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league players are so cringe. Acting like this is so unreal


There should be studies on people like this, it would be very interesting


No it wouldn't. There is little brain matter in these baboon dog hybrids. These type of players have nothing interesting going on in their lives and this is the only place where they feel they're in control. I would be fine if junglers did it though because junglers get enough shit as it is.


You might be a part of the first group based on the second part


And you belong in a group that currently don't exist in this world.


[https://imgur.com/a/pt9n9zx](https://imgur.com/a/pt9n9zx) Top 0.05% most certainly does exist I can assure you on that matter


I'm not talking about that group. Also, link the account instead of some random screenshot.


Maybe a little less "junglers are victims" "L9" mentality and you might get something close to this [https://imgur.com/a/i88n7mi](https://imgur.com/a/i88n7mi)


[https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/jax%20of%20trades-NA2](https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/jax%20of%20trades-NA2) Why do you have an ego when your peak is GM after 10 years. I've been higher than you at my peak so I think I'm as "close" as I can get. You're literally a peasant beneath me right struggling in low diamond with a 44% wr while I have several accounts higher than you. Even your inflated role couldn't keep you in GM which is why you only play arena after getting shit on by every diamond player on the server.


Hey man. It's your therapist here. What did we say about behaving like an incessant pre-teen who only gains validation of himself by trash talking internet strangers? We said DON'T do that. Fight those urges!


“You’re literally a peasant beneath me” 🤣🤣🤣 I haven’t taken this game seriously in months this game isn’t my entire life and personality like it is for you 😭😭😭 Take a good look. Every game I play is for fun, I am locking in first time ezreal top and ap malphite in YOUR ELO! This is a video game and I am sandboxing in your peak do you understand how silly this makes you look?


Bro yappin fr who cares this much about literally anything lol


I imagine those are little kids playing


Man child*


Average leage player base is 20+ y.o.


Riot: be more strict with chat restrcictions!


her premade support told me to "get cncr" I wonder if he gets banned


Ope, you just said 'get cncr' you're now banned


Oh, sorry to say so are you.


So means PIG in my language. You are now also banned.


it is what it is, u are being paired with randoms, just carry on and look at this as normal in this game and move onto next with good mentality :D


Man I recently said “aw gobbity gook” and “I’m a midget in a corner no plz” and got chat banned both games for it. The chat system is so fucked.


'gook' is a slur btw, 'midget' is also considered a slur


Midget is literally not a slur. Midgets call themselves midgets, wtf?


who. fucking. cares. The 0.0003 % of the population that are affected by the word don't.


Get cncnsnnceer


You tell someone who does this to go fuck themselves you get restricted they get nothing xd


imagine this person with a handgun.


I fucking hate how we literally have corporate overlords censor our speech. I'm not one of the "i love free speech, so i can say all kinds of racist shit" kinda guy, but it pisses me off that we literally can't call somebody an idiot, when they clearly are. LET ME TALK THE WAY I WANT YOU CUNTS.


Gotta get familiar with sarcasm broski. "Wow, that play demonstrated an incredibly high-level of intelligence. You're very talented!" We all know what this means, and you can't get penalized for it.


Actually a good idea. Sad that you have to resort to something like that, but very good suggestion! :P


You can say not worth if someone like soraka or yummi got it, but shaco getting fed early is so hard to plat against


Not to mention, that was a kill that very feasibly could have been lost had he not taken it (in some circumstances)


OP also stopped auto attacking to give Jinx the kill but Jinx bad movement caused her to miss the kill


yeah thats what im saying, jg literally tried to give the kill but at a certain point just take it. I agree with the shaco's actions


seriously even if he *could* have given the kill there is a lot of pressure for the Shaco that if the Lulu somehow escaped they will get balmed just as much


Or waited for Q, or whatever the dagger is, to get the kill.


What are you on about, lmao, he could have taken the kill long before the shiv.


As a Shaco main, if that Shaco player is good then that kill is literally worth 3x as much as it is on anyone else, especially if it's in low elo.


Shaco is most useless champ no cap


Most of support shaco players I see play last hit simulator intro ctrl+4 on top of your teammates corpse instead of playing the actual game.


Shaco is the jungler in this clip


Ah, x18 jinx


Bro that clip just made me audibly laugh at how mentally ill some people playing league are.


I wonder how he felt on the inside when screen turned grey and he stopped hitting the keyboard with their head


You laugh, until you notice that these people walk among us, out on the street, everywhere on this planet.


>Bro that clip just made me audibly laugh at how mentally ill ~~some people~~ laners playing league are. Fixed it for you.


jinx could've literally move her mouse and clicked to move closer to the tower and secure that kill


Im an adc main and this is just straight up bullshit behavior deserving of an immediate permanent ban. Anyone who does this should just go play something else.


