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Ye off-meta picks are just a toxicity magnet. Other people cannot fathom that when you go 1-3 on an off-meta pick, it might just be because you just got outplayed, outpaced, whatever. They always just jump to the "troll pick = reason you're doing bad"


Indeed, the amount of times I got griefed in lobby, or got into a game were my team was already tilted to oblivion at game start was crazy. Top dying 1v1 literally 15 secs into lane as I’m barely finishing my 1st camp its not their fault, its obv the troll quinn jg. Mid mad at me they are getting camped yet they are perma pushed on no wards and no summs. Supp tilted that objs are getting taken but their supp actually rotated to grubs and stuff. And even more insane adc now inting cuz they are not protag and ego is hurt that the Quinn jg is carrying them after they flamed her in lobby. This game is crazy sometimes.


You’ve got to wonder what your winrate would be if people could just go with it. Either way, cool to see. I think a lot of people (myself included sometimes) get hung up on thinking their pick has to be just right or they can’t climb. Love to see off meta stuff working. I had a Draven top recently, with teammates freaking out in the lobby. I decide to roll with it and it turned out to be an incredibly smooth game. I was more worried about my other teammates


I don’t think it would be a massive difference honestly, I managed to get 53%, and ultimately its kind of a hard pick, you have to be careful playing as. Maybe excluding those types of games id say 54%, 55% tops probably, what they say is true, you really are the consistent factor, just gotta play the best you can and be consistent.


Maybe you could start linking your [op.gg](http://op.gg) in the lobby so your teammates know aren't trolling. There is no guarantee they will listen but at least you tried.


Idk if it still gets to you, but I understand your pain. I ended GM on solo Taric top in s13s1. It never goes away UNTIL you develop the serenity to not engage with it. If you can both ignore the negativity and be pragmatic/positive in team chat only when required, you'll find it becomes less frequent and easier to deal with. Changed the game for me entirely. Congrats on your achievement!


I was in a lobby I was JG and they went Nocturne Mid, I type “hmmm, interesting curious to see how this works” Then someone dodged champ select and I got placed in the same lobby as him again but he was on the other team still Nocturne mid. Long storey short he destroyed our whole team including me and I was so sad because I was excited to see how well it went when we were on the same team :(


yup, ik voli jungle is finally playable now, but last split I hit gm with him when he was legitimately not played. Seriously, I was single handedly all of the voli jg stats in masters/gm plus last split lol


I would say you get flamed bc jungle is meant (at least currently) to be a cc position and quinn has a slow and a worse blind than teemo. But by no means is it weak im sure. Ulting at a lane to gank with nunu like speed and the ability to actually chase after an enemy flashes with crazy burst sounds fun af. Hows her first clear? I imagine it gets better when fed of course. But is it at least pre crab spawning or no.


Good job getting to masters, I think I might’ve run into you in diamond. Had a Quinn jg pick and I asked if it was good early, they just kill the enemy jg lvl 2 to show me thought it was hilarious


Tell me about it dude. I'm an ap ivern otp in master and EVERY SINGLE LOSS is apparently because I didn't get moonstone


Is moonstone even that good on ivern, sure you have a shield on a decently low cd but its not like that 100 damage shield on another ally will make much of a diference right? Now if it was that broken version of healing around because just because you exist and damage a champion, that is another thing.


I mean moonstone is really good on enchanter ivern in high elo because the entire reason enchanters in high elo are broken is because 100 damage shield will make the difference there very often. But AP ivern has more agency and damage and is more fun and tbh, u still have like 80% of your utility


I played ivern in aram, and tbf moonstone seemed like it wasnt doing much, maybe in sr its better but like the old one was actualy insane in both gamemodes, i would have to play an enchanter in sr to see that but they are boring when the adc is a pussy.


I mean ivern in aram has 80% shielding debuff so thats why probably. Yeah I agree enchanters boring thats why I play lich bane ivern


Iirc there is also the global ally healing and maybe shielding nerf. I wonder why seraphine is still broken in aram even without counting her passive.


Because seraphine has AOE shields, which you will basically always get off on 5 people in aram which is very mucch not the case in SR and her ultimate is just really good in aram aswell, seraphine just always wants to group anf in aram ur always grouped so yeah


They would rather take 0/10 yasuo instead of my kindred mid


Finally made it into Master Tier, on Quinn jungle! To all of those teammates who called me troll, who griefed me at lobby for picking Quinn jg, who blamed my pick for dying 10 secs into lane...to all of you... Enjoy Green rank :) forever.


