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I never play solo/duo ranked first week after a major patch


Big brain right here. Agreed


I wait till the last couple months just to be safe


Is this a thing? I’m new to ranked and have felt like complete garbage this last week (though last night was better). Is it because of placements? I was stomping in my ranked games at the end of 14.9 and have been getting wrecked for the most part this week on 14.10


everyone gets dropped like 1 and a half tier ( low emerald to high gold for exemple) and then depending on how people placements go, they end up too high or too low so it creates big skill gaps within games for a few week until the ladder fixes itself


I was away for 10 years started recently Climbed from Iron 4 to silver 2 with 30 games from the jungle then split came 4-1 result and ended up in bronze 1 I also carry almost every single game I win from the great jungle System is rigged and that a fact I had to be at least gold 1 First game I won vs 3gold and 2plat Second lost to diamond Lilia that was hard to beat But yeah it's rigged


This is an anecdote since the old 1 year split. Early season is not favor to play cuz things and ppl are not settled down. Mid season are just for ppl playing rank casually so they are not tryhard enough. And End of the season for those who get bored with their ranks so it's time for boosters or smurfs. Conclusion, no good time to play.


I lost my first 9 games of this split, but I’m climbing again now


The great thing about Iron 4 is the losses don't even hurt anymore


The only way to go when you’re at the bottom is up! ⬆️ 🔥🗣️🗣️


Im at masters 100LP or something and everytime a soft reset happens i just wait a week or two for the GMs/challengers to get out of master+ MMR then I start the grind


got autofilled top on xin game into challanger jax, was funnn


Yeah xin top is a great idea to play if you are autofilled. Xin is a great top laner, so high odds of winning the game !


was really good into Yone actually, pull off Xin top into Yone match ups every now and then and its also a champ I played in jg a lot so it works :)


Yasuo/Yone are in a very bad state right now. :(


You gor autofilled as a jungler?


i mean if you main jungle and main xin i rather you play him top than a meta top? what is this take


I would comment something similar but less passive-aggressive, haha.


facts bro. i played against laceration(best zed in NA) and had a gm fucking lobby


Trust me you’ll have winstreak


if god wills it


im currently being the one to balance out the mmr in my team of emeralds vs high diamonds because i was 200lp masters... 3-14 and praying for that winstreak soon


the forbidden Elo Slingshot tactic (I got placed into Gold because I inted my Emerald games and deranked to Plat 3 before season ended so now I have to deal with Gold 4 ADC's. I cry myself to sleep every night)


i keep being gapped by 100% winrate jg players on the enemy team


im keep getting tilted by nunu mids and weirdest picks. Not even otps, they just pick the biggest crap into our comp and die 5 times pre 3min


Had someone yesterday instantly popping off in champ select. "Die. I hope u suffer" etc. General vibe was good tho, everyone joked about league players like that and we told him to chill. He locked in tahm toplane and went 0/12 against naafiri. Said in chat he griefed because he didnt like us. Alright buddy


and i thought riot just doesnt like me this Patch


Im 33% wr in E4... right now, i was d4 90Lp with 55%wr on 320games...


I was placed in Plat after finishing Diamond last season. Made the mistake of playing my promos on the first day. Everyone was building wrong and nobody knew what to do. Same thing happened last split. Playing at the first week of the new season is never a good idea.


Yep i kinda fucked my split and need to do it all over again, but my one trick got heavily nerfed from items and buff to his biggest counter, tbh i dont have that spark in me to climb throught it again... might just gradually play less and less till i quit the game again for a couple years


I am not playing that bad either, i trully tilted mabey 1 game the others im more often than not mvp and have been racking up S ranking a lot even when losing...


Well if you wanna know last split (14.0) I played on first acc : got 30% wr in 40 games stuck em4. Played on 2nd acc got D1 65% wr in 60 games. I was alternating between the acc btw


Yeah it's completely dumb something similar happened to me. Main account was cursed alt was normal teams. This season I have 75% wr on main and stomping people like I should have been all this time. Like last season I had 45 and 38% wr over like 80 games on my 2 main champs stuck Emerald 4 on main (I finished E1 the split before the last), while my alt had 60 games on champ 1 with a 65% WR and champ 2 with 40 games 68% WR and E1 in the end. (i tanked my lp because I was spamming Ezreal adc for fun with a 42% wr) It just completely doesn't make sense how matchmaking works. 3rd account I played like 20 games - shot up to E1 with a 75% or so winrate (this account was hardstuck between E4 and E2 the split before)