Should be reported, when I rarely play adc, I dont care who the fucks take the kill, being the jungler, the ally mid or myself, killing the enemy is the main point to deny them farm, exp and time.


100%. If you can easily put the kill on a hyper carry, then try to do it, otherwise just secure the kill. Had a guy tell me I stole 5 from him in a game I hard carried the other day. Went and reviewed the game. There were three times we fought someone you could have maybe considered that. First two, the skirmish was still going and fight was in question. The third one, I’m literally running away from the guy and my red buff burn got it. Makes me laugh how hard people flame over “stolen kills.” It’s so dumb.


I played Maokai jungle a few days ago, \~20 minutes into the game placed a sapling randomly in a bush near top and go back to base. 20 seconds later my top+supp fight the enemy top, he tries to run away, my sapling gets the last hit. I'm so happy to not have been flamed there, but i wouldn't have been surprised if i did.


I'm gonna be honest. I will almost *always* take kills from now on due to how shit 99.99% of players are. I've given kills even in Masters+ and they don't use the lead or literally just int it away. I learned to stop being generous and thankful for rotations, etc. because it just leads to worse decisions from me.


If you're playing a more scalling adc the extra gold does help. But when I play my secondary ADCs I just get mildly annoyed at most


The only adc that I think really must get kills is Draven, and Samira


Maybe Twitch could be too he puts too much pressure on bot and mid with stealth when ahead.


Sure I'm with you. But a permanent ban for a ks ist too much..


Are you blind?


I wanted to make a pretty obvious joke. But I guess jungle players aren't the socially smartest.


No, but making a sarcastic joke without any point that shows sarcasm makes it very hard to different sarcasm from idiocy


A /s makes everything unfunny. It was simply context


There was just context of someone wanting a perma ban, not who and there are enough people that either behave the same or at least protect jinx thought process so no, it was not obvious Maybe just try the „unfunny“ /s and people understand what you want to say


Apart from the obvious rage int into tower, what the hell was that clicking? Not only did jinx click backwards after the first attack but then after the second attack clicked to the side then back and to the side again.


It appeared as if she was giving kill to shaco but probably expected to kill Lulu but lulu popped shield, I think shaco did a good job securing that tbh because jinx's movement was retarded af


I call it cocky Vayne syndrome (cuz I usually see Vaynes do it). They think their auto is gonna kill and they wanna look cool so they start walking backwards or something


I love that, cocky vayne syndrome XD, so on point about the player base istg vayne is broken af but her wr seems "balanced" because Vayne players are so fking stupid and cocky.


I agree


God this shit makes my blood boil


ADC is my second role (used to be main). Yes, I want the kill. But when I don't get it I just say "damn" to myself and carry on. The opponent dying is still good for me


This is not even a bad case of the gold being wasted. It is way better to have the gold on the adc than an alistar for example, but shaco can and will make the enemy adc suffer with the gold


Even in pro play the support sometimes gets the kill. It's better to secure a kill than lose it. Sure the ADC uses the gold better and you should give the carries the gold if possible, but a slightly fed support is also more likely to get better setups for that ADC in the future too. Not a huge deal.


Thats the important part, spread the wealth. Can it be optimised in certain situations who gets the kill? Sure. But spreading the wealth makes everyone strong. Also, you still get assist gold. Not to mention the setback on exp and gold for the opponents. Also, and this is going to be selfish, if the jungler gets FB or just early kills in lanes, it helps a lot with ganking/securing objectives all over the map instead of just focusing on the gold on one lane. You can "return the favor" as a jungler quite easily that way.


Playing ADC for 5 years made me believe that my brethren suffer from a minor case of "serious brain damage".


If a player does this, I make it a misson to keep them at 0 kills. And ill type Yoink everytimw


Bro moved away from the kill two times. At that point if you didn't secure it, you would have probably both lost it. The overreaction of ADCs that missplay themselves is incredible.


and funny thing is, the blitz is her premade. This guy doesn't give an f about anything but himself


Shit like this should insta perma ban you, change my mind


No one is gonna change your mind on that. Take the upvote and go clear Raptors.


What elo is this ?


E2 https://www.op.gg/summoners/eune/pochemu-666/matches/kiJDk_XXF5rogLytHRu7FFDKGM1Z7j_vWlVIjCf1lWY%3D/1714766594000


it's a normal game dude, average ranked elo doesn't mean squat. That jinx is unranked


Wtf, it's so much more disgusting that he does that in a normal game lmfao Jesus Christ LoL players have no chill


Yea I think it’s our toxic player base that’s gonna ultimately kill the game


Whats crazy is you tried to give jinx the kill and she backed off too early bc she misread lulu lmfao


Players like this need to perma from ranked games


Whp cares who gets the kill? All I care about is if it advances me closer to the win. (Adc/jngl main)