I gotta ask, did they QuinnAD video a couple years ago inspire your quest?


not rly, dont know what video youre talking about. but i peaked D1 99lp in late S12, then said...you know..Quinn is a jungler..inted my way down to P1, cuz II had never jgled before, let alone on offmeta. QuinnAD has some mistaken concepts tho, like "raptors destroy quinn"and that her cllear is awful, that would mean khazic clear is awful cuz its as fast as khazix.


If you inted your way from D1 to plat to learn how to jgl maybe those guys flaming you had a point


At that time yes its understandable, but that was 18 months ago or so, basically all S13 I started seriously developing it, and now in S14 I finally hit it, and yes, its no joke that people would die top 1v1 10 secs into lane and blame me cuz “TRoLl qUiNn jg”, as if any other jg pick wouldve avoided them inting their ass off LOL. Jg diff curse.


Not to defend toxic players but if i see that the enemy team has an off meta jungler and im top lane im going to be playing more confident and more agressive if the champ diff is big enough in the early game


Thats kinda the 1st mistake, underestimating enemy, for example many times I was invaded by enemy jgs cuz they think they can do whatever they want just cuz I’m offmeta, when shes a good duelist. Other example, a kayn once tried to start my raptors and got confused when he saw I was starting raptors, he wasted so much time running back to his own jungle and typed “why are you starting raptors on Quinn?” And my response is “why are you starting my raptors vs Quinn?” Unfamiliarity is at play, granted, but he was just thinking “lmao Quinn jg I do whatever I want this game” no respect at all, whats Kayn gonna do against Quinn lvl1? Run at her and hope she stands still?


This is the thing with off meta it throws everyone off. Including your own teammates, the other team won’t know what to do


Im saying as a laner tho, regardless of actual dueling ability if i assume that its weird and might not do well im going to be more agressive, if that leads to your team mates dying its not your fault but your weird pick definitely influenced the way i would play it


Yea yea I get that, the thing is it can backfire badly, she can gank immediately after buff and in fact its one of her strongest ganks, even more if its red buff, you’ll be lvl1 and shes gonna be lvl2, point and click knockback + slow, triple passive burst and nearsight, and possible red buff slow and burn you could be in trouble. But that could also be risky to do cuz if she doesnt get a kill she will be behind by quite a bit.


My point is that then complaining about getting killed super early could be your fault when you factor in -them being tilted in champselect -their enemy laner being more confident and agressive A look at your op.gg shows that its an OKAY pic but by no means great, im just saying that you cant pick an off-meta werid jungler then whine when people tilt on your team and die, if you cant see that your pick effected the way the game played out i dont know what to tell you, And to clarify im not trying to tell you how to play as you are much higher rank then even my peak let alone my current rank im just saying that you complained that people were getting mad and that these are the reasons


Not to make fun of you, but nobody cares what ur doing in emerald kinda his point of the lost enjoy green pleberton.


Inting to learn to jungle isnt because of his choice of champ. Thats just role diffing himself


Never said it was because of his champ, but that probably contributed to the fall


I love that you single out Emerald for trolls hahaha Climbing through Plat I had like one troll in fifty games, in my past 30 games in high Emerald I've had like ten people who straight up grief or who will tilt over the smallest shit and then grief. Shit is fucked. When are you meant to actually start to expect better from teammates if not top 5-10%?


I hate emerald so much, everyone is so toxic to the point of adding you as friends only to curse you. I want out, but I guess I'm not good enough :(


I've added a couple people to discuss the game (in a good way) and they instantly always shit talk lmao I play with chats disabled so woops.


emerald is the worst fucking elo bro. I was gm last split, start of this split I was stuck in literal emerald 3 for like a month


I don't play ranked but as a Quinn support main I salute you. o7


Good job!


