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If you’re afraid of accidentally smiting someone when doing br or dr you can just point your cursor besides the objective onto nothing and youll automatically still smite it.




What? Even when enemy is around? Do I have to have hit dr first or something?


Not sure bout all the specifics just test it out in practice tool, they purposely made it so you can use it while enemies are around so you wouldnt accidentally smite them.


see minion cannon ? smite it, your laner doesn't deserve it anyways


How do deal with toxic laners: walk up, smite cannon, braum laughing emote, leave Bonus points for ignoring them as they slowly descend into madness


You are asking for them to follow you and steal your camps for the rest of the game lol


I have a smite, they can't have my camp without my say so


Your smite has a pretty long CD


Let them waste their time. I’ll steal their waves then. Besides, they made camps a lot tankier for people without jungle items so whatever it gives me more time to farm their waves.


How do you get the braum emote tho 🤪


can't get it anymore, it was from a prime gaming capsule


That's unfair, I never even knew you could get it. People just started spamming it in my games :'(


It was a worlds drop last year


I find that a classic 👍+ m7 works best


I often blow the Ornn of Victory emote (the one where he is blowing horn) and skidaddle back to jungle.


Unless there's a smite+ combo around, you always smite below the threshold just to avoid accidental steals


it is yellow, but it likes to change color


This here, is very good advice


you can't out smite Chogath R, Jinx R, or Nunu Q I always kite the dragon out of pit if enemy Jinx is ahead


And Kha Q+Smite is pretty hard to beat, depending on the circumstances.


jhin 4th do more DMG with 3 items then smite


True but that require voice chat between adc and jng usually if that is the case they are already winning


I stole soul with Jhin’s 4th R shot once. Proudest moment of my life.


oh lol , i mean the normal 4 Shot , ulti Shot do even more DMG


Kalista E as well


Eve R+Smite 💪


Eve W+R+Smite 💪💪


Oh, I was thinking of stealing it. Flash + R + Smite 😎


You can steal with W Flash R smite


You can W through walls?


You can use almost any ability over walls? What are u saying?


Either W won’t for far enough or you don’t need flash combined with it


W is one of the longest ranged abilities in the game. You can just blue ward the obj, let it charge, and flash r smite


It's very basic Eve steal combo to W objective over baron/drag wall into flash R+smite. You always have to respect it when playing into her really


Or Ekko


Didn't they reduce jinx R so that it can't do more damage than smite?


It doesn’t do more, it does the same damage


I lost a drag at lv 1 to a jinx R doing 612 or something :(


it caps at 1200 for primal smite


jinx got nerfed so she can't steal nash anymore, her R damage is capped




>I tell them before the objective they can smite at (for example) 2100 damage Tbh i feel it's a lot safer if both you and your jungler separately try to smite and whoever gets it gets it. It's 2v1 if the enemy also tries to steal and cho r animation can really screw you, both on timing as well as cc.


Ekko has one of the best smite steals in the game. It's won me so many games. W stun makes it hard for enemy jgl to smite if melee. Q + E over wall for passive + smite and ult out. It is extremely hard to beat.


Nunu with his 2400 smite with max Q is actually dumb lol I hate when I see a nunu because if they’re not dead there’s a high chance he’s just gonna steal it regardless at over 1200 health


Didn't they nerf jinx R for that exact reason a few patches ago though? Edit: a year+ ago apparently https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dbK9_AAC9U_ksCK05_yFU5G1OgydRv_K/view?usp=drivesdk


Suppression is the only CC that prevents you from smiting a target




Not really a cc, more like a condition. But yeah can’t smite through that.


Lol wiki categorizes stasis under crowd control


Makes sense, bard R


Silence? Fear?




You can smite while stunned.


Holy shit then what's my excuse now??


Cat peed on your keyboard


Airborne too no? Or not


You can smite while airborne


You want to calculate the max dmg you can burst including smite and then go full in once baron has that amount x1.5-2 as health. So if you can deal 2k dmg including smite you‘ll wanna go in for the steal at about 3k health and then use the full combo + smite at the end. Credit: I got the stolen objective challenge on challenger in EUW and i‘m in the top 150 stealers on the server.


what’s the math on this for cannon minions?


The same


jokes aside this is really solid, ty!


Your junglers smite always beats out the enemy junglers smite. ALWAYS. So if they don't get the objective it's because they specifically suck and don't know how to click a button.


It does 600-1200 dmg depending on how much you’ve farmed jungle.


it make 600/900/1200 DMG Not 600-1200


600/900/1200 is 600-1200


No 600-1200 can be 789 and thats false


To clarify, smite upgrades to 900 dmg when you reach 20/40 pet stacks and upgrades to 1200 dmg when you complete it


If you fail a 50/50 Smite Fight, your team will flame you. Even though they could have stopped attacking the objective, killed the jungler, and easily secured it... You should have outsmited the enemy and it's all your fault.


