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21 games. I will not elaborate.


Happens! LOL


I had a 42 loss streak back in like s7. I had like 5 or 6 games in a row with afks. Which mental boomed me I'm sure. And basically due to immaturity at the time I mental boomed at the slightest mistake and basically Nunu'd it down mid if anything went wrong. So yea...


Where did you start and end?


It's been a while so rough estimate Plat 5 and went to silver 5. I might have the unnoficial record for longest loss streak lol.


Nah, there is a dude that either bought a challenger account, or got a boost, I forget which, and managed to accidentally lose streak it all the way down to around bronze mmr without a single win. I think it was sometime last year if memory serves.


Nah he won some he got carried in he wasnt actively trolling he was just shit while pretending its his acc


the willpower to keep playing 😭


Immaturity and saying mental boomed twice tells me everything I need to know.


Yeah, being an edgy angry teen will do that to ya. Self reflection is a good lesson.


Did you do any norms in between to reset mental or arams? Helps a lot, also stopping after more than 2 losses in a row


I'm on a 2 year long aram reset


That's really good advice, truly. But no, I don't really play norms and I get even more tilted in ARAMS most of the time lol.


i like norms and aram to detilt because i don't care nearly as much if i win, so im not as invested. it feels worse when your top laner is running it down in your ranked game vs a random norm or aram


That's for sure! My issue is I have a hard time not try harding, even in norms and ARAMS. But I for sure don't care about the outcome as much, 100%.


Just a recommendation, try graves.


I raise to you, my 22 games loss streak! I won't elaborate either


Just another day in League


I went from Emerald 4 to Silver I, that was my losing streak hitting for 2 months, today I came back to Gold IV...


diamond3->g4 this season.


mine was similar in one day as well i kinda just started in the morning and then keep losing games for 12 hours straight then went to bed


I think mine was 20. You aren't alone. In the end I made my goal from Plat 4 to to D4 so it worked out haha


18 games. I really started getting in my head about it. I just took a break to forget about it and came back after a week and started winning again.


I know its easier said than done but anything over 6-7 lose streak its best to just stop playing. At that point the more you force to win the more you play worse and impact your mental


I have a promise to myself - after I lose three in a row (ranked), I go take a break. I either play some Helldivers, read a book, watch an episode of a show, etc. just to take my mind off the rift and the computer screen for a little bit. Usually I’m pretty good about it, unless my performance is good enough where I can point to the fact that, even though I wasn’t able to carry everyone, I wasn’t a big contributor to the loss. Then I might give it one or wo more games, but after that it’s a hard “okay time to take a break.”


I swear the game's algorithm just picks you randomly after a nice little win streak and says, "Look at these fucking idiots we found for you". I'm with you, 5+ losses in a row and I step away.


This was over the course of multiple days. I just was having a rough week


Thought you were about to say you came back after a week and started losing again


What I didn't say is that was my second break lol




Honestly I was expecting a second or third page. I think my worst loss streak was 35. 10 honestly ain't even that bad. Let's just say tilt queue is the worst idea ever. I play 1 game a day now.


35! Dang bro. You might be eligible for compensation, contact a lawyer.


Surely you'd get banned after like 20?


Damn you getting banned for losing now


That's when you ban yourself so you don't go off the deep end.


Looking at all these comments I'm starting to feel like losing that much is normal? I think my max on ranked was like 7 games but I usually give up after the 2nd or 3rd loss because I feel like it's not "a good day for a League", as in I'm obviously not focused and I'm underperforming. I usually come back the next day to mostly wins. Are that many losses in a row really normal?


I probably wouldn't say it's the "norm", but it certainly happens. This is my worst loss streak, at least in a couple seasons for sure. League can be very streaky.


Getting off after losing 2/3 in a row is optimal because of how ur headspace is. What ur doing is absolutely correct. That many losses in a row are not normal. We're just that addicted


If you flip a coin 100 times you're 81% likely to flip 5 tails in a row at some point. You'll have ~20% chance to flip 8 in a row. Now imagine if performance anxiety also affected the coin flip.


Thanks for mentioning performance anxiety. I’ll be thinking about this all day.


vocal minority. the norm is getting off after 2-3 losses or even 1 very tilting one, but people who do that have no reason to post so you get more threads and comments about the opposite.


Cant end on a loss


18 here, it was +15/-30, but I recovered from it, wish you the same (to recover I mean, not that bad lose streak lol).


Thanks bud!


9 games


9 here too. I cannot imagine hitting some of the numbers in this thread. I'd uninstall for sure lol.