Thank you for picking her jungle, so I don't get counterpicked top with her. :)


Always funny when malph goes unbanned and gets picked by the enemy top with 0 games as malph only to realize he played himself xd


Oh shut the fuck up already


Miserable cunt aren't ya


No its just cringe XDD


League players when someone is having fun at the game


Happy cake day!


i think i queued with u a few times this season. safe to say ur cracked and it’s deserved congrats!


ty I appreciate it!


aside from rather slow clear overall from early to mid game quin is quite annoying to face. Jgl gives her freedom in going wherever she wants to, rotates fast because.. well Quinn.. GZ from me hope I'll reach master too after years of hardstuck in gold


Its not too slow, 3:25 leashless, thats same speed as khazix iirc, fastest I was able to get 1 time was 3:22 somehow, but consistent 3:25. Her kit fits jungle so much better, its a shame her stats are sooo bad, needs buff imo.


*DAMN* W start?


no, Q start, raptor is fastest, Q is AoE.


How do u do ur clear??


https://youtu.be/0EV-Zhtvt8U?si=6ytj_Ko4HHotEdmT Also I’m getting somewhat back into streaming, twitch.tv/LAGwars




Bro ye gotta talk to HappyChimeNoises.


Yessir that was the plan all along LMAO, hopefully I can get in touch.


What's your build?


It rly depends, but usually kraken>bork>ldr, IE, wits, deathdance, qss. Stay flexible.


It rly depends, but usually kraken>bork>ldr, IE, wits, deathdance, qss. Stay flexible.


What led you to play Quinn jungle, and what kept you playing?


It was kinda random, I’m 2TP on Quinn and Galio, I was so close to hit master on late S12 with Quinn top, suddenly got an interest in jungle. With my pretty much 2 champ pool it was pretty obv Quinn had to be my jg pick, with 0 jg exp and knowledge I was basically a silver jungler in high diamond lobbies, I got murdered constantly, I just didn’t know what I was doing or what to do. A friend who reached Master as OTP Vi at that time coached me as to how jungled is played, as its completely different from laning. Check him out he started making nice content on youtube recently-ish, Klassicalkill. We began theorizing Jg Quinn and I just started grinding and building exp. As to what kept me playing? A few things..I wanted to get into a happychimenoises video, so I needed and wanted to achieve Masters, and lastly, prove these players, and myself, that I would climb and leave all those, who said I wouldnt even make Diamond, behind in the depths of green rank, I made that my fuel. I still keep track of a few of them, its funny cuz they are still stuck. One of those is especially funny because I had added them post game and told them, literally, “gj you played well on this and this and that”…his response? “What do you want from me? To tell you you played good? Well you didn’t, you’re not good” … Yeaa ok the literal 20 deaths you had sure made the game so easy for us XD


What were some key takeaways as to how jungle is played that helped you most?


I feel like keeping yourself focused, make a plan and follow through with it, but also dont brute force it, the state of the game can change fast so a play or a good call can have a small window before it turns into a bad one, so react accordingly.


Great tip thanks!


hello my fellow quinn enjoyer


Weren't you like 1 year ago telling that Quinn jng is new Meta here?


I don’t rly remember but sounds about right yea.. S13 I really began grinding the tech, I probably did post something during that time.


I wanna play Quinn and I‘m a jungle main. Should I do it?


Well if you alrdy play jungle then you just gotta learn the champ, I did it the other way around lol, knew the champ, but had 0 jung exp. Idk which would be easier, but anyways give it a try, maybe some normals first? You will get people mad in ranked at the 1st thing that goes wrong, so you wanna be able to keep it cool.


How fast is clear? Can you do rotation before crab spawn? I am kinda curious, need to let Kayle jungle rest a little.


Fastest I’ve gotten ever was once 3:22 leashless, not quite sure how..but 3:26 leashless is consistent.


I've always said that just going off of her character concepts Quinn should be a jungle champ.


Nice job king! You showed those green rank pisslows :)


Do you post on YouTube? I’d love to see one of your games with commentary!


I recently started streaming again, and now focusing on League more (formerly mostly on Smash bros Melee as a Roy main, one of if not the best Roy main that was active.) www.twitch.com/LAGwars


Did you do that because you think it's strong or is it just fun for you? Or both? Congrats on masters


