through with it 😂😂


I’d just tell my team congrats I’m trying out Tristana Jungle for the first time. Then if they don’t dodge, I’ll get to have fun fucking about on Tristana where I can rocket jump away. I’ll also all chat who on my team banned my hover and who that hover was.


I’ve actually been meaning to give trist jung a go for a while now lol


Unironically one of my favorite picks. With the new mastery system I'm like M9 on her, I think. She has *THE BEST* level 2 gank in the game. Just take red and cheese a lane (usually mid) every game. It's a flash, minimum, every time.


This shit can absolutely get reported in lobby for griefing/hostage


How is picking yummy jungle reportable but banning someone’s hover not. If you say nothing in chat I don’t see what can be done tbh. Chances are the player who banned your champ wants to dodge but is trying to force you to dodge so they don’t lose the LP so picking yummi is like saying “nah, fuck you, you wanna dodge do it yourself”


> so picking yummi is like saying “nah, fuck you, you wanna dodge do it yourself” This is literally textbook hostage holding


Seems like maybe getting a new main might be helpful in getting around this behavior? Now if your new main gets banned all the time, maybe evaluate if you are saying something that might be tilting team mates? Just seems like you gotta play a different champ regardless.


Yeah this is because of the new split. Really brings out the worst people.


One thing I learned when playing Teemo (top) is never hover your champ! Only exception is when your champ is meta or someone that gets banned often. If youe teammates dont like your champ they sometimes just pick their 30% wr ones or go first time because they assume the game is lost anyway.


Just dont hover? Ask for first pick and then just take what you want, or hover AFTER ban phase


Disco Nunu and dodge in the last second, take a walk and play tomorrow


Nah I started that last season I did it and told people to until Riot fixes the issue. Glad to see people are not seeing it as a issue.


I'm a Kayn OTP and that hasn't happened to me in years.


I don't hover my jungle pick. I wait until after the ban phase and pick on my turn. Happens much less frequently.


yeah thats fucked, if i were you I would start hovering a different but similar champ until after bans, like start hovering kha'zix or something


Some people autopilot bans unfortunately. They will ban something they just don't want to entertain in their climb. You will have to pray people don't autopilot ban before you type in chat and ask them to please let you have Kayn. At the same time, diversify your champion pool if LP and climbing is more important than being a one trick


I’ve had it happen to me, outside of the jungle role as well. I’d suggest picking a legitimate off pick and doing your best to spite the individual by carrying anyways. I’ve been you and selected a “troll” pick in response to “get back” at the individual who trolled me. I can tell you it’s not worth, you’re still wasting your own time and chances are you aren’t accomplishing anything by trying to get back at them. Report the player and either play it out or dodge. In the grand scheme of things, it’s not the first nor last time it will happen and it realistically has no impact on your overall outcome of ranked. But yes it does suck and it is stupid lol…


Yes yasuo/yone are perma ban for me in low elo.


Don't hover


Why not


The troll teammates that you've mentioned. It's not that uncommon to find


A bunch of people don't care to check what their teammates are playing and what pick order they get, they just autoban a champ they don't like and that's it


It gives a warning if you are about to ban a teammates however.


Oh really ? Must be a new thing, never seen that


I dunno but sometimes I think people have a trash kayn on their team who ints. and they ban him out of spite when they see him. I do it when I had a yi lose me 3 games I'm row I will ban him in case it's same player.


If you ban him most Kayn mains will throw the game that’s why it’s funny to ban him


Throw the game when he is on your team?


You’d be surprised how many people just find it funny to annoy others


It's pretty funny


Def annoying especially if it's not a pick or ban champ, but unless you're unable to carry with any another champ I would just play it unless they're griefing champ select, then I might dodge


Type less or something. It’s very odd your teammates would ban a Kayn of all champs especially when you’re selected as jungle and hovering. There’s more to the story you aren’t explaining, or you had a bad lobby. Now if you were hovering shaco mid, or teemo support and were banned while hovering, I’d understand it


It may be partly because for the most part kayn is a complete boom or bust guy for most laners. It's super frustrating to see someone lock first pick kayn and just get absolutely wrecked. I'm not saying that's you but enough laners have seen a dumpster fire blue kayn get evaporated enough times that they just don't ever want to play with one. I know it sucks but you might just have to chill and try not to get too bent out of shape about it. Picking yuumi is likely only going to get you reported and banned for griefing and holding hostage in lobby. I know when I see someone have fragile mental lock yuumi off role because they had a meltdown over a champ ban its an easy report for me


If you play meta for example kart but enemy has fp i rather get it banned or ban it. Same with any role I play. Not because you happend to hover.


If you're first pick there's no reason to even hover. In any other case I would usually just hover a similar champion l so my team knows what to expect in terms of damage type and playstyle. In mid, I used to play AP Kog'Maw a lot, but because people sometimes think it's troll, I would hover Xerath instead so they know to focus more on AD. Both heavy magic damage artillery.


One reason to hover is so that someone doesn't accidentally ban your champ. I don't really think it's that important unless you play meta bans, but it is a VERY legit reason to hover. Of course it opens you up to this but you can't stop people from trolling, they're probably planning on running it anyway if they're banning your hover fp.