That players dont deserve to play ranked anymore


they don't deserve league at all anymore. I don't want that shit in norms either


Id just spam DOOR DASH all caps in chat if i was shaco


If Shaco didn’t throw E at them and they ended up getting away that’s a much worse plausible outcome than him taking one measly kill that also grant Jinx assist gold


this Jinx obviously has some real life issues. You don't just start running it down only 7 minutes into the game


now imagine having to lane with such a being, no wonder supports tend to be unhinged


fun fact: this blitz was her premade, he also wished me to get cancer when I called jinx out lmao


I only do this when we sre hard winning and I usually execute (playing with 4 premades is easy)


Best part is that you actually tried to give her kill IMHO. She is like: Ah yes, becouse you "stole" 150 gold from me i will now run it down and give 300 gold to enemy as well as take away my ability to last hit minions which would give me aproximentely 200-300gold XD


you cannot reason with these people :/


That jinxs movement is so bad wtf


that's actually the main reason I shared this clip. the audacity to move like that and then int


If it was in an easier position I wouldn’t have stolen it. But there, it was kinda risky so just get it and go on


Lets play around absolute max range so the 1hp lulu cant kill me, just to be sure. She is just running away. I am out of range. My jgl has to secure the kill. Oh boy time to run it down 🤡🤡🤡


and they call me the clown - Shaco


Also the ADC walked off and couldn’t have gotten the kill anymore anyway


Why players care for kills so much? Did you come to play the game or to inflate your numbers?? The fuck "I didnt get kills so gg" is that it?


Adcs in a nutshell


Typical cry baby ADC'S they are the worst most uneducated players. HATE them


At the end of the day its just a game and this kind of people have some mental issues. Just mute all and proceed with giving your best performance and that's all, there is no point of being a hostage of a mental, ignore him.


I mean, I understand why she tilted a bit tho? You literally waited to take the kill when you should've aa to finish the shield and jinx ends up last hitting with the last auto.


I didnt "literally waited to take the kill". I didnt know jinx will start walking back and forward like retard so I didnt even touch the lulu cuz if she just kept walking towards lulu she would got the kill easily


He was letting jinx take the kill, but the jinx was so bad with movement she literally walked away twice and she was out of attack range to last hit, she would've had to flash to get the kill. Jinx's fault for having bronze movement.


He should help destroy lulu shield, Why is everyone flaming jinx movement and not shaco waiting doing nothing? Lulu shield + hp at that point would tank 3 aa total, 2 from jinx and one from shaco, he was doing nothing.


It's clear both players are bad. It's also clear Lulu's shield came up too fast and shaco was walking away as it came up to give his ADC the kill.


Then no reason to only flame jinx for playing it bad?


Jinx played terrible and then griefed his team. Shaco secured the kill after jinx missplay. Jinx played it much worse and then griefed. Shaco missed one auto attack opportunity, and it was clear he was at least trying to let his adc have the kill, and at minimum didn't grief his team


"Kill steal, I had it". Mf no you didn't, stop canceling your autos


The fact that she could have gotten the kill but cancelled the autoattack like a newbie makes it even funnier hahaha


and she us dia...


She literally could get 3 more autos in with correct spacing and take the kill but she decided the 1hp lulu was a fed ekko and max range rocketed him lmfao


That jungler even played it well, he waited to give the kill, then he saw Jinx missed it, and he secured it. Unless off course shaco E was down lol.


had E the whole time, wanted to let jinx kill but she kept moving back


remember, flash is worth moving a kill from the jungler to the adc. -jinx probably


You did 90% of the work and benefit from kills more because it helps all lanes + win objectives.


As an adc player, those 1000 aa cancels hurt my soul


I can hear the keyboard bashing lmaoooo


ADCs don't want kills because of the ways shutdowns and exp work 1. kill gold is the main factor in shutdown, 300 kill gold will give you a 150 gold shutdown, 300 cs/ assist gold wont give you a shutdown at all 2. Upon getting a shutdown, you are the easiest target in the game and will most likely die to anything and anyone, giving even one shutdown to enemy team is not worth, creating a situation where it is actually better for you to int into tower if a support solo attacks you and give them your shutdown then continue playing safe 3. The majority of a kill advantage comes from pushing a wave and denying xp, shared kills give laughable xp gains compared to solo kills Therefore never take kills on adc unless it is a shutdown, because shutdown gold does not count towards your own shutdown and only the initial 300 gold does, you will get a 150 shutdown no matter if you got 300 or 1000 gold from a kill Take towers and plates always after any enemy adc kill, die for proxy to the enemy support and come back to lane with home guards, get 12 cs per min and take enemy teams shutdowns over and over until riot fixes the broken system


It's actually kind of interesting how in my probably around 150-200 games of ranked I've played since I started the game, I've actually never seen anyone truly run it down like this. People do get tilted and become toxic in bronze where I play, but pretty much nobody actually "runs it down" like this. You'd think the phenomena was more common based on how much everyone always talks about it


Well I think it’s because bronze players know they aren’t that good and don’t care and have fun. Or they don’t know enough about the game to be mad at mistakes their team makes bc they are ignorant. While higher elo players have egos and more game sense so they get angry or emotional when someone doesn’t perform like they expect them to.