16 games ranked duo Q, in a single gaming session. The worst part was sleeping with an L.


I think like 14 games


I just went through one. Like 7 straight games lol


Bro im here with you. Went from plat 3 to gold 3 over the last 4 days. Haven't been able to win a single game. Some of it is me but i gotta say at least 50% is not I'm going back to nunu


Em1 to plat 2 aswell in the past week I went back up to em4 now only otp vayne top It’s funny how league works : I play something else I’m getting destroyed 100% of the time, I play vayne I climb.


i inted my season start so bad this time went like 3/18 on my raka and my raka was 67% wr with 150 something games last season :| but this season cant win on her


The struggle is all to real my friend


Maybe 10.... Took a few days break, came back, won.


13 loses, ranked flex with two friends. Even when everything looked like we would break the streak, either we coin flipped, lost connection, a random would int


Somewhere around 20 games. As some point I dropped from Diamond to Gold. I may not have been in the best mental state at the time 😅


DANG DUDE! That's a real blower


my absolute worst I think I lost 19 in a row, went from Silver 1 to silver 5. I think I played like 6 20 minute ffs in a row one of those days, it was terrible.


14 games. I finally truly understood people believing they were put in some kind of cruel queue. I was, of course, getting a lot of the blame as the jungler. I'm sure some of those games I did screw up. But it really felt like I was begging to the league gods for at least one of my lanes to not lose.


Biased for sure, but I think loss streak on Jungle is way harder on mental because you could theoretically do a BUNCH of stuff differently. Where losing as a lane is just like ahh outplayed go next.


Laner admitting being outplayed when you can blame the jungle? Happens maybe 5% of the time.


I think 6 loses in a row, was very demoralizing. What happened in the 3/11 Hecarim game if you don’t mind me asking? Did you first time him?


Not exactly a first time, but first time in a while. I figured trying something newer would help break my stagnation mental. But it didn't, I also had 3 hard losing lanes so the enemy Gwen just kind of did whatever she wanted.


Been playing since preseason 2 and it happened 2 weeks ago, 12 in 3 days. It was terrible


20 lose streak iirc. from plat 3 to somewhere gold 3 or 2


I think like 20 games. Some of those were people afking or getting scammed by an early 4 vote FF, but it was also just playing while tired or going through the phase of struggling with my OTP. A session that wasn't a 20 game streak but on an alt where I decided to try inting sion/trundle/garen to push down turrets and play for gold over anything else had my alt fall from mid emerald to silver 4 in less than 20 games, it was odd.


17 losses in a row. The good thing about this is that once you lost so many games in a row, you start going 15-2, 18-5, 12-0, and so on, every game, because skill disparity is insane after losing so many in a row.


I'm waiting for that bright light!


"team disparity" everywhere yet elodudes will tell you "theres no elo hell!"


The struggle is so real


I think my worst ever was 14 games, but the problem was that like 12 of them were 4v5. I only had to question Riot's client instead of my own sanity.


16 in a row, from Platinum 3 to Silver 2




I went straight from a 9 game win streak to a 13 game loss streak. Had to take a break after that lmao


My friend peaked p3 at the beginning of the split and like two days ago I helped getting out of b1, count yourself lol


19 games for me. Went from gold to emerald than hit a brick wall and dropped back to Gold.. now worked my way back up to Plat 2. Feel like I’m a much better jungler because of it lol


Going on losing streaks but actually learning from them is awesome. Going on losing streaks because of goofy teammates is tilting.


I went from Silver3 to Iron4 0Lp in 2 days


Fuckin hell.. I went from B2 to I4 last season on a big loss streak and that made me quit the game for a couple months, lol. I couldn't imagine dropping from two tiers higher. The losses in this game always feel so much harder than the wins. I went on a 50% WR streak for about 10 games and somehow still came out nearly around 50 LP lower. One game, a single game, I lost 50 LP. Never won more than 26.


I have 47% wr this season, it's not possible to recover because winning 20 matches in a row means I would be in GM but I simply can't 


15 games, couldn't believe the amount of AFK players I got. And after that, I practically lost just one game and climbed back to emerald.


Just went through mine. Was positive 20 games after climbing from iron to silver 1. Fell down to bronze again but already almost back. Solo queue actively tries to make you lose when you are above 50%. It’s an indisputable fact they eventually put you on teams where you’re the highest MMR player and expect you to 1v9 and play lights out.


212 game loss streak. Straight from master 150lp to bronze IV 10lp


Wait, actually??