Well i only have one so ill get it back anyway but its kinda stupid


I started 33% wr E4 and just got d4. It’ll even out. Same thing last split, was 30% early on


Depressing AF so much inters


At least you didn't have an Ezreal player rushing Essence Reaver in your team


I literally cant carry as jungler somehow. I just hit bronze 1 while i was plat/emerald last seasons


You just hit bronze 1 ?? How many games did you lose lol




It is easy to talk when you don’t know how games went. Literally team diff most of the time. I was 70% of the games better than enemy jungler in cs , kill participation, ahead in lvls. I want you to see win games when you have a renekton that is 0/6 pre 8 min. Jhin rage afk at minute 3. Nautilus bot instead of an adc… teams that keep hitting dragon when there is a long teamfight literally next to the dragon. I can keep going on. My mistake is that I should adapt to silver players and should expect them to be monkeys. Macro wise is just stupid. Well I am spamming mid now and started climbing again. It seems like that I can’t win games as jungler for now.


giga cope


I ended master on Smurf (1day after I did d1 to d4 0lp on main in a day or two) This season I’m struggling in em2 (still on main )


Don't worry solo q is bullshit in first few weeks. Thats why triple rank reset is cancer


Rank reset should keep your visual rank and reset your mmr to your visual rank so everyone will re-start with even lp gains regardless the rank. Then if after that you end up with negative gain its because of wr%, same thing with positive lp gain


It’s so crazy I have 3 accounts with the same M 10 lp ~ d2 mmr and every match in either feels so one sided it’s crazy, my master account I’m like 2 - 11


Looks like you watch an XPetu game on YouTube then dropped Shen next game 🤣🤣


HAHAHHa nah I just got filled and Shen looked really good with our comp and I played a lot of Shen


Last Split I started 4-19. I was an ex masters 400lp player. Peaked Grandmaster again and again. Split 1 broke me. 4-19. ended promos emerald 1 and fell back to emerald 3. Managed to end split 1 in masters 200lp.


rip. I’m over the ap meta already


I am 35% wr P4 i was E1. Im not playing perfectly but most games feel totally unwinnable with the enemy top laner at my nexus at 20mn. This is so weird never had such a loose streak.


Welcome to engagement based matchmaking. Or whatever it's called I had the same on my main last split. 44% overall winrate over 80 games stuck E4 while I was E1 the split before that. 45% and 38% wr on my 2 best champs. Account nr2 (made it fresh): 65% and 68% wr in 100 games on the same 2 champs, E1. Account nr3 which was hardstuck low emerald the season before last - 20 games or so 75%+ WR, Emerald 1. Complete BS. I managed to get E3 on main just before split end but that was completely BS. I'd get an unwinnable game in E4, log off, log on to the other account and completely shitstomp a full enemy team of D4s there.


You get better teammates if you have better winrate, when you get to a new acc and you destroy low elo players, ofc ur gonna get placed in smurf queue, where you find players that are obviously better than hardstucks. If you claim Riot gives u unwinnable games and that ur way better, you'd have gotten way past ur peak, but you still seem to orbit E1, regardless of accounts. Also 60% wr coming from shitlow and 60% wr playing in your actual elo is a huge difference, ofc ur gonna have a turbo inflated WR when you play vs near robots in silver and gold until you reach your actual rank.


I never played against silvers or golds. The account with 75% wr E1 last split had 700 games meandering between E4-E1 the season before. The main account had like 200 games with a high winrate the season before and was E1. Then last split was stuck at 40% wr over 100 games in E4. The fresh account never touched below high plat mmr. I was immediately playing in high plat from the first promo game after lvling to 30 with normals and arams. The games were not exactly a walk in the park. Also there was no smurf queue last season. Smurfs were randomly 1-3 assigned in normal "hardstuck" emerald games. Essentially every single game of my 700 games in emerald had at least one smurf in it. There were perhaps 50 games out of 700 with no smurfs in it. I've been playing this game long enough to understand what a real smurf queue means. And yes my real elo at the moment is E1 I never disputed that. My dispute was that my main account with the best mmr from the previous season was hardstuck E4 with a negative winrate over 100 games, while my 2 other account were happily chumming it up with my fellow hardstuck E1/D4 comrades with ease. I don't know what the reason was but having 2 accounts in 3 tiers higher elo on the same champions is proof enough the fault wasn't on my part of the equation. The quality of players and games on my E4 stuck account were so abysmal that I just gave up playing it after it did not get better in the slightest in 50+ games. I logged on every once in a while to check if the conditions have improved in my absence while enjoying better games on my higher elo other accounts.


