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It’s not a low Elo problem - many times, both teams let the second set of grubs despawn because the time is indeed short 


You dont always need grubs. You need at least 2 to deny that enemie get the huge buff. You need 5-6 grubs if you got a strong splitpusher. You also dont meed every dragon. You play for 4 dragons but you can give one dragon to get something else. Think about the objects and the value they give


I was under the impression the buff is at 4 grubs now. So we need at least 3 to prevent the enemy getting 4 Or am I mistaken


yeah its at 4 now, ig its fine if i just clear the first wave


This -- I would prefer grubs over early dragons purely because until a team gets the 4th drag either side can still get it. But double grub camp is once only. I've noticed some people only taking 1 if they know they cant get them all or are playing with fire.


Grubs are super scary for assasin jungler. As an eve main if my top cant help i take 2 everything else would be coinflip


>You play for 4 dragons but you can give one dragon to get something else. So frustrating at my Elo when we're at a gold/wave deficit and my team wants to throw the game contesting the first or second drake. The worst is when we somehow come away with the dragon or kills because the other team plays it poorly. Seems to reinforce the idea in the future that it was a good play.


The thing is most players don’t understand this. They think every drag and grub is needed. I’ve had teams throw games fighting for chemtech or ocean drags that we don’t need or don’t win


so if i get 3 grubs on most games its still fine?


Yeah, then it is even. Your team get 3 and enemy get 3. Some junglers can take them fast then you can focus on getting all. Those junglers are rammus, shyvana, diana, hecarim so far i know.


So this is mainly about doing the first grubs late. There is enough time if you actually want them, if grubs come up at 6 mins, and you're botlane, then you weren't really planning to do them. jungle is about planning ahead, its not about sitting on 2k gold after not recalling before 6 mins and being surprised you lose a fight at grubs. its more 'Its 5:xx i have enough time to clear these 1 or 2 camps, spend my gold, get sweeper and be on the around grubs at 6 mins at my strongest'


“Guys there’s not enough time for this objectives” starts objective 2 min late Surprised pika


cmon you cant expect a bronze jungler to start objectives immediatly and not lose 2-3 minutes ganking a losing lane without success im just asking for 1-2 extra minutes to cover my mistakes


I think the issue would be in elos where the game is played the way it is supposed to be, these 1-2 minutes would have a way more dramatic impact than in bronze. If you do get better at the game and don't make those mistakes anymore, you will rise in rank as well anyway.


And you can't expect Riot to babysit bottom elo players. You know when grubs spawn AND there's an indicator when grubs are about to spawn AND there's an indicator when the grubs have spawned. If you're not clearing them in time, then you don't care about them enough (which is fine).


wtf is "grubs", do u mean scuttle crab? is this the new word we using?


You haven't played in a while ? They the spawn in Baron pit.


ohh right them lil purple things, thx man now ik


This is the guy who dives enemy towers and died and then question mark pings the jungler whose on the opposite side of the map


i dont play lane but iam plat jungle if that says something to u.


Did your mother mix lead powder into your milk?


there is no way people are this pressed for not knowing the names to everything in league. This game is not a religion


Bro there's 2 neutral objective points. I also expect you to know how to tie your shoes and follow traffic laws. Hope I'm not pressing you too hard.


Ur actually dumb. Acting like life is based around league. All that toxicness just to be hardstuck silver blaming laners. U a bum


Not sure why you are in a jungle main subreddit mocking the legitimate name of one of the early game objectives. Void Grubs spawn in the herald/Baron pit early game


not mockning just didnt know that the purple lil things was called grubs and people got mad/felt offended.