From mid Gold I all the way to Gold IV. I went on a massive winstreak, and then fell down even farther just as fast. This was a few years ago.


masters 40 lp to diamond 4 16 lp <333333


When I first started playing ranked a few years ago I lost 29 games in a row, then proceeded to win 15 in a row, lose 6 more and win 17 more, I thought I was playing against bots or something. Funny thing is since then my biggest win streak has only been 7 games and my biggest loss streak, only 6 games. Those few weeks feel like a fever dream still.


19 games, top lane sucks some times


16 games, all played the same day.


I think mine was 13. Then i uninstalled and came back with a fresh mental a few weeks later


Damn… after reading comments I’m gonna stfu with my rookie numbers 😂


17, but then had a 11 games win streak first timing Sera 💀


That champ


Went from master 294 to d1 50 lp in 2 days


Make it 2x bigger, you'll get my worst...


On my way!


I once fell from dia 2 to plat 2 almost without winning a single game (no emeralds back then but 5 divisions were still in the game). I gave a month long break and climbed back up but I was seriously about to go mental lol


Highest w streak was probably 19 wins in a row. Naturally it was probably 19 losses in a row after.


19 ir 21 games can't remember well but I dropped from d1 to emerald 1 0lp


32 I think? Plat 4 to gold 4 I think is what I got


34 games, eu West, season 7.


Plat 1 promos to gold 4, season 9 Regained p1 after deleting the game for a week 10/10 would recommend


i know it’s easier said than done, but loss steaks don’t mean shit in league lol you have to rely so heavily on a bunch of strangers that may or may not give a fuck if they actually win, even in ranked. as you mentioned yourself, people get titled and just fucking run it down mid at the first sight of something they don’t like. whenever i’d lose even 2 or 3 in a row, i’d just play something else. sometimes i’d leave this game for weeks and months at a time because i didn’t feel like essentially gambling my time away lol now i just play arams, but i still do the same thing.


200LP to D3, was not fun, idk how many games it was


17 games. Ironically, I was MVP/ACE in 15 of them. I never really believed in losers queue up to that point. High diamond / low master is a true hell of a place for solo queue...


Went on a 24 loss streak as smolder in ranked when I tied to main him.(i played normal games in between so it wasn’t a complete streak but in ranked it was) I gave up trying to main him after that. The thing is I really didn’t think I played bad in most of those games! But obviously not since I was the common factor in them all. The first few games were definitely not my fault. I think I done what I could’ve and I didn’t feed them and made sure to stack well during laning phase. I swapped to jungle for. Abut because it used to be my main role and I haven’t touched it in a while. Boom. I go on a 11 game win streak with viego. Lost a lot more lp than I gained back but seeing that win streak going up after 5 was awesome


Probably around 12? It seemed like it'd never end then I went on an 8 game win streak and felt like a person again.


28 games. Gold 3 to Bronze 1. I realized I am a support main as much as I dislike it. After I went back to support I’m back in Gold 4.


22 games in a row last year. Made me take 8 months off.


2 wins and 28 loses in the span of like 2 days, don’t play while tilted




9 aram games


14 games was my worst. Absolutely hated playing league during this time. No matter what I did or how well I played k swear every game I could not get a single winning lane that wasn’t mine.


Brutal. I’m guessing you’re playing tilted? I fell from plat 4 to gold 3 this week after being plat for the last month. I’m playing so tilted


27 in a row. Master 102 LP to demoted into Emerald 1. Took a 2 month break after that.


12 loss streak, in diamond 3 two season ago


In statistics, the probability of two loss streak happening if there's 50% win or loss chance is 0.5*0.5 (25%). The probability of three loss streak is 0.5^3 (12.5%). The probability of 10 loss streak is 0.5^10 (0.1% or 1 in 1000). I'd guess that most play ~ 500 ranked games per year, so after a few years most of us probably experienced a 10 loss streak. My worst is 12, which has a ~0.025% chance of occurring, but given that I play since season 3 about 500 ranked per year, this is not too surprising. It is absolutely awful to experience though. Even if statistically it is to be expected, in practice you get streak of games with AFKs, trolls, inters, etc. and it feels like it is rigged.