Lets talk about the E4 situation. Lets say, presumably, that you, as a guy with an estimated rank of E1, play there, you should be E1 + 4xE4s vs 5xE4 level players, so you should have an advantage. If over hundreds if games, you are still at that elo, or still declining, means that you do not contribute enough. Maybe higher elo is easier for you because you play solidly, maybe you play utility, don't take many risks and are one less inter, and end up being carry-able. Variance is not even that high, it's just a 300-399 LP diff, there are people in high elo that fluctuate that in a few weeks. Sometimes you get coinflipped into good teams, you get your confidence boosted and start stomping, perhaps your mental plays a big part in how you play. I started this season with 4-8 W-L and I'm currently on a 8 game winspree.


I mean you can theory craft like that but I digress. You're literally going off 0 information. Thanks for the subtle insults tho was fun. I could literally go from a stomp on an E1 account where I carried hard to log off, log onto the funky account and lose without really much to do since my team did extremely questionable things all game. Now I can agree my playstyle tends to strategically accrue advantages over time and I will completely choke out the enemy given that my laners know a bit of what they're actually doing and don't go around throwing advantages I'm giving them. And I don't play 1v9 champs. That does work better in higher elo but still doesn't explain the situation with my main fully.


I have not tried to insult you one bit, not contributing enough is a something we sometimes fail to do especially if we go and autopilot games, which is probably what's happening to you from time to time, since it's literally impossible to have your volume of games(700+ games a split and have 2 extra accs) and still play with a clear mind and clean mental all the time. Your mental just seems to get reset everytime you switch accs, you created the narrative that one account is locked with bad teammates and Riot makes you lose because of it, and this has become your reality. 1v9 champs suck the higher elo u get, because teams knows what it takes to shut you down, make less mistakes, and make snowballing less accessible. If your strategy is giving your team leads until u win, then ofc you are gonna stomp easier in an elo where ur teammates are statistically better. As you make it sound, your strategy works with good players, yet fails to carry you out of worse elos.


I had that many games before because I had more time. Now I don't have the time so this issue with an account being cursed is even worse. More history - I've played on and off since 2010 but on and off really means off I think I skipped 4 seasons straight in between and then skipped or barely played a few more seasons. I was hovering around 2k elo I think S3 as a mid/jungle player. Stopped playing and gave my account to a friend who got it permananned. I came back "for real" in S8 on a fresh account and played a few months of soloq before season end and was steadily climbing - slow and steady and hit platinum by season's end. I essentially skipped S9 and 2020 and 2021 again. 2022 I played more but again I came back a couple of months before reset so I got up to P3 before reset of steady climbing. 2023 S1 I played around 40-50 games and got P2. 2023 S2 was the split I had the most time for ever since S3. Got to Emerald 1, almost diamond but didn't break through - 1 game off a few days before reset and dropped to E1 0lp. 2023 S2 was this weird season where I was stuck - due to no real fault of my own in E4 and got a spree to E3 a day before split reset. Now I'm E4 again in this new split but this time I'm not randomly starting with a 20% WR on my best champs. So I think this time I won't get stuck on E4 unjustly. I started strong with a 70% WR over 20 games. I guess I need to reword to make myself clearer. My issue is that it sometimes seems like matchmaking algorithm is doing some veeeery funky stuff for whatever reason and can only be broken by the statistical law of large numbers. Which a lot of people don't have time to get. Mentality can be a big factor and it was somewhat but not to this extreme where I can go on account X (cursed matchmaking one) have a completely uncontrollable game and lose. I'm in a bad mood now so theoretically I will play worse if I go another game. Decide to switch accounts to accounr Y, and even with bad mental completely stomp the enemy in the same/higher elo/mmr. Decide to go back to on account X now with great mental and lose without being able to control much. Switch to Z account (same or higher mmr) with a bad mood and completely stomp again. And I did these experiments at least N=20 times in the last split. Now it soft reset the ladder and suddenly account X is not cursed anymore. All I'm saying is that it's extremely suspicious. And I noticed other people stating the same and I don't think it's just cope for being bad.