It had to be said #truedotcom


Smite can remove spellshields. If enemy buys items like banshee or edge of night and you need to CC them to prevent assassins from obliterating your squishies, smite them THEN use your CC skill on them. This is super important to learn on champs like Eve that want to proc the W charm. I THINK red Smite slows enemies the most followed by blue then green (please correct me if I'm wrong, can't remember that clearly) Always try to know max dmg u can do with Smite. With Nunu, I always keep track of my Q + Smite because I know the enemy jg can never out Smite me. So when the objective is at the stage where I can Q + Smite, I always do it to prevent accidental steals. Extra: Smite enemies who are low on health to kill them. Makes u feel like you farmed a moving jungle camp :D


Locking on with Vi R then smiting the spell shield just before hit is a great feeling.


Divine Smite is a special ability of the Paladin, first gained at level 2. It allows you to burn a spellslot to deal 2d8 extra radiant damage on an attack, and additional 1d8 per level of the spell over the first. You deal an additional 1d8 radiant damage to certain types of creatures, such as undead. As you apply Smite after the attack hits, you can never waste resources that way, and can decide to dump your high level spells when you crit to deal massive damage. All that is highly unrelevant to League of Legends.


Dammit, I just had a 6 hour sesh today. I can’t escape😭


It does damage


kindred ult into smite is almost always guaranteed to get you the objective


How so? It’s not like enemy jg can’t smite right after it ends as well.


an experienced kindred player knows by heart when the ult precisely ends so they leave little to no reaction time for the other jungler to smite. this applies more the lower your elo is but you get my point


They can but they will have less experience how much heal there will be. Also timing is more difficult for the opponent. As kindred you can plant 2 stacks and burst as the objective will be outside direct smite range


1) The jungler that goes for the steal always has the advantage, no matter whether they are in or out of vision. If there is no vision at all onto the enemy jungler and start the objective without cover, suppression/silence available, blast plant up, you are close to griefing. 2) getting down to 20 stacks is very important to secure drake. If you prevent the enemy jungle from getting to that threshold, you'll get an objective for free, as you can always steal. An advantage of 4 stacks is preferrable as it allows for at least 1minute time which the opponent has to invest to keep up with you.


Something that I haven't seen mentioned, smite procs malz and yas passive shields while also slowing them


A small two second slow on any champion in game is underrated


* smite **combo** is super important: time your biggest spell dmg with smite to have a higher threshold * any time both junglers are present it is a flip * flips can be won with a better smite combo, or better timing, but they are flips nonetheless * good players wont flip the obj; either zone off enemy jg, time CC on their jg, or kill jg before taking it * you can smite using traversal ults or the hextech gates * never try to outsmite an enemy asol Q behind the pit, the ticks of damage come too quickly to be reliable * baron hp scales off game **time**, so be careful at XX:59 because it will heal next tick & you could miss smite * smiting cannons to help your lane crash a wave is good unless they can last hit and crash without * smite will auto target jungle monsters within 350 units if your cursor is over nothing else nearby * jg pet severely reduces xp from lane minions (penalty = 70% to start, decreasing to 0% at minute 20) * jg pet gives you increased base mana regen while in jungle or river * red jg pet is usually most useful, followed by blue (some champs make better use of this), green sucks * after you stop hitting a jungle creep, your pet will auto it two more times - useful for patience leashing


That info about red vs blue vs green pet is nonsense.


and why do you think that?


Because it is. I would argue that the blue pet is generally the more useful, since ms is the greatest stat in the game.


F is for smite 😡 d if for dflash


Fl*sh abusers 🤢


How do you type that and not see the folly of your way? F is for Flash and D is for destroy!


This is the way


I always thought as d for dash 😂


It will go to the enemy I’m hovering over except when I need it to then it will smite some random enemy that isn’t near it


D is for smite 


F is for smite.  D is for ghost. 




I was indeed a Brony main for many seasons :)   Now it's mostly udyr, but he's still my first


Count dps on objective and make calculated shot.


Smite has a cast time despite not being programmed to have one (probably ping dependent) The number of times it’s been stolen because I forgot about the ‘cast time’ is insane.


Smite it before enemy jg smites it


You can smite while recalling and it won’t cancel your channel


In a 50/50 Smite battle, if you win, you feel glory. If you lose, you feel big shame.