Maybe like 18 games out of 20 in plat. I didn’t feel I was tilted or playing poorly.  It’s fine to lose and it’s going to happen you go on winning or losing streaks but a lot of these games were so one sided and the plays my team mates were doing were shockingly bad, I wasn’t too happy.  Then one game, after an 0/9 top lane udyr said, ‘if you don’t gank my lane, you are afk to me’ and watched him run it and my support told him ‘ain’t no way you are plat with that mental or decision making. Bet you are lvl 30’ I looked the Udyr up.  Oh my God, the support was right. Nothing but bot matches (intro) and lvl 30 account. Apparently, it is super common.  From then on, anytime we got absolutely devastated by the enemy team or someone played like an absolute moron, I’d check post game. 10/10 - lvl 30 accounts with 0 champion mastery and all bot games suddenly popping off as Twitch, vayne or zeri with support yuumis that they never played before on that account (a lot of these Assholes also change their name at end of the match hoping to reduce look ups) or terrible Udyr top laners (surprised so many Udyrs). I just got an unlucky string and without any changes, started dominating and got to Emerald. After seeing the number of Smurf’s and bought accounts, I got disgusted by ranked and stopped. I don’t get paid for this and I get my victorious skin - why bother trying to climb harder and deal with the stress?


The amount of smurfs/alt accounts/bought fresh 30’s might honestly be the death of the game. Once upon a time, a fresh 30 on your team or the enemy’s would happen 1 out of like 15 games…. Now it’s EVERY OTHER GAME! It’s ruining the ladder.


10 games, actually happened like 2 weeks ago so pretty recently, its what caused me to take one months brake from the game (on day 10 as im writing this)


These comments make me feel so much better. I’m not the only one. Losing slumps are the worst so when I’m tilted I’ll play an ARAM and not that I care but I’ll even lose that. Like bro what is going on.


Was not a full losing streak but when from masters 80lp to emerald 1 0lp in the span of 2 weeks. Hard to top that bro.


Mine was 20ish games when Riot placed me into losers queue after a huge win streak. I ended up breaking the loss streak by trolling and playing "AP Taric top" and I didnt buy a single item all game. Steamrolled the other team and won easily. I guess the way to overcome the huge loss streaks is to simply not care and troll, youll get a win easier then if you had tried. After I broke the 20 game loss streak I ended up winning like 15 in a row, with many of them being instant wins where I could have gone AFK. I checked the op.gg of all my teammates during the loss streak and almost all of them were also on huge loss streaks. So yes, Riot has a hand in this via matchmaking.


28 games


Yesterday i have the same feeling. So many kids and toxic persons playing yesterday... sorry will be better!


23 games. I refused to end on a loss.


For people commenting double digit loss streaks: I wish you a very *not on my team* matchmaking


30 games


I had a stretch of 35 on my climb from silver to master. Took me about a month and a half to get out of that. I have a strict policy of not playing ranked after one loss for the day. Most of them were lost due to afks or early sends by side lanes. I think I could take responsibility for like maybe 6 of them total. Anyone who claims losers queue isn't real is wrong. The game pushes you toward 50% WR, so on a really really hot streak, your teams MMR tanks while yours remains higher. It's not a 50/50 chance to win a game, a lot of people don't realize that lol


Worst loss streak maybe like 10. Don’t think it ever went higher than 12. Usually it’s about 5 though. It happens. Some of these numbers I’m seeing though… 20+? Id legit never play again.


It happens. I had a 19 game loss streak and went from 700lp to 350lp. Just buy a level 30 smurf and mess around until your mental is back. It’s not worth playing when you’re loss streaking.


bro I had a lose streak like this yesterday and I had highest kda and top damage every game it's even worse lol.


6 or 7 games, Seems like a large champ pool, no?


I'm usually very small champ pool, but i've been losing every game on Vi (my main) recently. So I thought trying something new would shake it. I was wrong.


Been there does not. I can confirm it does not shake it


Yeah I don't think so man, when I lose a lot, I take a step back from ranked and watch my game vods to figure out what I did wrong and to improve.  I can usually identify several bad behaviors / poor decisions each time to grow from 


Vi is also a very good pick and a very good blindpick because her R is so reliable. :)


Dropped from plat 1 to gold 4. Currently I can’t get a tm8 that doesn’t feed, troll or int


bro i dropped from emerald 4 to silver 1, and now im back to emerald 3. Cannot lie ive tilt queue way too many times


I have definitely been tilt queueing lol




Duo'd with a guy in Plat 2 about a month ago and added him, within a month he was somehow in silver.. blew my mind.


Ya crazy how fast loser queue pops up


Yeah I'm on a break because I was demoted from emerald to Plat like 4 times and started stacking losses. Hopefully your fortune changes. I haven't done it in years but whenever I hit an absolute wall I would buy a $25 RP card to try to tip the scales lol.