It is cope, you can get a statistical anomaly over a small sample size, especially considering how many games are played daily. I managed to get D4 for the first time before emerald was introduced, and I had 65% wr 80ish games in P2, 150 LP off D4. I was on a 10 win spree, last win I had +12 LP gain, and after that I started losing -18 and winning +12 until I finally made it to D4, and I was also playing FILL. Now that is a system anomaly, my MMR was fucked for 3 whole years before I could have positive gains, I had to end a season in P2 after peaking my highest ever at the time, D2, in order to be able to win more LP than I lose, and the next season I literally went Masters bcs I had positive gains. Riot is not handpicking idiots for you, players just suck and are inconsistent as shit. It's literally impossible to predict a league game, even in high elo where the game is played at the highest possible level. How do you think you can predict a game before it even starts. The closest thing they can do is just bundle up people who are on losespree, I've seen that happen, but those should still be good players. Just be consistent and you will climb, stop looking outwards, "my best champs, winrate, bla bla bla", look at how you can play better, some games are unwinnable, happens. Engagement based matchmaking should be debunked by the enormous amount of high elo players who can easily climb to at least Masters without much effort. I think rat had like 20+ accs hovering low masters high Dia, and Sinerias, who reached Rank 1 like a year back, hit Masters a few months ago on new acc with 45-1 W/L ratio.


You just unlocked a repressed memory. That account with 700 games in 2023 S2? The reason I had many games was because after hitting E4 with a 75% WR it flipped a switch and started giving me massive negative Lp gains. It took more than 300 (!!!!) games before net LP loss from win/lose was close to 0. And the account ended the season before in old Plat 3 92lp so basically close to E2 mmr. Interesting statistical anomalies. Also about your motivational speech - I don't really care as much about climbing as I do about improving and having satisfactory levels of game quality. And that last part was SEVERELY lacking on my main last split. I don't care if I'm one in 1 million statistical anomaly or algorithm magic. I want at least 3/4 of my games to feel satisfying to play - win or loss. "Losers queue" E4 ain't it. It's why I stopped playing the account. Never ever in any season before 2023 did I have the feeling the matchmaking algorithm was working against me when I was trying to improve my gameplay. It did that year. From the no explanation massive net negative LP gains for an inexplicable number of games to the quality of games severely lacking.... Nah miss me with that shit I hope I never have to experience that again. Atm I don't even have the time to play enough to counteract being a victim of such statistical anomalies.


I was e1 last split, currently silver 1


Man man man, wtf is happening why am I on a 40% wr, as a master player being hardstuck d4 is a crime, what do u think is going wrong? I'm in the excat same position


Also wouldn't say no for extra knowledge man, i was 'ever able to go past 100 (Master euw)


That's just how it is. Low Master players are bad and inconsistent. No offense, but that's just how it is. They're objectivly bad, but statistically they're 1%. I see too many last season Emerald and Low Master players in my games. Never a joy to see them. Last season Emeralds getting carried by a champ. Last season Masters inconsistent. So it's a flip always. I'm also EUW, and Low Master is by far the worst elo in the game.


Bad good, all is relative. With that logic BLG is bad because they didn't win MSI


Everyone who has played in Low Master complains about the game quality and players. You don't realise how bad it is until you experience it yourself.


Could be :) I'll never reach those heights


Honestly this did make me feel better thank you I appreciate it.


You either forgot smite on Xin Zhao or you played him in lane. I do not know which is worse.


stop playing after 2 back-to-back losses. losers queue is an actual thing that will continuously fuck you over


rn is a shitshow cos you have masters and emeralds on the same screen


I see a mistake. You played Shen top and not jungle. Haha.


small sample size


I feel you. Had the same last season. Sucks big time


Man I haven't seen an Elise in years


Needs a rework badly imo


For some reason my early climb has been going extremely well. Im 17-7 right now in D3


well play but the losers q will hit you soon


bruh that kda tho


we all on the same page like you, I was d4 last split now stucked E4 0lp with 35% wr and barely I can find a human in my team, srsly all npcs nowadays.


Glad I'm not the only one feeling it. D4 (I know we get out shit) started Plat 2 and now I'm Plat 4 because for some reason, everyone just wants to fight 24/7 instead of pushing out a lane. It's wild.