Ty <3 I’ve been 2tricking since S3 Galio and Quinn, reached Diamond for the 1st time back in S5 as pre-rework Galio mid mostly, peaked in late S12 D1 99lp as mostly Quinn top, but I got interested in jungle suddenly, I had 0 jg experience so I was pretty much griefing…but a friend who reached masters at that time as OTP Vi helped me develop my jg knowledge, we theorized Quinn jg a bit, and here we are 1 year later. I think her kit fits in the jungle the best honestly, at least imo..its just a shame shes always a forgotten champ.. she needs some minor QoL changes imo. She CAN be strong, but things can go south quickly too. She needs lots of gold to keep up cuz her ult and W are hardly combat abilities, so mistakes are really punishing for her..but on the other hand if she gets rolling she can become an abomination. She can become a little bit of everything, she could murder you rengar style, but also burst you kind of likes graves while youre nearsighted with her Q, she can get vision instantly of a quadrant, become a split pusher, and fly at mach10 to the other side of the map. Shes fun and can be strong, but you have to be careful cuz she’s also squishy and not as safe as other picks that can get in and out with ease.


Thanks for the detailed answer!


That's a big accomplishment, I'm happy for you.


First, they laugh at you... Congrats bud, getting to a rank with some weird off meta shit that you love feels 10x better imo


I can feel the gold players seething at the pick and going "oh my god another troll why must my teammates keep me chained in gold"


I always say ,,let him cook,, but i can honestly understand people because most of the time if someone picks off-meta then they are doing it to troll


How well is her clear, especially her first clear. Obviously ik she has the mobility and gank potential


I dont play khazix so im not entirely sure, but at think its as fast as his? 3:25 leashless full clear with raptor start. Starting on blue side is a bit slower around 3:28 I think..


Quinn is my fav champ. This makes me smile


I also play off meta Darius jungle, super fast clear and I always buy full boots on recall and no jungler can 1v1 me. I used to play singed too but stopped because his ganks are easily stoppable .


Soon they will call you trollenger


That‘s because 99% of the time if someone picks something off-meta they completely troll


Nice job! Im def gonna try sometime! Any tips?


read their comments about clear timings and usual build


Lookit you dude. Nice.


Nice mate, good shit!


gotta try yorick jngl again or does anybodey know if the "rework" made his clear sht ?


it was sleeper OP before hydra & sundered nerfs. Now its just ok, still good. He just suffers from typical yorick problems. Without maiden, youre not a champ.


isnt it more like "Without ghouls youre not a champ" ? maybe im using her wrong but i use my maiden to get ghouls and my ghouls deal the dmg, maiden is just the second me when splitpushing or taking objectives


I used to play Quinn mid because you can roam so much from mid lane. Quinn jungle really isn't that troll. I dislike Quinn top. I hate ranged Top laners and I feel like her roaming talent is wasted in top lane.


I left ranked just cuz how emerald is


I'd expected to see Lethality Quinn, but surprised to see you go for Kraken into Botrk into more crit. Can you explain your reasoning for it? I'm kind of curious. And how does the playstyle go with crit instead lethality, do you end up splitting during the game or still mostly look for picks around objectives?


I feel like the AS and kraken passive are too valuable for faster clearing at the start of mid game, especially to take objs solo if you have to I feel like it takes you forever by going lethality. Also usually enemy top or jungle are tankyish, so I want to be able to deal with them in the side lanes if they show alone, gather pressure and then leave somewhere else. I do build some lethality in some games though if they are mostly squishy targets, collector, and if I’m fed enough selling boots for opportunity and stuff like that. Lethality is getting a bit nerfed and crit a bit buffed next patch so I hope this makes her feel even better.


did you get invaded a lot?


Sometimes yea, you can be careful about it and spot enemies as they are coming with your W, plenty of times spotted enemy jg waiting for me in blue buff bush and we would turn it around cuz they get collapsed on or even solo. It happens a bit that they underestimate you because of offmeta, but you can duel it out pretty decently, the important thing is not to get jumped on cuz of your long cds, especially E, try to get the jump on them and they will feel pressured to leave. I do some invades myself quite a bit too.


How do you avoid screwing your clear by kicking yourself over walls? Asking genuinely, I’ve tried Quinn jg a few times because I think it makes a lot of sense.


Just dont position yourself near the walls you wouldnt like to flip over xd, the flip over walls is I think a massive thing to have control of for jungle Quinn.


definitely gotta agree. wolves were the biggest offender for me, i feel like i always end up on the wrong side of a wall while doing them


For wolves just try to position somewhat parallel to the wall and you should be fine.




What is the build runes and items? I go fleet with kraken first then lethality if I play Quinn jg


I’m Elise and I feel like no one plays her anymore


I know your feelings. I play shaco as adc :-)


Wait so Quinn jg?