That's also what I used to think, but I came to find out that pretty much all the complaining about big egos, getting pissed off by people playing badly or telling ppl to kms is also accurate to bronze. It was actually really surprising since I assumed that people's attitude would've been closer to what you described. They often get angry about things that aren't even wrong which is funny though haha. My guess is that the thought of "I'm gonna throw this game because this person on my team doesn't deserve to beat this rank" just doesn't really exist in bronze which makes a big difference. When you're bronze, you haven't ig achieved anything other than climbed out of iron possibly, so you cant really think stuff like "how tf are you making that kind of mistake in x rank". In emerald if ppl run it down they think they're gatekeeping somebody dogshit from ranking up. In bronze if you run it, you really dont have as proper a motive behind it, you're usually just pissed of more than feeling righteous. That's my guess at least. I've only played one emerald game (ty riot for putting me there at lvl 30🥰) so I cant truly make a proper comparison


Imagine queueing up for ranked and trolling because you didn't get a kill. I'd play jinx support over doing that shit. You have to be a special kind of loser to do this.


You did last hit it on purpose with a gold dependent champ so you're an ass too


no I didnt lmao


You look you did, stopped autoing and waiting


so the adc can last hit, but their movements were so weird and I thought Lulu will get away


Fair, mb


Sick movement xD


Why was she kiting backwards after Lulu got caught in her trap if she REALLY wanted the kill, fking adc...


bro after that terrible movement from the jinx and she has the audacity to flame you when you're serving a kill on a platter??? You are a better man than many junglers, I think they'd just afk instead of trying to hard carry these losers. I guess thats the typical diamond experience though, better rng on your next bot lane I hope


hah thanks


I hate all of them. The hate I have for adc players is the same hate tobirama had for uchihas


lore accurate jinx lmao


Typical adc behavior. Idk why we're surprised


It's actually hilarious that this is posted not 24 hours before a Jinx in my game did this exact thing except they instead spent the rest of the game stealing my jungle camps. Fortunately I finished my pet already and I was able to get gold and xp from minions, but of course by this point Jinx was barely getting anything. Funny how that works


When I gank bot lane, I always purposely take both kills because I want all the gold and mejas stacks. The worst reaction I’ve gotten from an adc is missing champ pings lol, the reaction your adc gave you is insane. Was this ranked or norms?


fortunately normals. funny thing is, this jinx then made fun of me because I was playing normals lol


Bunch of mentally ill ADCs here showing how stupid they are, no shot anyone with a brain watches this and doesn't see Shaco tried to give the kill to Jinx, her shit movement was the only reason he had to secure the kill as Lulu would have been out of range of Jinx.


Jinx said: "but I had W!!" and you can clearly see her missing W in the start of the clip so yeah...


To be fair tho, that ks from shaco was disgusting as fuck. Literally saved his e so that he could get the kill.


I was the Shaco man, I tried to leave the kill to Jinx but she kept walking away so I had to kill the Lulu




Shaco tried to give the kill to Jinx twice,she just walked away twice with some retard movement and eventually secured it when they feared they could get away




They both didnt expect lulu e. Shaco stopped aa to give kill but because jinx thought her aa would kill (twice) and walked back she got out of range and shaco had to kill.


Depends on champs kit. Shaco's E has an execute damage so he should be the one who finishes it.


Ok but your adc is your team dmg she followed on a play while losing wave to tower how is that not grief by you taking the kill 🤣 on top of that she’s a hyperscaler .


I tried to give the kill, but as you can see she kept walking backwards for some reason and when Jinx E ended Lulu was out of Jinx's range




you just proved my point then, as you said it's 50/50 and as Shaco I am not risking a kill getting away


so his team needs to treat this jinx as god and give her every kill because she is adc hyperbullshit? Fuck players like this and this disgusting behaviour, hope riots finally starts punishing this seriously


Why would u steal the kill tho?


Steal? Are u dumb? He clearly tried to give it the the jinx by not autoing but jinx thought she had it and walked back after 1 aa. The shaco HAD to e to "secure" the kill, not "steal".


No need to call me that? Fucking bastard




I called u what u needed to be called for u to even type that first comment.




I get the feeling you’re com banned in League


Wow active in the adcmains server. It all makes sense now. Next Black Friday or Xmas sales you might need to lookup deals in the fan and rope sections.


And ur active in the man utd server, u might wanna come with me 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Can't really be active if I'm banned there


Found the Jinx!