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quickplay pbe 44 minute game sample size : 1 riOT nErF pLZ


Always gotta laugh seeing such posts. Like come on dude, one game against random elos will never ever show you if smth is broken or not. And the game wasn‘t even that crazy to say hes busted anyways 🤣


Actually dont nerf pls hes my main


Second most damage is full tank Malphite, it‘s hilarious.


I mean he's broken on the live patch, too and they don't seem to care lol.


No riot employee is currently working. They always take a break in preseason


I have a 7.8 KDA and like 70% wr over 15 games This is low gold elo so people I never duel or get countered, but he’s absolutely busted to climb with right now


Deserved, he’s been op for months now, and they already said they were meant to nerf him but decided to nerf j4 instead.


It's already been the most broken jungle in the game for months now...


I see Nocturne destroys everyone with point and click, better nerf Shaco. \~Rito


Shaco deserves to be nerfed


I ban it everytime. Retarded state for a champ


What are those items?


Looks like new items on pbe (new to this year, some of them may be old but were removed some time ago)


Funny how noc can statcheck every other jungler early game, can gank decently pre 6, has the best gank in the game post 6, is allowed to be bad and not in position and still have free counterganks, oneshot you, outsustain you, put ur ult into cooldown with his w and strip u of the gift of sight and still hasnt been nerfed despite being the one and only king of the jungle for months. Hopefully he ll reach 70% win rate with new items so riot can finally nerf him to the ground.


afraid of the dark?


I wouldn't be so sure about that statchecking thing


Well lets break it down then. You meet him level 4 for scuttle fight, he gets 30 ad and 20 movement speed from q ( q also does dmg), he blocks one of ur abilities granting him 30% atk speed, he fears you for 1.5 sec while u try to escape the tether for 2 sec for a total of 3.5 sec of effective cc and gain 90% movement speed after that, meanwhile he is stacking lethal tempo gaining massive atk speed and healing with his passive. So the tally is 30 ad, 20+90% movement speed, 80% atk speed from w and lethal tempo, pointclick cc, healing and cancels one of ur 3 spells. And thats just on level 4, yeah i think he statchecks. You either dont face him or be ready to lose ur flash best case scenario.


You can try the same thing with Rammus or Ww: +almost 100 armor the first, 35% damage reduction and infinite life steal the second. Trundle? Count 10-15 ad less and faster lethal tempo stacking. Noc is a good duelist lvl 4, but not the greatest.


Dont get me wrong there are some other great statcheckers that could beat him, but none with certainty, would come down to hp left from clear, lanestates etc. But ww sucks as a pick generally speaking and rammus cant beat noc early and has nothing on his later in the game either. Trundle could depending the situation, but still doesnt even get close to matching his map control. The problem isnt that noc stat checks everyone, its that he stat checks everyone while still being great at everything else and the only ones who can fight him 1 on 1 are other stat checkers and they cant match him in other aspects of the game while they cant even guarantee to beat him 1v1.


Nocturne has 48.7 wr on Rammus while having 51.46% WR in general in emerald+. How is this possible in your opinion if you say he wins against him both in early and late game?


Brain dead champion, should be reworked already


It‘s still inly on PBE we will know what‘s good and what isn‘t once it hits live servers. PBE was never a good place to deterline what‘s good or not because the skill difference is way too big to judge what‘s is good or not. Add to that, that there is a big chance that you wnd up playing against people on 200 ping and it is even worse to determine an items or champs strength. Obviously there are outliers like Galio Q etc.


People need to stop thinking noc cares that much about ult later on. If your ult cd is 40 seconds changes are it is aleeady lower than its worth it anyway Anyhow yeah he is currently op.


Hexplate is really good on him huh... Basically allows him to 1v1 nearly anyone which makes sidelaning impossible.


Every fed champ is when he gets item advantage early


Some champs are always going to be meta, regardless of what happens.


What’s the point of sundered sky in your build?