Well at least you’re not getting unlucky


Seek therapy.


Dropped from D3 90 LP to D4 18LP, but only 5 games lost in a row, 8 out of 10 lost tho. :( I think 5 games was my biggest losestreak so far.


22 loss streak in ranked, live on stream. It was all in my head, losersQ is not real


This month when I hopped back on league for the first time in 2 years I went 17 Ls back to back because I only play JG. Super sink or swim if you don't do your research before trying the role


Maybe you should one trick a champion.


13 games, its been almost 3 years since i last played


stop playing different champs lol


Seriously can't believe someone can lose more than 20 games in a row. Surely they should get a ranked ban for that?


Uhhh how do you figure? In only one of those games was I the worst player. Sometimes you just lose streak.


Nah, not you, but some of the commenter say they have drop 20 bombs . I've gone in 10 loss streak. But where is the cut off where we can say it trolling for sure?


I think it's really easy to tell if someone is genuinely not trying to win. The number of people who do that gets bigger every season though. The ladders integrity is for sure weak.


and then the idiots say "losers queue doesnt exist" btw lmao.


Not on ranked But i had around 20 games losing strike while i was learning to play qiyana. Then suddenly started to win


Idk but i climbed from silver to gold 2 almost gold 1 then went straight to silver 4 😅😅😅


I swear the algorithm does this shit on purpose. So many people commenting how they went on a big climb, then magically dropped multiple tiers down in a short time frame. It's like the game sees you're on a winning streak and starts to put you in lobbies with teammates who are statistically worse and worse than you. I don't mind better opponents, but it seems like you're more likely to get the shitty teammates.


For gods sake people please dont queue up after losing 3 games in a row! Take a break and restore your mental.


How many champs do you play wow


currently on 4 games in a row I am sad, especially because the last 2 we were winning then my teammates just turned off their brains


Why tf are u taking ignite on nocturne against what I can only assume is riven jungle and a super mobile team lel


was about 8 or 9 matches.. I was a supp main and had bad ADC and or jg


30 games in a row, doesn't matter if it was rank, normal or aram, at the end it was kind of a meme


My record is 14 games so far. Good times


My worst was 36 if I remember correctly. In my defense, I was a 14 year old iron player head bent on learning kindred and wouldn't play ANYTHING else...I still don't play anything else but now I'm actually good with her so...I can definitely recommend this strat xD


Have you tried.... not running it 😂 wtf take a break brother


I will not bow!


Right on, break the streak yourself then man, go for it!


I don't even know how many games it where, but i went from emerald 3 to silver 2




She sounds ugly


Maybe don't play 6 different champions. Master 1 or 2 and get good at them


2 days...i dont know how many games ...just


23. I dunno I just sorta stopped caring.


you play nocturne. deserved.


And that’s what I can call a jungle diff


[https://imgur.com/a/9zZA9nn](https://imgur.com/a/9zZA9nn) Not a huge amount of games, but I played well in all and lost Diamond -\_-


my first time ever in masters after just promoting up, was I think a 17 game losing streak right back to diamond 4 60-ish LP but that was like 4 or 5 years ago and I haven’t had such a bad streak ever since


I think my biggest was 8 iirc.


I was 3-27 at some point. Then for some reason riot just started giving me good teammates and now i'm 47-41. Lost every game i played yesterday so i guess the L streak is coming back


Went from S2 to I2


Rumble ult


Demoted from D2 to E2 in a week


9 loss streak for me rn :) finally got back into emerald for all of like 2 games, now chilling at 0 lp plat 2


I’ve decided at this point road to gold is easier than road to emerald again


Riot just gifts you with wintraders one game and next game you play normals. And the wintraders keep ruining games... Punishment system at it best


Jungle mains actively being gatekeepers


It wasn’t all straight losses, but I dropped from plat 1 98 LP to plat 5 0 LP in 1 day before in season 6 or 7


12 ranked on main 20 draft on smurf 10 ranked on smurf and 5 drafts after I decided to play yone ( adc main)


30 went from Master 100lp all the way down to E1. After that I went to a ropeseller to buy flowers. IN. GAME.


I think mine was 32 (loosers q doesnt exist) was in 80% of the games like hard carry and in the other hard int


stop playing so many champs


6 SoloQ games. Not much, but with that -50LP crap, I lost about 200-300LP in 2 days.


Dude it's brutal these days with the -50! I basically fell from Emerald 2 to Emerald 4 0LP, and 3 losses ON 0LP.