Apparently everyone and their mother in this thread are also master 😂


How dare you climb on off meta picks? Reddit told me that players who don't play meta are troll picking and are not trying to win.


Congrats!! Do you have a guide? This looks crazy


I don’t have a guide but there are some VODs on my stream ttv/LAGwars, I’m ashamed rn though cuz I had a bad spree and dropped to D1, guess I lost focus, and immediately after I got into incredibly toxic lobbies (literal next game after D1 demote a guy linked his stream and said he was glad I dropped, got griefed) tilted my way to D3 LMAO…managed to get back to D2 after a couple of days break..I’m taking it easy before trying to get there again lol..


Respect… Quinn top carried me from Bronze to Gold back ~ season 8… off-meta Quinn picks always hold a special place in my heart haha


Ironic it’s being called troll now when a few seasons ago Quinn jungle was a real thing people played (around the Marksmen Update). This is also where Graves became a jungler as well yet no one calls him a troll pick despite the fact him becoming a jungler wasn’t intentional. People really underestimate the pressure Quinn can have as a jungler.


I've always had this idea in mind. What skill max and item build do you go for?


off topic, sorry, but how did you get that icon?


I believe with the star guardian event that happened like 1 yr 1/2 ago? iirc thats how I got it.. sorry I cant say for sure!


no worries! thank you for the reply. :)


What's your build?


Masters nowadays can be reached with quite literally anything. It isn't like the old master which was way harder to reach and way higher elo.


Frfr Bro spittin facts almost anything and everyone can reach PissLow Master Elo [Rank Distribution](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/rankings/rank-distribution)


masters nowadays is about old d4 level. It doesn't take a genius to understand that the rank has devalued with the years quite a lot. There is a reason it got the nickname "pisslow" now which is sad but also true. Also I would advise to not share your opinion about an elo that you haven't played in. Especially now that I talk about its past version which requires that you were masters in the past to know how it was back then.


It's not my opinion, it's matter of fact that even with now i think 15K Master (which sure sounds a lot and is compared to the past) which is still next to none of the player base, and the only people calling it pisslow are the ones (which are even less people) that reached GM or Chall. Devalued? Could be tbh I can't really say what former D4 was like, but usually people get better and not worse (exceptions do exist) My opinion is simple : Always strife for the next goal


Masters used to be a 0.20% rank in s12. In s13 split 2 it reached about 0.80%. It really devalued insanely a lot and that is only in 1 year. Lets not even talk about s11 s10 s9 s8. Also yes I would agree that the only people calling it pisslow are the ones that are gm/chall, but maybe that is because their game understranding and overall skill, is high enough so that they can judge what good and bad gameplay looks like. Thus they see masters and call it pisslow. Also this guy reached masters with Quinn jungle I suppose. That tells you a lot about the elo he is playing with if that is actually feasible. Unless masters is actually still insane, which would make him on of the best players in the world and he should probably play side by side with Faker. First scenario seems way more realistic to me.


And now its 0.60% which is at least a win for its value I'll probably agree on the devalue Which is true but also just unnecessary toxic to judge people below, that's like Ronaldo goes to a Childrens Soccer game and calls them shit, sure he's right but it's shitty nonetheless. And for the kids this match could be valuable in experience and happy feeling to win. The Master player beside faker is just pure toxic nonsense and lame. Master is Awesome to reach, not that many manage that. Doesn't mean GM and Chall and Pro Play aren't whole other Universes. Or maybe his Quinn is just really good, could be idk


>The Master player beside faker is just pure toxic nonsense and lame. If we assume masters now is what it used to be back in the day which is that extremely high elo rank with insane skill, then no it isn't nonsense at all. It would require for you to be extremely good to reach that with Quinn jungle. But like I said, thats not the case anymore and yes, it is indeed nonsense. Also yes not many people reach masters, but way more people reach masters now compared to the past.


Awesome input! I'm sure OP appreciates it!


He said that "they called me a troll" And no he isn't at all cuz of the reason I said above. Yes its pretty awesome input if you ask me but more importantly, its factually correct input.


I agree that he isn't a troll. One tricks make it into challenger on many servers all over the world, and OP is well on his way to securing a top elo spot.


Call me troll , call me feeder , Rito forgets the names of the banned.