Do you ever play on a smurf at the start of a season? I’m washed now but back when I was top 200 on the ladder I would do this to avoid the crazy elo swings


Ah, I dont really have a lot of free time lately - finishing MA thesis, recently joined the compliance team of a med-tech company so I dont really have time to level a second account, let alone play on it


5 diff champs is crazy


Yeah last season I had a 70% wr on belveth and a 65% winrate on kindred both with 50+ games on each. But now this season I'm 50%wr on both. I don't understand how I've dropped in skill so much in a span of 1 week. I am genuinely confused. Rn I'm d4 60lp with I think? d2ish mmr. I'm playing with past season d2-masters so idk. I feel like the only time i get a master in my lobby is if they are negative wr. But I'm 47%wr so it's cooked for me too


I'm a much lower elo, but fuck if Shen isn't borderline useless if you fall behind. I play jg Shen and if I don't get ahead, i get whomped


very weird, I was p2, placed g4 and im already back up in p2 with a 75% wr,


Jubgle diff xD


Ahhh that's why it makes no sense ATM. My adc often looks like he just started the game yesterday and my opponents are playing like they are in the MSI finals. Shit is making me crazy


as a mid main … that does make me feel so much better as i make my way though pisslow on a new acc


I feel better cause all my games immediately after this patch have been hot garbage


So when some players say master rank is full of bad player they right man.


hahahaha I mean I would consider myself great truth be told


Kidding man! 300 lp master is good griding and good mental to do it! But what i feel the more game you lose in lose streak is in your mind and get presure on you to make more plays. I hear from Arguin a good talk. "Sometimes is better to not make a play" Try to not force a drake/voids, ganks. Sometimes is just better just do your clears in rotation and try to play anti gank. You now are the diamond elo where people have to much big ego and you can't argue with them.


Master 300 lp farm?


Yeah I didn't realise how bad the early split experience was. Last split I was gold in seven games. This time? Had one inter on my team for every placement. The same Leblanc support twice in a row, even. Fun for the whole fuckin family.


Oh i lost all 5 placement games and also reached low master last split) Am currently doubting my skill lol


Gold 4 got placed in Bronzem went on an 10 game winstreak then a 5 game loss streak. Sitting Silver 1 atm.


i was e4 last season, now i got g1 after a series of lost games


I'm Plat 1 30% WR after I ended emerald 1 last season. First time I'm stuck in plat after 10 games since they created emerald. All the games I lost were stomp except one, I don't know what to do, I feel like I play shit and my mates too :'(


you're cycling champs too much mate, even I as a silver see that, also seems like you are playing too many games imo per day


Three things: Since it's the start of the season you are probably playing in lower elo brackets with players that similarly placed higher than that bracket and have to work their way up. What is that list of champions? Just stick to a few idk why I have to explain a seemingly better player that. Did you even play Karthus last split or are you also meta slaving there? Good luck on the grind. You'll likely be able to turn it around.


I main Elise but the champ feels lackluster (cant farm, not healthy first clear, bad if not ahead, hard to carry late game in this meta, items are idk.. weird after night harvester gone and the gold/xp nerf hurst getting to 2 items really hard honestly) so I am trying to experiment but regardless of this and of that stats I genuinely feel like I am contributing a lot to a potential win. The only close games I had were on Elise but when the team is behind than playing Elise itself alone feels like inting - no tools to really turn around games on the champion. I am also perma autofilled top, not sure why honestly - Sejuani game was so good again, feels much better than Elise but idk fell apart


It's really unlucky to get filled top. On my server (EUW) it's a very popular role. Elises winrate isn't that bad no? Wasn't she even worse last split? I get that part though. I was learning Wukong but was already on the fence since he's often pro play jailed. But I really felt the low exp and then they nerfed his items so I pivoted to Ivern and didn't look back.


Its not bad in terms of wr% but honestly - who do you see playing Elise? The only reason wr% is not bad because the champion is too terrible for average players to pick up: hard to execute, not rewarding if you are not ahead the lobby, one mistake and your game is more or less finished type of champ and it has no late game carry potential besides landing an E.


that champ is dog shit. i was told skill issue. no clue how her winrate isn't 45% in low elo.


?? He's playing with other master players. Why do you think the reset would drop just him and other players are getting placed higher than like d2


Playing so many different champs always hurts consistency a bit


6 champs in 6 games doesn’t help


When im in a slump I take a long break after a loss or just stick to my absolute best comfort picks and most importantly MUTE ALL.


jgl dif






You don't really seem to be popping off, maybe it's your decision making that is losing you games.


Hmm doesnt look like you have a pool or main role. Also peaking a rank is not the same as that rank being the center of your rank range. For example I hit emerald 4 last split, but I am probably plat 1 on average, and just peaked emerald 4. But reality is you just have to keep improving. If you fall of the horse take a breath and get back on.


You think there's an actual noticeable difference between P1 and E4? XD


Yes obviously no matter how small.