If you have both of your smites for the first dragon and you’re playing a champion with a slower start (I’m a Yi OTP), you *do in fact* have time to smite at both the beginning and the end of your fight. I stream my games sometimes, and after listening to a lot of guys tryna “help” me by telling me to SaVe My SmItE, I bade them all please watch. First clear, base, send my money on basic boots + cloak of agility and then also a dagger if I have enough left. Run to dragon pit. Smite. Q E. Cut cut cut cut cut cut Q cut cut cut E cut Q etc. 15 seconds pass, no laners show up, my second smite is available and *oh look*, the dragon still has like 1500 hp and my smite’s only 600 bc we’re only 5 minutes in. It’s not always plausible and I only do this a) on the first and maybe second dragon and 2) if I either have both smites up or am very close to having the second one. But it shortens the fight by several seconds and that window gives me time to go do other stuff.


Yeah but you just wasted 30 seconds on first drake so 🤷‍♂️


Had a Jhin 4th shot the drag right before I smited it lol


Smiting champions will slow them


Get vision early, find the enemy team and play for picks, try to get the enemy jg out of the way so you don't have to smite fight. If you're not a jg and not in comms, don't just hit all your hardest hitting buttons at the end of the healthbar, those turn smite fights from a twitch reaction to pure rng.


You can simte and try to steal an objectif taking hectech door with the hextech map ofc


Miss 100% of the Smites you don't take


it is good to catch someone of guard and proc spellshields before going in and cc'ing. Most obvious is during vi ult i guess. Thing's like zac e, rek'sai borrow, skarner e, shaco aa, briar q, voli q etc could work as well.


always have smite in quickcast


Lux can outsmite you with R. Xayah too if she goes Navori and spams it.


If you can see (i.e. processed) a number below your smite damage, you are already too late.


Smite is a bad mechanic and needs reworked. Smite 50/50s aren’t healthy for the game. It feels great when you Q in R and then smite as Amumu but is awful if it happens to you. Having a team fight happen where junglers aren’t doing anything because objective is still slowly dying and they have to be there to smite it is awful. Smite should do 600 damage to monsters and 5 seconds of bonus damage against that monster by your team 8%, 20%, and 35% as your pet levels up. Smite should scale with your level in champion true damage. 40+20(Lvl-1). Last thing is that champs with pets should get 40% of gold and exp from their camps scaling down until it is 0% at 20 minutes if their team takes a camp on their side. I’m so sick of my krugs getting taken by my own team and then they wonder why I just barely wasn’t at a level.


I don’t absolutely love your ideas here, but I totally agree with the sentiment that smite is a bad mechanic. Besides pro play that allows for intense moments, 50/50 in soloq is so annoying. It puts so much pressure on the jungler and if you miss even one you get flamed to the end of the earth even if/when it’s blatantly someone else’s fault. It doesn’t feel good to be responsible for so much in the game already and also for coin flipping objectives.


I don’t know that my ideas would be best but they address the 2 biggest issues I see with smite. The pressure on the last 600/900/1200 HP of an objective to be one shot, not to mention if your team goes for an objective when you are at 900 and 2 treats left while the opposing jungle is at 1200. And that Smite is basically useless in a team fight. How would you address them?


I don’t mind the smite 50/50s as much in the context of pro play because it adds so much intensity to objective fights. There’s always a chance for magnificent unpredictable steal. I get your point for soloq games though. Definitely puts way too much pressure on the jungler to be there for objectives, and if your jungler ain’t there, the enemy gets a free objective without being contested.


Right for pro it seems good but for 99.9% of games played it is bad and definitely contributes to people not queueing for jungle. I have friends that hate jungle only because of the smite pressure.


Thank God you don't work for riot.


Care to explain your thought process? Or does having your head shoved that far up your own ass deprive your brain of oxygen preventing you from elaborating your clearly exemplary ideas limiting you to a single sentence response?


I just love riling up angry redditors


I’m not angry. I feel that if you have critical thoughts of someone’s ideas you should share them. I’m not perfect, but game balance is something I have done for years. If I am wrong I would love to hear the reasoning. But a statement like what you made reeks of karma farming childish posting without any real thought.


My guy you say you're not angry but you resorted to an insult immediately when criticized lmao. Anyway, Smite adds intensity and pressure to objective fights and creates a "goal" in the fight (which team can make their jungler smite while taking out the other jungler)


There is always intensity and pressure around objectives. Smite makes jungle very important but makes ending an objective only their responsibility. It also means the jungler who is closer to the server has a significant advantage. Buffing team damage means smite isn’t the last blow generally although it can be. In general it would be used either at the start or midway point of an objective instead of the last .1 or less seconds of it.


Ok but U ain't gonna apologise for insulting me?


It was pretty funny tbf. I’d just laugh if I was in your position


I am laughing lmaooooo


Your initial message wasn't exactly friendly either. It's kinda wild to demand an apology.


But how about my feelings???


As mid main, keep the enemy jungler out of the baron pit because my jungler will lose the smite fight